The AUDACITY! I legit haven’t been to the place thie man is talking about in like 2 months, the fact that these men think we’re pressed enough to go out with them after so long is comical

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Lol at the “I’m good luv”

This happened to me but this guy waited 2 years - I had to ask my friends who he was since he name dropped them as if it would help matters
The AUDACITY! I legit haven’t been to the place thie man is talking about in like 2 months, the fact that these men think we’re pressed enough to go out with them after so long is comical

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This is so dumb. Telling me who I was with isn't doing a damn thing to jog my memory about you. Lol Why would he think that would help. And on top of that he thinks he's being cute playing a game like you'll agree to a date with someone you don't even remember/know. Like life hasn't gone in the 2 months he decided not to call. Classic. This belongs in that hard in these streets thread. Old entitled fool.
Lol at the “I’m good luv”

This happened to me but this guy waited 2 years - I had to ask my friends who he was since he name dropped them as if it would help matters

2 years?!?!?!!!! Hayll naw, throw the whole man away.

This is so dumb. Telling me who I was with isn't doing a damn thing to jog my memory about you. Lol Why would he think that would help. And on top of that he thinks he's being cute playing a game like you'll agree to a date with someone you don't even remember/know. Like life hasn't gone in the 2 months he decided not to call. Classic. This belongs in that hard in these streets thread. Old entitled fool.

Right? You’re clearly NOT memorable sir so unless you send a pic I won’t remember and even then I can’t make any promises.

My guess is his woman must’ve been tired of his mess & broken up with him & now he’s just going through his phone texting random numbers.
So I canceled on the guy I was supposed to have a date with Saturday night. My date on Friday had me tuckered out and I had plans Saturday during the day. I knew I would be tired so Saturday morning I sent a text asking him if he was free on Sunday instead. I told him I knew it was short notice so if not no biggie. He never responded so I assumed it was no and before I went to bed last night I made concrete plans. With myself! Brunch alone then museum. At 2am this morning he sends a text "Ok, brunch around noon. Your treat since you canceled on me last minute" with a winking emoji. Huh? Now normally I would take that as a cute joke except for 1. why you texting me at 2am? and 2. His interrogation during our lunch date about resume gaps. Made me think maybe he was for real about it being my treat lol So when I woke up this morning I sent a polite text saying I had already made other plans. Sorry. He sent 101 texts back about me playing games and he's not a game player and all that. Maybe my last minute cancellation on Saturday and then this warranted that response. But I didn't like it so I didn't bother to respond.

I'm not upset by this. I. DO. NOT. CARE. My problem is I only have #1 now and he's gonna be trouble. He sent me a text while I was at brunch telling me he slept really late this morning and lazy Sundays are the best. I agreed and thought about him while I was eating thinking I wanted him to bring me to that place again. I allowed that. Then my mind started to wander to him again while I was walking around the museum later and I was thinking how it would be nice if he was there. I literally had to shake my head a couple times like in a cartoon to clear him from the thought bubble over my head. :lol: I need a distraction!
#2 from yesterday (the one I mentioned in my post yesterday) was only ok. He talked mostly about work and got a little funky when I mentioned how I took a break from working for a short while. He made some remark about when he reviews resumes he looks for longevity and gaps. I sipped my gingerale and was like yeah most employers do but what that gotta do with me? And he was like soooo how did you get this job? I just looked at him like I didn't understand the question...because I didn't. I was like there are no long gaps on my resume and the jobs I do have on there I was at for several years so what is the point of your question? I told him that I felt like I was on a job interview and I didn't like it but I will cut him some slack since it was a lunch date and his mind was probably still at work. He said he was sorry and he wanted a do over so he asked me to dinner on Friday. Can't because I'm seeing #1 and it's the 3rd date and if it goes well I might want to give it up I mean it might run a little long :look: So we settled on Saturday night. I'm not gonna lie, if #1 asks me out for Saturday too I might bump #2. I know I shouldn't do that but it's how I'm feeling.

#3 for drinks tonight? *Sigh* I was walking to the train without hearing from this guy. As I'm walking he sends me a text and says he's off and what do I think about xyz bar? I agreed only because it was like a 10 minute walk from where I was otherwise I would have just gone home. We had a nice time but his failure to plan had me feeling some kind of way the whole time so I only stayed for 1 drink. I think he thought we were going to still go out tomorrow so I just casually mentioned that I planned on binge watching Luke Cage tomorrow after work. He asked me out for Friday too. I just told him I couldn't and he didn't follow up with another suggestion so I'm not sure he's made the team.

I had hoped to have a regular rotation but I imagine I'll have to swap players out occasionally.

Eta: I was just thinking do y'all think it was a mistake accepting that last minute date with #3? I should have just stuck with tomorrow right? I'm kind of glad I got it over with though because now I know I don't really like him. LOL

To be quite honest I don't mind impromptu dates. I hate planning too far in advance because I never know how I'll feel when the day comes.

I play it by ear though. If it feels like he is bored, got stood up or is trying get expedited pum pum, then no I'm not doing it. But if we are talking/vibing and he asks to see me I do it if it's convenient for me.
To be quite honest I don't mind impromptu dates. I hate planning too far in advance because I never know how I'll feel when the day comes.

I play it by ear though. If it feels like he is bored, got stood up or is trying get expedited pum pum, then no I'm not doing it. But if we are talking/vibing and he asks to see me I do it if it's convenient for me.

I'm the same way! My energy level fluctuates and plans made ahead of time will get canceled if my energy isn't right. So sometimes a spontaneous plan is fine by me.

Right before my boyfriend and I became exclusive, a (very sexy) guy in my rotation asked me to accompany him to a baseball game. He won tickets at work that day. The stadium was a short trolley ride away from me so I said "why not?" I had a great time that evening in the club lounge with all you can eat food and drinks. He bought me some merchandise. We kissed during the fireworks display but that's as far as things went. He paid for my Lyft home. I wasn't invested in the outcome so who cared if I didn't follow the rules? My boyfriend asked for exclusivity a few days later.

If he pays, it's convenient for me, and it is something I'd enjoy doing-- I'd consider a spontaneous plan.
I hope to be blessed with a nice tool set/kit!
I’m installing a used washer machine that I purchased (private owner) and I purchased replacement supply lines.. I gotta go out and get another tool... I won’t complain. I will get what I need. I’m just happy that I will be able to wash at home again!

Does anyone else diy when it comes to small repairs and installations?
I hope to be blessed with a nice tool set/kit!
I’m installing a used washer machine that I purchased (private owner) and I purchased replacement supply lines.. I gotta go out and get another tool... I won’t complain. I will get what I need. I’m just happy that I will be able to wash at home again!

Does anyone else diy when it comes to small repairs and installations?

I have been doing it lately because 1. lots of things are pretty simple and 2. I don't want the hassle of working on someone else's time. YouTube has been a blessing LOL!
So can anyone tell me why my OkCupid account has me showing as "online now" 24/7? In the past week I have received 20 messages that all say some variation of "what are you doing up this late" I guess if a man wants to message you in the wee hours of the morning then that's a good opening line. But I'm not online. I don't have the app so it isn't that I have the app open. I have cleared the search history on my laptop at home and on my cell because before if I typed okcupid in the browser it would take me right to my dashboard page. I have to sign in and sign out every single time I go to the website so why when I'm signed into my other account does it show that I'm online when I'm not. How do I fix this? It's bugging me!
So can anyone tell me why my OkCupid account has me showing as "online now" 24/7? In the past week I have received 20 messages that all say some variation of "what are you doing up this late" I guess if a man wants to message you in the wee hours of the morning then that's a good opening line. But I'm not online. I don't have the app so it isn't that I have the app open. I have cleared the search history on my laptop at home and on my cell because before if I typed okcupid in the browser it would take me right to my dashboard page. I have to sign in and sign out every single time I go to the website so why when I'm signed into my other account does it show that I'm online when I'm not. How do I fix this? It's bugging me!
Maybe there's a delay after you log out for the site to update? Maybe it's purposefully done as a way to encourage men to message women who are already "online"...
@TwoSnapsUp maybe that's it. But after trying to figure it out and cursing under my breath on the train ride home I just disabled my account :lol: I was already thinking about doing this so this was as good a time as any.
I hope to be blessed with a nice tool set/kit!
I’m installing a used washer machine that I purchased (private owner) and I purchased replacement supply lines.. I gotta go out and get another tool... I won’t complain. I will get what I need. I’m just happy that I will be able to wash at home again!

Does anyone else diy when it comes to small repairs and installations?

Sure do! I was all set and ready to install my washer and dryer but it was a little too heavy so my maintenance man had to come move it for me but if it weren't for that psssh! And just yesterday my neighbor was chuckling when he saw me replacing fluids in my car with my long pink fingernails.

I take after my Dad with that, he is quick to go read a tutorial and get it done himself; however, when I have a boo I don't hesitant to play the "can you do it for me baby"? role :giggle:
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I have been doing it lately because 1. lots of things are pretty simple and 2. I don't want the hassle of working on someone else's time. YouTube has been a blessing LOL!
YouTube and reading forums/blogs have been such a blessing to me too! With hours of research, I was able to dig deep and make a good assessment! I got that washing machine and dryer up and running! Lol I haven’t spent so much time at the hardware store in my life! Now I’m washing again! Being back on my own is so interesting! It is totally different from when I lived on my own before, but I didn’t have kids and was in a much better position. This is why I’m so gungho about finding my way back to me. My close family has been very supportive, so I’m not totally butt out here! Lol but this is challenging!
Sure do! I was all set and ready to install my washer and dryer but it was a little too heavy so my maintenance man had to come move it for me but if it were for that psssh! And just yesterday my neighbor was chuckling when he saw me replacing fluids in my car with my long pink fingernails.

I take after my Dad with that, he is quick to go read a tutorial and get it done himself; however, when I have a boo I don't hesitant to play the "can you do it for me baby"? role :giggle:
I don’t have a boo, but when I did, I was very hesistant to ask for help. I don’t have patience. When I want something done, I don’t wait for others to do it for me. And I don’t like to be told no. I’m not sure if that is considered an issue? I pushed my washing machine and dryer in the laundry room, but I did have help getting it into my home.
I learned a lot from my mom. She learned a lot from her dad. He was a self employed contractor and carpenter.
YouTube and reading forums/blogs have been such a blessing to me too! With hours of research, I was able to dig deep and make a good assessment! I got that washing machine and dryer up and running! Lol I haven’t spent so much time at the hardware store in my life! Now I’m washing again! Being back on my own is so interesting! It is totally different from when I lived on my own before, but I didn’t have kids and was in a much better position. This is why I’m so gungho about finding my way back to me. My close family has been very supportive, so I’m not totally butt out here! Lol but this is challenging!
I bet you feel accomplished! Having kids shifts the dynamics so extremely that it's not an option to NOT get back to yourself. If not you just feel drained and worn out all the time.
I don’t have a boo, but when I did, I was very hesistant to ask for help. I don’t have patience. When I want something done, I don’t wait for others to do it for me. And I don’t like to be told no. I’m not sure if that is considered an issue? I pushed my washing machine and dryer in the laundry room, but I did have help getting it into my home.
I learned a lot from my mom. She learned a lot from her dad. He was a self employed contractor and carpenter.

I'm the same way! I HATE waiting on folks and I'm a firm believer in the old adage of "If you want something done right then do it yourself" but I've learned you have to finesse some of these men into thinking they're doing something, last year when I had a boo my car needed some power steering fluid and he made this huge production about researching the kind of fluid I needed, buying it from the special European car site, and showed me where and how to put it in...... I didn't have the heart to tell him I already knew how to do it and had a container of the fluid in my trunk:drunk:

I was annoyed with the whole process but I have a bad habit of making men feel like I don't need them so I let him be great and walk around with his chest puffed out.
#1 is going out of town this weekend and he texted me yesterday talking about he's back on Monday when can he see me? Lol I told him we could play it by ear when he gets back and he sent a sad face. :laugh: I'm just not sure what my plans will be. Between the holiday and my PMS I may be on some antisocial stay away from me mess. So we'll have to see.
I may have to cut vacation bae off. He's sweet, actually wants to be in a relationship, get married, and have kids, however:
- He's in Hawaii. I'm already sick of just talking on the phone, but he seems to want and have no problems with a long distance relationship, but that could be because...
- He's in the military, which brings about a whole heap of other issues, the main one being if you're going to do a LDR, there has to be some kind of end game. He's there for the next 2+ years and there's no way in hell I'm moving to Hawaii nor would I want to move around in support of his military career.
- He seems to lack confidence. I understand disappointments in life can leave you jaded, but he needs to build his confidence and I can't give it to him.
- Last and most petty....he's kuntry as hell. I'm from the south too, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't notice the way he speaks and his lack of life experiences and exposure. It doesn't seem like he's code switching and can turn it on and off, he really thinks "light-skinneded" "I seen that" "I likeded" etc are all correct

The other day he sent me a message while I was sleeping talking about how meeting me was the best thing that's happened to him in a while and he would always do right by me and I was like "Oh ok" :look: I know there's no perfect man, but meh. I feel like there's not much I can do with him, at least not right now
Date with #1 on Friday. So excited. I'm actually thinking about what to wear and how I'm gonna fix this hair. And so funny how on our first date I went with messy hair and raggedy clothes. :laugh: I haven't been this excited about a guy in over a year. Y'all pray for me. Pray that I don't lose my mind and end up getting played. Smh
So #1 got a attitude today. He asked me where I wanted to go on Friday and I had a place in mind so I told him. I got the name of the place wrong because my friends and I have a nickname for this place and never use the actual name of the restaurant. Once I told him where it was he corrected me talking about no restaurant could be named that because blah blah blah. The thing is his reasoning was crazy condescending and weird. Lol I laughed it off and just explained I know it's just one of those things when you make stuff up with your friends. He's huffing and puffing and sighing and I was tempted to just be like wellllll we don't have to go anywhere Mr. Attitude but I just said I had to go and would talk to him later. Wtf is his problem?!