What?! What an *******!!

I'm so sorry :(

Girl, girl, girl. He's a trip man, and to think I just turned down a fine and exotic man this weekend because I was trying to be a good girlfriend.

You going to pour up or is this an Earl Grey/ breakfast tea conversation?
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Bahahaha! I'll have a freshly brewed pot ready first thing in the morning, it literally just happened and he's still trying to talk to me about it :rolleyes: wasting my unlimited texts.
Girl, girl, girl. He's a trip man, and to think I just turned down a fine and exotic man this weekend because I was trying to be a good girlfriend.

Bahahaha! I'll have a freshly brewed pot ready first thing in the morning, it literally just happened and he's still trying to talk to me about it :rolleyes: wasting my unlimited texts.
Best part of waking up. But seriously, I am sorry. People play too much nowadays. He nah ready for all your uniquely divine awesomeness and that's okay. I had a quote on my SM page that said, "don't be sad over those who reject you. People pass over nice things they cannot afford all the time," or something like that. And that can be emotional rejection or the none reciprocal admiration of time and care you put in a relationship. He could not afford you, still holding on to costume jewelry greeting cards and that works out best for you. Honey, you are a Cartier.

Well sis, think of us as Cheers. Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your username and they are always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows your username. We are always cheering you on and I am mad for you.
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I joined a personal training gym in January with the goal of self care, to meet people and get out and date more.
They gave me a blonde ww trainer my same age. She's nice but now that she's comfy with me she tells me things that have me feeling some kind of way:

She ONLY dates black men.
She meets them online. Bumble tinder hinge etc.
they all have mom issues she ends up complaining to me about.

Today she complained that the latest guy only sleeps with her twice a week and she started dating him in May. He said this week is the one year anniversary of his moms passing and so he's sad. She told him it's not natural that they only sleep together twice per week.

I've not met anyone this year yet. I'm on all these dating apps and the same guys she ends up talking to I recognize as people I've connected with but then they don't end up writing back. I guess that's a blessing considering she has problems with them.

But what bothers me is that I 1. spend my training session listening. (At her service) 2. Listening to a complaint about black men that 3. I then realize wouldn't even meet me for coffee. And 4. How the heck does she get so many dates from all these guys and I can't even get a message back.
it's got me feeling pretty low.

Am I over reacting or being racist?

I've been resisting agreeing with those who say black men don't want black women but ...
west coast?
So what happened was..... these last few weeks he has seemed a little bit distant, not putting in the same effort and consistency that he did we first started talking, and I talked a little bit about that on here.

A week after my birthday I went to Miami and on a cruise & was gone for about 5 days, when I got back this past Monday I hit him up and asked how everything was with his loved ones because they were all in Houston dealing with the flooding.

He told me everything was OK so far and then I let him know I was here if he needed to talk and told him I missed him and asked if he had any free time soon because it was going on two weeks since we have seen each other, all he said to that was "Give me some time, my mind is going crazy with everything happening with my family".

That really pissed me off, because I felt like if we are in a relationship and growing towards something serious you should let your partner be a source of comfort for you and not push them away, but I was trying to be understanding considering the circumstances and he was worried about the safety of his family. The next couple days after that I tried to be very patient and I kept checking up on him and his family, yesterday I didn't say anything to him at all because I felt like I was pulling teeth to talk to him, and I told him I felt that way.

He finally hit me up yesterday around 4 PM and tell me was going to be on my side of town & will I be home, I told him yeah I would be around, but I knew right then and there what was about to happen, and sure nuff he came over and told me everything that was going on at home and how he was shouldering a lot of the responsibility with helping everyone, and he felt that he wasn't able to balance work, his family, and the relationship. He said that he felt he was doing me a disservice by not giving me the attention that I needed, he felt that he needed to get out of my way and let me be free to do what I need to do.

I told him that he was right, that he had clearly shown that I was nowhere on his list of priorities and I thanked him for coming over to tell me in person and I got up off my couch, took off my Caucasian cashmere throw, opened up my door and told him he can leave now, because we really didn't have anything else to talk about.

He stood there looking stupid for several seconds, I think he thought I was going to have a crying fit, because he asked me "you don't want to talk about it? " I told him there was no point in talking about it, he made his choice & talking about it wasn't going to bring any resolution from this, so once again I thanked him for being man enough to do it in person, but told him he can leave.


He tried to hug me on the way out and I shrugged him off, no point in any of that nonsense.
Best part of waking up. But seriously, I am sorry. People play too much nowadays. He nah ready for all your uniquely divine awesomeness and that's okay. I had a quote on my SM page that said, "don't be sad over those who reject you. People pass over nice things they cannot afford all the time," or something like that. And that can be emotional rejection or the none reciprocal admiration of time and care you put in a relationship. He could not afford you, still holding on to costume jewelry greeting cards and that works out best for you. Honey, you are a Cartier.

Well sis, think of us as Cheers. Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your username and they are always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows your username. We are always cheering you on and I am mad for you.

Basically! :laugh: But thank you for the words of encouragement, my feelings are definitely hurt but I'll get over it. I hate people wasting my time! But I'm glad to be back in here with my e-friends :bighug:
I absolutely agree with this. Especially if you are trying to be in serious relationship.

Exactly! I have never heard anyone say that to someone that was offering to let them vent and talk, hell, I could've just came over and cooked dinner and rubbed his back.

The bottom line is people make time for what they want, he was doing all kind of other stuff this week, posting on social media and all of that, but meanwhile couldn't communicate with me by sending a quick text so he definitely made his bed and it's his issue, not mine.

Meanwhile I'm reopening up my draft.
Damn. This just made me realize when men get ghost during hard times that's a sign they aren't emotionally capable to be committed. I've had that scenario play out so many times prior to a relationship ending. If men aren't comfortable with being vulnerable and sharing with you then they aren't comfortable being committed.
@UniquelyDivine :bighug:

I am glad he came to you early and said this. But he checked out after the card scenario it seems. I don't think he was ready to be the man you needed. His ego just wanted you because you're dope but when it came to being confident in whether he can be the man for you he fell flat.

Summer ain't over girl!

I totallyyyyyy agree!!!! He just wasn't the same after that card scenario, what a damn clown man, he really had me thinking he was on something different.

I think he had too many remnants of his f*** boy past left over, but shole you right!! I have still have time to cut up a lil :look: :laugh:

Damn. This just made me realize when men get ghost during hard times that's a sign they aren't emotionally capable to be committed. I've had that scenario play out so many times prior to a relationship ending. If men aren't comfortable with being vulnerable and sharing with you then they aren't comfortable being committed.

I was saying the same thing to my sister, the fact that he didn't even try to talk to me about what he was going through or ask me to be patient while he dealt with this really speaks volumes about his emotional maturity, he just straight up pulled the plug.

Hard times really reveal a person's character.
I was reading that like YASSSSS!!!! @UniquelyDivine, you did a great job in that response... Didnt get emotional, its like you came to terms and instead of begging him to stay, you like be on your way homie... :grin:


I'm saying :laugh: I don't play that friend game! ESPECIALLY after you just said you don't know how to balance life, work, and relationships, why would I want to be your friend & you don't even know how to be a good one?

I have enough friends honey


Sorry that your relationship came to an end (and you let yourself grieve for 24hrs :look:) but you know your worth and handled that like a boss and kept it moving. He don't know what hit him and don't be surprised he contacts you in the future and says you are the one that got away. Oh well his loss!! He had his chance but he f*ed up so onto bigger and better for you!!


Sorry that your relationship came to an end (and you let yourself grieve for 24hrs :look:) but you know your worth and handled that like a boss and kept it moving. He don't know what hit him and don't be surprised he contacts you in the future and says you are the one that got away. Oh well his loss!! He had his chance but he f*ed up so onto bigger and better for you!!

I have no doubt that he will, I know how that "let's still be friends" game goes, these fools always try to keep their foot in the door for the future.

I'm on to a 6'2+, muscle bound man with a full hairline that'll dick me down

So today I wore my new glasses and went out, ran some errands, went to the dentist, picked up my birthday cake, ran some more errands. And my takeaway from this day is that men like my new glasses, women do not. Every man I came into contact with talked to me, complimented my glasses, flirted with me. All the women? Not so much. lol I caught 3 women in particular giving me the stink eye. I know how that resting ***** face can get you every time so I smiled thinking hey that's just their face. Nope, roll of the eyes and a head turn. :lol: I have 2 pair so I'm going to try the other ones out tomorrow (they are more fancy) and see what happens.

OAN I legit hate white girls. Like seriously hate them. Went to pick up my birthday cake and this white girl is behind the counter straight ignoring me talking to her black male coworker behind the counter. How do I know she was ignoring me, you ask? Because she asked the white guy who came in after me if he needed help who ironically kindly ignored her arse too. When I tried to get her attention she says "one second" and continues talking to her coworker. The black guy turns around and notices me so me he comes running over, smiling and chatting with me (and complimented my glasses lol). He helps me, gets my cake, wraps it up and tells the white girl to ring me up. She looks at me all stank, rolls her eyes and asks me for ID with a nasty tone "you got ID on you?" Still rolling her eyes. I don't bother saying anything just let her ring me up. I check the receipt and ask if it was the right cake because it doesn't say the right kind. She says "I just rang it up as plain. It's the same price only like a dollar or $0.75 more" Umm before I lost my sh!t I just summoned the black guy again and said sweetly "Can you help me please, maybe she's new?" He refunded me the full amount of the cake y'all saying only because it's my birthday. And gave me a slice of chocolate mousse. White girl was standing there with her arms folded, lips all screwed up and I walked out like :kiss3:
So today I wore my new glasses and went out, ran some errands, went to the dentist, picked up my birthday cake, ran some more errands. And my takeaway from this day is that men like my new glasses, women do not. Every man I came into contact with talked to me, complimented my glasses, flirted with me. All the women? Not so much. lol I caught 3 women in particular giving me the stink eye. I know how that resting ***** face can get you every time so I smiled thinking hey that's just their face. Nope, roll of the eyes and a head turn. :lol: I have 2 pair so I'm going to try the other ones out tomorrow (they are more fancy) and see what happens.

OAN I legit hate white girls. Like seriously hate them. Went to pick up my birthday cake and this white girl is behind the counter straight ignoring me talking to her black male coworker behind the counter. How do I know she was ignoring me, you ask? Because she asked the white guy who came in after me if he needed help who ironically kindly ignored her arse too. When I tried to get her attention she says "one second" and continues talking to her coworker. The black guy turns around and notices me so me he comes running over, smiling and chatting with me (and complimented my glasses lol). He helps me, gets my cake, wraps it up and tells the white girl to ring me up. She looks at me all stank, rolls her eyes and asks me for ID with a nasty tone "you got ID on you?" Still rolling her eyes. I don't bother saying anything just let her ring me up. I check the receipt and ask if it was the right cake because it doesn't say the right kind. She says "I just rang it up as plain. It's the same price only like a dollar or $0.75 more" Umm before I lost my sh!t I just summoned the black guy again and said sweetly "Can you help me please, maybe she's new?" He refunded me the full amount of the cake y'all saying only because it's my birthday. And gave me a slice of chocolate mousse. White girl was standing there with her arms folded, lips all screwed up and I walked out like :kiss3:

She said oh it's the same price, just more :lol: wth?
So today I wore my new glasses and went out, ran some errands, went to the dentist, picked up my birthday cake, ran some more errands. And my takeaway from this day is that men like my new glasses, women do not. Every man I came into contact with talked to me, complimented my glasses, flirted with me. All the women? Not so much. lol I caught 3 women in particular giving me the stink eye. I know how that resting ***** face can get you every time so I smiled thinking hey that's just their face. Nope, roll of the eyes and a head turn. :lol: I have 2 pair so I'm going to try the other ones out tomorrow (they are more fancy) and see what happens.

OAN I legit hate white girls. Like seriously hate them. Went to pick up my birthday cake and this white girl is behind the counter straight ignoring me talking to her black male coworker behind the counter. How do I know she was ignoring me, you ask? Because she asked the white guy who came in after me if he needed help who ironically kindly ignored her arse too. When I tried to get her attention she says "one second" and continues talking to her coworker. The black guy turns around and notices me so me he comes running over, smiling and chatting with me (and complimented my glasses lol). He helps me, gets my cake, wraps it up and tells the white girl to ring me up. She looks at me all stank, rolls her eyes and asks me for ID with a nasty tone "you got ID on you?" Still rolling her eyes. I don't bother saying anything just let her ring me up. I check the receipt and ask if it was the right cake because it doesn't say the right kind. She says "I just rang it up as plain. It's the same price only like a dollar or $0.75 more" Umm before I lost my sh!t I just summoned the black guy again and said sweetly "Can you help me please, maybe she's new?" He refunded me the full amount of the cake y'all saying only because it's my birthday. And gave me a slice of chocolate mousse. White girl was standing there with her arms folded, lips all screwed up and I walked out like :kiss3:
Happy birthday!
So today I wore my new glasses and went out, ran some errands, went to the dentist, picked up my birthday cake, ran some more errands. And my takeaway from this day is that men like my new glasses, women do not. Every man I came into contact with talked to me, complimented my glasses, flirted with me. All the women? Not so much. lol I caught 3 women in particular giving me the stink eye. I know how that resting ***** face can get you every time so I smiled thinking hey that's just their face. Nope, roll of the eyes and a head turn. :lol: I have 2 pair so I'm going to try the other ones out tomorrow (they are more fancy) and see what happens.

OAN I legit hate white girls. Like seriously hate them. Went to pick up my birthday cake and this white girl is behind the counter straight ignoring me talking to her black male coworker behind the counter. How do I know she was ignoring me, you ask? Because she asked the white guy who came in after me if he needed help who ironically kindly ignored her arse too. When I tried to get her attention she says "one second" and continues talking to her coworker. The black guy turns around and notices me so me he comes running over, smiling and chatting with me (and complimented my glasses lol). He helps me, gets my cake, wraps it up and tells the white girl to ring me up. She looks at me all stank, rolls her eyes and asks me for ID with a nasty tone "you got ID on you?" Still rolling her eyes. I don't bother saying anything just let her ring me up. I check the receipt and ask if it was the right cake because it doesn't say the right kind. She says "I just rang it up as plain. It's the same price only like a dollar or $0.75 more" Umm before I lost my sh!t I just summoned the black guy again and said sweetly "Can you help me please, maybe she's new?" He refunded me the full amount of the cake y'all saying only because it's my birthday. And gave me a slice of chocolate mousse. White girl was standing there with her arms folded, lips all screwed up and I walked out like :kiss3:
I bet I would like your new glasses. That's the great thing about me and my masculine energy! Lol women just gotta know when to use it!