The key was only under the mat for about an hour before my cousin came and got it but I will still request a change, that thought didn’t even cross my mind :nono:

I thought the same thing with him throwing it down the hall... I think I pissed him off by confronting him about it.

This is going to sound stupid but I think I might be a little desensitized, I always seems to have weird things happen to me. I actually had a stalker a few years ago and LHCF found his identity for me last year after he approached me and he finally stopped.

You’re right. I need to stop brushing these things off as mere annoyances, I have a really bad habit of that :nono: I reloaded my gun today though and placed pepper spray in my purse & in my car.
I can relate to being desensitized to crazyish. Still be careful. People are crazy.
Crush bae is so much like me in some ways and the complete opposite in a few.

I’m playful and ridiculous and he’s not with my nonsense....and it’s kind of a turn on. My mouth is reckless and I see that coming to a halt like...yesterday.

I can’t wait for him to turn from crush bae to bae-bae. Just waiting for this London trip to be over and done.
This dude is still really trying to get me to cook for him.

I told him “it’s always about you. You want me to give you massage, you want me to cook for you. I’m having a s***ty time and not once has it ever occurred to you to offer to do something nice for me”.

Mind you, we haven’t even been involved since 2010. So not even asking to go out for dinner or a drink. This ninja skipped right over all that and went straight to me cooking for him.

I am not even remotely the one right now, homie. You are barking up the wrong tree.

ETA: he said he was only kidding. :rolleyes: Yeah, ok.
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Had a great time last night. Met B for the first time (okcupid/godsis). We went to the truckeroo at the Yard in DC. I'd never been before; it was lit af; bunch of young beautiful black people. I gotta go back with tha homies lol.

Anyway, we've been consistently talking and texting for about a month now (had no time to meet before this really), so we already know quite a bit about each other and were already quite comfortable around each other. His personality was as expected. He seems grounded and he's funny--not crazy funny, but just enough. And yea, I was really comfy around him. I opened up more than I usually do. Our conversations flowed naturally and neither person seemed to be forcing anything. We make each other laugh. And I maybe laughed more than I thought I did, cuz today, my upper abs hurt--like I've been doing core exercises/laughing hard lol.

He's 6feet, kinda slim, but is working on putting on muscle...his arms reflect that. He has tats on his arms. Low cut hair; facial hair. His face is interesting. It's gorgeous perfection when he he's fine af when he smiles...from the front. His nose is the flattest nose I've ever seen lol. He has a beautiful face, imo. Like, I was shocked at how good his face do him no justice. His style is a bit out of the ordinary lol. He wears a nondescript black one...and he dresses kinda stupid imo :lol: He had on tennis shoes with the laces untied yesterday (*facepalm*) on purpose :lol: But he has to dress up for work thank GOD (more on that later).

Yes, this is the same guy I was asking about with the 'is this gay?' thing lol. Ok, hear me out. I am no longer getting any gay vibes from that particular situation, due to clarifications. And I'm not from the...basically metrosexual way of dress, either. We were discussing something about homosexuality again (I brought it up) and his answers were very neutral/'I wouldn't, but I have no problem with; people should do what they want, etc...', very calmly answered. Then later, we were walking and holding hands and I ran my fingers across his butt and he jumped and freaked out and got mad and told me not to do that :lol: I laughed and playfully asked him what was wrong and segued into asking him "have you ever had sex with men or would you ever?" Genuine shock, awe, outrage, jokes. Good stuff lol.

AND! Apparently, he had a really bad lisp when he was younger. Got therapy for it. No more lisp. But now he kinda slurs his words when he talks fast and his voice gets higher when he's excited and just...sounds weird in general when he talks. And has a weird 'accent' on certain words. Like he's trying to over emphasize certain syllables, or will draw out the syllable. So, he sounds gay half the time! :lachen: But he's so freaking confident with all this metro stuff! I point blank called his style metrosexual and he agreed and wasn't at all offended. You sound gay, but then you wear bracelets?! Why would you even draw attention to yourself like that?! You must have some A1 people in your life! :lol: But I seriously get 0 gay vibes from him! I'm not used to this kind of confidence I guess? lol I can't wait to ask the girl who knew him in college about this! We have drinks next week. And yea! NO one has mentioned ANY of this lol. Am I trippin this hard?! Am I crazy?! This **** aint weird to black people no more!? :lachen:

Anywho. He's a contractor for the fedgov, something with business/finance. He's in school for his MBA right now. His parents are divorced (both remarried), but he's always been really close to his dad. His mom, too. His dad gave him his Lexus that he no longer wanted a few years ago. And he owns his townhome and lives alone; his dad helped with the renovations. And him and his mom go out to eat and stuff. Fuggin nice ass family lmao. He's admittedly spoiled. I brought that up lol. He reiterated that he's also a hard worker lol.

Paid for everything, opened all the doors, even the car door! Kissed me. Kisses were niiiiice lol. His voice can get really deep, too. Niiiiiice. Told me he really likes me and wants to see me again, soon. He wants me to plan the next date, which is good by me. He ultimately wants to get married and have 2 kids. I asked him why he wanted kids (lol), he said because his dad is a great dad and he wants to keep that going. How ****ing sexy is that ****? :lachen: His older brother got married last year; engaged after 6months. I said wow, that was fast. He said, not really it only takes about 6months to know if you wanna marry someone. So, at least I know my time won't be wasted. hallelu.

This is a post about our first date last June. He's the guy!! :love:
It is my hope that everyone in this thread/relationship forum is able to find Love!!! Keep those heads up ladies and lets get to work...


Revision: WE CAN DO IT!!

(Feeling extra cheerful lately)

Although 3 deaths of loved ones in past month.....

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Well y'all, I FINALLY went on a date! :toocool: This is the first real date I've had since January :spinning:. This guy drove 2 hours to see me, he paid for everything, and he bought me a bracelet from the art festival we attended since bracelets are my thing. We had a good time. There was no crazy, explosive chemistry, but that always gets me into trouble. This guy is a lot more nerdy and mellow than I'm used to, and he's average looking, but he's tall! I'm continuing to lean back, build a rotation, and remain detached and uninvested in the outcome. I'm also still working on moving to Canada. None of these dudes are getting in the way of my plans unless they really come with something.

So this one was kinda a bust. He seemed interested in me-- he'd initiate contact (which was still scarce) and would plan for us to see each other, but something about his gestures made me feel like he was lukewarm about me. Like this week I felt like I was low key leaning in. I didn't initiate anything, but I found myself trying to keep the communication going when it would start to cool off. So I didn't reply to his last text and I haven't heard anything else so I was probably right. Like I said in another thread, guys will quickly reveal how lukewarm they are about you once you lean back. Old me would have pushed a little harder to move things forward, but now I trust my intuition more. When I start to feel on edge about a guy, it is because I'm getting ahead of him in level of interest and I'm hoping he catches up. But I had a great time with him and I got a bracelet out of it so I'm appreciative of the experience.
This goes to show you that it doesn't take a man 5 years to figure out if you're the one. When a man wants you..a man wants you! I will never allow a man to take up years of time ever again. Congrats to you. Some of us need to hear this kind of inspiration!

:yep: he actually made a nod to this in his lil proposal speech. Something about "words without action makes the person look dumb" :lol: "the person" being the person saying stuff but not doing anything about it.
So I had a date on Wednesday. The date went well. Not out too late because it was an after work thing but still good. He's not as good looking as the date from Monday but attractive. We hit it off. Lots of light touching on the small of the back to lead me, opening doors, pulling out chairs. Cool. At the end of the night he says maybe we can do something this weekend. I said yeah sure and that was that. Didn't hear from him at all until Friday afternoon while I was sitting at my desk packing up getting ready to leave work. He says "hey do you want to get a drink tonight" I haven't made any plans to go out or anything, I'm looking cute, hair is working, and I was in a good mood. I could have said yes instead I said "sorry I'm not free tonight. another time?" Which technically wasn't a lie since I had planned to go home and start The Man in the High Castle on Amazon. :laugh: He said ok but nothing else. So I kindly took myself home last night and did just that. I bought a bottle of wine, made a steak and binge watched the first season. :lol:

Today I don't hear from him all day until around 7pm. This guy sends me a text saying "do you want to do something tonight?" I text back sorry I can't I already have plans. He wrote back "I thought you said maybe we could do something this weekend? What's up?????????" Just like that with all those questions marks.

I can remember a time when I would have responded to that with anger and go off on him about last minute and all that. But I kindly responded "I would have liked to but when I didn't hear from you I made other plans" This is my one line speech whenever I run into situations like this these days. He wrote back "Well I'm trying to see you now. Are you interested or not??" He was getting annoying at that point so I wrote back "If you wanted to see me today you would have told me before today. I was interested but now I am not. Take care" He has not responded. :laugh:

I know we always say if a man is interested then he will show you. I believe it. But then there are guys like this who sometimes I have to wonder if they truly have no clue as to how to court women. Thing is it doesn't matter to me because I am not in the business of teaching. But are these guys really and truly confused about how it works? Like this guy seriously thought I wasn't interested because I didn't drop everything to meet him when he asked? He didn't realize that it was too short notice and therefore unacceptable? Oh well.
So I had a date on Wednesday. The date went well. Not out too late because it was an after work thing but still good. He's not as good looking as the date from Monday but attractive. We hit it off. Lots of light touching on the small of the back to lead me, opening doors, pulling out chairs. Cool. At the end of the night he says maybe we can do something this weekend. I said yeah sure and that was that. Didn't hear from him at all until Friday afternoon while I was sitting at my desk packing up getting ready to leave work. He says "hey do you want to get a drink tonight" I haven't made any plans to go out or anything, I'm looking cute, hair is working, and I was in a good mood. I could have said yes instead I said "sorry I'm not free tonight. another time?" Which technically wasn't a lie since I had planned to go home and start The Man in the High Castle on Amazon. :laugh: He said ok but nothing else. So I kindly took myself home last night and did just that. I bought a bottle of wine, made a steak and binge watched the first season. :lol:

Today I don't hear from him all day until around 7pm. This guy sends me a text saying "do you want to do something tonight?" I text back sorry I can't I already have plans. He wrote back "I thought you said maybe we could do something this weekend? What's up?????????" Just like that with all those questions marks.

I can remember a time when I would have responded to that with anger and go off on him about last minute and all that. But I kindly responded "I would have liked to but when I didn't hear from you I made other plans" This is my one line speech whenever I run into situations like this these days. He wrote back "Well I'm trying to see you now. Are you interested or not??" He was getting annoying at that point so I wrote back "If you wanted to see me today you would have told me before today. I was interested but now I am not. Take care" He has not responded. :laugh:

I know we always say if a man is interested then he will show you. I believe it. But then there are guys like this who sometimes I have to wonder if they truly have no clue as to how to court women. Thing is it doesn't matter to me because I am not in the business of teaching. But are these guys really and truly confused about how it works? Like this guy seriously thought I wasn't interested because I didn't drop everything to meet him when he asked? He didn't realize that it was too short notice and therefore unacceptable? Oh well.

Lol the Filipino dude I was talking to was doing that too. And that's why he's not a 'bae' anymore :laugh:.
It was kind of a similar situation the last time we talked...he hit me up at around 1pm and suggested that we go out for drinks that night. I don't normally like same day plans but because it was kind of early in the day, I responded "What time were you thinking?" I don't hear from him again until like 6pm and then he just replies "I'm gonna to play it by ear." I thought to myself "Aw H*LL no." but I just replied to him "I already made other plans for the night...why don't we pick another day and time we can both agree on?" he replies at around 8pm and says "I just have a run to make real quick and then I'm free to hang out." COMPLETELY disregarding the fact that I just said I made other plans, so I just didn't respond back. At around 11 he sent another text and said "If tonight isn't good, it's fine. We can go out another day." I responded back the next day and just said "Ok". That was 2 weeks ago and I haven't heard from him since :laugh:. Now I kind of wish I had responded rudely when he said "I'm gonna play it by ear." I think in the past he's probably dealt with women who would drop everything to come meet him last minute, but I'm not one of those women...sorry boo.
I’m getting that itch to move out of Boston again.

Professionally, work sucks and pretty much everyone in my department is looking for something else.

Personally, there just isn’t anything keeping me here. No one comes to visit me, I’d probably see my family just as much as I do now.

IDK, I’m just over everything right now. I remember being so optimistic about 2017 and it literally started with drama. Then midway through the year, total heartbreak. Now it’s the end and I’m struggling to move on from everything that took place.

Or maybe I just need a project to focus on. Right now, I’m just kind of going through the motions- life is work, then home, and home most weekends.

I just don’t want to be posting the same s*** in November 2018.
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@MzLady78 Where would you like to move?

Before I found out my sister was expecting 3 years ago, I was thinking about somewhere in the DMV area. It’s close enough that I could come home fairly often if I wanted to.

Charlotte was on my list for years before that.

IDK, I feel like every few years I hit this point, then something happens and I stay. And things are good for a bit, then it goes downhill again. I was hoping to stay put at my job for awhile since it took me so long to find something permanent again, but a Trump-like individual has taken over the company, fired my department’s VP AND my direct manager, and created a very toxic environment.

It’s like a cycle, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s not just going to keep repeating itself until I finally make a move.
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Before I found out my sister was expecting 3 years ago, I was thinking about somewhere in the DMV area. It’s close enough that I could come home fairly often if I wanted to.

Charlotte was on my list for years before that.

IDK, I feel like every few years I hit this point, then something happens and I stay. And things are good for a bit, then it goes downhill again. I was hoping to say put at my job for awhile since it took me so long to find something permanent again, but a Trump-like individual has taken over the company, fired my department’s VP AND my direct manager, and created a very toxic environment.

It’s like a cycle, and I can’t help but wonder if it’s not just going to keep repeating itself until I finally do it.
I was going to suggest the DMV, hehehe. Hop on an Amtrak and you'll be back in Boston easily. There's soooo much to do in the DMV all the time. The thing about moving is that you can always move back, that's my philosophy anyway. Nothing is permanent until I leave this earth. My lease is up in June, and then I'll be moving as well. I'm sorry about the 45-like leader, we have one in the office I just left, it's a mess.