Yesterday Classic Man texted me saying his friend bailed on plans to go to the Color Factory and asked if I wanted to come. I was initially hesitant because we just saw each other plus I needed some alone time but I accepted and am glad I did. First, the Color Factory was super fun! Second, I'm getting a clearer picture of who he is. :look:

We were both tired since it was an evening activity but it was still fun. We got a bunch of selfies together (his insistence.) At this point I know I like him and that he likes me but I feel like we're slowly approaching a point where we have to decide what we are. I don't want to invest time in a relationship that's going nowhere.

Afterward we walked around and wound up at a bar/restaurant and split some chicken and fries. Talked more about our families. One thing is clear, I thought I was guarded. He has me beat. :eek: We both like to explore but he finds it hard to stay in one place and make long-standing emotional ties. I get why because of his family and we can't help the situation we're born into but what about now?
Screams of the typical millenial narcissism we've come to abhor. Its especially a bad look for males. How do they have the timw to post and snap life's trivialities when theyre supposed to be out there building ****, making something of their lives and preparing the way for their future families?

I'd pass but I'm an introverted overly responsible, grumpy Xer, so take it with a grain.

Thanks @DarkJoy & @SurferBabe for providing feedback. My friends think I'm too harsh because he's great on paper and attractive. I guess if he didn't post so much I wouldn't be annoyed. Ugh I will just have fun with him. I need a concert buddy.
Soccer Guy is slowly winning me over. He’s an artist, so I recruited him to help me design my table for this year’s Ladies’ Christmas Tea. He actually came up with a great idea for it, which I decided to use. We went to Michael’s on Sunday to get an idea of what I’ll need to pull it together. He let me use his 50% off coupon to buy one of the pieces I’ll be using and suggested that we come back every time he has a coupon to slowly get the other pieces. Last night, he called me on the way back from the gym and I was telling him how silly it was that we’re going to Michael’s when they had some of the same stuff I want at Walmart. He said, “you’re right. Which Walmart was it? I’ll go by after work tomorrow and see if they still have it.” I wasn’t trying to hint about it at all, but he’s always so eager to please me, that he volunteered on his own. He’s putting in work to win me and I love it!
I'm wondering if it's time for a change.

In addition to the **** I'm dealing with in my personal life, work life is starting to suck as well. We got a new President/CFO who seems hell bent on running the company into the group. Morale has sucked since he unceremoniously fired the VP of my department, and everyone is pretty much one foot out the door, trying to jump ship before they get canned too.

I stopped looking for jobs out of the state when my sis found out she was pregnant, but I'm feeling like my family can't be a factor in my decisions anymore. I realized a few days ago that literally NO ONE came to hang out with me over the summer. You would think I moved across the country and not across town. I'd probably see them just as much as I do now if I moved out of MA.

It would be hard to leave my nephew in particular, but he doesn't seem to like me very much anyway. I'm sure part of it is his autism, but I'm not sure we'll ever have the close auntie/nephew relationship I was hoping for.
Someone needs to come and shake me. The guy from the event on Saturday called me yesterday and I seriously said out loud "what does he want?" So yeah, I didn't answer. How is it that I feel so fine being alone now when just a few months ago I was actively looking for a partner. I halfway signed up on and then abandoned the idea when it came time to fill out the profile. I considered EHarmony too but I hear the questionnaire is like 10 pages long. I spent these past few months doing what I want, getting in touch with myself, figuring out what I want and just enjoying being alone. Looks like I've done too good a job because now that I think I'm good with me, I feel lazy about the whole thing. Even without putting in effort I'm attracting men. And some decent ones too but nothing is striking my fancy. I'm kind of worried but then again not really. I suppose the goal is to find someone but be ok if you don't. I guess I'm there and that's something. Sorry if my post is all over the place. I'm just so confused by this feeling.
Someone needs to come and shake me. The guy from the event on Saturday called me yesterday and I seriously said out loud "what does he want?" So yeah, I didn't answer. How is it that I feel so fine being alone now when just a few months ago I was actively looking for a partner. I halfway signed up on and then abandoned the idea when it came time to fill out the profile. I considered EHarmony too but I hear the questionnaire is like 10 pages long. I spent these past few months doing what I want, getting in touch with myself, figuring out what I want and just enjoying being alone. Looks like I've done too good a job because now that I think I'm good with me, I feel lazy about the whole thing. Even without putting in effort I'm attracting men. And some decent ones too but nothing is striking my fancy. I'm kind of worried but then again not really. I suppose the goal is to find someone but be ok if you don't. I guess I'm there and that's something. Sorry if my post is all over the place. I'm just so confused by this feeling.

I feel the same way, I'm sooo not interested & the thought of putting any effort into anything sounds exhausting.

My lil piece is visiting from my hometown this weekend & that'll be enough to tide me over for a while.
Someone needs to come and shake me. The guy from the event on Saturday called me yesterday and I seriously said out loud "what does he want?" So yeah, I didn't answer. How is it that I feel so fine being alone now when just a few months ago I was actively looking for a partner. I halfway signed up on and then abandoned the idea when it came time to fill out the profile. I considered EHarmony too but I hear the questionnaire is like 10 pages long. I spent these past few months doing what I want, getting in touch with myself, figuring out what I want and just enjoying being alone. Looks like I've done too good a job because now that I think I'm good with me, I feel lazy about the whole thing. Even without putting in effort I'm attracting men. And some decent ones too but nothing is striking my fancy. I'm kind of worried but then again not really. I suppose the goal is to find someone but be ok if you don't. I guess I'm there and that's something. Sorry if my post is all over the place. I'm just so confused by this feeling.
It's cuffing season! I would hide out and wait until spring! lol I would rather have some nice hot fries from Mcdonalds, or a new blow dryer! I saw one for $300. I wonder what a $300 blow dryer feels like? Don't mind
It's cuffing season! I would hide out and wait until spring! lol I would rather have some nice hot fries from Mcdonalds, or a new blow dryer! I saw one for $300. I wonder what a $300 blow dryer feels like? Don't mind

It would feel amazing :laugh:

Treat yo self boo.
:(Lol so today I was working at a middle school out in the next county over and this school had big, strapping, SKRONG men working as teachers. I was thinking "Damn, give me detention" :blondboob:They were white and Hispanic dudes...there were no black or Asian men working at the school at all.

I went out with Filipino bae this past weekend. The conversation was felt like we connected really well intellectually. He IS a Pisces...which I can deal with (not sure if he could deal with my crazy Aquarius ***). BUT he must have been sticking his neck out in his Instagram pics because when I saw him, I could tell he gained some weight and was shorter than I remembered. We were about the same height :(When we were in school together, I remembered him being at least 6'0...I bamboozled myself :cry3:

I think he may have been expecting a kiss and I did not give it to him.
:(Lol so today I was working at a middle school out in the next county over and this school had big, strapping, SKRONG men working as teachers. I was thinking "Damn, give me detention" :blondboob:They were white and Hispanic dudes...there were no black or Asian men working at the school at all.

I went out with Filipino bae this past weekend. The conversation was felt like we connected really well intellectually. He IS a Pisces...which I can deal with (not sure if he could deal with my crazy Aquarius ***). BUT he must have been sticking his neck out in his Instagram pics because when I saw him, I could tell he gained some weight and was shorter than I remembered. We were about the same height :(When we were in school together, I remembered him being at least 6'0...I bamboozled myself :cry3:

I think he may have been expecting a kiss and I did not give it to him

I'm sorry he wasn't what you expected but this whole thing made me laugh. I could so picture myself looking him up and down and being like "what happened to you?!" :lol: Go back to that school and get you one of them big skrong teacher menz. Nice combo of strong and sensitive I'm sure.
I don't know if it's that he's actually confusing anymore or if I'm the one that continually reads more into it. Although I've had the good sense to never lean forward, I do feel though that I'm not putting myself in a good place by wondering if there's more there or not.

He's done various helpful things for me without prompting, has been attentive in unexpected ways, surprised me with thoughtful gifts on my birthday and Christmas and recently, he went above and beyond to help me with a situation I was dreading having to handle (again, without having to ask). There have been other things, too. I'm so appreciative of his kindness and care but 1) since I suspect he might be attached now and 2) especially since he's ultimately not taken a step beyond where we (and bonus - 3: because crushes are pointless), it's time I stop wondering, and wanting, if there'll ever be more.
Bah! I have been extra mean to physician bae and I swear he likes it. What is wrong with men?

I went out last night for a friends bday and he hit me up saying I should be hanging with him. I agreed because I'm dumb when I drink. He called me an Uber so we can cuddle :rolleyes: which was all we did because I am semi celibate :look:

Anyway, we were talking about the last time we ran into each other. I was super drunk but he couldn't tell. I didn't remember anything that happened. He told me I was dropping it like it's hot and one of my male friends stepped in and said "you don't do this!!!" :lachen:

I had zero recollection of this. He drinks very little and has never ever been drunk. I said I need to stop drinking and he agreed.

So me and my smart mouth goes "then how will you ever have sex with me?"

The LOOK on his face :lachen:

He shook his head and all he could say was "you got jokes"
I'm sorry he wasn't what you expected but this whole thing made me laugh. I could so picture myself looking him up and down and being like "what happened to you?!" :lol: Go back to that school and get you one of them big skrong teacher menz. Nice combo of strong and sensitive I'm sure.

That's exactly what I was thinking when I first saw him! I wonder if my expression showed it...I tried to keep a poker face :laugh:
I would go out with him again though...he owns a business and co-owns two other ones. It seems like he makes a decent amount of money and one of my goals is to eventually open my own business. Maybe I can friend-zone him and if he loses weight un friend-zone him lol. I could potentially overlook the height factor.

I'm not sure when I'll be back at that school...but when I do go back I'm going to make sure I look extra goodt.:kiss3: