Had a date tonight and he was another dud. He was very sweet, very smart, very handsome. 6'3 smooth skin, muscles popping out everywhere and not in a gross way. I don't really like buff dudes but this guy was just right. He was crazy sexy! He owns 2 businesses, never been married but wants to be. Conversation flowed smoothly and we were very comfortable with each other. Flirting and playfully teasing each other the entire time. Sounds promising right? He doesn't want children. He is not an option for me. Moving on. I'm getting really good at this. lol

The good news is that it sounds like you're getting closer to what you're looking for! Being able to walk away without second guessing is liberating.
So my home girl invited me to this boughious charity event next month and I was like "sure!" without hearing any of the details first, so she sends me over the event flier and guess who is posted up front and center on it???

Milk Chocolate :rolleyes:

However; I still plan on going :rose:

I'm not opposed to acting stuck up & brand new if need be.
So my home girl invited me to this boughious charity event next month and I was like "sure!" without hearing any of the details first, so she sends me over the event flier and guess who is posted up front and center on it???

Milk Chocolate :rolleyes:

However; I still plan on going :rose:

I'm not opposed to acting stuck up & brand new if need be.

The good news is that it sounds like you're getting closer to what you're looking for! Being able to walk away without second guessing is liberating.
It feels like what I want isn't out there. I know that's not true but sometimes it starts to feel that way. But I'm enjoying meeting men. It's exciting.

I’m glad you didn’t try to convince yourself to stick around to see if he would change his mind. Just move on now..
Exactly. He's hot, really nice and very accomplished but I have a goal and he will only get me halfway there. That's how I'm looking at it these days.
You are correct. But the blue collar/labor intensive job conversations are ones I don't bother with around here. At work, I use dozens of contractors/blue collar employees for the properties I manage. Not only do they make more than me, they have stay at home wives, and some even live in the posh neighborhoods we manage :lol: For whatever people always turn this into why do black women always have to date the trash man :rolleyes:

Yesterday at work my job cut one of my contractors a $75,000 check for Hurricane Irma clean up. That doesn't include the $20,000 he charged to do preventative care.

Last year he got a $3.5 million dollar check for Hurricane Matthew repairs. Nope. Not a typo :drunk:
Don't do it! If all you can handle on a roster is 2, then cool. Don't get caught up on the one.

Been talking to a few people and have a date set up with one. The one I’m going on a date with I really like a lot, and I’m thinking about just only focusing on them. For some reason I never have liked talking to a whole bunch of people at once, it's draining to me.
I can't stand white girls these days. This thirsty arse lonely arse Beckster in my office was going on and on about how attractive a plaintiff was in a case. I called her today to ask her how it went with him yesterday.Why did I do that? She went on and on about the "tall light skin black dude" She said he was all solid muscle and was like how she was subtly trying to flirt with him on the break and she purposely didn't ask all her questions so she could schedule a part 2. All that went out the window when co-defendant asked him a personal question and he mentioned his live in girlfriend and young child. Her voice totally changed when she told that part of the story. Then at the end of the conversation says "he's mixed with something but I don't know what" I was like yeah ok glad it went well I gotta go. First of all, you thirsty as hell trick. 2nd of all he isn't mixed. I've seen his pictures (and because of his injuries I've seen pictures of everything - not that this has anything to do with his race I'm just saying I've seen the guy) and homeboy is regular degular black. Very handsome and still as black as the day is long! I feel sorry for the black dude she traps. Matter of fact nope. Any black man that ends up with her probably deserves what's coming to him.
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Sigh...... Times like these I wish I had a man so he could handle this mess for me.

So when I first moved into my apartment this guy in the parking lot of my complex approached me , struck up a conversation and asked for my number, I jokingly told him no because that was too close for comfort & he might be crazy, he laughed and said he didn't live in the complex and was just here kicking it with his homeboy so I went ahead & gave him the number (BIG MISTAKE), he started blowing my phone up and a few days later I realized that he lived smack dab across the hall! I told him I reconciled with boyfriend and sorry but I wasn't interested and do yall think he cared? Not one bit, he was relentless so I eventually had to block him and started taking the back way into my apartment.

Shortly after I told him I had a dude I noticed that he had taken my welcome mat and placed it in front of his door, I was annoyed but I chalked it up to a childish way of trying to get my attention and kept it moving, it happened a second time a few days later so I just decided to take the rug inside..problem solved.


A few weeks later I heard a knock on my door and when I looked through the peephole I saw him running back inside of his apartment, it pissed me off but at that time I was dating Milk Chocolate and he was coming by and hanging out so I figured his male presence would be enough and it was, because several months went by with no issues whatsoever. However; this past weekend I put the rug back out because I taped a key underneath it for my cousin who was in town and coming in late ( I had forgot about my neighbor messing with it before otherwise I would've NEVER done that). I went ahead and left the rug in front of my door but a day later I saw that it was moved in front of my neighbors door again, I grabbed it and moved it back and suddenly remembered why I had put it inside all those months ago.

I was getting ready to go bed last night and was double checking the lock on my door when I looked out the peephole and saw that my rug had been moved in front of his door AGAIN! I was pissed so I threw on my fighting clothes, high tops, bun, hoody etc and went over and knocked on his door and asked why he was messing with my stuff, he blamed the kids next door which I might've believed had the rug not been messed with prior to them moving in AND him playing the knock & run game. I just rolled my eyes at him and told him I didn't believe him and went back inside but this evening when I got home from work I noticed that the rug was moved AGAIN but this time it was crumpled up and tossed halfway down the breezeway.

I hit up my police officer friend and he said he is going to come by and have a lil off schedule chat with him but it sure would be nice to have regularly scheduled boo thing that would go over there and bust him upside the head.
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@UniquelyDivine Do you think he's dangerous or just a fool? He flat out lied to get your number like you wouldn't find out. Knocking and running, taking your doormat and then after you have the chat he acts out by throwing it down the hall? He sounds crazy. I really hate things like this because you shouldn't have to be going in the back way into your apartment to avoid some crazy idiot. Your home is your safe place and should be drama free. Tell your police officer friend to make sure to scare him good so he forgets you exist altogether.
@UniquelyDivine hes childish AF. Hopefully Their little convo solves things. Can you install a doorbell that records? That way if anything were to happen you have evidence.

Right, it's so childish that I almost don't even care but seeing it crumpled up and thrown down the hallway today creeped me out. I'm not sure :scratchchin: I was thinking about finding some type of incognito recording device though so a doorbell would be perfect because it wouldn't raise suspicion, my cop buddy also told me to go ahead and file a report so that I would have a paper trail just in case he escalates.


That is disturbing to read. It's just a doormat but something about his persistence and the method of try to get your attention is creepy. I mean, even knocking and running? WTH?
I hope he doesn't do anything worse.
He may deny it but too believe it's him.

Honestly that's why I kept blowing it off because I was like "whatever, its just a cheap lil doormat" but the fact that he keeps at it is reallyyyy weird especially after months of peace.

Oh trust I don't believe him at all because even IF it were the kids it's awfully strange that the day after I confronted him it was crumpled up and thrown down the hallway, every other time it was placed neatly and carefully in front of his door.

I'll be going to talk to the leasing office in the morning
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@UniquelyDivine Do you think he's dangerous or just a fool? He flat out lied to get your number like you wouldn't find out. Knocking and running, taking your doormat and then after you have the chat he acts out by throwing it down the hall? He sounds crazy. I really hate things like this because you shouldn't have to be going in the back way into your apartment to avoid some crazy idiot. Your home is your safe place and should be drama free. Tell your police officer friend to make sure to scare him good so he forgets you exist altogether.

I honestly think he might be a little bit lower functioning so for that reason I don't put anything past him, after I told him that I had a BF he continued to call and text me & even sent me a friend request on Facebook until I blocked him. It was like it wasn't sinking it that I wasn't interested.

I guess I could just take the rug back inside and avoid further issues but it's like you said, this is my home so I shouldn't have to hide or sneak because of his crazy tail.
I honestly think he might be a little bit lower functioning so for that reason I don't put anything past him, after I told him that I had a BF he continued to call and text me & even sent me a friend request on Facebook until I blocked him. It was like it wasn't sinking it that I wasn't interested.

I guess I could just take the rug back inside and avoid further issues but it's like you said, this is my home so I shouldn't have to hide or sneak because of his crazy tail.

I had something similar happen to me-- this fool would knock on my door and run. A grown behind man at that :nono:. I'd get the leasing office involved and make sure you have some self defense weapons on hand always.
Ugh, I'm sorry you're dealing with this @UniquelyDivine. Good idea to let the leasing office know.

I'm really not feeling men right now. So many creeps and aholes out here. :nono:

Waaaay too many! I’ just dealt with a crazy ass last year too, I’ swear it’s always something.

I had something similar happen to me-- this fool would knock on my door and run. A grown behind man at that :nono:. I'd get the leasing office involved and make sure you have some self defense weapons on hand always.

I’ genuinely don’t understand this :nono: what is the point???? Is that supposed to win us over?
These the type of n...as that will turn on and attack you. he's doing this seemingly merely annoying tactics outside but he's building up some narrative in his mind inside. this game with the mat is keeping him and you engaged in some weird dance... he may snap one day from hos internal narrative.

please listen because I've known way too many a girl attacked from tjis type of annoyance that escalated seemingly from nowhere to violence.

tell the leasing office/office manager what's up too and not just have your cop friend intimidate him. he cant be there 24-7 to protect you.

Stop the "game" with the mat. if he takes it again, leave it. Also, was that key still under it? could he have made a copy? consider asking the landlord when you tell them of this foolishness that you want your lock changed. him throwing it down the hall is a signal that it's escalating in his head.

Not trying to sound alarmist, but I am... this is not a game to him.

proceed with extreme caution.

I honestly think he might be a little bit lower functioning so for that reason I don't put anything past him, after I told him that I had a BF he continued to call and text me & even sent me a friend request on Facebook until I blocked him. It was like it wasn't sinking it that I wasn't interested.
I guess I could just take the rug back inside and avoid further issues but it's like you said, this is my home so I shouldn't have to hide or sneak because of his crazy tail.
These the type of n...as that will turn on and attack you. he's doing this seemingly merely annoying tactics outside but he's building up some narrative in his mind inside. this game with the mat is keeping him and you engaged in some weird dance... he may snap one day from hos internal narrative.

please listen because I've known way too many a girl attacked from tjis type of annoyance that escalated seemingly from nowhere to violence.

tell the leasing office/office manager what's up too and not just have your cop friend intimidate him. he cant be there 24-7 to protect you.

Stop the "game" with the mat. if he takes it again, leave it. Also, was that key still under it? could he have made a copy? consider asking the landlord when you tell them of this foolishness that you want your lock changed. him throwing it down the hall is a signal that it's escalating in his head.

Not trying to sound alarmist, but I am... this is not a game to him.

proceed with extreme caution.

That's what I was thinking, that he might have made a copy of the key.

Change your locks and have both the office manager and your police man friend have a talk with him. Don't engage with him after that- if he tries anything just report him to management/ the police.
These the type of n...as that will turn on and attack you. he's doing this seemingly merely annoying tactics outside but he's building up some narrative in his mind inside. this game with the mat is keeping him and you engaged in some weird dance... he may snap one day from hos internal narrative.

please listen because I've known way too many a girl attacked from tjis type of annoyance that escalated seemingly from nowhere to violence.

tell the leasing office/office manager what's up too and not just have your cop friend intimidate him. he cant be there 24-7 to protect you.

Stop the "game" with the mat. if he takes it again, leave it. Also, was that key still under it? could he have made a copy? consider asking the landlord when you tell them of this foolishness that you want your lock changed. him throwing it down the hall is a signal that it's escalating in his head.

Not trying to sound alarmist, but I am... this is not a game to him.

proceed with extreme caution.

Same things I was thinking. This would all scare my paranoid ass. I wouldn't think of this as simply annoying.
Same things I was thinking. This would all scare my paranoid ass. I wouldn't think of this as simply annoying.
right. straight stalkerish. he is dangerous. it's not a game.

@UniquelyDivine keep a weapon on you at the least. If you predict he's going to be in eyeshot during your comings and goings, act like you're on the phone to pass him if there's no alternative so you don't feel compelled to respond ehen he speaks. stay safe.
These the type of n...as that will turn on and attack you. he's doing this seemingly merely annoying tactics outside but he's building up some narrative in his mind inside. this game with the mat is keeping him and you engaged in some weird dance... he may snap one day from hos internal narrative.

please listen because I've known way too many a girl attacked from tjis type of annoyance that escalated seemingly from nowhere to violence.

tell the leasing office/office manager what's up too and not just have your cop friend intimidate him. he cant be there 24-7 to protect you.

Stop the "game" with the mat. if he takes it again, leave it. Also, was that key still under it? could he have made a copy? consider asking the landlord when you tell them of this foolishness that you want your lock changed. him throwing it down the hall is a signal that it's escalating in his head.

Not trying to sound alarmist, but I am... this is not a game to him.

proceed with extreme caution.

The key was only under the mat for about an hour before my cousin came and got it but I will still request a change, that thought didn’t even cross my mind :nono:

I thought the same thing with him throwing it down the hall... I think I pissed him off by confronting him about it.

Same things I was thinking. This would all scare my paranoid ass. I wouldn't think of this as simply annoying.

This is going to sound stupid but I think I might be a little desensitized, I always seems to have weird things happen to me. I actually had a stalker a few years ago and LHCF found his identity for me last year after he approached me and he finally stopped.

right. straight stalkerish. he is dangerous. it's not a game.

@UniquelyDivine keep a weapon on you at the least. If you predict he's going to be in eyeshot during your comings and goings, act like you're on the phone to pass him if there's no alternative so you don't feel compelled to respond ehen he speaks. stay safe.

You’re right. I need to stop brushing these things off as mere annoyances, I have a really bad habit of that :nono: I reloaded my gun today though and placed pepper spray in my purse & in my car.