This man just jumped the turnstile then asked for my phone number. Excuse me?? Even on my worst day I'm not the one for you.

Lmao! Today a crackhead wearing a basketball jersey and a straw hat told me I was pretty then asked if I was Hawaiian.

I told him no, I was mixed with black and blacker and he gave me the side eye and shooed me away :laugh:

more on single self improvement:

the invisalign really is working! about to end week 12. not exactly halfway but getting there.

also shrinking down! I'm gonna have to add weights or some type of resistance to build muscle especially upper body. maybe yoga. ugh reminds me. I reaaallllly don't wanna work out today. so tired!

thinking of new business venture. I'm sick of working these ridiculous 10 hour days and practically living in my car commuting. I've got some ideas. started researching already.

speaking of car, this one has problems. imma go head and bite the bullet and upgrade. she's 11 years old now... she tired... lol. maybe for my burfday! :)
Welp. This dude wants to take me out. He's a friend of a friend and he found out that he and I are now in the same city, so he reached out and asked me out.

The thing is, I'm not physically attracted to him at all. But I haven't been on a date since January so I'm guessing this would be a good chance to get back out there, practice what I've learned, and just enjoy being courted.

Since I've been leaning back in all aspects of life, I'm noticing more things are coming my way with little effort on my part. I'm accepting it. We'll see what happens.
So Bae #2 wants to buy the house next to the house he currently owns. We had the talk earlier this week about our future and I'm all like well I'm not ready to just pick up and move yet he said to let him know so he can buy more silk pillowcases. I also broke up with Bae 1 on Friday morning but we are back together again... IDK what to do honestly.
So Bae #2 wants to buy the house next to the house he currently owns. We had the talk earlier this week about our future and I'm all like well I'm not ready to just pick up and move yet he said to let him know so he can buy more silk pillowcases. I also broke up with Bae 1 on Friday morning but we are back together again... IDK what to do honestly.
Buying houses and whatnot? Excuse me! Don't dump #1 until he buys that birthday jewelry though.
Buying houses and whatnot? Excuse me! Don't dump #1 until he buys that birthday jewelry though.
I was on the phone with him and he ran into his neighbor and they just started discussing the house. The neighbor said how much he's selling the house for and then when Bae got back inside he said yea, I can pay cash for that. I dropped my fork like excuse me sir?? Then he starts talking to himself about numbers and I'm quiet as a mouse, writing down every number his says on my notepad. Then I had to hang up and get back to work and he starts singing don't leave me by Blackstreet. All the while I'm gonna sit on Bae #1's face tonight smh

If he buys this new house I may be able to convince him to renovate the upper floor how I want.
Soccer Guy Update:

We are still seeing each other, but not exclusively yet, and I'm actually totally fine with that. My womanly intuition tells me the subject will be broached soon enough. Probably sooner than I want it to be because I like our current arrangement. I'm getting my speech ready because I don't like to be caught flat footed. He's opening up more now that I've started being nicer to him, but I still need just a little bit more to be able to make up my mind about him. It could go either way at this point. Time will tell. I'm just along for the ride.
I'm at the bus stop and there's two guys sitting there. One says: how you doing, are you married? You have a boyfriend? You single? I said yes, and he's like "hi, I'm Pretty Ricky." And proceeds to stick his hand out for me to shake. I replied "it's nice to meet you, but I'm not interested." He goes "ouch, you stabbed me in the heart." I go " you'll be okay" :look:

I'm wondering how he got that name. Must be one of those oxymorons.
I'm at the bus stop and there's two guys sitting there. One says: how you doing, are you married? You have a boyfriend? You single? I said yes, and he's like "hi, I'm Pretty Ricky." And proceeds to stick his hand out for me to shake. I replied "it's nice to meet you, but I'm not interested." He goes "ouch, you stabbed me in the heart." I go " you'll be okay" :look:

I'm wondering how he got that name. Must be one of those oxymorons.
Sometimes I feel bad for men. They get rejected so often and I wonder how they manage to keep their self esteem high enough to keep trying. Because I can bet he'll use that line on the next girl at the bus stop. lol
@KammyGirl Me too. I feel so embarrassed if I approached someone and they turned me down. Men take it like champs (most of them) and keep it moving.
I remember doing this in HS, worked up the courage, he was a year older, and was shut down, hence forward I started to diss him amongst friends, oh he a bum anyways... :rolleyes: I was traumatized for a hawt minute and surely never approached another...
Last night #2 asked what are we :rofl: then asked to be exclusive. I technically said yes but I'm not dropping #1 yet. #2 is heavy on the WE chatter. Everything is I'll get this for us. I can't wait till we get to do this. I'm gonna plan this for us to do. I'll just be in bed like ooooo that's nice, I can't wait! :lol: But he always comes through so we shall see!
Sooooo about last night...

Yesterday my sisters and I went to see Jidenna in concert. Before we left while I was fixing my make up my dad told me he hopes I meet someone. I was like "are you talking to me?" Because my sister was standing close to me and she's always talking about meeting someone. But my dad said "Yes you." I said "Is that your way of telling me I look good?" He said "Yes." I shoulda known then.

So before the opening act, my sisters and I are taking pictures of each other. And I was editing mine about to put it on IG when a guy comes over and asks if he could ask a question. He said do I use IG story a whole lot. I said no not really. I'll call him Classic Man, after one of Jidenna's songs. So Classic Man initially starts talking to my sisters and I, then one of my sisters started talking to Classic Man's friend, and Classic Man and I started talking on our own. There was clear flirting on his part but I didn't mind. We talked about so much, basketball, traveling, our careers, family, favorite cartoons etc. He's a transplant from Arkansas, is an animator works at the California Academy of Sciences. Looks wise actually ok. I could see myself becoming more attracted to him as I get to know him. He talked about taking me to dinner. So this venue was standing only unless you paid extra to sit in back so it gets very crowded very quickly. Classic Man was sooooo sweet and gentlemanly. He moved me out of the way I don't know how many times from crazy people. There was this older BM who I could've sworn was staring at us. Well Classic Man excused himself to go to the bathroom and the older BM offered to let me move up in front of him. I did and said thank you. I kept looking back to see when Classic Man came back. When he did I motioned for him to join me, and the older BM got angry and said "I'm not gonna be looking over your head!" and Classic Man had to calm him down.

Most of the people at this venue were black but there were good numbers of Asians and Latinos too and a few white people sprinkled in. Well we were around a lot of white people who got drunk. And before Jidenna came out two white women got into a fight and left. Classic Man and I found ourselves with some Asian women and I said "What's up with those crazy women?" one of them then said "No what's up with those crazy white women?" :eek::lachen:I asked her why they were fighting and she was like "I don't know what they could they possibly have to fight about. They need to chill out or go home." It was hilarious. Asian women are through with wypipo lol. :look: One of my sisters told me another drunk white woman tried to give her a lap dance and everyone was like "WTF are you doing?" Well during Jidenna's performance Classic Man and I found ourselves around another group of drunk white women, one of whom kept trying to whip her hair back and forth and the only thing she succeeded in doing was whipping in my face. :mad: Classic Man subtly pushed her out of the way for me.:p They left so it became moot but Classic Man and I danced the whole time and at one point he moved behind me which turned out to be a good thing because things got so crazy and sweaty it was helpful to have someone to lean on, a sort of balance. I was wearing a sleeveless top so sometimes he'd run his fingers on my arms, kinda seductive. :hide:

Obviously we exchanged numbers afterward. He put his first and last name in my contacts. We shall see. Another peasant trying his luck in my court. :look::giggle:
Last night #2 asked what are we :rofl: then asked to be exclusive. I technically said yes but I'm not dropping #1 yet. #2 is heavy on the WE chatter. Everything is I'll get this for us. I can't wait till we get to do this. I'm gonna plan this for us to do. I'll just be in bed like ooooo that's nice, I can't wait! :lol: But he always comes through so we shall see!

When you bee campig out in Relationship forum, so you start giving advice, like, ummm yea, go me... :perplexed: (Although, no man, loving the journey of becoming a internal-bawse/Spartan...

Link to post, "Is it a good idea to tell a guy that I miss him?"
my response: "Nah, from my understanding of leaning back, that is a big NoNo!
why do you miss him, is he not calling, initiating dates?"

What do you ladies think?! Is it ever ok to text a guy "I miss you"...
When you bee campig out in Relationship forum, so you start giving advice, like, ummm yea, go me... :perplexed: (Although, no man, loving the journey of becoming a internal-bawse/Spartan...

Link to post, "Is it a good idea to tell a guy that I miss him?"
my response: "Nah, from my understanding of leaning back, that is a big NoNo!
why do you miss him, is he not calling, initiating dates?"

What do you ladies think?! Is it ever ok to text a guy "I miss you"...
If the two of you are in a committed, exclusive relationship and you're trying to be cute, then sure. My bf texts me that he misses me five minutes after I leave him. :lol: