So I met this guy the other day, not really that cute, but he had a banging body and he was sweet! We were chatting all day yesterday and he seemed pretty cool, telling me about how he can show me around Dallas and make the transition easier for me, blah, blah, blah, blah!

So I noticed that he didn't fully quite answer my question when I asked if he was single, he kind of danced around it, so I plugged his number into IG and started poking around on his page. I was four years deep :look: when I saw this really generic looking picture of him and this girl at a graduation, I thought it might've been his sister, or cousin, that's how platonic they looked. So I clicked her name and he is plastered alllllllll over her page.

The first pic? One of their engagement photos with a caption proclaiming her love for him and how excited she was for their wedding next month.

I sent him a screenshot of the photo when he text me "Good morning sweetie" and blocked him.
Aaalllll the STEUPES! I found out via IG that a man I was dating was in a relationship. He had nada on his page, but there was some wOman who liked every.damn.thing dude posted, so I went to her page (not private) and she had him everywhere!

Me: when were you going to tell me you were in a relationship?
Him: ?????
Me: sends screenshot
Him: where did you find that?

He was "single" when we first started seeing each other, but he was dating her at the same time. About 3 months in I had an inkling something was up but I thought I was just feeling insecure. Nope, my spidey senses were correct.
@DarkJoy- HAPPY BIRTHDAY :). and yes I am yelling at you so you can hear me lol.
It's September and I'm supposed to be nearing the end of my hiatus but I need motivation to date and really do it right. I'm not there yet. I also feel really busy with other stuff I have going on. Career changes, extracurricular activities and stuff. I mean I guess I could still just create an online profile so I can practice and learn to juggle men again. I can always go for some free dinners.

I'm back and I found me a cute attorney with a doctor (pediatrician) brother while I was away. I had a hard time choosing between the 2 (my sister didn't want either) so I just flirted with them both the whole weekend. Lol They stayed in the same house me and my sis stayed in and we met them at breakfast and and joked how we were both on trips with our siblings. My sister is so head over heels for her stupid boyfriend :rolleyes: that she wouldn't give the doctor the time of day and he was definitely into her. Doctor was way cuter than the attorney but of course the attorney latched onto me because I said I was a paralegal. I shouldn't have done that. Anyway, they took us to Nancy's for dinner on Saturday and then we went to the beach Sunday morning. Before we left I gave the attorney my number. Is it weird that I'm hoping he doesn't call? I am just so comfy not dating right now but I know I'm about to be in the danger zone if I get too comfortable here. Then I'll look up and it'll be a year later and I'm still saying I'm good with not dating. I need to get it together.
Aaalllll the STEUPES! I found out via IG that a man I was dating was in a relationship. He had nada on his page, but there was some wOman who liked every.damn.thing dude posted, so I went to her page (not private) and she had him everywhere!

Me: when were you going to tell me you were in a relationship?
Him: ?????
Me: sends screenshot
Him: where did you find that?

He was "single" when we first started seeing each other, but he was dating her at the same time. About 3 months in I had an inkling something was up but I thought I was just feeling insecure. Nope, my spidey senses were correct.

Chileeeee this men are a dang trip!!!!!!! And no he didn't ask "where did you find that?"

Does it matter???????