Guys on POF really don’t like the thought of you talking with other men do they. I was talking to the aforementioned ‘bit of rough’ guy in the week, sent him a goodnight text but then I received an email notification to say that I received a message on POF; so I logged on to look at it (as you do). After reading the message I noted that my bit of rough guy was on there also, I didn’t think anything of it and just went to bed.

I didn’t sleep well though, and I told him as much when I text him good morning.

He responded in a voice message as follows:-

“Mmm I don’t know why you were staying up late for when you normally go to your bed early” pause “So, find anything interesting on plenty of fish.”

I responded saying that I was simply looking at my messages…I also asked whether he found anything interesting on pof seeing as he was on there also.

He responds in another voice message:-

“I went on because I received an event message and I simply wanted to block the sender, when I find something intriguing I don’t feel the need to search out other people to talk to on pof”

I just laughed, like seriously you’re not my man….
Guys on POF really don’t like the thought of you talking with other men do they. I was talking to the aforementioned ‘bit of rough’ guy in the week, sent him a goodnight text but then I received an email notification to say that I received a message on POF; so I logged on to look at it (as you do). After reading the message I noted that my bit of rough guy was on there also, I didn’t think anything of it and just went to bed.

I didn’t sleep well though, and I told him as much when I text him good morning.

He responded in a voice message as follows:-

“Mmm I don’t know why you were staying up late for when you normally go to your bed early” pause “So, find anything interesting on plenty of fish.”

I responded saying that I was simply looking at my messages…I also asked whether he found anything interesting on pof seeing as he was on there also.

He responds in another voice message:-

“I went on because I received an event message and I simply wanted to block the sender, when I find something intriguing I don’t feel the need to search out other people to talk to on pof”

I just laughed, like seriously you’re not my man….

I hate POF and that’s one of the reasons why, the men on their are weird about stuff like that, I used to get butt hurt messages alllll the time on there.

They’re just a different type of breed on that site and I don’t know why.
Guys on POF really don’t like the thought of you talking with other men do they. I was talking to the aforementioned ‘bit of rough’ guy in the week, sent him a goodnight text but then I received an email notification to say that I received a message on POF; so I logged on to look at it (as you do). After reading the message I noted that my bit of rough guy was on there also, I didn’t think anything of it and just went to bed.

I didn’t sleep well though, and I told him as much when I text him good morning.

He responded in a voice message as follows:-

“Mmm I don’t know why you were staying up late for when you normally go to your bed early” pause “So, find anything interesting on plenty of fish.”

I responded saying that I was simply looking at my messages…I also asked whether he found anything interesting on pof seeing as he was on there also.

He responds in another voice message:-

“I went on because I received an event message and I simply wanted to block the sender, when I find something intriguing I don’t feel the need to search out other people to talk to on pof”

I just laughed, like seriously you’re not my man….

Between POF and OKC came across so many profiles that sounded bitter.
I also had several guys mention they like it when a girl only talks to one man.In my head I'm like NEGRO PLEASE!!!! We are on a dating website you probably just finished sending this message to 5 other girls please stop. Guys also track you to see when your online. Ok...if your tracking then your online looking at other profiles too. And sometimes I'm not online, and if I was none ya business. I also had to break down for several guys because this past few months really bought out the itch in me and I decided to take a flcukitall pill followed by vodka cause I really don't care:evillaugh:. We are too grown for this. I shouldn't be having this conversation with men in their late 30's and 4o's.

Your on a dating website where you will talk to several potential suitors for whatever reason you choose ( dating, FWB, road to marriage whatever you choose). For me its with an intent to get to the know the person by first talking with them, which hopefully turn into dating. I went on a lot of dates and it led to nothing . Sometimes you have date and get to know several people before you find what you want. Then one fine day we might end up in relationship that will blossom one day down the road to marriage. I'm not sleeping with none of these people (choice is yours everybody different). After we decide we would like to date and be exclusive then and only then am I taking down my profile. I dead contact with every other guy, if I'm talking to or dating anyone else. If you don't like it I feel sorry for you carry on with your bitter life but don't bring it in my direction.
This man is trying to make me fall in love.

He noticed something was bothering me for a couple of weeks. I wouldn't tell him what it was. One night after drinks it came up organically. He said don't worry about it I got you.

I never mentioned it again.

He came by on Sunday and he HANDELED it for me. This ain't no little thing. It's not something anyone in my family would even do for me.

He invited me to DR for a quick trip too. If this was any other man I would be waiting for his azzz to show. But I've known him my whole life we know each others families and we were in the same friend group since 7th grade.

He has two kids and its not a deterent. He is an amazing father. There are some other things that i wouldn't usually entertain:rolleyes: but he is so friggin kind, thoughtful, protective, fine, generous and patient that i can overlook somethings that would usually have me running for the hills.

The fact that I’ve known him so long makes it easier not to sleep with him even though he's slept over my house many times.

I promised myself that I would take my sweet time and not let anyone rush me into anything. Besides, I have a few other men occupying my time.

I thought I was leaning back before but now I'm doing a backbend. It's been working so well.
Between POF and OKC came across so many profiles that sounded bitter.
I also had several guys mention they like it when a girl only talks to one man.In my head I'm like NEGRO PLEASE!!!! We are on a dating website you probably just finished sending this message to 5 other girls please stop. Guys also track you to see when your online. Ok...if your tracking then your online looking at other profiles too. And sometimes I'm not online, and if I was none ya business. I also had to break down for several guys because this past few months really bought out the itch in me and I decided to take a flcukitall pill followed by vodka cause I really don't care:evillaugh:. We are too grown for this. I shouldn't be having this conversation with men in their late 30's and 4o's.

Your on a dating website where you will talk to several potential suitors for whatever reason you choose ( dating, FWB, road to marriage whatever you choose). For me its with an intent to get to the know the person by first talking with them, which hopefully turn into dating. I went on a lot of dates and it led to nothing . Sometimes you have date and get to know several people before you find what you want. Then one fine day we might end up in relationship that will blossom one day down the road to marriage. I'm not sleeping with none of these people (choice is yours everybody different). After we decide we would like to date and be exclusive then and only then am I taking down my profile. I dead contact with every other guy, if I'm talking to or dating anyone else. If you don't like it I feel sorry for you carry on with your bitter life but don't bring it in my direction.
I don’t even believe them when they claim they stopped if we aren’t exclusive. It’s just a ploy to get you to kill your options and get hung up on them!
I had my 2nd date with the Nigerian dude and I have to say...I’m really liking what I’m seeing so far!

He took me to a sexy little wine bar that looked like a French villa, it had a very romantic ambiance & the conversation was on point.

Yeah girl, enjoy yourself but tread carefully. Those Naija men are known charmers.

Does he have his green card already? #justsaying :look:
I'm just coming in from a long night. I can't remember the last time I had 2 dates in one night. I went out with one guy straight after work and then when that was over another guy called while I was walking to the train. We made tentative plans but since I hadn't set anything in stone I went out with the first guy. When the 2nd guy called I was like what the hell why not. We ended up at a bar until 3:30 this morning! We talked about everything under the sun. It was nice. When we were done he flagged my taxi while I waited inside and he got soaked in this cold rain. I hate that I had a good time and liked him though. This guy is no good for me and I know it. So why do I want to see him again?
You wanna see him again because he is no good for you! Lol those type of men are always charming, and know how to draw you in. Put him in th friend zone right now. He will chase you, but once he locks you down, game over.
Yes you are absolutely right! It's so funny because I told him that I feel like we're friends and he said that's cool but he feels like friends mean friend zoned and I was trying so hard to be cool I just shrugged and was like so what if it does. He stared at me for a second like his whole world was crushed and then I changed the subject. :lol:
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:giggle: You know...I’ve actually wondered that myself, but I didn’t know how to broach the subject without seeming presumptuous.

I have flat out asked before. :look:

But if you are wanting to be more smooth about it :lol: I'm hoping he will bring up his upbringing and the convo moves into when he moved to the US then you could ascertain his status. If he says he's only been here for under a year, then he is here on a visa (unless he won green card status in the green card lottery). It usually takes a year or two to get one, if everything is on the up and up.

Or you could even ask him at this point if the convo is about him being in the US. I wouldn't think it was crass. :lol: Then again I have no tact sometimes LOL.