Today’s salon talk had me SMH! One of the stylists was saying that she tested this dude this morning and he passed. She asked him if he could drop her off at work and he said it was out of the way... he was basically acting like he didn’t want to do it. So, she called another stylist and asked her to send her an Uber. The guy overheard the convo and said that he’d figure out a way to drop her off... not judging her situation but, he didn’t pass the test.

ETA... there were 3 men in the salon and they said NOTHING! I couldn’t believe she was telling the story in front of them!
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Today’s salon talk had me SMH! One of the stylists was saying that she tested this dude this morning and he passed. She asked him if he could drop her off at work and he said it was out of the way... he was basically acting like he didn’t want to do it. So, she called another stylist and asked her to send her an Uber. The guy overheard the convo and said that he’d figure out a way to drop her off... not judging her situation but, he didn’t pass the test.

ETA... there were 3 men in the salon and they said NOTHING! I couldn’t believe she was telling the story in front of them!
I wrote out a long response then deleted it. I will say this. People's standards are their own but when this fool is done with her he'll be unleashed on other unsuspecting women with his f* boy nonsense. For that reason (since she likes it) I hope she keeps him for a long time.
I went to lunch with a guy yesterday. He is so much cuter in person...and his sense of humor is everything.

We talked on the phone an hour this morning on the way to work. And when I mentioned getting coffee he ordered it for me on the mobile app. How sweet!!

Eta we had lunch again today and we have a coffee date planned after he gets off. We are coffee addicts :2inlove:
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So... this dude... smh! He’s still talking about building a future with me and how he seriously wants to move forward... then he posted on IG that he knows his worth and he’s not about to keep reaching if the person isn’t reaching back and how he’s done chasing. So, I commented asking him who he was chasing... he says, oh it’s just a figure of speech. So, he called me and asks did I think he was talking about himself... I said yes, it sounds very personal. He never admitted to it being personal or about me. I also asked him if another chick pissed him off. He made up some story about how women (especially single mothers who have been through ish) talk to him at his job about stuff and they don’t recognize a good man and blah blah blah. But, he made a comment about if a person is thinking about you, they will call/text and then says something about me not calling...

I don’t know if he’s talking about me but, if he is... we have not gone on nan date... miss me with it! And all the passive aggressive behavior isn’t making it any better!
Why do these men expect you to chase them????? I was chatting with a guy and his communication SUCKED! So I just stopped saying anything but today he had the nerve to message me talking about “Where you been?”.


Then another guy I used to talk to hit me up on Snapchat (of all places) talking about “My Line brother is talking about you”..... ok...and?

The guy is NEWLY married, like less than a month and he was like “Yea he asked about you and I told him I still talk to your fine a** and he better chill because you’re “my” girl.

Sir your wife is your girl, good day.

Some of them are so annoying and exhausting.
I wish I had a suitable one, I'd do the same. :look:

Mine will be here next weekend :look:


Can’t wait :laugh:
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This is too much for me, like I’ve only seen him once in my life at my job & it’s like really sir. I left him on read I have no intentions on entertaining this conversation any longer

(also excuse my grammar lol)

Omg he sounds so stupid. And trying to run game too. If he wants to take you out then ask in advance and find a day/time that works for you. Easy. I’m glad you don’t plan to entertain him further. Just reading that was exhausting.
My FWB and I may be moving to something more serious, but I don't want to. I've mentioned him before about him being perfect, but me not wanting to be with him. I know I'm moving in 6-7 months so I don't want to open up to someone and then have to end it. I don't want to hurt him.
@hopeful - it was way to much to read & I said no to a same day date & that got you all in your feelings
@sarumoki - right, i'm like you don't say that to someone you don't even know, you don't even know if you really like me
@SlimPickinz - he is 28 years old & i'm glad he doesn't have my number. He got my work business card (bank) & looked me up. So that probably goes into his whole "chasing me"
@gimbap - hahahahahaha right like i don't know much about him but that was enough not to reply back
@MzLady78 - exactly, i was like where is this coming from it was a Thursday night & i said how about Friday he had to work, so there for we both tried once lol. he expected to much from me
I’m going to take the rest of this year to get everybody else’s stuff done for them because in 2018 I’m focusing on my own stuff. Planning my goddaughters 1st birthday for Dec 17... going to get my grandmother a Home Health Aide... buying a few Christmas presents... getting a property manager for my rentals... and moving out of my parents house. Last but not least.... getting rid of even the mere thought of any man (for a little while :look: ). I need to find a more healthy balance that favors me and my wants and desires.
Friday afternoon i was walking to my car about to do some shopping on my lunch break when this cute elderly Ghanaian woman asked me if I knew the bus schedule. Turns out she is widowed and is 80yrs old with Diabetes. She was trying to get to the grocery store to pick up some plantains. I wasn't that pressed to go to the mall so I offered to take her. She was super grateful and asked if I was married or had children. I replied no to both, so she said she was going to pray that God blesses me with a good husband. She almost brought me to tears yall, but I received that blessing and was happy to be of service to her. I recently started talking to a new guy and I reeeeally like him, so I need all the prayers I can get.

Ironically, this post has received a couple likes today and the elderly Ghanaian woman actually called me today to thank me again and let me know she keeps me in her prayers. :2inlove: She also said she'd called me a couple times before, but I dont answer calls from unknown numbers so this is the first time I actually answered. *facepalm* smh Lol Anywhoo, I actually have my first date with the gentleman in the above quote, so wish me luck yall!! :drunk: