Feeling a little disillusioned myself over one aspect of my life. The damn job.

I had hoped to long gone by now. Last Thursday and Friday getting home w DD in tow (the fancy camp remember?) took a disgusting 2.5 hrs Thursday and 2.0 hrs Friday :pullhair: Do you know what we could've done in that time? Gone out to dinner, had a friend over, gone to the gym AND had dinner. It's sick when 6 mi adds over half an hour to a drive.

Poor child was so through. couldn't entice her to do anything on the weekend besides eat and shower. She's only 11! No wonder I feel run down and "lazy" on the weekends. Heavy commuting sucks away your life and sucks the life out of you simultaneously.

I've been actively working with several (about 4) recruiters and theres literally nothing in my particular area of expertise on this coast right now.

I'm seriously considering changing specialities or career just to have a life. It's been 10 straight years like this. I'm done. It's a real act of restraint to not just quit and hope for a job later.

Other than kid and work there's no way I can reasonable fit in a social life, including a serious romantic relationship. The time and energy just isn't there.

Pray for me y'all. Pray something close to home comes this month. :(
Hit me up if you need someone to talk to. I'm going through it as well. I can't get rid of these headaches. Ain't nowhere for me to go to feel safe. I have to put on an act everyday and I'm tired. It would be one thing if I didn't have children. Now I see why it's not easy for someone to just up and leave. I called several places and there is no room, or space available. I have to stay positive and prayed up. Just know you aren't alone.
I'm here if only to vent @shortdub78
So I came home from visiting my home state yesterday... My "mom" gave me $1000 for my birthday gift and now I am semi wanting to spend it but I have been doing so well with snowballing my debt. I have paid off $5000 worth of debt since January. I have more to go- including my dreaded student loans, but I am following my budget and reducing my debts.

Lee was missing me (I told him last minute that I was going away for the weekend) and kept checking in, asking me if I was safe, etc. Then we were talking late at night when I made it in and I said "What you getting me for my birthday?" He said "I saw this diamond ring..." *Eye roll*. I mean it was nice to think about for 2 seconds but this man is big on surprises so of course that isn't it.

Had those other guys messaging me as well (men hate it when you take away their access to you without warning) but no one besides Lee stood out about missing me. I came home yesterday and Lee showed up at my house. Pumped air in my son's bike and they played together while I did my hair. And we had a good evening until he went home. Today is a brand new week. I am finishing up the process for my Enrolled Agent license so I can focus on the launching of my LLC. My 2017 so far is amazing--- a rocky start but things are coming together.
Does your mom want to adopt? Nice gift!!!!
You ever see someone and immediately get a "vibe" I was on the bus Saturday leaving work, and I saw this guy staring at me. First thing I thought was "he looks like he beats women" . On top of that he had a lady he was with that looked like his girlfriend and he was blatantly just looking at me and I was sitting behind him. Just disrespectful af. I ignored him and looked at my phone.
You ever see someone and immediately get a "vibe" I was on the bus Saturday leaving work, and I saw this guy staring at me. First thing I thought was "he looks like he beats women" . On top of that he had a lady he was with that looked like his girlfriend and he was blatantly just looking at me and I was sitting behind him. Just disrespectful af. I ignored him and looked at my phone.
Girl just gremlins all over place! This guy on the bike asked me for a quarter, while him and his boy was posted up in front of the gas station. Didn't hold the door for me, or offer to pump my gas. I heard him tell his friend he needed air in his tire. I got three kids in this damn car and you asking me for a quarter?!! Bum Arse with his true religion jeans on.

Please continue to check in so we know you're safe!
Thank you and I will! My headache is finally going away. My anxiety goes through the roof when I'm not alone... it's not a good feeling to be scared like that. I'm not good with hiding my emotions, so all of this is very difficult for me. Thank you ladies for allowing me to open up. @hopeful for being my shoulder.
I'm trying with this guy, Mr. Barnes and Noble. That's what I'm calling him since that's where we met. But he's making it hard. I despise small talk. He said he was busy with work. I'm still trying to find out what that is since he mumbled it when I asked him. My mom, sister and other people say he might be nervous. I'd have more patience to do that if I knew for sure I liked him. But there wasn't that instant spark although I was curious about him.

Wait, he's texting me now.
I'm trying with this guy, Mr. Barnes and Noble. That's what I'm calling him since that's where we met. But he's making it hard. I despise small talk. He said he was busy with work. I'm still trying to find out what that is since he mumbled it when I asked him. My mom, sister and other people say he might be nervous. I'd have more patience to do that if I knew for sure I liked him. But there wasn't that instant spark although I was curious about him.

Wait, he's texting me now.
I mean, he approached you, he can't be that nervous. I think busy yourself talking to other people or doing other things so you won't even notice how slow he is texting.
I mean, he approached you, he can't be that nervous. I think busy yourself talking to other people or doing other things so you won't even notice how slow he is texting.
I don't. I'm not invested in whether he talks to me again or not. I've got plenty going on. But mother keeps bringing it up. We actually got into an argument twice last week over this. Short version is she thinks I'm not open enough to men. We've fought about this for years. I've told her I prefer a man to take the initiative and if he doesn't I KIM and she doesn't accept that.

My sister later said the same thing in a better way that men do in fact get nervous. I'm hearing men say that more these days. So I'm being open without giving myself away.
I let my ex boyfriend convince me to go to a nude beach with him.

I hated it at first but got drunk and needed up having a good (but weird) time.

I know it may seem a weird thing to do with an ex but he's probably one of my closest friends and I can't really imagine going with anyone else...being that I'm single.
@shespoison Oooh, you were buck naaaaked :lachen:
I was. I didn't think I could do it but after two beers and half a bootle of brown liquor....I was having naked convos with strangers...

Never again though. I didn't like the energy there and had nightmares the whole night. I generally shy away from places where I have to be drunk to feel comfortable :rolleyes:

I also realized that my ex is more than a perv...he's a certified deviant. Side story...he used to go all the time with his ex, they broke up and she moved across the country so I was the fill in. I am so far removed from liking him that I knew all this and felt no way. Maybe this is why ppl think I'm a weirdo :abducted:
I was. I didn't think I could do it but after two beers and half a bootle of brown liquor....I was having naked convos with strangers...

Never again though. I didn't like the energy there and had nightmares the whole night. I generally shy away from places where I have to be drunk to feel comfortable :rolleyes:

I also realized that my ex is more than a perv...he's a certified deviant. Side story...he used to go all the time with his ex, they broke up and she moved across the country so I was the fill in. I am so far removed from liking him that I knew all this and felt no way. Maybe this is why ppl think I'm a weirdo :abducted:

Me too. I really don't like that vibe.
I was. I didn't think I could do it but after two beers and half a bootle of brown liquor....I was having naked convos with strangers...

Never again though. I didn't like the energy there and had nightmares the whole night. I generally shy away from places where I have to be drunk to feel comfortable :rolleyes:

I also realized that my ex is more than a perv...he's a certified deviant. Side story...he used to go all the time with his ex, they broke up and she moved across the country so I was the fill in. I am so far removed from liking him that I knew all this and felt no way. Maybe this is why ppl think I'm a weirdo :abducted:
Hey, if it works it works lol. It would take me some Dutch Courage to be naked like that as well, AND having convos lol.
Feeling a little disillusioned myself over one aspect of my life. The damn job.

I had hoped to long gone by now. Last Thursday and Friday getting home w DD in tow (the fancy camp remember?) took a disgusting 2.5 hrs Thursday and 2.0 hrs Friday :pullhair: Do you know what we could've done in that time? Gone out to dinner, had a friend over, gone to the gym AND had dinner. It's sick when 6 mi adds over half an hour to a drive.

Poor child was so through. couldn't entice her to do anything on the weekend besides eat and shower. She's only 11! No wonder I feel run down and "lazy" on the weekends. Heavy commuting sucks away your life and sucks the life out of you simultaneously.

I've been actively working with several (about 4) recruiters and theres literally nothing in my particular area of expertise on this coast right now.

I'm seriously considering changing specialities or career just to have a life. It's been 10 straight years like this. I'm done. It's a real act of restraint to not just quit and hope for a job later.

Other than kid and work there's no way I can reasonable fit in a social life, including a serious romantic relationship. The time and energy just isn't there.

Pray for me y'all. Pray something close to home comes this month. :(
Ugh I understand!! That commute is draining as heck. I work from home on Fridays to get a break.
So last season on Kammy's single life (this is how I start my dating stories with my mom because she never knows what guy I'm talking about lol) there was a guy that I really liked. We dated briefly back in March. Things ended and I still remember why. Because he seemed to be controlling. He hung up on me mid sentence during one of our last conversations. That is actually why it was one of the last because after that happened I was done with him. Thing is I had just started dating again at that time and I was really liking him so after he disappeared I would go in my blocked folder and see he sent messages every now and then and would be....happy. I know right? What's wrong with me? Anyway moved on and got over that. He text messages me from another number recently and says "hi". I don't respond. I don't know it's him I'm just not in the mood to figure out who this person. Then I get a flurry of text messages saying basically he wants to be friends. He is sorry if he hurt me. He really liked me. That was when I figured it out. Man listen. I'm not interested. I feel like a few months ago I would have played this game and probably let him come back but now? Nah. So I don't respond. He sends one last text telling me he's not trying to game me. He really does want to be my friend. Smh Dudes are a trip.

Anyway, I've designated Sundays as my me time days. This Sunday I'm going to go to brunch and relax then maybe go to the bookstore and then the beauty supply store. If it isn't too hot maybe I'll go to the park and read for a while. Then do my hair. I need to get back into a scheduled routine for my hair anyway because I've been slacking and just doing my hair whenever I feel like it.
:rolleyes:A few months ago a semi- famous comedian hopped into my DM's on Instagram and we chatted for a while & I ended up giving him my number. We had several long & hilarious conversations then he proceeded to invite me to one of his upcoming shows & bragged about everything he could do for me.

I was lowkey considering it :look: until he said

" You'll have to make your own travel arrangements, because I want to be sure I'm not dealing with a broke woman".

I was so disgusted & never spoke to him again.

So I went home this weekend, and flew back to Dallas earlier,As I was sitting waiting for my flight I felt like somebody was staring at me and when I looked up it was him! I played it off like I didn't notice him, but I could feel him continuing to stare at me. The funny thing is homeboy was flying Southwest, in boarding group B standing at the 50 marker..... no wonder he wasn't trying to pay for travel arrangements. He stay posting his diamonds & belongings on the gram though :rolleyes: and bragging about taking women shopping & changing their life.

You didn't even spring for the $22 automatic check-in sir..... IMG_6768.GIF