I have a second date with the guy I went out with this past weekend, the one thing I can say about him is that he is CONSISTENT; which is always a breath of fresh air.

He gives me major hood dude vibes but seems like he has his head on straight now that he’s older but I’m not sure how I feel about it, I guess only time will tell.

I don’t need no more bad boys in my life....no matter how fun they are :look:
@Divine Inspiration you're right. I said sometime ago when it comes to last minute invites that if it isn't inconvenient for me and I feel like going then I will. In this case I had a thought about last minute invites outside of what I think and feel about them but from the guys point of view - which I never do because who cares, right? But I wonder if me accepting gave him the impression I liked him enough to meet up within 10 minutes of a text, or that I didn't have anything better to do. Then I realized these thoughts are probably what prompted said rule in the first place. None of this really matters. I was just in a contemplative mood last night. I'm over it now :lol:
Want a rich man? I am hearing more and more chatter about the wealthy men moving to Puerto Rico to avoid capital gains taxes and rebuild businesses. Plan on taking a vacation within the next 6 months and explore the island. An FB friend of mine just went and posted pics. Here I am all ignorant thinking the island still didn’t have power.
I think it was the right call. I've always felt like dating rules should be subjective to the woman's temperament, preferences, and circumstances. I mean, the "rules" should be in service of you and what makes you feel safe and happy. So if meeting up with him was convenient and you felt like it, then it's all good. Best of all, you got the intel you needed to properly categorize him. You don't even like him so keeping up appearances is a waste of time and energy. I'd say that was a win.

This is how I operate these days and it has worked for me :look:. This is where I lean more towards Katarina Phang's philosophy vs. The Rules. She's big on softening boundaries, and once I started letting my intuition lead vs. following a bunch of rules, dating became fun again. Convenience is a major factor for me. For example, if I'm about to cook and a guy calls me up wanting to take me to dinner (that he's paying for), what do I have to lose in accepting? If the place is close by, and it's casual enough for me to just throw something on and go, I'm not missing out on anything. I'm still a Rules girl in some ways, but as I grow in my journey towards awareness, I find myself less attached the the outcome of anything in life-- including men. Too much strategizing makes us anxious. Women are happier when we can just go with the flow. I don't worry as much about where things will go anymore-- I live in the moment. This is why my BF fell in love with me so quickly.
I love my black men but the sobering reality is hitting me- so, going to answer this email I got this morning and see what that brings.

I like his approach. Get it girl!! If he treats you like a queen, is attractive (and you are attracted to him), got money and can provide in ALL departments, who cares how he is packaged? :look:

ETA: If anything, he can be practice :lol:
I hate when people (it was a guy in this case that I had contemplated dating at one point)say “I’m just playing” when they know they really weren’t, they just didn’t wanna accept the consequences of their actions. I think people are so used to seeing me be a certain way, until I pull a 180 on that buttocks. I bet you learned dat day.*shoulder shrug*
I’m in a place where I don’t want to date or even talk to a man right now. I just don’t have the extra energy and I’m tired really of dating and investing time to end up with nothing at the end. I’m results oriented so when I put this work in and get nothing back it frustrates me. I need a new approach to dating.

But in the meantime, since I don’t really want anything to do with men, they are coming out of the woodworks!!! At the grocery store, the park while I’m trying to get my walk on.... please leave me alone!! I even had an older guy tell me today that he wants me to marry his son. Bye, OK!!!

When I’m open to dating nobody’s around.
Did you get into trouble last night? Lol

Nope! He's never been to my place and the first time wasn't gonna be some late night creep.

We chatted for a bit and then I got bored and stopped replying like I always do.

I don't know what I ever saw in this dude romantically. But he's been a good friend when I needed that, though.
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My hormones were putting out some serious energy the last few days, but once I realized I was just ovulating, I got over it quickly! Lol there was a man I knew that I was chatting up with in a store and I had to hurry off! Lol it’s good to be intune with your body and emotions. Still working on being less reactive. I’m officially on my own now. I moved to a new area and would like to get out and take a walk around the neighborhood, but it has been raining. I haven’t walked around the neighborhood in several years. Need to work on how to make new friends, but I don’t know if I’m quite ready yet. I have met a few women and exchanged phone numbers, but I avoid calling, or running into them! I’m still spooked out by people and need to work on my discerning skills and when to be open vs when to be guarded.
I have so much to work on and process, I just don’t have time for the opposite sex. Being with a man right now would just be an ego booster. Death to the Ego...
Nope! He's never been to my place and the first time was gonna be some late night creep.

We chatted for a bit and then I got bored and stopped replying like I always do.

I don't know what I ever saw in this dude romantically. But he's been a good friend when I needed that, though.
Girl he was funny! Lol his first night off in a long time...smh lol