next on the roster is Trini. Cuz he is trini :lol: anyone got experience with this nationality?

thing is idk wtf he saying. his accent is weird. he is also racially ambiguous. he might be mixed. idk. he said Trini dad California mom so...

Anyway he say he looking for a wife. widower. oil rig engineer. welltodo. grown kids.

I'm not taking him seriously tho but he is in hot pursuit.
Trinis are annoying...

They gossip like women and are jealous af.
So you suggest Tuesday, I'm busy then (it's late notice anyway) I help you out and suggest Wednesday. You say you might have plans then and you'll get back to me. Little do you know I will suddenly become "busy" on Wednesday too. What about the other 5 days of the week? o_O Or are you hiding something? I want a man that locks down plans in advance.

I'm trying to be open, not so suspicious and closed off. But you're making it very hard. :look:
I don't photograph well. I have a Virgo moon so I am a strong perfectionist when it comes to aesthetics. Especially with a Taurean sun sign. Art is Life. I just never took the time to learn angles and how to pose and look at the camera. I am going to get my stylist friend to coach me (ooo she ready) or say f* it. My face always ends up looking plump unless you angle it slightly above and I need to remember to elongate my neck and, yeah, f* it, lol. No carpet. I am always behind the camera. In the front is too exhausting.

Why am I acting this weekend is a big deal anyway? As long as I am the only with my new signature purple hair/ red lip I am fine.
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Went on a date yesterday:

Dinner and a movie.
I was starving and the movie was three hours long. I told him I was hungry, but he didn't offer to get a snack. Get to the restaurant, I'm just thinking about food which took over an hour to come. They gave us free dessert to compensate. He ordered a cheeseburger with nothing on it, just burger meat and cheese, and a bowl of plain vanilla ice cream. He tried to make out with me and I curved it. At the end, he pulled out a teddy bear and box of chocolates, which I thought was sweet.

We were talking a couple of months ago but he cut it off because I called him and he doesn't like to talk to the phone. He strictly does texting. He hit me up a week or so ago talmbout I miss you. So I just had to meet this guy. He asked me "So why did we stop talking again?" He thinks I dumped him; I didn't bother reminding him.

Why did his meal bother you? That plain burger got to you? Sorry that sentence tickled me.:lachen: I could hear the disdain in your font.
I wish I had your manifesting energy. How did you get yours to be so good?

And CONGRATULATIONS on the BOSS ass new job!!! :yay:
Thanks lady! :kiss: And I actually took a page out of your book! You are so open and free and unapologetic about your quirkiness that it lead me to embrace my own. :lol: Once I had my attitude right about that, life literally just began opening up to me.

And I know this sounds really generic, but I honestly believe all the things I want to happen to me will happen and I behave like they will. I will often verbally give thanks for things that have yet to happen because I know they will occur exactly when I need them to. It's become such a comforting way of thinking that I sort of lean into it (or back on it?) on a daily basis and the more I lean, the more I manifest. I focus on everything I have going for me instead of what I don't. Self-limiting or self-doubting thoughts will crop up from time to time, that's just a fact of life and it happens to us all, but even then I think positively about my shortcomings and I find the good fortune and energy just multiplies. What I love especially is that you can even sort of manifest yourself. I imagine myself as a light, charming, exciting, mysterious young woman and people respond in kind. I know my value and trust that others will recognize it and treat me accordingly, so I rest confidently in that. It can all sound very woo-woo but it's true. :lol:

Btw we are overdue for happy hour, missy!
I keep saying, writing it down makes it real. There was a thread on here a few years ago about short and long term goals. I ended up getting each and every thing I listed, one by one. Since then, I make sure I write goals down, doesn't matter how small. If I want it, I will get it. It may not come all at once, but it comes. I love vision boards for this reason too, I need to visualize it.
I completely 100% agree with this. I keep a journal that I use to write encouraging letters to myself, complimenting myself, refocusing myself or to put words to my desires.
Yay @hunnychile - love it! Congratulations for all of the abundance coming to you.
Thanks sis!
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Ever had family that loves to drag out your hot mess phase of dating to compensate for the fact they have no prospects. My ex and I are really good friends now. He was 10 years my senior I was 19 he was 29 but we just went in the way all relationships do. Both married over a decade, lived in different cities, just literally not checking for one another. When he was going through his divorce we talked and he came to the city, but it pretty much cemented the friendship thing. All that to say really no need to be mess. There is none.

So Facebook is like guess who's your friend today and I tease him as we always do. Our birthdays are two days apart, "old mam" "young lady" I told him age looks good on you lol, but getting old is a good place to be. And she said something underneath the post I said back in 2004. "Baby, please don't cut your facial hair"
Like why did she hang on to that?

Then I noticed how they keep tabs on my exes, she asked me about Saeed and Cali a couple of weeks ago. Like she is actively talking about my relationships behind my back. We are not even close like that. I don't share alot of personal information so it kinda drags my past out there and I am a huge controller of my image. Just makes me mad now people know who I have seen.
I feel like going to the bar and fighting ole girl on ya behalf but!!!!

this just shows you what brotha man wanted, some tired bartending becky with the chipped nails making tips at the bar
I would be so happy I did not waste or entertain him another second.
doesn't mean im not mad for you ugh:angry2::angry2::angry2:

I'm trying to stay positive but man... this is tough. :nono:

So a few months ago, when I was about 2 weeks into my new city, I met this guy at a restaurant. We were sitting at the bar and he initiated conversation. He was also new in town and we hit it off immediately-- or so I thought. He was cute, smart, BLACK, and had a great job (Nurse Anesthesiologist). I was thinking, alright Surferbabe, this is a good start. Somewhere during our conversation the (white) female bartender butts in. We engage her for a bit and then we're back chatting with one another. I got up to take a bathroom break. Once I got back to my seat, I felt like something shifted. Suddenly, they are totally engaged in conversation and I'm the odd one out. Once she got back busy working, we started chatting again but I felt like his attention was no longer on me. As soon as she was free again, they were back at it :rolleyes:. Once it was time for me to leave, he asked for my number, but it didn't sound like he was interested-- it seemed like it was out of duty. I never heard from him again.

Welp, guess who I bumped into yesterday while out at brunch (by myself of course)? The happy freaking couple. The stringy haired, chipped nail polish, run through chick had to do absolutely nothing but be her ivory-skinned self and she snagged a professional black man. Oh and she leaned in. Yet here I am reading a million and one books on how to be feminine and lovable and I get stood up on Saturday and have to take myself out to brunch-- yet again-- on Sunday. I have my insecurities, but I've never been insecure about being a single black woman navigating the dating world. I always felt like it gave me an edge because I'm so in love with my blackness. But y'all, I don't know anymore. :nono: I've run out of quotes to read, activities to partake in, and trips to take to get my mind off of my failure in relationships. I'm social, I volunteer, I'm always out and about doing something-- and nothing falls into my lap. Yet this woman had a darn good dude just walk into her job and now she's being wined and dined while I'm footing the bill for myself at a table alone while people look at me crazy. I hate to bring this negativity here but I just need to vent. :cry3: Coming back to this wasteland from paradise is getting to me. :cry:
Oooh girl... whats the tea? Are they on bad terms? Are you close to this co-worker?

Nosy. Lol

Well no. They are in a loving relationship!! So I assumed. She is a hard worker though, works as a nurse n just became a practitioner. Married several years with children and they go on dates, boast of each other online and never heard about any issues. One thing I did notice was that she partied often with her gf but her hubby didn't mind. *shrugs *
Trini's text game is so MFing boring. But texting is better cuz it's crappy feeling like I'm deciphering Morse code when he speaks. Between a rock and hard place here :lol:

Mr Messy is better on the text game. I bet he would be handy and eager to help with errands and other manly nonsexual duties and whatnot. did i tell you he's committed to celibacy until he rings someone? Admirable but he's still messy.
You on the west coast? cuz chiiilllle....

Not at all! I'm down south which is why it blindsided me. I've never had to 'compete' with a ww for a bm.

But now that I think about it, he was from NM so I should have known. I'm over the rejection, but I'm mad that I allowed him to invade my space and use up my time for conversation only to switch gears when ol' girl stepped in. It is another lesson learned the hard way. When I go out now, I don't let guys monopolize my time.
So my new potential reader is giving me her availability and she has Thursday at 11:30am and next Tuesday at 10am. How am I supposed to swing this when I work. I wanted to go to her for the reading but if I couldn't I at least wanted to be at home where I'm comfortable. I can't get this done at work because 1. I'm sure to be interrupted and 2. Even if I'm not interrupted I'll be too distracted to digest what's she's telling me. What do I do? I took the morning off today for the dentist and even though I do have more pto should I really take another morning off on Thursday? I want Thursday because it's soon. I'm anxious to get this reading. What do y'all think?
So my new potential reader is giving me her availability and she has Thursday at 11:30am and next Tuesday at 10am. How am I supposed to swing this when I work. I wanted to go to her for the reading but if I couldn't I at least wanted to be at home where I'm comfortable. I can't get this done at work because 1. I'm sure to be interrupted and 2. Even if I'm not interrupted I'll be too distracted to digest what's she's telling me. What do I do? I took the morning off today for the dentist and even though I do have more pto should I really take another morning off on Thursday? I want Thursday because it's soon. I'm anxious to get this reading. What do y'all think?
take lunch early on Thursday?
SOOOOOOOOO Bae #2 did a pop up at my job and took me to lunch. I called him before my break and was talking to him and I kept asking him where was he driving to and he kept ignoring me. Then he said call me back when you getting ready to go downstairs. So I call him and hes being all evasive talmbout he's just walking around outside on his block. I'm like :confused: why you lying? I go outside and I'm just chatting and then some man grabs my butt and it was him. I just about melted in his arms. We had a quick bite to eat on the roof of my job and he's gonna meet me at the gym later. I may cut the gym so I can just go home to shower so we can just go :beer: instead. He's heading home on Friday and he's already making plans for my next trip down! about to do the opposite and shut online down and go back out in the streets lol. These men are horrible online
And that is exactly why I don't want to sign back up. It's just so easy and convenient and I have a feeling most men on there are thinking the same. I actually prefer meeting men in the real world. Getting checked out, him coming over, the first corny pick up line. lol It's much more exciting. And kinda random but sometimes I even remember the missed connections where the guy didn't come over, we got lost in the crowd, distracted or something. That's only if he's good looking enough to remember. One time on Halloween this fine arse Asian dude was checking me out outside a bar. I gave him the eye a couple times. And right when he was coming over - all cute with his hands in his pockets and looking nervous- my mother and sister came out (we were going to the parade and they went in to use the bathroom) and started hustling me off. I still remember the confused then sad look that came across his face. lmao I was pissed and sulked the rest of the night. Dude was fine....and tall.
But where do I go for some privacy. As long as I'm in my office it isn't private. And a restaurant/cafe is going to be crowded and loud and awkward. Ugh!
dang. thought you might have a car to dip in to. book a conference room at work? if there's not any lunch meetings you'll be alright. park nearby where you can sit away from ppl?
dang. thought you might have a car to dip in to. book a conference room at work? if there's not any lunch meetings you'll be alright. park nearby where you can sit away from ppl?
My friend suggested a conference too but my office is quite small and I would have to be super quiet for no one to hear. I'm in NYC and work in the city so no car. I'm gonna keep thinking on it and come up with something.
My friend suggested a conference too but my office is quite small and I would have to be super quiet for no one to hear. I'm in NYC and work in the city so no car. I'm gonna keep thinking on it and come up with something.

I wouldn't worry about being quiet because you'll be doing more listening than talking. If you choose the Thursday 11:30a spot, that is close enough to lunchtime where fewer people should be around.
I wouldn't worry about being quiet because you'll be doing more listening than talking. If you choose the Thursday 11:30a spot, that is close enough to lunchtime where fewer people should be around.
We're gonna FaceTime and I meant for no one to hear her. Yeah my office is wack and no one goes out but I think I found a spot outside the office that will be more comfortable for me.
What specific cities/areas do you suggest?

@UniquelyDivine and @SurferBabe do either of ya'll mind sending me a pdf of MDLWLY if ya'll have one? Good luck on your date SurferBabe! UniquelyDivine you are a mess! Where do you find these men you be trolling? :lachen:

@shespoison that's crazy! An on again, off again boo can be fun but how do you hang out with him without getting caught up in a moment of memories, whether good or bad?

My gay friend used to try to put me up on game years ago with stuff like this. I only half-listened but I totally get it now! One time he was telling me about this guy he talks to off and on. They were supposed to go somewhere and the guy had all this stuff planned for when my friend came to town. Well, the guy must have had a slow week at work something, because when it got closer to the weekend he started talking slow about the weekend plans. My friend could tell he was trying to get out of it, so he just cut him off and said, "baby, just say you broke this weekend." :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: After that, he called someone else that lived in the same area and set up plans to see him that same weekend. The guy paid for him to come, put gas in his car and money in his pocket when he came back. Them gay dudes be stone-cold!!!! They know how to work a dude to get everything they want. I need to be more like that and just not give a .....

My book is in kindle format :( so I'm not sure how that works, If I figure it out I'll def send it your way! I agree with @SurferBabe though, it's worth having a hard copy on hand. I like having it on kindle but my hard copy has all my highlights and earmarks.
My book is in kindle format :( so I'm not sure how that works, If I figure it out I'll def send it your way! I agree with @SurferBabe though, it's worth having a hard copy on hand. I like having it on kindle but my hard copy has all my highlights and earmarks.

Thank you! Calibre is what you would use to convert e-books to other formats. I just remembered Mingus was explaining how to do that. There was somebody who mentioned it in a thread on the Pirate Bay forum also.
I have learned so much from being observant, I wonder why I didn't start paying attention sooner. Interactions with men can go so quickly and the messages so subtle, it can be easy to miss some signs that may be valuable to you (depending on what you're looking for). What I've recently learned is that when you think you are interacting with one man, you are interacting with others because they will be watching you.

I went out on a date a couple weeks ago and I noticed my date was kind of hanging off to the side. He said that he was "just enjoying the view" but I noticed that apart from opening my doors, he sort of hovered a 1-2 feet away from me. I was dressed more nicely than he was but because of his comment I didn't think much about it.

Now this man I met at the gym....he feels friendly enough to approach me and have a conversation for a few minutes. Due to the mirrors in the gym, last time he came over to speak to me, I could see other men sort of watching us, almost wondering "who is he and why does he get to talk to her?" Access to me, even casually, made him more interesting to others.

He invited me to an event at an art gallery which lets me know he wants to be seen with me specifically in public so it's about time I started leveraging these looks for something.

I don't mean this to sound conceited but I've receive compliments often on my looks but never really bought into them because I felt like I was maybe a little more attractive than average, but nothing ravishing or out of the ordinary. This is how being deliberately observant has come in handy because although I may not have initially seen that value, others do, and now I can learn how to weaponize it properly. Paying attention to how others describe me has helped me to shape my image/persona and mens comments contain a goldmine.
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Use it while you have it. Nothing wrong with that. Wish I'd have known that in my youth.

Do it unapologetically.

I have learned so much from being observant, I wonder why I didn't start paying attention sooner. Interactions with men can go so quickly and the messages so subtle, it can be easy to miss some signs that may be valuable to you (depending on what you're looking for). What I've recently learned is that when you think you are interacting with one man, you are interacting with others because they will be watching you.

I went out on a date a couple weeks ago and I noticed my date was kind of hanging off to the side. He said that he was "just enjoying the view" but I noticed that apart from opening my doors, he sort of hovered a 1-2 feet away from me. I was dressed more nicely than he was but because of his comment I didn't think much about it.

Now this man I met at the gym....he feels friendly enough to approach me and have a conversation for a few minutes. Due to the mirrors in the gym, last time he came over to speak to me, I could see other men sort of watching us, almost wondering "who is he and why does he get to talk to her?" Access to me, even casually, made him more interesting to others.

He invited me to an event at an art gallery which lets me know he wants to be seen with me specifically in public so it's about time I started leveraging these looks for something.

I don't mean this to sound conceited but I've receive compliments often on my looks but never really bought into them because I felt like I was maybe a little more attractive than average, but nothing ravishing or out of the ordinary. This is how being deliberately observant has come in handy because although I may not have initially seen that value, others do, and now I can learn how to weaponize it properly. Paying attention to how others describe me has helped me to shape my image/persona and mens comments contain a goldmine.