This fool text me “wyd” out of the blue for absolutely no reason.

If you’re not trying to come through or take me out, why TF are you asking?

Ninjas wasting my unlimited texts.

I learned a new word for this - "otiose".

I had to hit one with that word yesterday when he asked why I never respond to his questions which consist of "wyd" and "what's up".
I think SG might be about to propose. I can’t talk to anyone about it in real life because if he is, my friends are in on it and I don’t want to make it awkward for them/have someone accidentally give it away. I am suspicious because last night as we were waiting in the theater for Star Wars to start, he blurted out that he got us tickets to the Ferris wheel and that we have to go as close to Christmas as possible. We talked about going at Christmas way back in September and a Christmas proposal is a dream of his, so my brain is clicking with the potential implications. I wish I could think of someone IRL who’s not in on this—if it is indeed happening—to discuss it with. I’m going to be side eying my friends and relatives this whole week!
there's a black speed dating event in brooklyn. My introverted-ness wants to stay home and watch netflix. I'm still trying to talk myself into going. I like the notion of "positioning yourself" as brought up in the Harry/Meghan Markle thread. I think that's going to be my 2018 strategy
I was thinking about going too.
I think SG might be about to propose. I can’t talk to anyone about it in real life because if he is, my friends are in on it and I don’t want to make it awkward for them/have someone accidentally give it away. I am suspicious because last night as we were waiting in the theater for Star Wars to start, he blurted out that he got us tickets to the Ferris wheel and that we have to go as close to Christmas as possible. We talked about going at Christmas way back in September and a Christmas proposal is a dream of his, so my brain is clicking with the potential implications. I wish I could think of someone IRL who’s not in on this—if it is indeed happening—to discuss it with. I’m going to be side eying my friends and relatives this whole week!
Ohhh exciting!
I didn’t go to the speed dating event. I went to some event downtown and then headed uptown for my friends bday thing.

Me and crush bae ended really weirdly... I don’t know what to make of it. It has put me off of men in general. Nothing was making sense so I had to remove myself. It’s really weird because I feel like he ended it or somehow made me.
I've been focused on relocating so I haven't been trying to meet men.

There is one guy I'm kinda dating, but I'm not thinking about anything serious since I'm moving in a few months. I'm just enjoying the ride because I have nothing to lose. We hung out over the weekend and I had a great time! It was refreshing to finally be able to be myself with a guy. We have a lot in common and he accepts me as-is. I know what I want for the future if I decide to fully focus on dating again. I've spent the last few years trying to make things happen with guys who weren't compatible with me and it has been exhausting and disastrous. I'm creating a life that is fulfilling with or without a man. I have faith that the universe will deliver when the time is right.
I haven't really been dating. I'm kinda over it tbh. I've been thinking of how I want to approach dating in 2018, but a part of me just wants to do me and not focus on it at all

Everybody else--what's your excuse?! :lol:

I’m definitely done with men (and hell everybody, women, cats, dogs, birds for that matter :lol:) for the rest of 2017. I’ll reassess on January 1st.

It sounds like many of us in this thread are shifting focus to self for a while and not actively dating. Which may not be a bad idea overall.
What happened? I thought you guys just became exclusive.
I didn’t go to the speed dating event. I went to some event downtown and then headed uptown for my friends bday thing.

Me and crush bae ended really weirdly... I don’t know what to make of it. It has put me off of men in general. Nothing was making sense so I had to remove myself. It’s really weird because I feel like he ended it or somehow made me.
What happened? I thought you guys just became exclusive.

It’s a hot mess.

I got invited to a dinner party by one of our mutual friends (a man) and I said yes. And then I thought about how Jack (crush bae...his name ain’t really jack but whatev) swears that he likes me. I don’t think that’s the case but I was trying to respectful so I asked my friend who else was invited and Jack was the first name he said, along with 4 other people that I knew.

Which was a relief because it would have been awkward af if it was just me or us and a bunch of couples.

Let’s call my friend Ben. Anyway, Ben didn’t know me and Jack were I’m feeling like I should tell him in case he really was interested in me and he found out I was dating his friend after we are in his house eating his food.

Ben is alll like oooooh, it all makes sense now.

I’m tell Jack what happened and he says “I wish we could have discussed it first.” Turns out another chick in the group had been asking him out for drinks and he was “interested in meeting with her.”

At this point I’m confused and I am over the whole situation. I tell him he is free to talk to whomever he likes and we have this whole long conversation that makes absolutely no sense.

I tell him that this is too messy for me and I don’t want to be involved.

There is so much other stuff I’m forgetting to add.

Anyway, I tried to clear the air with Jack so we can eliminate weirdness because one of his best friends is my business partner. And he tells me that he doesn’t know if we can be cool because his physical attraction to me is too overwhelming for him.

That just annoyed me all over again. Now I pretend that we never talked or dated and that’s that.
Dang... it’s mighty quiet in here. What??? Y’all done got booed up and ain’t wanna tell nobody :lol:
Nah, after Doofus #3 formerly known as Classic Man, I had to take a step back from men. I honestly didn't want to deal with their BS. I've been focusing on me. I might be starting a new job in the New Year that will expose me to new people, people with money and hopefully of like mind. :look: So if that happens I'll be looking for new peasants for my court. Until then, I'm in prep mode. Re-reading MDLWLY, re-evaulating what I won't put up with, working on my self-esteem, focusing on my other goals, etc.
My younger cousin put things in perspective for me. One of the guys I'm dealing with may be a phuck boy. We have been talking for almost 2 weeks and he has yet to schedule a date. However, he isn't afraid to ask for sex. He keeps trying to pressure me to be intimate with him, but I'm not ready for that...

I'll just 86 him and continue with the prospects that plan dates.
I’m definitely done with men (and hell everybody, women, cats, dogs, birds for that matter :lol:) for the rest of 2017. I’ll reassess on January 1st.

It sounds like many of us in this thread are shifting focus to self for a while and not actively dating. Which may not be a bad idea overall.

*raises hand*

I can't be bothered, not after everything that happened this year. I just wanna be stress and drama free, travel, start my 40s off on a good note, spend time with people who actually GAF about me and figure out my next career move, cuz I need more money. Dassit.
I’m tired of men too. After that stupid situation it dawned on me that no man has ever been worth the trouble he’s caused.

I am a happy person in general. Then some butthole comes around ruining my peace. Too bad I’m allergic to cats, dogs and plant life.

I’m talking all this mess and have a date afterwork. :lachen:
My younger cousin put things in perspective for me. One of the guys I'm dealing with may be a phuck boy. We have been talking for almost 2 weeks and he has yet to schedule a date. However, he isn't afraid to ask for sex. He keeps trying to pressure me to be intimate with him, but I'm not ready for that...

I'll just 86 him and continue with the prospects that plan dates.
Two weeks? My BS meter goes off if we have even our first conversation that doesn’t involve him planning a date. o_O Block and move on! And to be bringing up sex and y’all haven’t even had a date? Oh no. Block.
My younger cousin put things in perspective for me. One of the guys I'm dealing with may be a phuck boy. We have been talking for almost 2 weeks and he has yet to schedule a date. However, he isn't afraid to ask for sex. He keeps trying to pressure me to be intimate with him, but I'm not ready for that...

I'll just 86 him and continue with the prospects that plan dates.

Oh, ain't no "may be". He is.
It sounds like many of us in this thread are shifting focus to self for a while and not actively dating. Which may not be a bad idea overall.

^^^This. I'm focusing on myself, and what I want out of life. I've decided to make myself the absolute most important person in my life, and I'm not living for men anymore. I'm not making any decisions based on what a man would like or the potential for a romantic relationship. I've even been looking at exercise a different way since the new year is coming up. I asked myself what I want my body to do for me, instead of thinking that I need to be fit and slim in order to be attractive to men.

I was seeing someone. I'll call him Rican Man. It didn't go anywhere, and I'm not sad about it. I find myself missing China Man a lot. I keep telling myself that he wasn't all that great, and I shouldn't feel the way that I feel. But everywhere I go reminds me of him. It's like he's a ghost. I'm trying to get rid of the feeling, though. I have a lot of goals for next year.
If I meet someone organically (done with online too much work) then I will decide whether I am interested and go from there. I have been meeting people randomly but no one I was interested in enough to actually spend time with. I think because time for me right now is particularly valuable and scarce I just don't invest energy where I don't see sizable returns. Basically I have gotten very selective, and rely more on my initial gut reactions to the person. I have put together my first set of 60 day goals for 2018, and I am focused on that right now.