So the first time we’re going out you suggest red lobster :look:

I’m not too good for it but that’s your first choice.

One and done.
Red Lobster is more like a we've been together for a while and we know we like them biscuits so let's go kind of place :lol:

But he's better than that guy my mama left sitting in his car at the light because he wouldn't take her there. :lol:
I liiiiiied!

He was cuter than I remembered :look:

He was so adorable and sweet. It was real chill and comfortable.

He is open to places other than red lobster. I asked him why nikkas love red lobster so much and he explained that he just wanted to see me and didn’t have time to change his clothes so he was most comfortable being underdressed at red lobster.

It was the most fun, most relaxed first date I have ever had.

He is short but marriage minded so I think I can entertain him in the mean time.
I've been feeling more relaxed, focused, and happier, chipping away at my life goals. Dating was stressful. Lately, I've been attracting younger men. Men in their 20s. But I don't think I'm brave enough to go there. That might be fun, though... :scratchchin:
I'm 32 and it seems like I attract either younger, like mid 20s to about 28, or older, like 38+. I was out of town this weekend and had a date with a 26 year old. He's not my type, but it was fun. In my experiences, young guys are full of energy :drunk:
omg. this dude tried to pick me up reminded me of my last ex.

Super fit (he had the 'V' lol :lick: ), tall, ex military type. For these reasons I had to decline. I attract these fine ass men who aint ****. I'm learning to weed thdm out fast... however next time might consider one as s maintenance man :look:
I'm 32 and it seems like I attract either younger, like mid 20s to about 28, or older, like 38+. I was out of town this weekend and had a date with a 26 year old. He's not my type, but it was fun. In my experiences, young guys are full of energy :drunk:

Yes. Full of energy and big ego. A 6 year age gap isn't so bad, though. Imagine if you're technically old enough to be the 26-year old's mom.
I usually have a million stories...lately I just don’t care about spending energy on men.

I can’t remember the last time I felt at peace in a relationship...if I ever have at all. Once I realized that, I focused all that wasted energy on my goals.

I can relate. This is the first time I've felt at peace, and that is because I'm doing something different. I've gone back to what I know works. I stopped trying to attract the extroverted super alphas and went back to the introverted, socially awkward computer geeks :look:. They've always liked me, but after the bad experience with my ex-fiancé, I set my sights on trying to attract the opposite and it caused me nothing but heartache. I had to accept that the sexy, popular, charming, alpha males that most women desire aren't into me. I got tired of putting on an act to get and keep their attention. I always felt anxious and on edge with them, and I never felt a genuine connection. Now I can chill and be myself. This guy is a healthy beta who does well for himself-- good job, super intelligent, comes from a great family, owns property, is a goal-oriented doer, and is super into me for once. He's bald, tall, skinny, and wears thick glasses. He's a bit of a hermit. He dresses like a software developer. And I'm crazy about him. The sexual chemistry is amazing. We connect on so many levels. If it doesn't work out, I can find plenty more, and I know they'll see me as the prize because we're a natural match. I don't care about being the "it" girl anymore and winning the man that every woman wants. Some women naturally have "it" and they find the challenge fun but I find it exhausting. I've chosen to take the path of least resistance and so far so good! He spoiled me for my birthday and I'm meeting his parents next week. He initiates and I don't have to do anything-- no plotting, planning, strategizing... nothing. I finally understand what the older folks have been telling me all of these years-- like who likes you. It makes our lives as women so much easier!
@SurferBabe i can’t say I ever really tried to attract any particular type. I just spent last year at so many events that the type of men I was around changed.

I don’t even “see” men until they talk to me. I guess that’s why I’m always blindsided when I get played. Like, I wasn’t even checking for nobody. Apparently, being oblivious and aloof is attractive to a certain kind of man.
I am soo uninspired to date, being single most of life has got me like why try... This task seems like the hardest thing in world to conquer in a sense... sometimes I have moments, like this is easy, then I dont know what happens, maybe I lose all confidence in self... Not knowing where to met men, or being the hermit and not wanting to get out house... Le sigh... I have tried to stop the kids thoughts and finding someone as to not get hopes up...

Sitting here trying to devise a plan to get out of this train of thought, like activities to get into, goals to accomplish, new hobbies, etc.

I am happy but feel such lack in this area... My colleague this morning was like you look happy, umm yes, I had a fabulous session, fresh batteries last night... Lol...

Also just recalled have to go sign some paperwork for a promotion received.

#endRamblingThoughts #brokenrecord

And then I read about the lady who married a Ghost and the Malnourished Teen and 12 Siblings and life doesnt seem so tough... :perplexed:
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Well go ahead and have fun! You'll have to give us some stories. We've been dry in here it seems.

Oh, you want stories?! Bih, I've got stories. I'm off the market but I've been called a serial dater by pretty much everyone in my life. I can give you stories for DAAAAYSSSS.

So the first time we’re going out you suggest red lobster :look:

I’m not too good for it but that’s your first choice.

One and done.

Hehe. I had a man take me to Olive Garden and tell me that he was happy we could go because his dad says it's too fancy for him.
My BFF who broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago is talking to a guy she met on OKC and my other BFF's sister met her new SO on Tinder. I've never really put much stock in online dating but I've heard OKC's algorithm is the highest ranked for compatibility so I'm considering giving it a try. At the very least maybe I'll get some dating practice. Time to do something different.
My BFF who broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago is talking to a guy she met on OKC and my other BFF's sister met her new SO on Tinder. I've never really put much stock in online dating but I've heard OKC's algorithm is the highest ranked for compatibility so I'm considering giving it a try. At the very least maybe I'll get some dating practice. Time to do something different.

I met my guy on OKC and at that time I was DONE with online dating :lol:. I hadn't logged in in over a month and decided to just sign on for a bit before fully deactivating. Lo and behold, he reached out like the day before I was going to shut it down. It's worth a shot-- even for practice dates.
My BFF who broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago is talking to a guy she met on OKC and my other BFF's sister met her new SO on Tinder. I've never really put much stock in online dating but I've heard OKC's algorithm is the highest ranked for compatibility so I'm considering giving it a try. At the very least maybe I'll get some dating practice. Time to do something different.

I met my FH on OKC! :)

My future BIL's bff met his wife on OKC! :)
My horoscope and therapist both said I should give online dating a try again so I got back on one site, OkCupid. Now I see the posts here, so maybe that's a sign?

It's changed a lot since I last logged on. I don't like how you have to swipe through the matches to see your messages now
My BFF who broke up with her boyfriend a few months ago is talking to a guy she met on OKC and my other BFF's sister met her new SO on Tinder. I've never really put much stock in online dating but I've heard OKC's algorithm is the highest ranked for compatibility so I'm considering giving it a try. At the very least maybe I'll get some dating practice. Time to do something different.

The guy that I'm currently seeing is someone I met in person, but prior to that I met lots of great guys on OKC. This was before they changed to using people's real names, though. I don't know how I feel about that.
Yall got me looking at these last coupl eof comments like, lets give this OKCthang another try...

Do you ladies reach out to men on site?

I've read that ladies who do this have the most success, but the few times I've reached out first, I wasn't successful. Usually I get enough messages that I don't have to make the first move, but in the past I would have guys who would view my profile over and over but not message, so I would send one and then *crickets*

But now you can't see who viewed your profile :rolleyes:

Wow! So people see your real name on the app?

Yes, like wth? Like what difference does it make, let me keep my screen name. My first name is very common but still
My horoscope and therapist both said I should give online dating a try again so I got back on one site, OkCupid. Now I see the posts here, so maybe that's a sign?

It's changed a lot since I last logged on. I don't like how you have to swipe through the matches to see your messages now
Funny you mention astrology. That’s another reason I want to try this. 2018 supposedly is a good time for me to get into a relationship. At least that’s what my astrologer said and I don’t want to waste it. Now I need to see what my therapist says.

ETA: I dreamt this morning that I had lunch with my astrologer and told her all my fears about trying dating again and she was like go for it. Pushed me to do it actually. Taking that as a sign.
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My ex is going so hard. I thought we were good friends but turns out he never stopped wanting to be with me....which is odd because his actions are why we broke up....5 years ago.

If he treated me the same way now, as he did back then, maybe we would have worked out.

He’s the person that knows me best and we always have a good time together. But all our time apart made me realize that I can do much better.
Wow! So people see your real name on the app?
The whole site is totally different. You can't see messages anymore unless you "like" the person. So if a dude messages you it stays on his profile and does not come to your inbox but if you have notifications turned on they send an email saying one of these men messaged you. Then they add him to your matches so you can swipe through to see him. It will tell you that this user messaged you but you can't read it unless you click that you like him. They said it was to avoid women from getting all those random messages from men they didn't like over and over. Whatever.

Then they started with the real name thing. It wouldn't even let me sign in until I put my first initial spelled out into a name. Even thought it still wasn't my real name I immediately regretted it and deactivated the account. I do not like feature at all.

I will say the changes may attract better men.
The whole site is totally different. You can't see messages anymore unless you "like" the person. So if a dude messages you it stays on his profile and does not come to your inbox but if you have notifications turned on they send an email saying one of these men messaged you. Then they add him to your matches so you can swipe through to see him. It will tell you that this user messaged you but you can't read it unless you click that you like him. They said it was to avoid women from getting all those random messages from men they didn't like over and over. Whatever.

Then they started with the real name thing. It wouldn't even let me sign in until I put my first initial spelled out into a name. Even thought it still wasn't my real name I immediately regretted it and deactivated the account. I do not like feature at all.

I will say the changes may attract better men.
It accepted two letters as a first name thank goodness. I tried to go with just one letter but that didn't work. At least it's not my real initials.

So just pick two random letters and go with that.

I was happy to see that swiping does show you who messaged you. At least we have that.

I hope it attracts better men too yep.