So yesterday I met up with my ex and completely ended things with him. Talking to and seeing other dudes behind his back while we were supposed to be working things out and doing things to mentally mess with him was kind of fun for a while, but I can't handle messiness in my life for too long. He cheated on me and it broke my heart more than anything else I've ever experienced so I felt like (still kind of feel like) he deserved to have his mind ****ed with and get cheated on back. But, after reflecting on things I feel like even though I've been having fun re-connecting with people and going out for the past month, I've kind of been in a 'dark' and negative mind space because I've been trying to get back at my ex for what he's done.

I'm not completely discounting the possibility of us getting back together in the future, but as of right now, I don't think it's mentally healthy for us to keep seeing each other.
I decided to join a dating site again, and a man started messaging me. He asked what I was looking for and I responded that I was looking for a serious relationship, and what was he looking for?

His response? "That, plus...[insert all things physical]"

I can't be bothered.

I'm lying. I kind of want to troll him a bit. I'm bored. We've only messaged each other twice, and this is the second time he mentioned sex. The first time, I chalked it up to being honest, but now I'm just annoyed.
Classic Man wants to watch movies at his place. Sex still isn't happening but I want to see his place... plus we have talked about watching certain movies. Even if I felt we were ready, I'm on SSRI anti-depressants and it affects my sex drive and feeling. :look: I need to switch it up a bit before we can go there.

ETA: I checked MDLWLY and since we've been on 5 dates so far, house dates are acceptable now. :rolleyes: But no sleep overs.
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I decided to join a dating site again, and a man started messaging me. He asked what I was looking for and I responded that I was looking for a serious relationship, and what was he looking for?

His response? "That, plus...[insert all things physical]"

I can't be bothered.

I'm lying. I kind of want to troll him a bit. I'm bored. We've only messaged each other twice, and this is the second time he mentioned sex. The first time, I chalked it up to being honest, but now I'm just annoyed.

It’s a numbers game. Keep moving forward and weeding out. You can’t take these things personally.
A guy I dated a long time ago reached out to me a while ago. I can't remember if I posted about it in here. But at the time we spoke on the phone and got caught up and it was nice seeing how he was doing. I wasn't interested in keeping in contact after that though. He kept calling and texting and after a couple weeks of ignoring him I sent him a message saying I was glad he was doing well but that we don't need to keep in contact. I was much nicer than that actually but I can't remember exactly what I said. So today I get a text message saying "wish you weren't so mean to me" People play on my phone too much so I didn't respond. lol Then he messages "I hope you're doing well" I messaged back the obligatory who dis. He tells me and then goes on and on about see how mean I am since I deleted his number and don't know who this is. I was like fool you lucky you didn't get a block which is about to happen right now. Good day sir.
I went to the Nigerian independence parade on Saturday because this dude I met at an event invited me.

It wasn't a date...we were just meeting up and he was meeting up with other folks as well. Anyway, he went to the bathroom and right One cue this shiny black buff dude makes a beeline for me. I recognize him immediately because I ran into him in Harlem and we matched on okcupid years ago. Theshiny dude doesn't even remember meeting me before. He goes on a spiel about how he saw me when I first got there and then he looked again and I was gone and he's been searching for me ever since :rolleyes:

Just as he asks me if I'm alone, my friend comes back from the bathroom and they introduce themselves. It was soooo awkward. Shiny dude asks if we're together and I say no and "friend" says yes:lachen: friend is a male model btw's but not a fine one...he's interesting looking and attractive though.

So shiny dude continues to talk to me and asks me for my number...I'm this is very awkward but I give it to him anyway. I don't even know why cuz I don't think I like him at all.

My friend spends the rest of the time trying to lowkey diss shiny dude. I just be doing dumb things for reason cuz as soon as shiny dude text me I blocked his number.

I need my crush to deliver me from this foolishness stat. He hasn't texted me yet for the day :(
I saw an interesting thing today. I saw an interracial Amish couple and what I suppose were their kids. The woman was white and the man was black. My son and I went to the Bean, and the daughter was by me for literally 2 seconds (I think she was 16 or so and she just wanted to touch the bean) and the mom had her screw face on. I know, because when I was spinning around (I was annoying my son at the time)I saw her looking like she just licked a lemon.

Maybe she didn't like what I was wearing:lachen:

Come to think about it, I think there was another interracial couple with them..
So here's to the latest edition of Anjel chronicles! :lachen: Have to laugh at it myself.....

Along comes my dream dread, long to his knees, a lil taller than me, okay cool! We talk a lil via text, not his mode so we switch to calls, Kudos man! I appreciate it! I find out he works for Family company and one Daughter, lives in Poughkeepsie, NY, about 1/1:30 hrs away.

We set up a date, in city, he drives, no time to waste on meaningless nothingness talks on Phone!

Albeit didn't let him truly lead. Told him to google a place in Harlem to meet since he is seemingly unfamiliar.

The time was set for 5:30pn, I am rushing from work to get home and then get to local spot. By 6:00pm, nothing! I text/call, he is in route, stuck in traffic! Here I stilll lean in! Give me 15, he says, I go to park, listen to music during interim, he arrives 30minutes later....

The place he picked, CLOSED!!! :lachen: I cant make this up...

I pick a spot, we go to eat. Harlem Tavern, for those familiar. The night starts out awkward, he is ghetto, nice car though! Good looking, but here comes the deal.

We looking at menu and he wants me to pick his meal... :perplexed:... Iunno you!!!

I pick out something simple... He agrees on dish.... Here comes the drama...

Upon telling me his likes: he is alll like, I dont like, Liver, Olives, and tossing slad... HUH?!

Yea the night was a no go from there... He has long nails and an especially long pinky nail... When I pointed it out , he was all about there are different meanings to long nails... ok bruh?!
Crush texted me :oops: he didn't say a lot but it was enough for me.

I called the dude I disrespected and apologized for the awkwardness and explained I was "shocked" into giving my number or something else equally dumb.

It's the first time I really spoke to him on the phone and his French accent is soooooo cute. He's very mature and cool.

We started talking about other things and he mentioned the first time we met. So apparently my drunk ass let my hand rest on his back for a moment and he said he felt a "jolt" :drunk:


I need to stop drinking and talking to strangers...and touching people.

I also need to start reading my posts before sending them. I promise I'm not illiterate.
The past 6 weeks have been INTENSE at work, which means I'm neglecting most things in my life, and I've upset some people by disappearing :/ but Mr. Basic has been patient and eager to please. He wants to take me out and spoil me to help relieve my stress...I'm thinking perhaps I should be more open to him, hehe. At least for now, I still plan on moving by next summer, but I don't mind being catered to until then.