I was going to suggest the DMV, hehehe. Hop on an Amtrak and you'll be back in Boston easily. There's soooo much to do in the DMV all the time. The thing about moving is that you can always move back, that's my philosophy anyway. Nothing is permanent until I leave this earth. My lease is up in June, and then I'll be moving as well. I'm sorry about the 45-like leader, we have one in the office I just left, it's a mess.

Yeah, I have a few people from here that I’m really cool with that live there and could help me get acclimated, so that’s a plus.

I think I’m going to take a weekend trip down soon and see how I like it. That’s probably a good place to start.
I know we always say if a man is interested then he will show you. I believe it. But then there are guys like this who sometimes I have to wonder if they truly have no clue as to how to court women. Thing is it doesn't matter to me because I am not in the business of teaching. But are these guys really and truly confused about how it works? Like this guy seriously thought I wasn't interested because I didn't drop everything to meet him when he asked? He didn't realize that it was too short notice and therefore unacceptable? Oh well.

Many of them have no clue because in the past women have let them get away with last minute plans. It's still a turn-off either way because knowing how to properly court a woman is a part of etiquette. A man that fails that test probably fails in other areas of etiquette as well, and his life is probably an unplanned mess overall. Good for you sticking to your guns. I think it is okay to relax boundaries sometimes if you are not too invested in the outcome. But every time I foolishly agreed to last minute plans, I was a frazzled mess trying to jump up and get ready. I like life to be relaxed and easy these days which proper notice allows. A quality man understands this.

I don't think this is the last time you'll hear from him.
The guy I like is confusing me. Confusion is always a bad sign. I really like him but I feel like things aren’t going to work out.

I know this and I didn’t cry about it. I’m actually ok and that is some serious progress.

:bighug: What makes you think things aren't going to work out?

I had the same feeling with the last guy I posted about. I was upset for a bit, but like you, I noticed some progress in my reaction. Growth is always good!
But every time I foolishly agreed to last minute plans, I was a frazzled mess trying to jump up and get ready. I like life to be relaxed and easy these days which proper notice allows. A quality man understands this.

I don't think this is the last time you'll hear from him.

You hit the nail on the head with this. On Saturday I was in my pajamas in bed catching up on shows after having been out earlier. I felt annoyed at the fact that I would have to get up and rush. Not that I necessarily would rush but I have of course been in that position before where I'm feeling rushed and frazzled because I don't want to take too long getting ready and then we end up meeting late. This along with it being disrespectful of my time is why I no longer accept last minute plans...from anyone including friends and family (don't even get me started on them. They will invite you last minute and then rush you because they don't want to be late smh). I want to take my time and for it not to feel difficult. Not to mention that was strike 2 for him on this.

I could have easily went out with him on Friday too. I was prepared for a date. But after one date with him when I don't know him that well, the plans I made with myself sounded better And more fun than a random - who knows where we're going on a crowded Friday night with no reservations - last minute date.

Like you said, relaxing your boundaries sometimes is ok. Which is why I've gotten better at paying closer attention to my feelings. If I had nothing to do and didn't feel like it was an imposition on me and my time even though last minute I would have probably shrugged and been like eh free dinner then home. Lol But then there have been times where I had nothing to do but was still annoyed at being asked out last minute and went anyway. How do you think those dates went? Lol Me passive aggressively bringing it up hoping he would realize I was annoyed and apologize. And when that didn't happen I would sulk even more. Those are things I would like to avoid feeling if I can. So now I check my feelings and then decide. And almost 90% of the time I feel put out by a last minute invite (plans or not) so I decline.
So.... I been attending all the networking functions lately in the area and baby--- this is where the MEN are. Unfortunately most of these are really centered on business but if a single woman had a calling card, did a flirty smile and sexy eyes- she would do well. I am going there for business ("everyone" needs a accountant)- but all options are open. You just NEVER know where the husband will come from.

Yep- now that I finally got my butt out the house to go network, I am really loving the DC area---- great decision to move here. The lady on LCHF who said this is where the men are is correct.

Places to find men -
  • Gym
  • Business networking events
  • Events centered around cars, guns, alcohol
  • Friends of other quality men
So.... I been attending all the networking functions lately in the area and baby--- this is where the MEN are. Unfortunately most of these are really centered on business but if a single woman had a calling card, did a flirty smile and sexy eyes- she would do well. I am going there for business ("everyone" needs a accountant)- but all options are open. You just NEVER know where the husband will come from.

Yep- now that I finally got my butt out the house to go network, I am really loving the DC area---- great decision to move here. The lady on LCHF who said this is where the men are is correct.

Places to find men -
  • Gym
  • Business networking events
  • Events centered around cars, guns, alcohol
  • Friends of other quality men

Good to know. :look:
:bighug: What makes you think things aren't going to work out?

I had the same feeling with the last guy I posted about. I was upset for a bit, but like you, I noticed some progress in my reaction. Growth is always good!
He just doesn’t make sense. He make plans with me and leaves out the most important details to the last minute.

We spoke all day Thursday but when asked what day he’s coming back from London, he didn’t answer me...it was late so I figured he went to sleep.

Next morning he posted an ig story in the lobby of the place he was interviewing for...i wished him good luck and he read it and didn’t respond.

He got on the plane without even saying anything. So I didn’t say anything either. This was 3 days ago...oh well.
He just doesn’t make sense. He make plans with me and leaves out the most important details to the last minute.

We spoke all day Thursday but when asked what day he’s coming back from London, he didn’t answer me...it was late so I figured he went to sleep.

Next morning he posted an ig story in the lobby of the place he was interviewing for...i wished him good luck and he read it and didn’t respond.

He got on the plane without even saying anything. So I didn’t say anything either. This was 3 days ago...oh well.

:nono: This is EXACTLY how the last guy I was talking to acted, which is why I just let it go. I felt like nothing was tangible. He'd make some gesture that made it seem like he was into me, and then he'd go silent for a bit. Confusing. I have no time for that. Being single for a long time brings enough uncertainty. There is no way I'm letting a man enter my life with even more uncertainty.
:nono: This is EXACTLY how the last guy I was talking to acted, which is why I just let it go. I felt like nothing was tangible. He'd make some gesture that made it seem like he was into me, and then he'd go silent for a bit. Confusing. I have no time for that. Being single for a long time brings enough uncertainty. There is no way I'm letting a man enter my life with even more uncertainty.
Ugh. He just messaged me. I’m going to ignore it.

If he is really interested he’ll do better. I’m not helping him anymore.
Before I found out my sister was expecting 3 years ago, I was thinking about somewhere in the DMV area. It’s close enough that I could come home fairly often if I wanted to.

Charlotte was on my list for years before that.

IDK, I feel like every few years I hit this point, then something happens and I stay. And things are good for a bit, then it goes downhill again. I was hoping to stay put at my job for awhile since it took me so long to find something permanent again, but a Trump-like individual has taken over the company, fired my department’s VP AND my direct manager, and created a very toxic environment.

It’s like a cycle, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s not just going to keep repeating itself until I finally make a move.

Do it :yep: I felt the same way about my home state, aside from my family & friends everything sucked. Moving was the best thing I ever did for myself, and if for some reason you leave and it doesn’t work out then Boston will still be there.

I’ look forward to reading your moving posts :bookworm:
I’ve being bombarded with beta men and I’ want to scream, I have 3 of them in my Dm’s as we speak. I’ have already had to check two of them before and they just keep coming back, I’ wish these weaklings would leave me be.

E1291E5B-AB6F-4AD5-A016-E8070C0845AF.jpeg B4D4D75D-C8AA-4406-9E47-B4859739F073.jpeg

The pic I sent him was of the last time we “spoke” , last MONTH he text me good morning, I’ responded and he left me on read.

So wack.
This is a post about our first date last June. He's the guy!! :love:
I love your first date story! :p Especially the end where he mentions marriage and knowing in 6 months if you want to marry someone. So often we're told not to bring up marriage too early and scare a man off but if a man is truly marriage minded it will come up. :look: No need to waste each other's time.

I thought about this last week but didn't have time to post it here until now. I was beginning to notice points of incompatibility with Doofus #3 before he ended it. :look: My instinct is that he's emotionally unavailable but even if that's not the case this has clarified what I need in relationships. I noticed our dates got more focused on stimulation and less on conversation. I didn't have a problem at first because I enjoyed what we were doing and I like doing fun activities but we weren't having deep conversations after a point. :nono: In fact when I'd try to, he'd change the subject. But I need deep conversations to feel close to someone. Without them, the attraction fades on my end. I was beginning to get frustrated and annoyed, which was a sign it wasn't going to work.

This whole thing highlighted how hard it is for me to speak up in my relationships which is my biggest problem. I'm just now getting to the point where I can do this with my family. I'm great at advocating for other people but not myself. I keep my emotions close to my chest because I feel I don't deserve what I'm asking for or what I need. It has to do with my childhood upbringing. I'm working on it though lol.
So I'm low key annoyed. I'm not upset or anything, just... annoyed. And it is all my fault. Another lesson learned the hard way.

So this weekend I did a little FB snooping :sekret:. I just wanted to be nosey and nothing else was popping around these parts. Well this guy I dated back in Texas posted a picture of himself and a young lady at a Mexican beach on vacation. He met her during a trip to Colombia this year. Around that time we were no longer dating and just kept in touch on occasion since we had the same circle of friends.

So here's why I'm annoyed. I know that he 100% funded this vacation. As he should. Earlier this year he sent out a group chat to a bunch of us about planning a Mexican getaway, and he mentioned that he'd be flying a lady in from Colombia. Of course I ignored it because I had already relocated and I didn't hang with that crew anymore. But I felt a little salty because when we were dating/fooling around he kept talking about us going to this same city/beach but he never offered to buy my plane ticket-- so it never materialized :rolleyes:. Then he had the nerve to include me in this group chat thinking I'd pay to run down there and see him boo'ed up with some Colombian chick who got her whole vacation fully funded by some black American dude who met her on a week long vacation :rolleyes:. In any case, she got her trip, and I'm not mad at her because clearly she knows how to play the game. When we were dating, I was sweet, accommodating, and always available-- a dang dummy for this fool. I was the "cool girl" who felt the need to prove how worthy I was. I threw down in bed. And yet where did that get me? I sat on the couch all weekend while Miss Colombia had her toes in the sand on a free trip :lol:.

I kinda understand why Amy from Gone Girl snapped :look:.

This is yet another lesson I'm grateful for. Sometimes you have to see it all play out to realize that nice girls finish last. Don't be a dummy like Surferbabe used to be, make these clowns WORK like Miss Colombia did.
Damn it, man.

I was talking to my cousin about moving and he told me he would be “devastated” if I left. He also confessed that I’m his favorite cousin (which I’ve long suspected anyway).

I think people don't really get how hard it is for me being pretty much the only single, childless person in the family, not counting my cousins who have developmental issues. It’s lonely as hell. Everyone has responsibilities and priorties that I don’t have, and can’t just up and go do whatever like I can.

I just feel like I need a clean slate. I need out of this apartment and away from the memory of the last time I was with dude. I need something to focus on beside my broken heart and all the internal issues that led to it. I just don’t want to be here anymore, it’s too hard.
Damn it, man.

I was talking to my cousin about moving and he told me he would be “devastated” if I left. He also confessed that I’m his favorite cousin (which I’ve long suspected anyway).

I think people don't really get how hard it is for me being pretty much the only single, childless person in the family, not counting my cousins who have developmental issues. It’s lonely as hell. Everyone has responsibilities and priorties that I don’t have, and can’t just up and go do whatever like I can.

I just feel like I need a clean slate. I need out of this apartment and away from the memory of the last time I was with dude. I need something to focus on beside my broken heart and all the internal issues that led to it. I just don’t want to be here anymore, it’s too hard.

You're not seriously considering staying because of your cousin, right? You were telling us that story just to tell it, right? :lol:

Do it! Do it! Do it! :lol:
Damn it, man.

I was talking to my cousin about moving and he told me he would be “devastated” if I left. He also confessed that I’m his favorite cousin (which I’ve long suspected anyway).

I think people don't really get how hard it is for me being pretty much the only single, childless person in the family, not counting my cousins who have developmental issues. It’s lonely as hell. Everyone has responsibilities and priorties that I don’t have, and can’t just up and go do whatever like I can.

I just feel like I need a clean slate. I need out of this apartment and away from the memory of the last time I was with dude. I need something to focus on beside my broken heart and all the internal issues that led to it. I just don’t want to be here anymore, it’s too hard.
I know what you mean.

Sometimes I get tired of being surrounded by couples when I go home. It can be draining.

Come on down to DC!
So I'm low key annoyed. I'm not upset or anything, just... annoyed. And it is all my fault. Another lesson learned the hard way.

So this weekend I did a little FB snooping :sekret:. I just wanted to be nosey and nothing else was popping around these parts. Well this guy I dated back in Texas posted a picture of himself and a young lady at a Mexican beach on vacation. He met her during a trip to Colombia this year. Around that time we were no longer dating and just kept in touch on occasion since we had the same circle of friends.

So here's why I'm annoyed. I know that he 100% funded this vacation. As he should. Earlier this year he sent out a group chat to a bunch of us about planning a Mexican getaway, and he mentioned that he'd be flying a lady in from Colombia. Of course I ignored it because I had already relocated and I didn't hang with that crew anymore. But I felt a little salty because when we were dating/fooling around he kept talking about us going to this same city/beach but he never offered to buy my plane ticket-- so it never materialized :rolleyes:. Then he had the nerve to include me in this group chat thinking I'd pay to run down there and see him boo'ed up with some Colombian chick who got her whole vacation fully funded by some black American dude who met her on a week long vacation :rolleyes:. In any case, she got her trip, and I'm not mad at her because clearly she knows how to play the game. When we were dating, I was sweet, accommodating, and always available-- a dang dummy for this fool. I was the "cool girl" who felt the need to prove how worthy I was. I threw down in bed. And yet where did that get me? I sat on the couch all weekend while Miss Colombia had her toes in the sand on a free trip :lol:.

I kinda understand why Amy from Gone Girl snapped :look:.

This is yet another lesson I'm grateful for. Sometimes you have to see it all play out to realize that nice girls finish last. Don't be a dummy like Surferbabe used to be, make these clowns WORK like Miss Colombia did.
I needed this post.

I am usually a beast with men. I do what I want and let them fit in where I can. This dude...I was way too nice to him.

That’s done.
@MzLady78 Go for it! If you decided to move, what would your timeline look like? You have nothing to lose at this point. If things don't work out you can hop on the train back home and regroup.

I think it would be pretty much whenever I can find a job. I don’t have enough saved and too many bills to do another move without one.

I know what you mean.

Sometimes I get tired of being surrounded by couples when I go home. It can be draining.

Come on down to DC!

Yeah, it’s tough being the only single person at every Thanksgiving and family function.
Damn it, man.

I was talking to my cousin about moving and he told me he would be “devastated” if I left. He also confessed that I’m his favorite cousin (which I’ve long suspected anyway).

I think people don't really get how hard it is for me being pretty much the only single, childless person in the family, not counting my cousins who have developmental issues. It’s lonely as hell. Everyone has responsibilities and priorties that I don’t have, and can’t just up and go do whatever like I can.

I just feel like I need a clean slate. I need out of this apartment and away from the memory of the last time I was with dude. I need something to focus on beside my broken heart and all the internal issues that led to it. I just don’t want to be here anymore, it’s too hard.

I was just telling the story but honestly, it will be very hard to leave my family. And I’m scared that I’ll feel even lonelier that I do now.
Maybe I'm being a little hard on your cousin but that was pretty selfish of him to say. I assume he didn't realize how this would come off. But instead of a "I'll miss you and hate to see you go but do what you gotta do" he says he'll be devastated as though that should somehow factor into your decision. You already have reservations about it being away from family and statements like these only make it that much harder. The decision is hard enough without this added layer of guilt feeling like you're abandoning people when they have their own lives anyway. Again, maybe I'm being too hard on him but I've had family members make statements like this only thinking about themselves and how much me being gone will affect them instead of how much me staying will affect me.

Make a move and get that clean slate!

I was just telling the story but honestly, it will be very hard to leave my family. And I’m scared that I’ll feel even lonelier that I do now.

Yea, you're going to have to overcome this fear. You're moving to another state not another country. You're a train ride away if you choose the DMV. You're even closer if you choose NYC. I work with people who have family in whole other countries-- sometimes it is a spouse and children! If you're feeling stuck, a major life change will help you shift your energy and focus away from what's missing in your life. Job hunting, visiting the city, networking, research, etc... will quickly take your mind off of ol' dude. Sometimes we need something fresh and new to look forward to when things are at a standstill. Even if you ultimately decide not to leave, the planning might open some doors for you in other areas.

Go ahead and take that weekend trip! I think this could be a good move for you. :yep:
I had to end things with my ex, because he started acting lukewarm. My mother told me he didn't appear to want to settle down, just from her looking at the surface of things. I didn't listen at first, but boy was she right. I was beating myself up after the relationship ended. Right after the relationship, I was on IG and Heather Lindsey (she's an excellent, young minister) posted a meme that was so on time!!! Don't forget to read the caption, too. This is the case for many of us, ladies!

wife material.jpg
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So I'm getting mixed messages about the man situation in the DMV. Outside of here, I'm being told there is shortage of eligible bachelors in that area. And that any man with a job basically thinks he's Obama. :lol:

Honestly, right now I don't care much about that, but eventually I probably will.