The past 6 weeks have been INTENSE at work, which means I'm neglecting most things in my life, and I've upset some people by disappearing :/ but Mr. Basic has been patient and eager to please. He wants to take me out and spoil me to help relieve my stress...I'm thinking perhaps I should be more open to him, hehe. At least for now, I still plan on moving by next summer, but I don't mind being catered to until then.

Do it! He's your placeholder for now. :look: Shoot men do it all of the time. It is easier to get a man once you have one. The vibration you send when you have someone actively pursuing you is magnetic. More men will come along.

GL Lambert explains it (in his true vulgar fashion) here: (NSFW)
So the old flame with the whole NEW family and the new house *eye roll* asked me to come and hang out I said no thanks. Then his best friend called me and asked if I wanted to go get a drink last night, I told him I couldn't but we could kick it during the week. The old flame then proceeds to call me and tell me I aint **** cause I won't hang out with him even though I know how he feels about me. Baby boy if you don't go away from me!!! I am very happy that Bae #2 knows how to lay tile and fix bathrooms so I really have no need in keeping in contact with this fool. But I am not going out with the best friend either, he has like 4 serious girlfriends. I don't care enough about him to catch up and hang.
Crush texted me :oops: he didn't say a lot but it was enough for me.

I called the dude I disrespected and apologized for the awkwardness and explained I was "shocked" into giving my number or something else equally dumb.

It's the first time I really spoke to him on the phone and his French accent is soooooo cute. He's very mature and cool.

We started talking about other things and he mentioned the first time we met. So apparently my drunk ass let my hand rest on his back for a moment and he said he felt a "jolt" :drunk:


I need to stop drinking and talking to strangers...and touching people.

I also need to start reading my posts before sending them. I promise I'm not illiterate.

I don't know why, but the fact that he said "jolt" is so funny to me :lol:
This online dating this is so funny. I have been lurking on Match looking at photos and just not liking anyone right? But I decided to get it over with and post a few pics. I literally just posted them. I didn't even get an email saying my photos were approved. I went to get something to drink, checked my email and refreshed the page and had 4 new messages. :lol: From some decent looking dudes. This go around might be interesting.
I was scrolling through my fb timeline and I see a familiar face on an article for the root.

It was a dude I went on a date with about a month ago. He was looking better than I remember.

Still don't like him though. He's one of those dudes that think you should get excited over a fancy car.

ETA. So I looked at his "business" partners page. It's his girlfriend! These dudes are no good!
That's exactly what I was thinking, this man just asked me that and it low-key annoyed me, why should I have to tell you what is required of you to date me?

I'm starting to think he's a ding bat :rolleyes:

I would think it's just a nice way of asking "What exactly do I have to do to get you in bed as quickly as possible?" Lol he probably thinks he's being slick...but he's not
So on eharm, you can send people "Smiles". A "smile", to me, is equivalent to a 'poke' FB. I find them both annoying and useless, TBH. A few people have 'Smiled' at me, but since I received no messages from them, I didn't really pay them any mind.

One of the men decided to message to and "note" that I looked at his profile but didn't send him a 'Smile'. I'm going to use this time to find out the reasoning for sending a woman a a virtual 'smile', instead of just messaging her. Maybe I'm missing something.
So on eharm, you can send people "Smiles". A "smile", to me, is equivalent to a 'poke' FB. I find them both annoying and useless, TBH. A few people have 'Smiled' at me, but since I received no messages from them, I didn't really pay them any mind.

One of the men decided to message to and "note" that I looked at his profile but didn't send him a 'Smile'. I'm going to use this time to find out the reasoning for sending a woman a a virtual 'smile', instead of just messaging her. Maybe I'm missing something.
Playing devils advocate, I would say maybe you sending him a smile back gives him the idea that you might interested so he has the green light to go ahead and message you. Not this guy though because he ended up messaging you anyway to gripe about you not smiling back. That's stupid. I think this is stupid anyway and agree with you though. On Match there are winks, likes and favorites. It's all too much. I've altogether ignored all those. I haven't even clicked on them to see who winked at me, who liked what pictures and who favorited me and I've only read the messages. lol
Playing devils advocate, I would say maybe you sending him a smile back gives him the idea that you might interested so he has the green light to go ahead and message you. Not this guy though because he ended up messaging you anyway to gripe about you not smiling back. That's stupid. I think this is stupid anyway and agree with you though. On Match there are winks, likes and favorites. It's all too much. I've altogether ignored all those. I haven't even clicked on them to see who winked at me, who liked what pictures and who favorited me and I've only read the messages. lol

I wasn't interested lol. He, instead of taking my lack of a Smile as a sign if disinterest, messaged me and asked that I send him a smile so that his ego wouldn't be bruised. :rolleyes: The thing is, I don't remember clicking his profile and if I did, it was DEFINITELY by accident.

In the future I'll smile back if I am interested and see where that takes me. If nowhere, then I'll take is as the guys just treating this like it's IG or FB. He told me that he smiled because he liked my picture and wanted me know he liked it. I told him that he could have messaged me and told me that.This isn't IG, or FB, so that whole smile, wink, etc feature annoys me.
Let me ask y'all something. What do you think of a man that has this as his first paragraph in his about me section?

1st thing - I think I speak for many men when I say the pictures at obscure angles, kiddie filters and excessive make up has been done and over done to death. We get are trying to make yourself more attractive but can we get to the truth of it all asap. Natural clean beauty. Ok that is all on that.

I forgot to give my opinion. I find it annoying. OK, why not just skip over those profiles. To put something like this in his profile tells me he will be extremely critical but over stupid crap. I don't want ugly dudes contacting me but I'm not going to put "no ugly dudes". I just wish men were more serious about the image they put out there when trying to find someone because women are always being told what we should and shouldn't do when it comes to dating. Meanwhile a grown 42 year old man feels the need to add this part to his profile before he even says a single thing about himself. And of course he sent me a wink. Wink declined sir.
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