That's nice you are treating him to stuff, but really listen to what he told you about the way you behave towards him when you are dealing with stress.

Yes, I've been working on it. He came by last night and I did talk to him about what's been going on. He gave me some extra hugs and kisses telling me everything will be ok. Been trying to talk more instead of shutting down like I usually do. He's been texting me all day, trying to keep me upbeat and it's been working. So since he's been so supportive lately (and on his ish in other areas), I figured I'd get the tickets for the museum and he pays for dinner.
Yes, I've been working on it. He came by last night and I did talk to him about what's been going on. He gave me some extra hugs and kisses telling me everything will be ok. Been trying to talk more instead of shutting down like I usually do. He's been texting me all day, trying to keep me upbeat and it's been working. So since he's been so supportive lately (and on his ish in other areas), I figured I'd get the tickets for the museum and he pays for dinner.
That's awesome! I'm glad you have somebody special to make you feel better!
I feel so overwhelmed lately and I think I may extend my hiatus by another month. This month I have my mom's birthday this weekend, next weekend plans with a girlfriend to catch up, the week after I'll be in Florida, the weekend after that my friend starts a new job and recently got engaged so we're doing a group outing/dinner. Then the weekend after that I'll be in Martha's Vineyard for my bday/labor day. Those are all my weekends in August taken up. I took off today just because and ended up doing laundry and food shopping because I realized I wouldn't have time to fit that in. When what I really wanted to do was stay on the couch and eat ice cream today. Lol

So I'll have to push the pottery classes to next month and hope I can get some time to myself then. I also have to schedule an eye appointment and a dental appointment. Just too much.
the last on the roster who didn't get a nickname is off the list. unless he can very quickly (next 48hrs) prove he has something going on.

Just told me 5 mins ago he drives Uber/Lyft full time. Unless I can suss out that he's wealthy and just filling his time, going ghost.

Doesn't seem to be a shortage of 45 or older life wasters here. geez!
G.L Lambert responded.

The main thing that sticks out is "that card has been a point of interest before". Which means that it has been in his room for some time and you aren't the first girl to react to it this way. Maybe it's sentimental, maybe it's a power play to get a reaction out of women that enter his room or to keep them on their toes. Regardless of his true motive, I think he feels guilty for playing that game in the first place. I'm assume the first or last girl before you that saw that card probably bought it up to his face, you didn't bring it up you snooped then called him out on your theory. I think you triggered that guilt because maybe he is holding on alternatively if it is just for "color" then you push the button that it's a stupid thing to have in your room once you have a girlfriend. The point being, this is a fresh relationship, you guys are still virtual strangers, and for some men it's hard to mature out of ******** like old cards in the room as reaction starters.

I don't think you were cold via text about the sermon, it wasn't a vibe, he was projecting because of his shame. It's not about the card, it's about him not knowing how to be a boyfriend or at least being humbled by the new rules that comes with being someone's man. No one teaches guys these things, that they don't yank on the emotions of girls they like or push the buttons of women they commit to like they do girls they are simply dating or sleeping with. His distance is all about guilt and shame because he doesn't want to admit that it was foolish to have it there in the first place.

The only conversation you can have to get past this is to make it no longer about the card but about empathy. This is what should be said, "Don't think I'm upset about the card itself or that it's jealousy or suspicion. This is a new experience for the both of us and I think it's important to be transparent more than usual because we don't actually know each other to the point of trust. Put yourself in my shoes, how could you not react to that image with questions? I buy your reason, but now that we're together I would hope you would either remove something like that or tell me with full honesty the story behind it before I see something like that which can't help but cause suspicion. I don't want to come off as jealous, so I'll be sure to ask and not assume, but we both have to be open about communicating, not about a stupid card, but anything that raises mystery." Now you can put that in your words and break it down, but the message is to make this about what you expect as a girlfriend, because clearly he doesn't know what the rules are if he's holding on to old cards even after it's come up before.
G.L Lambert responded.

The main thing that sticks out is "that card has been a point of interest before". Which means that it has been in his room for some time and you aren't the first girl to react to it this way. Maybe it's sentimental, maybe it's a power play to get a reaction out of women that enter his room or to keep them on their toes. Regardless of his true motive, I think he feels guilty for playing that game in the first place. I'm assume the first or last girl before you that saw that card probably bought it up to his face, you didn't bring it up you snooped then called him out on your theory. I think you triggered that guilt because maybe he is holding on alternatively if it is just for "color" then you push the button that it's a stupid thing to have in your room once you have a girlfriend. The point being, this is a fresh relationship, you guys are still virtual strangers, and for some men it's hard to mature out of ******** like old cards in the room as reaction starters.

I don't think you were cold via text about the sermon, it wasn't a vibe, he was projecting because of his shame. It's not about the card, it's about him not knowing how to be a boyfriend or at least being humbled by the new rules that comes with being someone's man. No one teaches guys these things, that they don't yank on the emotions of girls they like or push the buttons of women they commit to like they do girls they are simply dating or sleeping with. His distance is all about guilt and shame because he doesn't want to admit that it was foolish to have it there in the first place.

The only conversation you can have to get past this is to make it no longer about the card but about empathy. This is what should be said, "Don't think I'm upset about the card itself or that it's jealousy or suspicion. This is a new experience for the both of us and I think it's important to be transparent more than usual because we don't actually know each other to the point of trust. Put yourself in my shoes, how could you not react to that image with questions? I buy your reason, but now that we're together I would hope you would either remove something like that or tell me with full honesty the story behind it before I see something like that which can't help but cause suspicion. I don't want to come off as jealous, so I'll be sure to ask and not assume, but we both have to be open about communicating, not about a stupid card, but anything that raises mystery." Now you can put that in your words and break it down, but the message is to make this about what you expect as a girlfriend, because clearly he doesn't know what the rules are if he's holding on to old cards even after it's come up before.
What do you think? I'm trying to digest it. But the advice he gave about how to express what you expect as a girlfriend was good.
What do you think? I'm trying to digest it. But the advice he gave about how to express what you expect as a girlfriend was good.

I think he was spot on, it all makes perfect sense to me and I feel validated because a lot of the things he suggested I should say were already said.

He made a good point when he said guys aren't taught to push the buttons of the women they like and knowing what I know about milk chocolate and his past it makes perfect sense. He was a heaux back in the day & got used to manipulating women, I think this "normalcy" is a learning process for him and he feels guilty and dumb because I didn't act a fool about the card like he was expecting me too.
I'm glad he responded, @UniquelyDivine ! Lol at the big, bold letters.

I have a date with another guy on Saturday. I don't think I'm feeling him, but I need a distraction from Soccer Guy who I am feeling very much. I'm supposed to be seeing him after the soccer tournament that day along with the new guy, but he hasn't set a time yet. Sucks for him, I guess, unless the two times don't conflict, in which case I will tell him he needs to let me know earlier next time, but still go.

We talked on the phone tonight which was fun. I think there might be a backbone in there somewhere based on our conversation, but I also feel like he does a lot of puffing as Judge Judy would say. I don't know what his motive is for saying half the stuff he says, so I just file it away under "Soccer Guy, Puffing". Actions speak louder than words. We'll see.
I wish I found out about my new job (same org, remote work) before I re-signed my lease. I'm ready to leave my current city. I don't hate it, but I don't see myself building a life here, so why waste my time. It sucks because I want a relationship, but I don't want to meet someone who plans on staying here. My lease isn't up until June 2018 :cry3:
Im about to cancel a date i have with this guy on sat night. Is it wrong that i would rather bar hop with some friends? Lol. This guy hasnt even put in effort to get to know me in 2 weeks. Met him on match and besides exchanging info on what we do for a living and his salsa dancing obsession...i have no other interest in him. I sent him a hey how are u doing text and he responded 2 days later lol. But when it comes to our salsa dancing date he is very on point to talking about that. I think he just wants a woman finally to dance with at the spanish club. Im not wasting my time with this. I'd much rather bar hop in brooklyn lol
G.L Lambert responded.

The main thing that sticks out is "that card has been a point of interest before". Which means that it has been in his room for some time and you aren't the first girl to react to it this way. Maybe it's sentimental, maybe it's a power play to get a reaction out of women that enter his room or to keep them on their toes. Regardless of his true motive, I think he feels guilty for playing that game in the first place. I'm assume the first or last girl before you that saw that card probably bought it up to his face, you didn't bring it up you snooped then called him out on your theory. I think you triggered that guilt because maybe he is holding on alternatively if it is just for "color" then you push the button that it's a stupid thing to have in your room once you have a girlfriend. The point being, this is a fresh relationship, you guys are still virtual strangers, and for some men it's hard to mature out of ******** like old cards in the room as reaction starters.

I don't think you were cold via text about the sermon, it wasn't a vibe, he was projecting because of his shame. It's not about the card, it's about him not knowing how to be a boyfriend or at least being humbled by the new rules that comes with being someone's man. No one teaches guys these things, that they don't yank on the emotions of girls they like or push the buttons of women they commit to like they do girls they are simply dating or sleeping with. His distance is all about guilt and shame because he doesn't want to admit that it was foolish to have it there in the first place.

The only conversation you can have to get past this is to make it no longer about the card but about empathy. This is what should be said, "Don't think I'm upset about the card itself or that it's jealousy or suspicion. This is a new experience for the both of us and I think it's important to be transparent more than usual because we don't actually know each other to the point of trust. Put yourself in my shoes, how could you not react to that image with questions? I buy your reason, but now that we're together I would hope you would either remove something like that or tell me with full honesty the story behind it before I see something like that which can't help but cause suspicion. I don't want to come off as jealous, so I'll be sure to ask and not assume, but we both have to be open about communicating, not about a stupid card, but anything that raises mystery." Now you can put that in your words and break it down, but the message is to make this about what you expect as a girlfriend, because clearly he doesn't know what the rules are if he's holding on to old cards even after it's come up before.

This makes a lot of sense and I like the script he gave you. This is making me want to ask him a question. :look:
I really need to post more and be more attentive to advice receiving maybe things will move along faster and not get caught up in the games... Avoiding yalls opinions like the plague in a way not to get feelings hurt, Lol...

So here goes...

^^^there is that compromise thing again...@AnjelLuvsUBabe are you gonna see him again, or is that a wrap?
Yea, I am guesing at this age that is what should be expected, compromise, but boo I am not compromising so early in game, even if I was 50yrs old, like come on now...

Do you even like him? I am very confused. First if I had to pee, I would have walked in the restaurant like naw hold up give me 5 minutes. Did you drive or did he drive? Why would he even reach for your card and it's parking by his house or did you have to pay to leave the parking lot? If he had an attitude that you didn't wanna kick it with him you should have said fine, then you can drive me home now since it's only for a few. It's YOUR BIRTHDAY not his.
Slim, you funny and on point, I felt like I was forcing self to like ole dude... and I was mad at self for going so hard on my birthday. Lesson learned, I hope...

He drove to the venue and then dinner, as we were walking to car, I saw a ticketing machine, so as a simpleton, since holding ticket was like let me pay, ya know how people suggest women to pay for tip type thing... But since shut down, though nothing of it, but when got to gate, I was like this dude and his head games.

In regards to bathroom, I was thinking the same, like if you have to pee, go pee. When we were by his crib, I eventually was like ok take me home, cause I am not staying.

Dude was not remotely romantic. At dinner, he talked about his aspirations. Took up a good 30-45 minutes going over the plot to this 5 part book series that he is working on... I mean I stayed tuned in because it was a good idea, but after like 15 minutes I was like come on bruh...

Also not to mention, he is not attuned to this day, as in he doesnt listen to, watch or partake in anything recent. He didnt get any references I was making in regards to culture of today. I was talking about music, etc, and he could not relate, Lol. He played old school on radio in car.

@AnjelLuvsUBabe this was your birthday date? And you brought food and seats to the picnic? I won't even mention the other business about paying. His whole attitude sucked. On my birthday all I'm doing is showing up.
Girl, I know, #thirstyME

Sounds like he's setting you up to not have all of your needs met. "I'm busy" and "Compromise" are male speak for I can't fill your needs and don't have expectations of me. In the meantime he is going to ask you for as much as possible and test to see if you have any boundaries. He's also big on criticizing your behavior and telling you what you "should" have done in all of the scenarios. It reeks of control.

block him, sis

Here I was like really, when I read this, but then I send dude a picture yesterday, (yes read beginning post, I am a sucker, self professed at this point... Still working on my Sparta, and the relapse ish... No seriously!!!) this freaking dude sad something that didnt have to do with picture. Like oh thats a weird picture, albeit it was a copy of a picture posted on gram via snapchat cute filter... :perplexed:
Okay ok other prospects...

Two other dudes in rotation, both seemingly not worthy because they are worse than ole dude writing paragraphs about...

1. works 2-10pm and wants to call at 11:30, after 1st date he invites me over, I am like nah, is like you plan then, I am like nah, he see's error in ways so like I know I didnt come correct so I will plan something, nothing yet...(For ig followers, the guy whom kissed me in a pic, @awallology #plug)

2. dude disappears mid sentence not to return until next day, I think he works overnight but not invested cause he disappears so much. when we first spoke he is like I find it so weird that you are single and no kids... I am like huh?! He is all like I am trying to figure out whats wrong...

Eitherway, I played life too much like a hermit. I am settling in fact that I may not have kids or a LTR but so far living life under my terms when I actually get the balls to do so, lately has been an adventure. finally coming out of my shell. Opening up more to people in life... :grin:

BTW, I think, well know I am holding on to dudes because I need a good lay... TBH..

These shenanigans have been brought to you by OKC members.
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@AnjelLuvsUBabe the first guy sounds like jackass. He spent over a half hour talking about himself and some book idea? sir. Move along. It's funny that I have a hard time talking about myself with men but I don't want to listen to them ramble on about themselves either. You live and you learn. These are practice men. Go ahead and test the waters, try things out, see what you like what you don't like and then when you're seriously into someone you'll know what you want and how to get it.

How old are you if you don't mind me asking. Not that it matters but I assumed you were fairly young. Young enough where you have plenty of time for children and a ltr. When I hear women say things like that I know it is because they feel discouraged. Don't get discouraged.

@AnjelLuvsUBabe the first guy sounds like jackass. He spent over a half hour talking about himself and some book idea? sir. Move along. It's funny that I have a hard time talking about myself with men but I don't want to listen to them ramble on about themselves either. You live and you learn. These are practice men. Go ahead and test the waters, try things out, see what you like what you don't like and then when you're seriously into someone you'll know what you want and how to get it.

How old are you if you don't mind me asking. Not that it matters but I assumed you were fairly young. Young enough where you have plenty of time for children and a ltr. When I hear women say things like that I know it is because they feel discouraged. Don't get discouraged.

I could only wish for 10 years of my procrastinating act back... 36years old. Self proclaimed late bloomer. I've come to terms though. Either that or build a time machine.
I've been watching Catfish: The TV Show pretty much every day this whole week (since I work from home now, I have the TV going all day) and it's so amazing to me how low standards or insecurity makes people put themselves in such unfortunate situations. It's making me determined to not do the same in my real life dating life. Even though the guys I'm seeing are not using fake pictures, they are still using their representatives to talk to me. Everything might not be as it seems.
I've decided to hang out alone tonight since tomorrow I promised myself to too many people.

There is so much fun stuff to do in Harlem tonight and I'm gonna attempt to go to 4 of them. I got my camera charged and I already know what I'm dranking. Just have to run home, shower and wash my hair.

I feel pressure to look extra good cuz I know imma see everybody and they mamma.
I've decided to hang out alone tonight since tomorrow I promised myself to too many people.

There is so much fun stuff to do in Harlem tonight and I'm gonna attempt to go to 4 of them. I got my camera charged and I already know what I'm dranking. Just have to run home, shower and wash my hair.

I feel pressure to look extra good cuz I know imma see everybody and they mamma.
Whats happening?! You can PM me. How do you find these things out... :perplexed: