Not dating related, but am I wrong for not wanting to be a part of a Marco Polo chat group with my family? I already have enough ways to communicate with people, I don't need another one.

Background: my family annoys me.

My dad text me about being a part of the group and I said I don't have the app. He said get it. I said no. Now he has my aunt texting me. I've ignored her messages so far, but I'll have to reply eventually. Why can't they just leave me be? If you need to contact me, call me (but really, don't call me) or text.

I also have two phones, one for work and my personal. I have work and personal GroupMes, FB, IG, emails...I feel overwhelmed with the number of people trying to get ahold of me all the time, sometimes I just shut off my notifications so I can have some peace. I don't need another series of messages to ignore.
So much drama this weekend with ex, guy no 1. Begged and pleaded for me to accept his apology and that he would treat me right now that I had told him what I expected. Ended with him stuck in my apartment stairwell early this morning trying to surprise me with a hot chocolate his car getting towed and him owing 400 dollars to get it out. I agreed to give him another chance and go out with him on Friday. Most expensive hot chocolate ever.
So much drama this weekend with ex, guy no 1. Begged and pleaded for me to accept his apology and that he would treat me right now that I had told him what I expected. Ended with him stuck in my apartment stairwell early this morning trying to surprise me with a hot chocolate his car getting towed and him owing 400 dollars to get it out. I agreed to give him another chance and go out with him on Friday. Most expensive hot chocolate ever.
Daayum, son :lachen:He better get it right.
So much drama this weekend with ex, guy no 1. Begged and pleaded for me to accept his apology and that he would treat me right now that I had told him what I expected. Ended with him stuck in my apartment stairwell early this morning trying to surprise me with a hot chocolate his car getting towed and him owing 400 dollars to get it out. I agreed to give him another chance and go out with him on Friday. Most expensive hot chocolate ever.

:lachen: :lachen: yes, he def deserves a 2nd chance just on principle :lol:
3 Pages later and she is back, I dont want to say defeated because the game is not over and I intend on winning... Just gotta STAHP reverting back to miss basica behavior

The last 2 months, I was on grind getting out there, mixing and mingling and met a couple of guys online... The first one, previously mentioned in post #22831, Lets call him Jack, well he earnestly surprised me, and took me out for birthday and it was overwhelming, it was a conservatory garden and we spent entire day there with a picnic and all. All I kept thinking about was that even if it didn't work out, I appreciated that I was able to do something so nice on birthday because of him. My other plans were sort of lame, since not traveling out of state was going to take a trip to Coney Island get a hot dog or something..

I had told him about my Coney Island plans say the Wednesday before (My Birthday was the next Tuesday) and he was all down to go , then the next day he is like I have a proposal but I want to talk to you on phone. I am all like what so he obliges and gives me a hint, like I would love to take you on a picnic in park, I was like huh? (I am not trying to go to Central Park) So after speaking on phone he sends me the name of place and I see it is a great spot to take, no other than, Glam shots, ok call me anal, but my pictures came out Lol

So about the day, ugghh, I was tasked with bringing the picnic food, insert basica behavior, why the freak did I offer to bring something... Your girl goes out to get cushioned mats for the ground, cause my butt needs something, there were benches there though, but in light, it was just more romantic... Home slice brought a bottle of Sangria which I guess kept the day following, we walked around... yadda yadda, I found out some of pet peeves and he got some of mines...

But not really, its like I need to find self, realistically... but that is another story...

Back to date, we were there from like 12-5ish and it was a good time, at no point did he try to hug me, get close, in head thinking I look grand and this outfit is snatched. At one point, he asked if I was scared to touch him, which was funny cause I would playfully touch his arm, etc but not reciprocated, I found that strange, but just shrugged it off. After the Garden outing, he took me to dinner and that was good, although we both got sick...

Here is where ish went left, me caught up in my day, I was in my emotions, on some Jack is cool ish. So Jack is like I have to use bathroom, we probably 15mins from his crib, but right outside restaurant. I was like go inside the restaurant, he is like would you mind coming to my crib, I am like ok real quick, right.... En route to car, I see meter, I go to pay (BASICA), he is like like nah, im like cool, so when we get to gate, he looks at me like you can pay here, Lol... At this time, I am looking at him like you just told me not to pay, him well you offered before if you would have gave me card now I would have denied it anyway... I am looking at him sideways, and ready to go... We get around his way, he finds parking then like you coming up, I am confused at this point because my intentions were to possibly sit in car well he went to bathroom, so I am like I can come up for a few. He is like I would have ddrove you home if only for a few... At this point he is bothered and hits me with, do you have self esteem issues, I am like huh?! Like WTF did that come from...There is so much more to write about dude, but I wont indulge...

After that night, he asked me if I wanted to meet him real quick for Sushi, which I told him in past I do not like. Now he is in an area I am not familiar with, so I say I am good with anything but that. I ask do they have tempura or something, he thought or thinks I am unwilling to compromise because he felt I should have offered up an option, I am thinking if I say anything except was an open playing field... Him: In a relationship people compromise and I am just thinking but we aint in a relationship.

Today: We hit each other back and forth, like hey, nothing major. He stays saying he is busy as he is in grad school.

Okay that was a lot, let me breathe and I will be back with dude #2.

block him, sis
I feel so bad for saying this but..... Milk Chocolate is kind of boring me, it's like now that he "has" me he feels settled and comfortable and I'm like ummmmmmerah, I still need flirting and fun boo, maybe I am just so used to the fun & excitement of **** boys that normalcy is boring to me.

He pissed me off last week too because I had spent the night (no funny business) and I noticed he had a card on his night table with a heart on it, I have been in his room several times and had NEVER ever noticed it before so when he got in the shower I went over and picked it up because I'm nosy and I wanted to see what it was.

It was an Valentine's day card from some chick with a generic sappy message inside o_O I set it back down and went downstairs to get my stuff together because I was leaving and when he came down he was like "Yo, player tip 101, if you're going to look through someone's things then make sure you put it back the same way so they don't notice'. I just looked at him and told him " I didn't really care if you noticed that I moved it or not but that card is quite interesting", he said "Yea that card always draws a lot of interest but I just like it because it gives a pop of color to my room"

He was on his way to church so I decided to let him slide for a minnute because I didn't feel like arguing & I needed a lil while to process. A few hours later he sent me a text about how great the sermon was at church and I gave him a friendly reply and he said

" You good?, you seem shorter than usual":rolleyes:

Long story short I told him I felt that it was disrespectful to have that laying around and that I have no interest in competing with phantom women or ex's so he can let me know now and I will go on my merry way :auto:, he told me it wasn't a big deal and he doesn't have any emotional connection to the card or the person that gave it to him and that he would throw it away. I still felt annoyed by the whole ordeal because I feel like that was a no-brainer.
I feel so bad for saying this but..... Milk Chocolate is kind of boring me, it's like now that he "has" me he feels settled and comfortable and I'm like ummmmmmerah, I still need flirting and fun boo, maybe I am just so used to the fun & excitement of **** boys that normalcy is boring to me.

He pissed me off last week too because I had spent the night (no funny business) and I noticed he had a card on his night table with a heart on it, I have been in his room several times and had NEVER ever noticed it before so when he got in the shower I went over and picked it up because I'm nosy and I wanted to see what it was.

It was an Valentine's day card from some chick with a generic sappy message inside o_O I set it back down and went downstairs to get my stuff together because I was leaving and when he came down he was like "Yo, player tip 101, if you're going to look through someone's things then make sure you put it back the same way so they don't notice'. I just looked at him and told him " I didn't really care if you noticed that I moved it or not but that card is quite interesting", he said "Yea that card always draws a lot of interest but I just like it because it gives a pop of color to my room"

He was on his way to church so I decided to let him slide for a minnute because I didn't feel like arguing & I needed a lil while to process. A few hours later he sent me a text about how great the sermon was at church and I gave him a friendly reply and he said

" You good?, you seem shorter than usual":rolleyes:

Long story short I told him I felt that it was disrespectful to have that laying around and that I have no interest in competing with phantom women or ex's so he can let me know now and I will go on my merry way :auto:, he told me it wasn't a big deal and he doesn't have any emotional connection to the card or the person that gave it to him and that he would throw it away. I still felt annoyed by the whole ordeal because I feel like that was a no-brainer.
The card always draws alot of attention? Who's attention and for how long? If that card has been around longer than June 2017, there is definitely an attachment to it, especially if he saw you moved it. Issa shrine. That's a no no. Unless homegirl is dead and still it needs to be elsewhere, not open display. It was like he was daring you to have a problem with it...

Also, sis, can I borrow your reader? I want to try something different this month.
The card always draws alot of attention? Who's attention and for how long? If that card has been around longer than June 2017, there is definitely an attachment to it, especially if he saw you moved it. Issa shrine. That's a no no. Unless homegirl is dead and still it needs to be elsewhere, not open display. It was like he was daring you to have a problem with it...

Also, sis, can I borrow your reader? I want to try something different this month.

That's exactly what I said! I thought that was a weird comment to make, how many folks been up in your room to notice that card and if it's been an issue then why haven't you removed it before now? He IMMEDIATLY noticed that the card had been touched/moved, I felt like it was a test to be honest, especially after he asked "You good?"

So you're that emotionally astute that you can read my mood via a friendly reply but you're not smart enough to know that the card can cause an issue? Ok dude................

For sure! I'll PM you.
That's exactly what I said! I thought that was a weird comment to make, how many folks been up in your room to notice that card and if it's been an issue then why haven't you removed it before now? He IMMEDIATLY noticed that the card had been touched/moved, I felt like it was a test to be honest, especially after he asked "You good?"

So you're that emotionally astute that you can read my mood via a friendly reply but you're not smart enough to know that the card can cause an issue? Ok dude................

For sure! I'll PM you.
He's got his roster. You should step up yours.
That's exactly what I said! I thought that was a weird comment to make, how many folks been up in your room to notice that card and if it's been an issue then why haven't you removed it before now? He IMMEDIATLY noticed that the card had been touched/moved, I felt like it was a test to be honest, especially after he asked "You good?"

So you're that emotionally astute that you can read my mood via a friendly reply but you're not smart enough to know that the card can cause an issue? Ok dude................

For sure! I'll PM you.

Right. That whole entire thing was weird af! "It gives a pop of color to my room" yo. what? :lol: What kind of card is it?! It's like a little hallmark card? Is the card big? A man decorates his bedroom with old cards?! How incredibly ridiculous! :lol: Was he serious? I'm sorry I'm sorry. But that answer leaves so much to be desired, imo.
Right. That whole entire thing was weird af! "It gives a pop of color to my room" yo. what? :lol: What kind of card is it?! It's like a little hallmark card? Is the card big? A man decorates his bedroom with old cards?! How incredibly ridiculous! :lol: Was he serious? I'm sorry I'm sorry. But that answer leaves so much to be desired, imo.

This would piss me off so bad. Don't insult my intelligence.
That's exactly what I said! I thought that was a weird comment to make, how many folks been up in your room to notice that card and if it's been an issue then why haven't you removed it before now? He IMMEDIATLY noticed that the card had been touched/moved, I felt like it was a test to be honest, especially after he asked "You good?"

So you're that emotionally astute that you can read my mood via a friendly reply but you're not smart enough to know that the card can cause an issue? Ok dude................

For sure! I'll PM you.
He didn't come off like a game player when he was courting you but now what is this he's trying to pull? It actually comes off as insecure and it would annoy the crap out of me. That card was a trap. Like he's trying to gauge your interest by seeing how upset you'll get at something that is clearly unacceptable or if you won't care at all. What does he want? You've already agreed to be exclusive. He better not do something stupid to make that change.
Right. That whole entire thing was weird af! "It gives a pop of color to my room" yo. what? :lol: What kind of card is it?! It's like a little hallmark card? Is the card big? A man decorates his bedroom with old cards?! How incredibly ridiculous! :lol: Was he serious? I'm sorry I'm sorry. But that answer leaves so much to be desired, imo.

I totally agree, his room is VERY masculine & decorated in black & gray so this little raggedy bedazzled hallmark card totally clashed with the masculine aesthetic. I gave him a huge side eye for that answer, it made zero sense to me.
He didn't come off like a game player when he was courting you but now what is this he's trying to pull? It actually comes off as insecure and it would annoy the crap out of me. That card was a trap. Like he's trying to gauge your interest by seeing how upset you'll get at something that is clearly unacceptable or if you won't care at all. What does he want? You've already agreed to be exclusive. He better not do something stupid to make that change.

Right!!! That's why I was so pissed and thrown off by this, he was genuine and upfront this whole time so wth is this all about. I feel like he was playing a game which I don't appreciate, if you need to "test" me to see if I'm jealous or insecure then you should'nt have asked me to be exclusive.
We're "official" now so I would feel a lil bad entertaining other men but my Mama has ALWAYS told me, "Keep your options open", so I 'm open to the idea :look:

I have no issue with risking the dick & I actually sent an email to the MDLWLY author because I wanted to see what he would say about it :look: :giggle:
It's official when there's a ring on it :look: Meanwhile this dude playing games.
This would piss me off so bad. Don't insult my intelligence.
Exactly. He wouldnt hear from me for days as punishment for this insolence. Too old for these high school games.

@UniquelyDivine you're a sweet woman. keep your eyes peeled and Spartan up.
That's exactly what I said! I thought that was a weird comment to make, how many folks been up in your room to notice that card and if it's been an issue then why haven't you removed it before now? He IMMEDIATLY noticed that the card had been touched/moved, I felt like it was a test to be honest, especially after he asked "You good?"

So you're that emotionally astute that you can read my mood via a friendly reply but you're not smart enough to know that the card can cause an issue? Ok dude................

For sure! I'll PM you.
What is his sign?Also, is the author of the card a reminder on why he chose to go celibate? He maybe trying to play it cool, but that could be something attached to a hurt he did or done to them.

I am not saying this is an end all, because it is definitely not. But if the goals were to play games and test you, children do that to see what their boundaries are. He is not a child. If he was not ready to be exclusive, and judging by how super fine you are, of course, men will be quick to capture lol, he needs to be forthcoming. Of course everyone takes something from there past, but to have a physical halicrux, that something he needs to work out prior to being exclusive. Once exclusive, playtime over, mate.

I am an arse. I would have him burn it in my presence then make that card paint with all the colors of the wind.
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What is his sign?Also, is the author of the card a reminder on why he chose to go celibate? He maybe trying to play it cool, but that could be something attached to a hurt he did or done to them.

I am not saying this is an end all, because it is definitely not. But if the goals were to play games and test you, children do that to see what their boundaries are. He is not a child. If he was not ready to be exclusive, and judging by how super fine you are, of course, men will be quick to capture lol, he needs to be forthcoming. Of course everyone takes something from there past, but to have a physical halicrux, that something he needs to work out prior to being exclusive. Once exclusive, playtime over, mate.

I am an arse. I would have him burn it in my presents then make that card paint with all the colors of the wind.

He is a Capricorn and I'm a Leo, I was wondering that too :scratchchin: he broke up with his ex in January and supposedly he's had the card since his house was first built so that means a year +. I DEF think he has an emotional attachment because he said

"Well what if I keep the decoration and tear off the message"

Really bruh??? It's been weird and stale since that conversation too so I think he feels salty.

:laugh: :laugh: I should've done that, I need to see the receipts sir, I wouldn't be shocked if he had it stowed away in his musty sock drawer.
He is a Capricorn and I'm a Leo, I was wondering that too :scratchchin: he broke up with his ex in January and supposedly he's had the card since his house was first built so that means a year +. I DEF think he has an emotional attachment because he said

"Well what if I keep the decoration and tear off the message"

Really bruh??? It's been weird and stale since that conversation too so I think he feels salty.

:laugh: :laugh: I should've done that, I need to see the receipts sir, I wouldn't be shocked if he had it stowed away in his musty sock drawer.
So what are you gonna do? If you don't break up with him, I would definitely back off and I would let him know that you don't compete with anyone. This is a test of boundaries.
He is a Capricorn and I'm a Leo, I was wondering that too :scratchchin: he broke up with his ex in January and supposedly he's had the card since his house was first built so that means a year +. I DEF think he has an emotional attachment because he said

"Well what if I keep the decoration and tear off the message"

Really bruh??? It's been weird and stale since that conversation too so I think he feels salty.

:laugh: :laugh: I should've done that, I need to see the receipts sir, I wouldn't be shocked if he had it stowed away in his musty sock drawer.

Like that episode of the Game when Janay found out Derwin kept Melanie's bear in a sock drawer after "throwing it out."
He is a Capricorn and I'm a Leo, I was wondering that too :scratchchin: he broke up with his ex in January and supposedly he's had the card since his house was first built so that means a year +. I DEF think he has an emotional attachment because he said

"Well what if I keep the decoration and tear off the message"

Really bruh??? It's been weird and stale since that conversation too so I think he feels salty.

:laugh: :laugh: I should've done that, I need to see the receipts sir, I wouldn't be shocked if he had it stowed away in his musty sock drawer.

Is this nicca serious :lachen: what does the card look like? Is it that bomb? :lol:
So what are you gonna do? If you don't break up with him, I would definitely back off and I would let him know that you don't compete with anyone. This is a test of boundaries.

I told him that exact thing,

"I won't be competing with any ex's or phantoms so get it figured out or let me know so I can go on about my business."

We haven't really kicked it too tough since then and I haven't gone back over his house either, we are basically back at square one right now in my eyes, my guard went back up immediately.

Is this nicca serious :lachen: what does the card look like? Is it that bomb? :lol:

Chile.... I felt like I was being punked....

It was a little white card with a red glittery bedazzled heart on it, NOTHING special whatsoever.

I for real feel like he was testing me because it was all so bizarre & ridiculous. totally unlike what I've seen from him so far.