Awww you poor thing. :bighug:
So for his abstinence, is it till marriage or what? Cuz if not and y'all exclusive and all, then.....:naughtycouch:

:laugh: Girl....the struggle is real! He's holding on to the peen until marriage

I'm right behind y'all. My birthday is next weekend. The 2nd. Virgo in the house.
Virgos are the BOMB! 9/12

Why isn't there ever any happy medium? Or am I just crazy. This dude I haven't even met in person yet has called me no less than 9 times this weekend. GEESH. I don't even know him like that yet. Either the ones I like are aloof and unavailable, and the ones I could care less about blow me up incessantly!!! I need somewhere in the middle. This is creeping me out.
Something must be in the air because all three of my boyfriends wanted to talk to me about our "status." :nono: I managed to escape all three convos as a single woman but the whole ordeal just exhausted me. I had already decided to take a couple weeks off from dating and this just confirmed that was the right move.

In the meantime, I edited the language on my OKC profile and within minutes got 5 messages from 40+ men. Previously, the range was 26-36. I'm looking for something very specific so if anyone has any pointers on getting these men to open up their wallets, please holla at me. I know it's not hard and I am young and beautiful so the value is there but I'm having trouble breaking through to the other side for some reason. My PMs are open....:look:
POF is a total loss! No hits, my gf got three dates in one week.

OKC wont allow me to upload my pic on their profile.

Off to find something else.
You are going to a health club now right? Lol go during happy hours on days you don't work out. Put on a cute workout outfit and hit the weight room.., they will come.. trust me. I used to work at a health/fitness club for several years.
You are going to a health club now right? Lol go during happy hours on days you don't work out. Put on a cute workout outfit and hit the weight room.., they will come.. trust me. I used to work at a health/fitness club for several years.
That's me.... I have 13 at the end... I didn't know there was already a movingforward when I created the name ha ha
Moment missed?! When a dude calls you after having gone ghost for a week, do you let em know that this is not what interested in? Is it ever ok to send a text say next day that albeit call was nice but not interested in what bringing to table, or just keep em on block...
So this boy came back around. He text me the other day asking how I was but I already erased his phone number. This morning he calls me while I'm walking to the train station like oh you need a ride after work today? I told him he can only pick me up if he's taking me for lobster. We gonna see cause I want lobster but I don't want to pay for it.