#1 called and left me a message wishing me luck on my interview today. He sent a text too saying "since you probably won't check the message I left in time sending good luck your way for today" with flexed muscle and hug emojis. He's so cute. I didn't respond though :look: Maybe later.

#2 is not measuring up. He texted me good morning yesterday and I responded and that was the end of that. Then later on in the evening, he texted asking what I was doing. I'm not used to random "wyd" texts so I stupidly thought it was because he wanted to see me. I wasn't going to see him anyway because I needed my me time to wash my hair, give myself a manicure, read and just chill. But when I texted him back he didn't respond! lol The nerve!

I need a #3 asap because #1 has the potential to mess me up. I feel fine now of course but I want to stay this way.
This dude!


Basic text conversations for about a week now no calls. I should nex this guy honestly. I asked if meeting was in plans... :perplexed:

:lachen: its quite comical to me at this point and deleting this number.

I think he asked about living conditions, a day after I asked how often does he get to city and he said never. I was like so how exactly are we going to see each other, ie meet up.


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I'm on vacation and have a tinder date later and I want nothing more than to bring this guy back up to my room and sit on his face, but he's asking me what I'm looking for in a relationship and over analyzing things :rolleyes:

Ladies, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. My body needs this. Bless up

Success! Thank you for your prayers and well wishes! The Lord truly provides.

Head was great, everything else :look: he was very inexperienced. Ah well. Tell me why I woke up to a text message from him calling me beautiful and intelligent and saying he’s going to try to fly to dc to see me? When I meet a guy I want a relationship with he doesn’t act right, but when I’m trying to just have fun dude falls in love
Success! Thank you for your prayers and well wishes! The Lord truly provides.

Head was great, everything else :look: he was very inexperienced. Ah well. Tell me why I woke up to a text message from him calling me beautiful and intelligent and saying he’s going to try to fly to dc to see me? When I meet a guy I want a relationship with he doesn’t act right, but when I’m trying to just have fun dude falls in love
Yes to that success! :yep:

I started to post "prayers up" after reading the initial post :lachen:.
Success! Thank you for your prayers and well wishes! The Lord truly provides.

Head was great, everything else :look: he was very inexperienced. Ah well. Tell me why I woke up to a text message from him calling me beautiful and intelligent and saying he’s going to try to fly to dc to see me? When I meet a guy I want a relationship with he doesn’t act right, but when I’m trying to just have fun dude falls in love
Behave the same way you’re acting with him with the guys you like.
Halfway tempted to cancel on #2. Thing is I might not need to. We didn't speak yesterday and normally I wouldn't care but I prefer a day before confirmation so I can know when and where. No guessing. I still haven't heard anything from him today so that means I have no idea where we're going or what time we're supposed to be getting there. I am starting to feel a little more social and some friends are hitting a rooftop bar tonight so that might be my night.
This dude!

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Basic text conversations for about a week now no calls. I should nex this guy honestly. I asked if meeting was in plans... :perplexed:

View attachment 431637
:lachen: its quite comical to me at this point and deleting this number.

I think he asked about living conditions, a day after I asked how often does he get to city and he said never. I was like so how exactly are we going to see each other, ie meet up.
Ummmm....this is not a standard dating question in my experience. It only matters if 1. Dude doesn’t have his own place, and 2. He’s not trying to smash o_O

My LS is trying to hook me up with her brother in law. I KNOW he will worship the ground I walk on and do all the manly things (he’s a former NFL player), but I want no parts of him. I don’t find him attractive. He’s not unattractive exactly, but I’m just not feeling him. Maybe I’m just superficial. I need to do better.
End what and why? I'm not following you
When you said you would have to work with him or keep in touch with him was that literal as in you two would actually be working together? My response was because I thought you meant work with him as in be nice to him and keep in touch because he's sweet. Maybe I misunderstood your post.
When you said you would have to work with him or keep in touch with him was that literal as in you two would actually be working together? My response was because I thought you meant work with him as in be nice to him and keep in touch because he's sweet. Maybe I misunderstood your post.
Oh ok nooo work with him/keep in touch meaning I met him while I was on vacation and now I've returned home. Keep in touch and deal with the distance, basically

Yeah I don't do pity dating either. I went into that tinder date just wanting to have fun, but if this turns out to be something worthwhile, I'm all for it! Stroke game needs work, but that can be improved. He's 6'4 and gives gifts! :lol:
@TwoSnapsUp same. I was scrolling through the pics on my lunch break wondering if everyone does this. So many dock pics lol

So #2 is canceled. Sent me a text this morning asking me what happened to me on Friday? Umm so it was on me to reach out and confirm a date you asked me on? Deleted and blocked. Have a new potential #2 lined up for a quickie lunch tomorrow (he works in my area) and a potential #3 lined up for Wednesday after work drinks.

#1 just got back in town today and we have a date on Friday. Plus he's been in touch everyday he's been away. He messaged me on Saturday to tell me he got there and planned on just relaxing and eating and relaxing some more. Then he texted me yesterday to tell me his Dad enjoyed the cigars he got him. My immediate thought was why is he contacting me while he's away? My last actual boyfriend was taking whole weekend long trips to Long Island every weekend to see his mother and never mentioning it to me. I remember the first year I went on my now annual end of summer trip to the Vineyard, I was upset that he hadn't called me to wish me off and safe travels. He told me it wasn't a big deal because I wasn't going far.

That has stuck with me so now with #1 checking in I will admit I was surprised.
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I had a phone convo with a guy who I met on POF (our text convo was fun so I decided to give him my Google number :look:). He seemed nice and convo flowed ok. Then he talked about his military experience in Iraq and his injury. He was like yeah he got shot and lost part of his leg. :eek: . He said "you can see in the golf pic." I was like WTF in my head....like how did I miss that? When I logged on the site on my laptop (I exclusively use the app) and you look at his pic it only shows him from the bottom of the shorts up (same view you see on the app). But if you hover the mouse/arrow over the pic, it shows the full pic and the prosthetic leg. Yikes! I can't roll with that...sorry. :duck:Now how am I going to get out of this? He did say we can talk again if I wanted and if I don't want to talk let him know. :perplexed:

This roster building is no joke!!
#2 from yesterday (the one I mentioned in my post yesterday) was only ok. He talked mostly about work and got a little funky when I mentioned how I took a break from working for a short while. He made some remark about when he reviews resumes he looks for longevity and gaps. I sipped my gingerale and was like yeah most employers do but what that gotta do with me? And he was like soooo how did you get this job? I just looked at him like I didn't understand the question...because I didn't. I was like there are no long gaps on my resume and the jobs I do have on there I was at for several years so what is the point of your question? I told him that I felt like I was on a job interview and I didn't like it but I will cut him some slack since it was a lunch date and his mind was probably still at work. He said he was sorry and he wanted a do over so he asked me to dinner on Friday. Can't because I'm seeing #1 and it's the 3rd date and if it goes well I might want to give it up I mean it might run a little long :look: So we settled on Saturday night. I'm not gonna lie, if #1 asks me out for Saturday too I might bump #2. I know I shouldn't do that but it's how I'm feeling.

#3 for drinks tonight? *Sigh* I was walking to the train without hearing from this guy. As I'm walking he sends me a text and says he's off and what do I think about xyz bar? I agreed only because it was like a 10 minute walk from where I was otherwise I would have just gone home. We had a nice time but his failure to plan had me feeling some kind of way the whole time so I only stayed for 1 drink. I think he thought we were going to still go out tomorrow so I just casually mentioned that I planned on binge watching Luke Cage tomorrow after work. He asked me out for Friday too. I just told him I couldn't and he didn't follow up with another suggestion so I'm not sure he's made the team.

I had hoped to have a regular rotation but I imagine I'll have to swap players out occasionally.

Eta: I was just thinking do y'all think it was a mistake accepting that last minute date with #3? I should have just stuck with tomorrow right? I'm kind of glad I got it over with though because now I know I don't really like him. LOL
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Eta: I was just thinking do y'all think it was a mistake accepting that last minute date with #3? I should have just stuck with tomorrow right? I'm kind of glad I got it over with though because now I know I don't really like him. LOL

I think it was the right call. I've always felt like dating rules should be subjective to the woman's temperament, preferences, and circumstances. I mean, the "rules" should be in service of you and what makes you feel safe and happy. So if meeting up with him was convenient and you felt like it, then it's all good. Best of all, you got the intel you needed to properly categorize him. You don't even like him so keeping up appearances is a waste of time and energy. I'd say that was a win.