I hate this as well. When I first started communicating with SG, he switched from SMS to FB messenger. It bothered me because I was worried that he had a girlfriend he was somehow trying to hide me from. As it turns out, he just likes the little emojis they have on there. Me being me, I told him I was going off all social media because I was “overwhelmed” which was partly true. He thought I didn’t want to talk to him anymore at all, lol. We immediately switched back to SMS and he decided to go off social media too. All is well now. Idk if these other apps have some unique feature like the FB emojis, but I wouldn’t do it if you don’t feel comfortable.

Good point! I could be looking too much into it. I just don't like downloading all of these apps on my phone to chat with 1 person. They take up space.

Yep- I stay away for that reason.

I felt like a dang fool. The Telegram app seems popular with attached men because you can delete conversations and they will disappear on both sides. Ol' sneaky clowns.
What did he say when you told him you prefer SMS?
I wouldn't want to download an app just for one person.

Well I already ghosted this guy. I was just thinking back to how often guys from online have suggested this and how annoying it is to download an app for one dude.

I paid for one drink. I’m on drink #4 :lol: he’s gonna buy me some jerk chicken next.

Glad you had a great time! :angeldevil:
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I'm pouring one out for the girl I USED to be. This is my motto for 2018. The New Year is almost here and I'm already making resolutions as to how I'm dealing with men. Y'all ain't gonna catch me slipping next year!

No dock pics in 2018. :laugh: Those messages are pathetic.
And every woman in this thread probably has some crazy messages in her phone right now

I'm thinking about starting a blog or a tumblr about all the craziness of dating and ask people to contribute their screenshots and stories. That way, when we're qchelle'd we can look back at the foolishness and laugh :lol:
Since I haven't been manhunting I've saved SO much money :lol:. Going out all of the time can get expensive, especially when you don't meet anyone to pick up the tab :look:. Yea I've been staying in quite a bit lately and I'm fine with that :yep:. I'm going to enjoy this lazy weekend watching tv and eating takeout. My bank account is happy right now. I'll probably pick back up with dating after my birthday in January.

Are you a fellow Aquarius? Lol

:cry3:Come back. I need examples. Why do u say such things?!

Details, please! What happened?! :cry3:

In the beginning, he would regularly drive an hour to come see me and take me out, always made plans, very attentive, great sex, etc. Then he kind of became a couch potato and most of the time just wanted to stay home and watch TV. I also started seeing that he's a pretty critical, nit-picky person...never completely satisfied with anything and about 80% of the time found something to complain/make a a negative comment about.

Basically to cut a long story short, a month before what would have been our 3-year anniversary, I found out he was cheating on me.

The Filipino dude sent me a "What's up cutie?" text on Monday...I ignored it. Then this morning when I woke up, I see that he called me 3 times back-to-back at 1:46am. o_O

If we haven't talked in weeks and I ignored your text from earlier this week, why would you think it'd be a good idea to try to booty call me 3 TIMES at 1:46am? Are you really THAT pressed? :laugh:
My night turned into a nightmare. I didn’t get any chicken. We ended up at the club and Bae #1 was there. He asked to drive me home and we argued the whole way home. I think I’m going to have to block him sooner than later.

Oh darn it! Sorry to hear that. Don’t let it get you down though, ok? Keep moving forward. Does this means all of the baes are out now? If so you won’t have trouble rebuilding your roster.
I think I'm going to be celibate till marriage. Im going need a commitment before I share my body with anyone else. Men will use you. In the beginning of the relationship, theyll tell you how they want to marry you and will talk about the future. Once you sleep with them and talk about marriage more, you realize that you actually have a commitment phobe on your hands or someone who wasnt looking for anything serious, etc. Men will try to "test drive" or "rent you out" before they have made a commitment to you under God (marriage). Im no longer here for it.
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What's with guys who want to chat/text over these encrypted apps like Whatsapp, Telegram, and Signal? It's suspicious to me. Last time a guy suggested this I found out he was married. What do you all think? What's wrong with plain ol' SMS.

I'm the one that usually asks guys to use Whatsapp because it's my preference. Never knew others used it as a way to sneak around.
Oh darn it! Sorry to hear that. Don’t let it get you down though, ok? Keep moving forward. Does this means all of the baes are out now? If so you won’t have trouble rebuilding your roster.
I have a bf (Bae #2) at the moment & im happy as a clam. But Bae #1 won’t let go & I’m nearing my end. Like I’ve been seeing him for so long, we have a genuine friendship but I’m realizing friendships with exes do not work.
Welp cutting off that person. I don't know if I'm being too harsh, but it seems like every time me and this person are suppose to go out something comes up and they have to cancel. The first time a family member had to be rushed to the ER so they had to cancel. I understood the situation though I was disappointed and I had decided not to go to an event because we were going out. Then we were suppose to hang out today but the same family member had to go back to the ER. The first time I was understanding, but now I'm just like is this a coincidence? Is this person lying? Why is it that every time we are suppose to hangout something magically pops up?

They apologized and said they understood that I probably think they are a flake. To which I responded that I do, but I understand and hope their family member is ok. I think I'm done with this person, like I said I'm not sure if I'm being too harsh. But I'm just at a point and mindframe where I am just over people and their malarkey .