I went to the Essence Festival last weekend and spent a total of 5 amazing days in New Orleans. I am so jealous of you ladies living in New Orleans, and those of you living in Texas. I met so many handsome Black men in those few days. They were just everywhere!! It makes me want to write my US licensing exam and move stateside. There are so few Black men in my area and the few that are around live in the sunken place. It was nice to have so much positive attention.

I'm staying in touch with a few of them, but honestly with the distance I don't expect anything. I'll definitely be visiting the south again soon though!

I live in Texas & I was in New Orleans for the weekend too, I was with my cousin and one of my good friends and they both still live in Kansas and they were both in shock at the quality of black man that they encountered.

I had to keep telling them you need to move to the south! It is a bit of a culture shock when you are introduced to the atmosphere for the first time, but it has slowly become the norm for me and now I preach to every single black woman I know to come on down to the south! It'll change your life :laugh:

Glad you enjoyed yourself!!!
I put myself back out there again after thinking about all the stuff with milk chocolate, I read up on men don't like women like you again too, and I guess I am pushing the issue a little bit.

He has been nothing but consistent this whole entire time, and pretty much been the epitome of the Alpha man that they talk about in the book, so I'm going to chill but I'm going to keep dating as well because I don't have a roster & that's the biggest mistake that I've been making.

I have a date with an fine, young, 6'3 architecture this evening, and then I'm going to hang out with milk chocolate and his friends tomorrow; he invited me out to a birthday party with his hometown people so I'm going to be my usual charming and funny self & look extra fine :gorgeous:
Mr. Complicated and I are going away for the weekend and I'm really excited about it. Even more excited bc he planned this whole trip himself. He thought he was slick when I told him my sister has a time share by saying "oh well get the info from her and we'll just pick a place". Nope. You will plan it on your own and it will be nice. Just tell me where to show up with my bags packed looking sexy!
I live in Texas & I was in New Orleans for the weekend too, I was with my cousin and one of my good friends and they both still live in Kansas and they were both in shock at the quality of black man that they encountered.

I had to keep telling them you need to move to the south! It is a bit of a culture shock when you are introduced to the atmosphere for the first time, but it has slowly become the norm for me and now I preach to every single black woman I know to come on down to the south! It'll change your life :laugh:

Glad you enjoyed yourself!!!
Girl I had NO idea!! It was a Black woman's paradise!! Tall, Black, educated men everywhere.
I put myself back out there again after thinking about all the stuff with milk chocolate, I read up on men don't like women like you again too, and I guess I am pushing the issue a little bit.

He has been nothing but consistent this whole entire time, and pretty much been the epitome of the Alpha man that they talk about in the book, so I'm going to chill but I'm going to keep dating as well because I don't have a roster & that's the biggest mistake that I've been making.

I have a date with an fine, young, 6'3 architecture this evening, and then I'm going to hang out with milk chocolate and his friends tomorrow; he invited me out to a birthday party with his hometown people so I'm going to be my usual charming and funny self & look extra fine :gorgeous:

Now THAT'S how you do it. You're too fine and awesome to not have a roster doing some Olympic-level competing to win you over. Fall back a bit. Make him sweat a little once he senses another shark in his territory.

My favorite quotes from that chapter of the book are:

Spartans don't ask for commitment, they field offers.

You are a Spartan, that makes you the top free agent in the land, not some basica that has to wait around while a man decides you're good enough.
Welp, I'm meeting a guy tomorrow. It has been a LONG time since I've done this y'all.

The good thing is that, even if we don't automatically hit it off, we do have a lot in common, so there will be plenty to talk about. He enjoys the outdoors like I do, he's traveled the world (just got back from Australia and heading to Banff), we both love the mountains, we love hiking, the beach, sailing, and surfing... the list goes on. I'm rusty as heck so I need to do a refresher with MDLWLY to get this confidence up. Wish me luck!
Now THAT'S how you do it. You're too fine and awesome to not have a roster doing some Olympic-level competing to win you over. Fall back a bit. Make him sweat a little once he senses another shark in his territory.

My favorite quotes from that chapter of the book are:

Spartans don't ask for commitment, they field offers.

You are a Spartan, that makes you the top free agent in the land, not some basica that has to wait around while a man decides you're good enough

Yesssss!!! I went straight to that chapter too after you suggested it, I had to remind myself that I had the juice.

Not him.
Welp, I'm meeting a guy tomorrow. It has been a LONG time since I've done this y'all.

The good thing is that, even if we don't automatically hit it off, we do have a lot in common, so there will be plenty to talk about. He enjoys the outdoors like I do, he's traveled the world (just got back from Australia and heading to Banff), we both love the mountains, we love hiking, the beach, sailing, and surfing... the list goes on. I'm rusty as heck so I need to do a refresher with MDLWLY to get this confidence up. Wish me luck!

Remember what you told me! You got this boo! :clapping:
very true often times when I hear blk women say there are no good blk men im looking puzzled/shocked:eek: because in larger cities they are everywhere in abundance to much to even handle and date, so may options

location is everything, there are decent blk men out there but they are where the jobs and economy are strong, I visited Kansas aint no way any sistah is finding top notch out there lol

I live in Texas & I was in New Orleans for the weekend too, I was with my cousin and one of my good friends and they both still live in Kansas and they were both in shock at the quality of black man that they encountered.

I had to keep telling them you need to move to the south! It is a bit of a culture shock when you are introduced to the atmosphere for the first time, but it has slowly become the norm for me and now I preach to every single black woman I know to come on down to the south! It'll change your life :laugh:

Glad you enjoyed yourself!!!
exactly rule # 1 is never ever allow a man to occupy all of your time when he has not made a exclusive commitment to you
women get in this weird place of spending all their time with a man, every weekend, sex on the regular and dude is like yeah we're friends and meanwhile women feel like omg we are this close to a relationship, wrong

spend time but monitor it and please have other options in the cooker, I dont care how fine or rich a man is, he has to work for it to and make his intentions clear, when he does then and ONLY then does he get to call you his lady

Now THAT'S how you do it. You're too fine and awesome to not have a roster doing some Olympic-level competing to win you over. Fall back a bit. Make him sweat a little once he senses another shark in his territory.

My favorite quotes from that chapter of the book are:

Spartans don't ask for commitment, they field offers.

You are a Spartan, that makes you the top free agent in the land, not some basica that has to wait around while a man decides you're good enough.
I'm saying! :laugh: it's a smorgasbord of chocolate delights! :mmmchocolate:

Wish I would've moved here sooner.
Maybe I should have moved to Dallas instead. I don't find men in Houston attractive...

...EXCEPT for last Friday, I went to a JayZ/4:44 listening party and there were a ton of tall sexies. This is a regular spot for me and I've never seen this number of fine men. So I figure I need to go to the NYC-specific events around the city lol. I got some numbers but they are yooooung :/
very true often times when I hear blk women say there are no good blk men im looking puzzled/shocked:eek: because in larger cities they are everywhere in abundance to much to even handle and date, so may options

location is everything, there are decent blk men out there but they are where the jobs and economy are strong, I visited Kansas aint no way any sistah is finding top notch out there lol

It's funny because a lot of women on this very board hyped up the South for me before I ever moved here , coming from Kansas it was hard for me to even fathom having so many options, because you're right there is absolutely no quality men there, at least the type that I am looking for.

It's NOT the place for a single black woman.
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Went out with my on again off again boo last night. We had so much fun...I was shocked. It's weird hanging out with him because he knows everybody in Harlem. Saw like 6 dudes I curve on the regular and they all know him :rolleyes:

I guess that's how dudes feel when they go out with me and I'm saying hi to every other person.

Despite the fact that we saw lots of folks we know, we were in our own world dancing and laughing and singing at the top of our lungs.
I love that man but I don't feel like my needs would be met if I actually let him lock me down. I'm just going to enjoy it for what it is and wait for my man to reveal himself.
Accepting dates for the hell of it. Why not
Accepting dates for the hell of it. Why not
I accepted a movie date :lachen:

Him:the showtime for Sunday starts @11:15 am
Me: Oh ok. Are we buying our tickets separately?
Him:It don’t matter
Me:Fine then you buy the tickets :D
Him:We getting it separated
Me:*wiggles finger* Not so fast Mr. you invited me remember?
Him: Ok
Me:See, that wasn't so bad lol
Him:Yeah ik

What is the point of me going out with you if you want me to spend my own money? I can take my own self to the movies :look:
Good thing I'm not serious about him.
I'm not serious about any of them. They're time fillers. I gotta hand it to Meechie, after dealing with him it made me more ruthless? Is that the word I'm looking for? Like I don't feel like I need to be as caring and affectionate. Like either they stay or they leave, but it doesn't really bother me.

Am I broken? :lachen:
And he called too late. Actually started texting me first about 10 minutes after I gave him my number. It was annoying so made up my mind not to go. Then he called saying he would come get me and bring me close to my house so that when I was tired, we could leave.... too late for the suggestion and I don't want you knowing where I live.

Then I called up my bestie and told her let's go to Jamaica next month. She told her sister now both of them are trying to get the time off. Don't want to go by myself.
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