Lunch break :2inlove:

Son the dude from Michaels? He's so corny. He noticed that I wasn't going to give him any coochie and tried to give me attitude. Then when I didn't respond to the attitude he said my social skills are subpar and I'm not as smart as I think I am. I said I was smart enough to know not to give you any, look at you being immature because I'm not feeling you. Then he yapped and apologized and yapped some more. Blah.
Ewww isn't he the one who said he bought you that nail polish because his ex wore it or something stupid like that? Nah. Good day sir.
Lunch break :2inlove:

Son the dude from Michaels? He's so corny. He noticed that I wasn't going to give him any coochie and tried to give me attitude. Then when I didn't respond to the attitude he said my social skills are subpar and I'm not as smart as I think I am. I said I was smart enough to know not to give you any, look at you being immature because I'm not feeling you. Then he yapped and apologized and yapped some more. Blah.

Man, :censored: that dude.

I'm becoming increasingly disgusted by how mitch-made these ninjas are. This is far from the first story on here about some loser resorting to insults when they didn't get their way, and it pisses me off.
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I was smart enough to know not to give you any, look at you being immature because I'm not feeling you. Then he yapped and apologized and yapped some more. Blah.
Thugs don't fall in love. I'm not ready yet. I caught a panic attack earlier when I realized just how deep I was in it.
You got me cracking up on this bus. Shame on you :spank::lachen:
I gave up on all my ninjas...

I can't do situationships anymore.

I did meet a tall headed business owner this weekend. I thought he was a hatfish but I was tipsy enough to remove his hat and peek. His head is fine. Just a lil tall.

He lives on Long Island so that's a long shot. I want to love up on somebody but don't have the energy to care or play nice.
Man this some classic LHCF pearl clutching ish. So I'll remind y'all of the 3 millenial females in my dept who only date black men. This woman in particular is a white Mexican. Anyhoo she got a new long distance boo thang. They visit monthly.

I mentioned that I am going to an amusement park this weekend and she decided since boo thang waz coming that would be a great date.

So today I hear her dropping her tea. I mosey over and whatnot

She can't afford to go To the park!
My ears perk all the way up!

She said it will cost $150 at the gate excluding food. Plus she already got tix just as pricey for another event PLUS dinner PLUS he crashing at her crib. And I'm like


Then I get it! Homegirl financing their "courtship"! Is getting black D that serious in these skreets? Is she paying for his flights to visit also?! Lawd! :ill:

No wonder ninjas is acting a fool and like they're the prize!o_Oo_O:mad:
Realizing I have some true heaux tendencies :laugh: it's been so long that I've been in a relationship that I truly have to check myself and rein it in.

Some foineeee Q was flirting with me at a party this weekend and I was batting my eyes and staring at his big ol bare tatted chest until my bestie elbowed me.

No harm in looking :drunk:
That bored feeling is coming over me again. It is not particularly boredom in the situation; it's like a printer that self cleans: sure, I will let you continue your job, but first let me clear my head. I get annoyed when people push my buttons. I shut down when people do not protect my mental wellbeing, but I give you a warning first. Usually my responses become sharp instead of being altruistc. Or I used the phrase, "look kneegrow," lol. Alot is going on right, including my son coming back from Mexico, I got things to do.

Okay so I get it. He has a 10 year old daughter and he wanted to take her. They have been planning this for months. The night before they were leaving, the mother decided she didn't like the fact they were going to layover in Atlanta overnight. Atlanta is where his mother and father are and they all travel to Tennessee together. So lack of communication. She withdraws babygirl. And Jah is hurt. His grandmother isn't holding up too well, etc. I GET IT from all angles. My child goes into Mexico, outside of Juarez, at that, every summer. You think I do not worry about it? If I trusted my ex husband enough to create a life, I have to defer to his judgement when my son is in his care. So she calls his mother to get babygirl a flight and they are already on the road to Tennessee. And fighting and drama.

So the best thing I can say is she made her choice. She choose not to trust you, when you were communicating openly. That is her decision. She has to answer to babygirl. Do not answer it for her. What you have to do is come back around to successful co-parenting. So distance yourself for the duration of the trip. Communicate with babygirl your desire to have her near without trying to force your side. Stay neutral. But he is so hurt. And now his mother is arguing with BM. I mean, do not feed into her guilt. She is trying to take everyone out of character to justify her actions. Then you got family who is like, yeah, you tell her! Never liked her...but guess what? They go home with a cool story and you still have to deal.

Where I come in? I heard about the argument in real time. I heard about it on the way and once he made it to Atlanta. I am not going to deal with it all week until he gets the response he wants. I do not soothe egos. That is why you deal with me. I am different, so don't expect me to talk down on children's parents. Because that negativity builds up. I don't even know her. But some people like to relish in drama, especially family, to keep things interesting. Hell, my family do not even know where I live. It may be extreme, but it keeps people out my business and it keeps my peace. So I told him last night. We are off that. I will disengage if this is still an issue. Because you have a choice to dwell in pain or rise above this. If not for yourself, definitely for your daughter. She is already sad she is missing out on this experience. Do you want to bring her down further? He was taken aback at how I responded, but he knows I am right. He will be fine. And, if not, I am chillin either way.
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Got the gifs right so now I can tell my story lol

My ex that I broke up with in December is back. He sent me a long email basically saying he's got a fancy new job with lots more money and he's ready now. Did I miss something?


Ready for what? Bruh I don't want you no more. Then he goes on to say he knows he can give me what I need now and he knows all I wanted was attention. Umm


You must still be having some mental issues dude. Keep that over there. Deleted.
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I don't think broken. Healing sounds more like it. Working through the stages. It wasn't that long ago right?
I think it was either the end of May or the beginning of June. But I'm talking to a few guys and I don't feel anything for them. I mean I like them and flirt with them, and I even colored with one. But I'm ambivalent about them. I wouldn't be too hurt if they stopped talking to me, but I'd be hella bored lol.