I was eyeballing the IT guy's package and then his colleague's package and their colleague's package. Openly too and besides one they're young hipsters!

I realize I need to get laid. Stat! :lol:
SAME HERE! See earlier post! LMFAO....
I went out with Mr. Basic again (great job, house, greatest joy in life is sitting on his porch smoking a cigar, walking meme)....

Anyways, we met up toward the end of happy hour, and after happy hour was over he kept asking how much everything would cost. Like if he or I was prepared to order another drink, he'd ask how much it was before ordering first. That annoyed me. Multiple sources have confirmed he has long money, so now I'm thinking he's cheap, which is a problem for me. If he's acting like this during the time when he's clearly trying to impress me, what would he be like if we get together and he's comfortable? I understand frugal, but I can't stand cheap. He reminds me of an old man.
Classic Man texted me good morning yesterday. Asked if I wanted to get together. I said yes. He said this weekend he's busy because he has friends in from out of town but next week might work. Hmmkay.
idk if I like that. hm

He could have said he wants to see you but busy this weekend, how about next? the way he did it may just be poor communication.
idk if I like that. hm

He could have said he wants to see you but busy this weekend, how about next? the way he did it may just be poor communication.
Yeah the might part threw me off too. When I make plans with people it's usually at least a week in advance. I don't like to leave people hanging. Oh well. I'm not worrying myself about it. I have enough going on. He wants to see me, he'll make it happen.
I wonder if the friends are staying with him. He busy the whoooole weekend with them?
If I have friends in town I'm not going to make time to go on a first date with someone, no matter how much I'm interested. Even if they aren't staying with me, out-of-town guests usually means a lot of activities that I have to coordinate as the local (places to eat for each meal, things to do, etc). I wouldn't want to feel drained and/or overscheduled with a potential. It's different if the guests are in town for something else (like a conference) and we all just meet up once, but if they are there to see me, then my time is pretty much occupied. Especially when I lived in cities people were itching to visit, like LA.
Classic Man texted me good morning yesterday. Asked if I wanted to get together. I said yes. He said this weekend he's busy because he has friends in from out of town but next week might work. Hmmkay.
Why are men so silly sometimes? He didn't have to mention anything about being busy this weekend and simply asked you out for next weekend. Because honestly a Thursday might be too late to get me for a weekend date anyway. I'm gonna give him a pass though and say maybe he wanted to convey that he'd like to see you earlier but he can't.
If I have friends in town I'm not going to make time to go on a first date with someone, no matter how much I'm interested. Even if they aren't staying with me, out-of-town guests usually means a lot of activities that I have to coordinate as the local (places to eat for each meal, things to do, etc). I wouldn't want to feel drained and/or overscheduled with a potential. It's different if the guests are in town for something else (like a conference) and we all just meet up once, but if they are there to see me, then my time is pretty much occupied. Especially when I lived in cities people were itching to visit, like LA.
Exactly. We originally met on Wednesday, even if he didn't have friends in town I'd understand if this weekend was booked out for him. I'm an introvert, I need time to gear up even if I'm excited about who I'm seeing.

It's the might part about next week that has me kinda... o_O. Because I'm not holding a place for him in my schedule. :look: Why not solidify plans now... before things get crazy. To be fair I know women who do this and it grates my nerves.
Why are men so silly sometimes? He didn't have to mention anything about being busy this weekend and simply asked you out for next weekend. Because honestly a Thursday might be too late to get me for a weekend date anyway. I'm gonna give him a pass though and say maybe he wanted to convey that he'd like to see you earlier but he can't.
Ok right? I get this week won't work. Thursday is late for a date in 1 or 2 days. My girlfriends and I don't even do each other like that unless it's an emergency like when I was bridesmaid in my friend's wedding and needed to get fitted for a dress before they sold out. I'm content to give him a pass too. But I'm not holding a place for him next week until he locks it down.
If I have friends in town I'm not going to make time to go on a first date with someone, no matter how much I'm interested. Even if they aren't staying with me, out-of-town guests usually means a lot of activities that I have to coordinate as the local (places to eat for each meal, things to do, etc). I wouldn't want to feel drained and/or overscheduled with a potential. It's different if the guests are in town for something else (like a conference) and we all just meet up once, but if they are there to see me, then my time is pretty much occupied. Especially when I lived in cities people were itching to visit, like LA.

Yea, I was thinking I probably don't understand since I don't have friends to visit me from out of town who aren't originally from the area lol. Makes sense!
#1 on my roster has an ex wife and a baby mama. (He let me believe these women were the same person for skit three days.) Plus he lives across the country with his child for about 3/4 of the year. I have so many reservations after seeing mama play her card in person. I was defending her in my mind but now, I just can't. (Why do men make idiotic decisions??) I don't do drama and I feel like I'm walking directly into it. Why is he trying to rope me in so hard?!

#2 is actually an ex. He promised he would change after the second time I broke up with him and he actually ACCOMPLISHED the things he said he would. Idk he's looking like a logical choice but I have reservations about him, too. Especially because he's an ex and he's not into any of the intellectual stuff I enjoy.

I need more people on my roster. I'm seeing #1 tonight but maybe I'll meet some new potentials at the same time. :blush:
Classic Man texted me again today. His friends were only around Friday and Saturday it seems. :ohwell: Today he's doing work stuff. Totally fine but why make it sound like you were busy the whole weekend with them? o_O That aside, I like that he's maintaining contact with me. :p I didn't expect to hear from him until next week, IF I heard from him at all because I didn't assume I would. What's bugging me now is he's casually trying to find out how my week is looking and I'm like why? :confused: Do I want to see you again? Asked and answered. Twice now. Lock. It. Down. :mad:
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Yeah the might part threw me off too. When I make plans with people it's usually at least a week in advance. I don't like to leave people hanging. Oh well. I'm not worrying myself about it. I have enough going on. He wants to see me, he'll make it happen.

The part that threw me off was he asked then said he was busy. So why ask? Lol. Ask and schedule two weeks ahead while mentioning hosting your out of town friends or ask the week of when you're actually free.
Classic Man texted me again today. His friends were only around Friday and Saturday it seems. :ohwell: Today he's doing work stuff. Totally fine but why make it sound like you were busy the whole weekend with them? o_O That aside, I like that he's maintaining contact with me. :p I didn't expect to hear from him until next week, IF I heard from him at all because I didn't assume I would. What's bugging me now is he's casually trying to find out how my week is looking and I'm like why? :confused: Do I want to see you again? Asked and answered. Twice now. Lock. It. Down. :mad:

So he asks if you're free, you tell him that you are and that's it. So then when he makes last minute plans, he won't understand why you are saying no. "But you said you were free"
Classic Man texted me again today. His friends were only around Friday and Saturday it seems. :ohwell: Today he's doing work stuff. Totally fine but why make it sound like you were busy the whole weekend with them? o_O That aside, I like that he's maintaining contact with me. :p I didn't expect to hear from him until next week, IF I heard from him at all because I didn't assume I would. What's bugging me now is he's casually trying to find out how my week is looking and I'm like why? :confused: Do I want to see you again? Asked and answered. Twice now. Lock. It. Down. :mad:
I think Friday and Saturday is the whole weekend. Sunday doesn't count to me. lol

But yeah, him trying to find out about your week is annoying. I don't like men beating around the bush. He said maybe next weekend so the next time he mentioned it I would expect him to be coming with a specific day and time. At this point I would just be like "pick a day/time and let me know". And then if it works for you, great. If not, thems the breaks for him. Men need to do better.
Sooo..I never posted about this in here but I did end up applying and I got my acceptance letter today.

I'm nervous, as I've been out of school for 16 years now, but I'm excited and looking forward to being more productive with my free time.

So, my love life is non-existent and I'm about to start therapy tomorrow, but on a positive note, I finished my first class and got an A-.
went to a social dinner thing for black folk last weekend. We getting to know each other and there's a lot of banter. Dark skin dude and i have the same bday! He commences to hitting on me and chatting me up.

He's bantering a lot with another woman. Then a second later turns on her and says "stop acting light skinned!" Who was that here who just heard the same thing?!

Anyways several times throughout dinner his pickup line to me was "when are you bringing me a present for our birthday?!" like 10x.:spinning:

Dude in his late 40s. Such a bad look. I was so turned off!:barf: