Dang. WhAsian (I guess the proper term is Eurasian lol) msg'd a cpl times during the week. Didn't see it. Anyway I apologized for the busy and HINTED that it's OK for him to ask for my number now since I'm only in certain online spaces sporadically. lol.

Let's see if he gets the hint or if I gotta make a stronger one...
He's actually fine af. turns out he's wh-asian :lol:

I am of an age where boring is a good MFing thing if I'm seriously considering a mate for myself and as a stepfather to my child. Boring would hit the spot. Had enough excitement in the relationship portion of my life for 2 lifetimes.

anyways ladies. he asked again. I said no. :hide:

He's still pursuing. if he asks again, I'll go....

EL OH EL. I meant the actual men can be boring, not your life. Like, the date would be fun but he will probably be dry as hell. Don’t know if that makes sense, but I guess since I’m an introvert I can totally separate the date activity from the person. I can be right next to you and forget you’re there.

That’s just my experience with Asians, though.
Some of y'all may remember pages back when I mentioned the super coming in my apartment and calling my name and then when I came out he gonna say my door was open which was a lie. He's the reason I bought the chain lock and the door stopper thing under the knob. Anyway he's getting fired. They sent us a message saying he couldn't work with the building anymore but the new super came today and told me the landlord is getting rid of him and he doesn't know why but he won't get involved.

You don't know how happy I am!!! This guy was very nice in the beginning and I felt comfortable around him. But then he started to hit on me occasionally and I ignored it. It was harmless at first and I would politely put him off with no thanks, or I'm busy. But then he started texting me and inviting me to things regularly and then texting me on whatsapp so he could see if I read his messages. I just flat out stopped responding to him and everything stayed broke in my apartment because I didn't want him in here. The last time he was here he was supposed to fix my bathtub and he kept saying he had to come back but something about that didn't feel right. It felt like he was working up to something with me. Not sure if he was going to try something or what but I let him come back once and then started ignoring him. New super showed up this morning and fixed the darn thing in exactly 5 minutes. I was like you're done already he was looking like :look: why wouldn't I be?

I'm starting to think other women in the building complained as well because when the landlord told us the new super was starting and I gave him a list of things I needed done and how many times it's been looked at he kinda snapped at me and said "you guys should have told me ____ was dragging out fixing these things" as if I wasn't the first person to speak of his constant visits but nothing getting fixed. But I didn't know he was doing that only suspected it so he could get in my apartment. And I didn't want to sound silly like "Oh I think he keeps coming back because he's into me" These situations are difficult for single women because I'm always wondering if I'm reading too much into things. Like what if I complained and it wasn't what I thought at all.

I asked my sister to come over for the new super so I wouldn't be here alone but he came too early for her to get here so I called her on the phone. He could sense I was nervous I guess so he mentioned his wife and children like 10 times. :lol: That made me feel better. I need to get a man in here so he can fix things and I can stop worrying about new supers.
I'm quoting an old post of mine as a refresher on this damn super. He won't go away. When he got fired I immediately deleted his number because I didn't need it. So today I get a text of a party flyer for a party in Brooklyn. I did a quick scan of my phone to make sure it wasn't spam and when it wasn't I just ignored it. So then another flyer text comes again and I send a ? back. The fool responds saying oh sorry I sent the flyer for last year the first time. I was like who dis? He says "it's ______. How soon we forget" Bro, I'm. Not. Interested! So I text him back to say oh when you stopped working with the building I deleted your number since I didn't need it anymore. He replies ok so how you been? I just deleted and blocked. Is he delusional?
I wrote here before about a man I grew up with that’s re-entered my life.

He has always been a very kind person but he is also a street dude. We have been hanging out more and more and it’s obvious now that he is observing me and wants more than a friendship.

For me it’s so strange. We were always friends but he’s been “that dude” since middle school. Like, I wouldn’t even have dared to have a crush on him. Now he’s doing WELL, looking well and I already know he got that hammer :look:

He’s a great friend and I get tempted to put it on him but I like how it is now and I rather stay friends than to ruin everything due to thirst.


gah! He texted me as I was writing this post. He's great in person but his texts make me want to light my phone on fire and throw it out the window.

Tf off my phone with your wyd, gm, gn!

I’m crazy y’all :lachen:
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^^^ yeah I would keep him as a friend.
That GM, GN, Wyd, Aye, Sup, etc from men is something I don’t want to deal with anymore. I have even caught myself doing that mess. I tend to have masculine energy at times and go into player mode! Lol but yeah, I don’t wanna see that mess on my phone anymore. That no longer excites me waking up, or going to bed with that nonsense on my phone. Plus, I’m too old for some grown arse man asking WYD. It’s none of your business what I’m doing, and that isn’t a complete sentence!
So I met this dude last night and he’s attractive but not my “type” however; he’s giving me real grown man vibes already.

He texted me about an hour ago and already set up a date, I’m glad because I don’t think I could take another dude just wanting to text me all the time or wanting to come over my house to watch a movie.
Ugh, one of my BFFs is letting her ex back into her life and literally everyone is telling her he ain’t ish. But of course she’s not listening. He’s is doing the absolute smallest things and she is all but running to him. I say he needs to make amends for their break up because it got ugly, tell her explicitly he wants her back and show progress on the issues that led to the break up but she thinks I’m asking too much. Yeah ok.:rolleyes:

Meanwhile I’m still on OKC. I see why they made the changes to the messaging system that they made. :look: I’m thankful too. These men. o_O:lachen:I have to keep a sense of humor about it. OKC doesn’t allow sexual pics in messages anymore so men have taken to talking about their alcohol and drug adventures instead. :nono: Do they seriously think it’s attractive? Especially when I say I rarely drink.

Honestly I’d like to find someone but I’m preparing as if I won’t. I’m already thinking about children because I may not be a wife when I’d like to. But I do still want kids.
Took down my accounts on OKC and POF. I get multiple hits during the day but not any one of substance or worth my time. Then when I do give them some time, a lot of these guys are just all about sex out the gate. I don't give them any indication to lead down this road. But I think because they have gotten away with it in the past, or are just checking to see who is going to give in. I would like to meet somebody in real life but that has not happened. I get stared at a lot but then guys just pull back. Just giving it some time I might go back up later, not sure.
Why am I attracted to men who just are simply no good, I really don't understand myself sometimes.

I put it down to simply liking a bit of 'rough' sometimes. :look: *sigh*
Me too! Lol I like a man with some edge to him. That’s why I need to be by myself for awhile. I like men that don’t take no ish.
I like the allure of these masculine gruff guys. Tried it a couple of times :look:

I'm bossy so... wont ever work out.