Ok Makes sense then. I worked for an EA and she was a B. I think it was due to me having more education than she did. Like ms why hire me if you're just going to badger and criticize everything I do. I quit in less than 2 months. I think my next step in an Exec MBA and my CPA although I never want to work with taxes, I want to stay in the financial realm. So I know if I get those letters with my MBA, I'll look all fancy.
Yikes- sorry you had to deal with that!
Exactly I like my fancy letters.

Thank you again ladies. Lol thank you @HappyMadison
Thank you ladies- Lee had a day planned for me- couples' massage and movie date to see Girls Trip in addition to the museum and lunch at my favorite place. I thought the movie was women only but turns out other men were there. It was hilarious. Ended the night with a brownie and now I am taking my old ass to color, I mean bed. Have a great weekend!!!
I had no plans last night so I spent the evening with a glass of wine and setting up my new printer. It was kind of hard and usually I have a guy around (even if I'm not dating) to do stuff like this. But in the end I'm enjoying spending my me time. Today I'll probably spend some time cleaning my apartment and lounging around.
I had no plans last night so I spent the evening with a glass of wine and setting up my new printer. It was kind of hard and usually I have a guy around (even if I'm not dating) to do stuff like this. But in the end I'm enjoying spending my me time. Today I'll probably spend some time cleaning my apartment and lounging around.
I don't have plans this weekend, either.
I had no plans last night so I spent the evening with a glass of wine and setting up my new printer. It was kind of hard and usually I have a guy around (even if I'm not dating) to do stuff like this. But in the end I'm enjoying spending my me time. Today I'll probably spend some time cleaning my apartment and lounging around.
You want to come clean mine too?

SN: Do any of the NY ladies have a cleaning lady? I do not want to do deep cleaning, I need to have someone come over.
:lol: I barely got mine together. I used to have a cleaning lady from this company called Miracle Maids but I think they're closed now. I loved this woman and I never let them send me anyone else. She became like family and her and my mom are still friends. lol She stopped cleaning for me because she went back to school and is a HR administrator now.

I never looked for another but I really want to. There is a company called Dapper Maids that looked promising.

You want to come clean mine too?

SN: Do any of the NY ladies have a cleaning lady? I do not want to do deep cleaning, I need to have someone come over.
Had a good time last night. He was a perfect gentleman--opened all doors, paid for everything, walked on the outside of the sidewalk, and all that. At the end, he told me that he did not consider our outing a date, but that if I was comfortable, he would like to take me on an actual date, date.

At times he seemed passive, but I got the impression that as a beta male, he didn't want to put me off by being too take charge, especially since we had never met in person before. He was very solicitous all evening.

I also got the impression that his family might have a bit of money, as he mentioned that they had recently helped his brother purchase some land to build a house on and that they are looking for a good property for him as well.

Overall, he is very sweet and seems to have potential in a lot of areas. Only time will tell if it's just a veneer or there is substance there. The passivity is also something to watch. Either way, he seems really into me, so I'll keep him around for now. I'm still open to entertaining other offers though.
Everyone around me is married or about to get married. I don't know why I keep my FB activated. Time to deactivate again.

All of my horoscopes via YT keep saying I am going to get a commitment. B, where? B, when?
It's coming girl. It's coming. In the meantime, what else are you doing? Are you enjoying life?

Which reminds me I'll be signing up for that pottery class next week. It's expensive but I don't mind. Only thing is I hope there aren't a bunch of Beckys hanging around.
It's coming girl. It's coming. In the meantime, what else are you doing? Are you enjoying life?

Which reminds me I'll be signing up for that pottery class next week. It's expensive but I don't mind. Only thing is I hope there aren't a bunch of Beckys hanging around.
I actually have been in a more positive mood lately. That is, until I checked FB a few minutes ago and saw yet another engagement anouncement. I am going to deactivate it for my sanity. The other day I took a walk and just enjoyed the scenery. It was nice. I've also been redecorating my place and the results are making my happy.
I found a thread on Konmarie (sp?) and immediately went through my clothes, only keeping the ones that brought me joy and getting rid of the ones that had any flaws on them.

Now that I know FB is my source of unhappiness it needs to go. I realize I get upset almost every time I log on.

Edit: FB deactivated.
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I actually have been in a more positive mood lately. That is, until I checked FB a few minutes ago and saw yet another engagement anouncement. I am going to deactivate it for my sanity. The other day I took a walk and just enjoyed the scenery. It was nice. I've also been redecorating my place and the results are making my happy.
I found a thread on Konmarie (sp?) and immediately went through my clothes, only keeping the ones that brought me joy and getting rid of the ones that had any flaws on them.

Now that I know FB is my source of unhappiness it needs to go. I realize I get upset almost every time I log on.

Edit: FB deactivated.
I'm trying to spruce up my place too! That is so much fun to me. I haven't been on facebook since 2013/2014 maybe. Only thing I have is instagram and even that I don't really like and never go on. Not having social media is a big relief for me.
Speaking of FB (and IG) can I be petty for just a hot minute please?


The exH loves to post his life in SM with his gf, who, if y'all remember, was his side piece which was the end of our 20 year bid together.

They always make their SM life look so fluffy and light. Especially now since she moved in with him to escape the hood a cpl months ago but...

Let's just say 4 ppl plus GF's pets in an 800 sqft apartment is no bueno.

DD isn't feeling it :look:
Her son isn't feeling it :look:
They broke AF (as in she on assistance and sect 8, he's not far behind :angry2:)

They can't keep up the welfare lifestyle. DD secretly told me if they continue she will want to stay with me and not do 50/50 anymore.

Everytime I see their SM or even them I just smh. I might just pull DD from the 50/50 anyway. That would require court action since the 50/50 is court decreed. I can afford a lawyer. He cant. :look:

Anyway the point is, his lifestyle has deteriorated since he broke vows... I can't help but to feel a little dark glee at his situation. And ppl prolly fall for the FB.

Also noticed some things with the exLaws. They all ignore her and flock around me. She just hangs off to herself with her son at the parties:giggle:

Pardon my petty yall!:angeldevil:

This is absolutely unexcusable!

You got your whole family upstairs watching Game of Thrones and you are like, "no, I'm good."

I gave you homework and access to my HBO account, negro! Your 57 year old dad even punking you because you not watching dem thrones. Cussing you out in patois and stuff. Your reply,

"I am trying to catch up so I can watch it with Maddy" :oops:

By the time you catch up, the season will be done.
@DarkJoy hehehe, revel in your escape and his subsequent downfall, it's ok :)

I was going to say something similar to @TwoSnapsUp, I think it's great to cut out negativity, but please know that all that glitters ain't gold. The number of unhappy couples I know is pretty alarming, but their SM tells a different story. This is why I'm not interested in settling just to say I have someone, even if he has "the basics" (good job, decent family, a modicum of intelligence). It has to be the right fit spiritually, mentally, etc. It won't always be sunshine and rainbows, but he has to be willing to do just as much work as I am to avoid becoming one of les misèrables