Was it a positive experience?

yes and no.

With the 2 teenagers and a 10 year old, No! The boy wanted to wear make-up and I wasn't comfortable with that. He used to eat every single thing, after grocery shopping, in 2 days. Plus he was a fire-starter and I explicitly told them that I did not want children who were known to be physically aggressive towards adults or who started fires.

the teen girl would break into my locked room all the time when I would go to the gym. She hated where I lived because at that time I lived in the suburbs. She desperately wanted to go back to the hood, as she put it.

The little boy was great but the agency really wanted him to be with a family with children. So his stay was pretty short

The money was good but I wouldn't do it again unless i was married or retired.
My last flight I was group B, position 5, and had the nerve to be pissed. Glad you ditched him and glad you got to see up close and personal how he really lives. What a joke talking 'bout you need to make your own reservations. He really is a comedian:lol:.

That was my EXACT group and number yesterday :laugh: :laugh: I'm a Southwest believer! They can do no wrong in my eyes but I sure was tickled to see his trifling tail standing in that line.

In the words of Kendrick "Be humble, sit down".
yes and no.

With the 2 teenagers and a 10 year old, No! The boy wanted to wear make-up and I wasn't comfortable with that. He used to eat every single thing, after grocery shopping, in 2 days. Plus he was a fire-starter and I explicitly told them that I did not want children who were known to be physically aggressive towards adults or who started fires.

the teen girl would break into my locked room all the time when I would go to the gym. She hated where I lived because at that time I lived in the suburbs. She desperately wanted to go back to the hood, as she put it.

The little boy was great but the agency really wanted him to be with a family with children. So his stay was pretty short

The money was good but I wouldn't do it again unless i was married or retired.
Thank you! its something I've always wanted to do because my childhood best friend was in foster care. I just now realized that I am an actual adult and it was a possibility.

I'm just going to go to the orientation and see if I'm still interested.
Thank you! its something I've always wanted to do because my childhood best friend was in foster care. I just now realized that I am an actual adult and it was a possibility.

I'm just going to go to the orientation and see if I'm still interested.

Good luck. I think it takes a special person to take a stranger's child who has been abused or neglected into your home.

and the $2500 a month also helped quite a bit
Client hit me back with their offer- they are willing to pay $65 per hour. Honestly I don't think I want to take the contract. I am so excited about my LLC and moving in the direction of taxes versus auditing. Maybe I could do it for the experience for a short time while I am still setting up. Decisions, decisions...
So I am going to take it- it is a quick $40K. And I will take the month of December and half of January off. Lee said he would help me with my son on the days I have to work O/T. Awwww - my son jumped on Lee yesterday and gave him a big hug. They are so close- it tugs at my heart strings. Not sure I want Lee babysitting for me- may just tell him to pick son up from school and drop him off at the baby sitter. We aren't engaged or married so I don't feel comfortable with that.
Don't uh... know where to put this, hope someone can chime in with advice? I'm getting along okay, but I definitely still have some ways to go.

Situation as to the point as possible:

Decided to casually date a coworker (HORRIBLE idea) for about 2 months. He began to act hot and cold some ways in and became completely cold when a new hire came in (and admittedly, she's a cool chick and extremely pretty). He was distant and extremely platonic with his behavior towards me from that point on, while, prior to then, he was extremely aggressive and wasn't shy about showing interest/affection towards me at work either. I approached him about his behavior and if he was still interested in 'talking' and he claimed he was just stressed from being busy and yes, he was still interested.

The cold behavior continued.

I wasn't going to chase someone who was obviously acting disinterested, so I let it be. Come to find out, he was pursuing the new hire. I had no issue with that; you like who you like; but the way he made me feel played/jilted stung like hell. Come to also find out, when coworkers who caught onto his prior interest in me asked him what was up with that and the sudden shift to the new hire, he was telling them that he was basically humoring me and being flirtatious because I had a huge (one sided) crush on him. Hmph. Meanwhile, as this was being said behind my back, I maintained a professional, discreet demeanor always.

It was only until coworkers who felt as though the picture he painted of me was "off" and therefore told me what was being said, that I began to not only feel the sting of being played, but the anger of being played to look like a fool at that. My position at work requires communication from everyone on a regular basis, including him, but I'm so steeped in anger that I wish I could avoid him at every turn.

I guess some advice on how I should handle the situation and how I can learn to let this pass would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post.
Don't uh... know where to put this, hope someone can chime in with advice? I'm getting along okay, but I definitely still have some ways to go.

Situation as to the point as possible:

Decided to casually date a coworker (HORRIBLE idea) for about 2 months. He began to act hot and cold some ways in and became completely cold when a new hire came in (and admittedly, she's a cool chick and extremely pretty). He was distant and extremely platonic with his behavior towards me from that point on, while, prior to then, he was extremely aggressive and wasn't shy about showing interest/affection towards me at work either. I approached him about his behavior and if he was still interested in 'talking' and he claimed he was just stressed from being busy and yes, he was still interested.

The cold behavior continued.

I wasn't going to chase someone who was obviously acting disinterested, so I let it be. Come to find out, he was pursuing the new hire. I had no issue with that; you like who you like; but the way he made me feel played/jilted stung like hell. Come to also find out, when coworkers who caught onto his prior interest in me asked him what was up with that and the sudden shift to the new hire, he was telling them that he was basically humoring me and being flirtatious because I had a huge (one sided) crush on him. Hmph. Meanwhile, as this was being said behind my back, I maintained a professional, discreet demeanor always.

It was only until coworkers who felt as though the picture he painted of me was "off" and therefore told me what was being said, that I began to not only feel the sting of being played, but the anger of being played to look like a fool at that. My position at work requires communication from everyone on a regular basis, including him, but I'm so steeped in anger that I wish I could avoid him at every turn.

I guess some advice on how I should handle the situation and how I can learn to let this pass would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post.

Ugh, I'm sorry, what a jerk.

On the plus side, people were able to see that he was full of :censored: with regards to how he was describing you. So really, he's the one looking some way, and it's like the a-hole that he is.

As for dealing with him, I would pretty much only speak to him if it's work related. That means, no hi, no bye, no have a good weekend, nothing. Keep it professional at all times. Save for that, I don't know what else you can do since no interaction isn't an option.
Ugh, I'm sorry, what a jerk.

On the plus side, people were able to see that he was full of :censored: with regards to how he was describing you. So really, he's the one looking some way, and it's like the a-hole that he is.

As for dealing with him, I would pretty much only speak to him if it's work related. That means, no hi, no bye, no have a good weekend, nothing. Keep it professional at all times. Save for that, I don't know what else you can do since no interaction isn't an option.
I agree - ignore- move on. Keep it professional.
I'm just gonna post this in here too cause I'm big mad :lachen:.

Since there's no random thoughts thread I'll leave this here :look:.

Sister, you are so worried about looking down on and slut shaming me and other women that like to dress sexy, meanwhile your husband steady trying to be laid up with real ho's. :look:

You steady waiting up for him every night. But hey, at least you can still feel holier than thou on that pretend highhorse right? :bdance:
How did I become my guy friends sounding board??? One of my friends called me to tell me that he is going to cheat on his wife tomorrow and he is apologizing to me because he feels like he let me down.

Now he is going on and on and on and on about how great the new girl is and how she differs from his wife.

Earlier in the week my other guy friend was telling me how his engagement ended and it was a 2 hour dozy.
Ready? I'll try to keep in the order in which we talked about things.

She explained to me how it works and how she works and she wanted me to feel comfortable. She told me a couple of stories of other people she's seen and for one it was clear as day and specific and for another it was more abstract, signs and symbolism and all that. She said that's usually how it works for her.

Then she asked what was the first thing I wanted to talk about and I said duh my love life. :laugh: She asked me for a name of someone from my past that I had been thinking about. I told her the name and she said she saw him with like a link of hotdogs or sausages swinging them around like nunchucks and she laughed. I thought it was funny because I could see him doing something stupid like that. She said she was feeling a very silly and immature personality. He can't and won't commit. So then I asked her what was I supposed to be looking for? And she said this online thing is a game for me. I didn't mention I had been online dating. But she said I click click click so quickly and she had an image in her head of me picking up the phone over and over again. A cycle that is boring me. She said I need to stop. Take a month or 2 off and when I recover and come back I will find what I am looking for. I cut in and told her I wanted to move away from online dating and felt like it wasn't for me. She said something is going to click for me online when I come back to it but I have to get serious and really start reading the profiles. But stay away from the phone. She sees me at a desk or on a laptop. A big screen. Hmm... She said she saw an image of a passage jumping off the screen and I will have my aha moment then. She is feeling masculine energy and I immediately thought in my head how does she know I'm not a lesbian? lol And the very next thing she said was I feel masculine energy. Take it for what it's worth but if you're gay it could be a masculine woman. :lachen:I didn't want to but I had to tell her yeah it should be a man. Thanks.

She saw 2 names Reginald Jeremy. She can't tell if those are the names or if it's the dynamic of the names meaning he'll have 2 first names. I'm not crazy about the name Reginald so let's hope that's not his name. :look: I asked her if he's the one. She said the saw the phrase this is the guy. I asked her if it would be hard and if I had to work hard at it and she only said I see that you're already working hard. No other answer than that. I asked the doozy. Marriage? Kids? Y'all she said she rarely sees specifics but she sees Long Island specifically Levittown with cute little houses and 2 small children about the same height. She isn't sure if they are twins or if they are back to back. Hahahahaha That had me cracking up. I don't know why. Maybe because I don't think I can see myself on Long Island. I pictured someplace else much farther away.

She stressed me taking the dating time off though. And focus on self care. She said take myself to Barnes and Noble (my favorite thing to do lol) take myself out for a glass of wine, do some yoga and focus on my career. (I'll get to that in a second). It is not time yet. I need time to recover and come back to dating with a different mindset.

Career - she said there is no upward mobility where I am. She saw me in the center of an office with people running around in a flurry all around me and she said it was an incredibly calming picture she saw of me. She said this represents where I am now. And it was good because I found my zen as best I could in a place where it is hard to do so. And she said it is admirable to others. Some people notice and they look to me on how to keep their cool. But she said at some point I am going to make a hard left or a hard right and find something else. I am not going to be running my own business. There will be structure and she sees the word certificate so there will be more schooling. She saw boxes like in a family tree style all leading up one after the other and this is where I will find my upward mobility. She also saw flowers on the outside of the boxes and she said it meant that I would need to find something else outside of work as an adjunct to satisfy all the parts of my soul. Which is funny because my next question was going to be is this career path it? Something that would be my passion?

I asked her about my parents and my sister. She didn't say much about my mom but that she saw her with a big smile and there's some mischief there but she was rocking her empty arms back and forth like she was rocking a baby and pointing to the empty spot with intention. lol So obviously mom wants grandchildren right? She said my dad needed to get better with self care and asked some questions about him that I thought were off base but now I'm wondering because when I mentioned it to my mom she told me some things about my father I didn't know. My sister? That part was really deep and I almost cried but she's not speaking to me. Even though she's not I'm going to call her anyway. So there it is. I'm sure I forgot stuff but it was a lot and I wrote notes so I'll post if I remember anything else.
Don't uh... know where to put this, hope someone can chime in with advice? I'm getting along okay, but I definitely still have some ways to go.

Situation as to the point as possible:

Decided to casually date a coworker (HORRIBLE idea) for about 2 months. He began to act hot and cold some ways in and became completely cold when a new hire came in (and admittedly, she's a cool chick and extremely pretty). He was distant and extremely platonic with his behavior towards me from that point on, while, prior to then, he was extremely aggressive and wasn't shy about showing interest/affection towards me at work either. I approached him about his behavior and if he was still interested in 'talking' and he claimed he was just stressed from being busy and yes, he was still interested.

The cold behavior continued.

I wasn't going to chase someone who was obviously acting disinterested, so I let it be. Come to find out, he was pursuing the new hire. I had no issue with that; you like who you like; but the way he made me feel played/jilted stung like hell. Come to also find out, when coworkers who caught onto his prior interest in me asked him what was up with that and the sudden shift to the new hire, he was telling them that he was basically humoring me and being flirtatious because I had a huge (one sided) crush on him. Hmph. Meanwhile, as this was being said behind my back, I maintained a professional, discreet demeanor always.

It was only until coworkers who felt as though the picture he painted of me was "off" and therefore told me what was being said, that I began to not only feel the sting of being played, but the anger of being played to look like a fool at that. My position at work requires communication from everyone on a regular basis, including him, but I'm so steeped in anger that I wish I could avoid him at every turn.

I guess some advice on how I should handle the situation and how I can learn to let this pass would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long post.
Not saying he is, but that is narcissistic behavior. Treat him like a coworker and move on. He moves very quickly from being interested, to discarding, then creating triangulation. He got whatever he needed from you, and now he is on to the next, but will string you along, just in case the other one doesn't work out. Get a pint of ice cream, a funny movie, some melatonin for sleep, and go to work the next day cool as a cucumber.
If you continue, you are about to be in for some serious drama.
Going on a 2nd date with dude Saturday. I'm not particularly interested in him as a partner so if he waits til the day of with deets on location ans time (i told him bet 3 and 5) that's gonna be a no dawg. He's friend zoned anyway.

Someone keeps calling me at bad times when I can't pick up. I suspect it's Movie. Dude you need to leave a message. Like imma call a random number back without a heads up on whose call I'm returning? yea. no.

Trini finally gave up thank God.

Chef fell off.

Roster's getting thin. Will add more... ;)
Not saying he is, but that is narcissistic behavior. Treat him like a coworker and move on. He moves very quickly from being interested, to discarding, then creating triangulation. He got whatever he needed from you, and now he is on to the next, but will string you along, just in case the other one doesn't work out. Get a pint of ice cream, a funny movie, some melatonin for sleep, and go to work the next day cool as a cucumber.
If you continue, you are about to be in for some serious drama.

I believe you're right regarding the narcissistic behavior; we aren't dating anymore. Once I got wind he was no longer interested, I let him chase the new hire and kept it trucking. It was once I heard he was making things up about me in the work place that I became distressed and consistently angry. Definitely going to take the advice here and be professional but it's been hard when I see and hear his voice and he's so cavalier and smug, like he's proud that he's gotten away with this ish. :mad:
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DC bae arrives in one hour.
Quick back story on him: met him at a holiday house party, he was reserved, but cute, so I began chatting him and his frat brothers up. We exchanged numbers, but I was dissertating at the time my so I had no time for people if you weren't interested in a work session date. This Pissed a lot of men off, but not him, so he made it through to the next round. When we finally met up for happy hour weeks later, we ended up staying out talking until 3am. I thought he'd just be nice to look at, but he's smart and funny. Unfortunately by the time we could spend serious time together, I knew I was moving to Houston in a month so neither one of us got too close. Whenever I'm in town, he will clear his schedule to spend time with me, no matter how inconvenient for him.
Y'all within the past few days I have had men that I don't talk to at all give me things. Minor things but still. These are men whose direction I don't look in - not even accidentally - on a day to day basis. Today this guy who works on the other side of the office (I chat with him occasionally but never more than surface stuff) come back from his lunch break with a big bag of candy from a fancy candy store in the area talking about "I thought about you while I was in there Kammy so I got you a little something." A huge bag of goodies. Then the woman in my office tells me she walked with him and he went there just for me because he didn't buy anything at all for himself just that big bag of stuff for me. He kept asking her if I drink because he wanted to get some alcoholic chocolates to add to the bunch.

Then the next guy who works in the mail room I talk to regularly but he's old enough to be my father and he always talks to me about his daughter and he's been very fatherly like. But we don't get too deep of course. Came in yesterday with all these high fashion magazines (recent issues) talking about they come to the house every so often and he thought I would like them. He also tried to give me coupons to VS. Free panty with purchase type coupons and I side eyed him for that but it was sealed and he didn't know what they were. I didn't take that one though just in case he's on some other ish. I was like why are you giving me these? Maybe your daughter will like them. He said "oh yeah, maybe next time." Smh

What is happening?
@KammyGirl idk but it sounds good to me!

I was off Tuesday so I went to check out this new restaurant that's opening soon in harlem...I ended up getting 2 cameras and an offer to join their team which includes filming on the continent.

My friend called me later and told me that they thought I was lovely and had a great vibe.

I hope these men at this picnic feel my vibe tomorrow because I'm ready to be someone's wife and someone's mama. I'm officially over dating for fun. I'm still gonna remain happily single because I refuse to settle for a crusty half man.

Im all over the place...I blame the dream I had last night.
@KammyGirl idk but it sounds good to me!

I was off Tuesday so I went to check out this new restaurant that's opening soon in harlem...I ended up getting 2 cameras and an offer to join their team which includes filming on the continent.

My friend called me later and told me that they thought I was lovely and had a great vibe.

I hope these men at this picnic feel my vibe tomorrow because I'm ready to be someone's wife and someone's mama. I'm officially over dating for fun. I'm still gonna remain happily single because I refuse to settle for a crusty half man.

Im all over the place...I blame the dream I had last night.
Yes!!! That's the attitude I want to come back from my hiatus with.
Another thing I don't have a place to put. I came home from work to a FedEx door tag... only I don't remember ordering

*anything. Whatever it is, it came from Kentucky and it weighs a pound. I am all kinds of confused. But I'm excited to see what it is. I hope it isn't some tomfoolery...
I had a pleasant dream (for once) last night. I dreamt that I was smooching this guy and I could really feel the love and affection from him. And he was fine too. Surprisingly he was rather light skinned, like my brother's old complexion. Of course it did turn a little weird as all my dreams do. I told my cousin and her baby daddy to pick up the aluminum cans so they can recycle them. And I hugged her son that I haven't seen in forever.
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it's an ego boost to have men hit on you, and I don't have an issue in that department. There is always a man in my face. I know how to bat my eyes, flirt, and put on the charm. The only thing is I really don't wanna be bothered anymore.

That's the problem, there is always a man in my face. I have never not had a rebound, or a fallback. I always have to get over a relationship while starting a new one. And I get caught up in the romance. That wears off and I find out it's the same type of man! It's like they were made in a factory and sent directly to me!

I'm so done. I literally don't have the time anymore. I have 3 special needs kids. I don't have time, or energy to be in that kind of relationship. I don't even have a sitter. Nobody can ever come to my home. I'm ok with that. I'm kinda happy and excited about that!
@shortdub78 are you me? I find myself getting less caught up in romance as of yet. And I don't have time as well. This one guy keeps saying "I need to see you" but it hasn't happened yet. My schedule is not conducive to seeing people unless it's in the morning before I go to work and I value my sleep. My mom takes my son to camp and back and he's with me on my off days so you might as well say I don't have a sitter as well. And I don't want anyone coming to my house too.