so many thoughts.

First my self improvement:

The Invisalign Diet (lol) works. Finishing week 6 and dropoed a dress size. It's a pain in the zza taking these things out to eat any meal or just a bag of Lays. Got to remove the trays, brush, floss, mouthwash and brush the trays themselves. I've resorted to making giant 32oz green smoothies with protein powder to get thru bfast til lunch. I'm more consistent with my multivitamin too which always takes off weight.

My little front and back patio are refurbished complete with little garden lights. Bought some potted citrus and growing veg as a summer project with the little one.

Spending way too much on a new wardrobe and accessories. my clothes were horribly outdated. but now that I can afford it, why not?

Considering horseback riding lessons for us as well. Been stalking the stables in the area that teach.

Debating a destination vacay in the next 4 weeks... idk yet. i wanna continue to save for either an island or euro trip next year. going to Hawaii would eat up almost all that money. I'm paying for 2 with no help so gotta be frugal.
so many thoughts.

First my self improvement:

The Invisalign Diet (lol) works. Finishing week 6 and dropoed a dress size. It's a pain in the zza taking these things out to eat any meal or just a bag of Lays. Got to remove the trays, brush, floss, mouthwash and brush the trays themselves. I've resorted to making giant 32oz green smoothies with protein powder to get thru bfast til lunch. I'm more consistent with my multivitamin too which always takes off weight.

My little front and back patio are refurbished complete with little garden lights. Bought some potted citrus and growing veg as a summer project with the little one.

Spending way too much on a new wardrobe and accessories. my clothes were horribly outdated. but now that I can afford it, why not?

Considering horseback riding lessons for us as well. Been stalking the stables in the area that teach.

Debating a destination vacay in the next 4 weeks... idk yet. i wanna continue to save for either an island or euro trip next year. going to Hawaii would eat up almost all that money. I'm paying for 2 with no help so gotta be frugal.

Love it!
Not trying to spam the thread but...

bachelor #3 is Engineer #2. We'll call him Movie since he loves them so much. Movie is not attractive but is very good natured, owns a home and makes good good money. I'm pulling Spartan on him.

Trini is kinda nosey, pushy and annoying. He may get pushed to the side real quick.

I don't consider any on the roster anywhere near permanent potential.
so many thoughts.

First my self improvement:

The Invisalign Diet (lol) works. Finishing week 6 and dropoed a dress size. It's a pain in the zza taking these things out to eat any meal or just a bag of Lays. Got to remove the trays, brush, floss, mouthwash and brush the trays themselves. I've resorted to making giant 32oz green smoothies with protein powder to get thru bfast til lunch. I'm more consistent with my multivitamin too which always takes off weight.

My little front and back patio are refurbished complete with little garden lights. Bought some potted citrus and growing veg as a summer project with the little one.

Spending way too much on a new wardrobe and accessories. my clothes were horribly outdated. but now that I can afford it, why not?

Considering horseback riding lessons for us as well. Been stalking the stables in the area that teach.

Debating a destination vacay in the next 4 weeks... idk yet. i wanna continue to save for either an island or euro trip next year. going to Hawaii would eat up almost all that money. I'm paying for 2 with no help so gotta be frugal.

Ahhhh I'm happy to hear this. I finally got around to doing smile direct club. Can't wait for the double benefit
There is this young man who I know likes me but I can tell he's not serious so I don't give him too much of my time. He is not aggressive/intentional enough for my liking so it will never go anywhere.

Example, he asked me if I was free this week to which I replied absolutely not. I already know what will happen but he can't seem to put two and two together. Next week will roll around and he'll ask me again if I'm free to which I will reply no because as of right now, five out of the seven days of the week are already booked. Time with me needs to be scheduled in advance and I don't do day of plans.

One man asked me out over the weekend and we agreed on Tuesday. Monday rolls around with no word of the plans when I get offered a shift for my part-time AND extra money. Normally I would take the shift without a thought to any planned dates but because I like this dude, I was almost tempted to text him to solidify the plans for Tuesday. Instead, I went about my business: money > men. If I didn't hear from him by a certain time, I would take the shift. Well that time comes and goes and I accept the work. I didn't tell him until he texted me on Tuesday (the day of our supposed plans). I wouldn't be free for another week so instead of waiting, he came and took me out to lunch (and massaged my feet during :lol:). He also made it clear he wanted to see me when I got back, so let's see if he doesn't do a better job of confirming the second time around....

I can tell I'm beginning to text some of them a little too frequently so my new rules are no texts for the days I work two shifts or when I'm out of town. I might even stop texting during work hours. I can't work and date at the same time so something is gonna have to give.... I'm still getting my legs but I'm excited to level up. :lol:
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I met a Trini this past saturday and he calls numerous times a day. I am not a big phone person unless we are catching up or making plans, so this calling, ,calling, calling is annoying. I am going to a soca event and he invited himself.
Lmao uninvite this man right now even if you have to lie to him and tell him you aren't going anymore. :lachen: He is going to cramp your style.
I accepted a movie date :lachen:

Him:the showtime for Sunday starts @11:15 am
Me: Oh ok. Are we buying our tickets separately?
Him:It don’t matter
Me:Fine then you buy the tickets :D
Him:We getting it separated
Me:*wiggles finger* Not so fast Mr. you invited me remember?
Him: Ok
Me:See, that wasn't so bad lol
Him:Yeah ik

What is the point of me going out with you if you want me to spend my own money? I can take my own self to the movies :look:
Good thing I'm not serious about him.

Why did you even ask in the first place? What's understood doesn't need to be explained. :lol: :look:
Security guard I've been curving hard is at the front desk when I leave today dressed in a nice shirt and tie. My coworker asks him where he's been and he says looking directly at me "I got a job on the 28th floor. My own office and everything" I don't say anything just keep walking. He catches up to us outside and taps me on the shoulder. When I turn around he says "hi there pretty lady" I smile and turn back around. My coworker takes this opportunity to ask him about the job. He's doing something in investigations or whatever for another law firm. He doesn't take his eyes off me while he's talking about it. But he's going into detail and it's a very well paying job and sounds interesting. Suddenly he's a lot more attractive to me :look: I end the convo because I don't feel like talking anymore and when I turn to leave he goes "so I'll be seeing you around yeah Kammy? Maybe we can have lunch?" I say maybe over my shoulder and keep it moving. I don't even know his name but he knows mine and um yeah he better make this lunch date happen.
I'm going home for a few days tomorrow so Milk chocolate asked me out to a lunch date, we had a good time & when he dropped me off he said

"I realize I haven't been the most transparent with you regarding all of this so I apologize but where are you as far as dating goes?

I asked him what he meant and he said "What I mean is....are you out here dating these nerds because I have no desire to date anyone else." :laugh:
I let him know I do have other men in my phone but I'm not opposed to cutting them off, then he said "Ok well go together now Uniquely, block them fools" then kissed me & did a little jig :laugh:

The whole process was spot on with MDLWLY as far as the vetting process, questions asked, and throughly learning him. Aside from me not dating other dudes like I should've been, it all worked like a charm.
There is a ferris wheel at the National Harbor that I have never ridden.

I met a guy who asked me what I wanted to do and I suggested going to the harbor and riding the wheel. I suggested it twice and both times he just paused for a long time and did not say yes or no. We went to lunch and now it was time to do something else. I suggested the ferris wheel and with hesitation he agreed. The entire time his leg was shaking non-stop. I felt bad but didn't really care as I already realized that we were not compatible.
I'm going home for a few days tomorrow so Milk chocolate asked me out to a lunch date, we had a good time & when he dropped me off he said

"I realize I haven't been the most transparent with you regarding all of this so I apologize but where are you as far as dating goes?

I asked him what he meant and he said "What I mean is....are you out here dating these nerds because I have no desire to date anyone else." :laugh:
I let him know I do have other men in my phone but I'm not opposed to cutting them off, then he said "Ok well go together now Uniquely, block them fools" then kissed me & did a little jig :laugh:

The whole process was spot on with MDLWLY as far as the vetting process, questions asked, and throughly learning him. Aside from me not dating other dudes like I should've been, it all worked like a charm.
Awwwww that is too sweet.

Now get the heck outta here!
There is a ferris wheel at the National Harbor that I have never ridden.

I met a guy who asked me what I wanted to do and I suggested going to the harbor and riding the wheel. I suggested it twice and both times he just paused for a long time and did not say yes or no. We went to lunch and now it was time to do something else. I suggested the ferris wheel and with hesitation he agreed. The entire time his leg was shaking non-stop. I felt bad but didn't really care as I already realized that we were not compatible.
Poor guy. He was probably afraid of heights. :lachen:
Awwwww that is too sweet.

Now get the heck outta here!


I don't wanna! :laugh: :cry3:


Plus the relationship thread is a snooze fest!


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I'm going home for a few days tomorrow so Milk chocolate asked me out to a lunch date, we had a good time & when he dropped me off he said

"I realize I haven't been the most transparent with you regarding all of this so I apologize but where are you as far as dating goes?

I asked him what he meant and he said "What I mean is....are you out here dating these nerds because I have no desire to date anyone else." :laugh:
I let him know I do have other men in my phone but I'm not opposed to cutting them off, then he said "Ok well go together now Uniquely, block them fools" then kissed me & did a little jig :laugh:

The whole process was spot on with MDLWLY as far as the vetting process, questions asked, and throughly learning him. Aside from me not dating other dudes like I should've been, it all worked like a charm.
@UniquelyDivine - I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

happy for you! Yes all them "o"s were necessary. I am calling it- he is the one. Stay cool like you been doing (and read the Solving Single book by GL Lambert) and get you a ring (to a healthy partner who is responsible and self reflective- that seems to be him).

And I am glad no one is leaving this thread, booed up or nah.... All of you are like sisters in my head so within the tears and struggles of dating to the HAPPY and joyous parts- I am supporting you. When you are happy for others and can celebrate with them- your happiness improves as well.