So much this.

I actually thought about revisiting an old flame I'm still cool with that was a decent lay. But since we've become friends on FB, I've realized how much I really don't care for his personality, and he's annoying. Like WTF checks into work everyday? We get it, you have a job, congratulations. But has your 52 year old self moved out your mama's house yet?

I hate when someone from my past pops in that I never really gave the time of day but forgot why then I get all excited about the prospect...until 3 texts in then I remember why. :rolleyes:
So I go out to a bar and me and this guy and up talking the whole night. He was raised mostly in Mali and came here to the US for high school and stayed. So we're talking for a few hours,flirting and laughing, he puts an arm around me. So we are talking about race relations in this country and our perspectives as people who lived in other countries and he tells me to look up. There is an intimidatingly beautiful black woman staring daggers at us. We catch each other's eyes and she rolls hers eyes and looks away.

Then the bar is closing and everyone is basically trying to figure out where to go for the afterspot. Me and the guy are walking out together still talking. Some chick comes up to us and says "I f*ing hate white people". I start laughing because it's so awkward she did that when I'm standing with a white man. Then the beautiful black chick giving us the evil looks from earlier (who was watching the whole thing because she never stopped staring at us) comes up and says "Uh huh. BLACK LOVE." Then her boyfriend steps up and says"That's right. BLACK LOVE". I'm like "yeah, that's right".

It's like on the innanets BW are encouraging BW to date outside their race but that ish was discouraging. There were way more BM/WW couples, why target us..? It's not that serious, it was one night at a bar but who wants to deal with that?
So I go out to a bar and me and this guy and up talking the whole night. He was raised mostly in Mali and came here to the US for high school and stayed. So we're talking for a few hours,flirting and laughing, he puts an arm around me. So we are talking about race relations in this country and our perspectives as people who lived in other countries and he tells me to look up. There is an intimidatingly beautiful black woman staring daggers at us. We catch each other's eyes and she rolls hers eyes and looks away.

Then the bar is closing and everyone is basically trying to figure out where to go for the afterspot. Me and the guy are walking out together still talking. Some chick comes up to us and says "I f*ing hate white people". I start laughing because it's so awkward she did that when I'm standing with a white man. Then the beautiful black chick giving us the evil looks from earlier (who was watching the whole thing because she never stopped staring at us) comes up and says "Uh huh. BLACK LOVE." Then her boyfriend steps up and says"That's right. BLACK LOVE". I'm like "yeah, that's right".

It's like on the innanets BW are encouraging BW to date outside their race but that ish was discouraging. There were way more BM/WW couples, why target us..? It's not that serious, it was one night at a bar but who wants to deal with that?

They're insane.
From some of the stuff I've been reading, your vulnerability is key in pushing him towards love and commitment. You have to let those walls down and allow the feminine energy to take over-- mainly by showing him that you trust him enough to remove the emotional blocks and share your love freely with him. That makes him feel appreciated. Let go of the need to control your emotions and just allow yourself to BE. If it doesn't work out-- oh well. We can't control those things no matter how many guards we keep up. For some of us, this is where we've been sabotaging ourselves over and over again. I've never let my guard down which is why many of the quality men I had a chance with in the past never fell in love with me or would fall out of love. I wouldn't let them fall. If he's worth it, let him in.
We were talking about feelings and I said it's like Lonnie Williams. I just get knotted up and deep in thought. And I joked, "I watch tv until tv went off." The reference was lost so I texted him the YouTube link and fell asleep. I woke up to a text, "what are you tryna tell me, Demi (my pet name)" *face palm*

I responded "the talking part is funny, **** (his name)"

"It pertained to what I was saying... and that. Good morning."

(I know he probably lost sleep over it, lol. He is so dang dramatic. Like "stereo outside the window" dramatic)

It was the perfect moment and I walked it back. We will have a conversation tonight about it. Maybe I have a fear of saying, because I feel everything will snowball from that point. Things go pretty fast from that point once the proclamation had been made. It not that I am hesitant, love just seals the deal. And I haven't even invited him to my flat, yet. Plus I REALLY appreciate when men take the lead on these things.

I am a Taurus, I am emotionally lazy, lol. I sit back, observe.giphy-7.gif I have to be prodded into these things. Like grabbing the harness of a steer to give them the momentum to go a new destination. It doesn't mean I don't want to. It is just an instinctive reaction. I am a stubborn girl. Plus, once I start it hard to stop.

He is a Capricorn. High energy. Giving. (Always eating, lol). Once he gets a clue of what I want, he will jump all over it.
Gratuitous selfie shot, lol:
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We were talking about feelings and I said it's like Lonnie Williams. I just get knotted up and deep in thought. And I joked, "I watch tv until tv went off." The reference was lost so I texted him the YouTube link and fell asleep. I woke up to a text, "what are you tryna tell me, Demi (my pet name)" *face palm*

I responded "the talking part is funny, **** (his name)"

"It pertained to what I was saying... and that. Good morning."

(I know he probably lost sleep over it, lol. He is so dang dramatic. Like "stereo outside the window" dramatic)

It was the perfect moment and I walked it back. We will have a conversation tonight about it. Maybe I have a fear of saying, because I feel everything will snowball from that point. Things go pretty fast from that point once the proclamation had been made. It not that I am hesitant, love just seals the deal. And I haven't even invited him to my flat, yet. Plus I REALLY appreciate when men take the lead on these things.

I am a Taurus, I am emotionally lazy, lol. I sit back, observe.View attachment 402537 I have to be prodded into these things. Like grabbing the harness of a steer to give them the momentum to go a new destination. It doesn't mean I don't want to. It is just an instinctive reaction. I am a stubborn girl. Plus, once I start it hard to stop.

He is a Capricorn. High energy. Giving. (Always eating, lol). Once he gets a clue of what I want, he will jump all over it.
View attachment 402539
Gratuitous selfie shot, lol:
View attachment 402541
:lachen: Love this. Y'all look happy together.
What in the world? Some people really don't know how to mind their own business. I'm curious about why your bar friend would tell you to look up though? Why acknowledge her hateful stares at all?
I think because we were talking about it, he said "for example, look at her." Like to say he was used to that kind of thing from being with BW in the past. Anyway, I'm back in NY now and he's still in ATL.
So...I am now in a relationship. I was single for 5 years before I met my guy. He came along at a time where I was learning how to open up and enjoy masculine energy. I wasn't sure I was even ready to commit because a part of me wanted to continue to see how I can benefit from using men, in different ways. But I like him and I like where this is headed.

I made him wait a month after he asked to be exclusive. I took the time to make sure I actually wanted to be in a relationship, especially since finding someone was a bit anticlimactic :look:. He damned near jumped for joy when I said yes. Lol. His genuine enthusiasm is one of the things I really like about him :love2:
So...I am now in a relationship. I was single for 5 years before I met my guy. He came along at a time where I was learning how to open up and enjoy masculine energy. I wasn't sure I was even ready to commit because a part of me wanted to continue to see how I can benefit from using men, in different ways. But I like him and I like where this is headed.

I made him wait a month after he asked to be exclusive. I took the time to make sure I actually wanted to be in a relationship, especially since finding someone was a bit anticlimactic :look:. He damned near jumped for joy when I said yes. Lol. His genuine enthusiasm is one of the things I really like about him :love2:
Yayy!!! Off to the relationship thread with you now! Jk...kinda lol

The bold is still where I am right now. I'm having fun trying out all my new Spartan ways on different guys and a few randoms.
Yayy!!! Off to the relationship thread with you now! Jk...kinda lol

The bold is still where I am right now. I'm having fun trying out all my new Spartan ways on different guys and a few randoms.

Nah, I see how y'all did my girl Qchelle. I knew what was gonna happen :lol: That Spartan book didn't resonate with me. Right now I'm looking at Rori Raye's stuff. I'm going to see if she has any insight that's worth holding on to.
Men are so stupid. I got a text from a random number saying "free at last" I googled the area code and immediately knew who it was. No thanks sir so I didn't respond at first. Then I get another text saying "I'm sorry it's been a rough couple months for me" Work has made me an angry mean person the past couple days and I'm not in the mood so I responded "I don't care. Stop texting me".

I hate being that mean but I don't feel bad about it this time considering this is a man I briefly dated and found out he had a girlfriend. He tried to tell me he was in the process of breaking up with her (what the heck does that mean??) but I was done. I stopped talking to him and out of the blue I get a random voicemail from a woman telling me to stop contacting him? Huh? At that point I hadn't spoken to him in months. So both his number and his girls number get put on block! And today a new random number sends that text. I'm tired of these raggedy men thinking they can do this. He should be embarrassed to even contact me again but since he's not he got that message from me and now his new number is blocked as well. Old dumb arse.
Nah, I see how y'all did my girl Qchelle. I knew what was gonna happen :lol: That Spartan book didn't resonate with me. Right now I'm looking at Rori Raye's stuff. I'm going to see if she has any insight that's worth holding on to.
Is this the love script lady that was mentioned in the other thread? I've been looking at some of her stuff too. I just don't want to pay for anything else right now. Maybe in another few months. I want to see how those scripts work. What do you think of her so far?
Is this the love script lady that was mentioned in the other thread? I've been looking at some of her stuff too. I just don't want to pay for anything else right now. Maybe in another few months. I want to see how those scripts work. What do you think of her so far?

I believe so. I saved the pdf version of the book from that thread.
Is this the love script lady that was mentioned in the other thread? I've been looking at some of her stuff too. I just don't want to pay for anything else right now. Maybe in another few months. I want to see how those scripts work. What do you think of her so far?

I've been really liking her stuff along with Katarina Phang. I'm only using the free stuff for now because a man isn't important enough in my life at this moment to drop $$$ :look:.
And this is why I have never dated a younger man before. He's a typical libra as well tantrums and all. One thing I learnt from my last situationship is to not ignore warning signs and speak up early if something is bothering me. He immediately tried to avoid the conversation. Alrighty then I am the queen of ghosting people.... already set up date no 1 with another guy.
So W (dude I dated in 2015 but let go because NO) added me on Facebook. Tell me he just bought a house, etc. Good for you sir...
Remember that other ex (the political one with drama) that added me on Facebook? Well he is now talking about moving to either DC or ATL.
Sad thing is - I am doing a lot better than all these men and they don't even have kids. Better meaning: more money, have a car, have my own place (not living with anyone), happier, etc. Women just are outdoing our counterparts.

So the contract with my current client is ending... but I found another almost immediately. Working the numbers now but looks like they will pay $10+/hr - which will bump my yearly salary over $125K. This client wants to gain me as a permanent (W2) as he has other contracts and bidding for prime on government contracts but I don't know how I feel about that. I told him we will talk numbers first and if we come to an agreement, see how things go before we talk long term- I can always convert from a 1099 to a W2. My secret desires are to have my own LLC and so I don't want to work for someone else as an employee. I been enjoying this freedom of being self employed (besides paying quarterly taxes). Like after this contract, I am on "vacation" until mid August so I can pursue other certifications, spend time with my son and just relax.
So W (dude I dated in 2015 but let go because NO) added me on Facebook. Tell me he just bought a house, etc. Good for you sir...
Remember that other ex (the political one with drama) that added me on Facebook? Well he is now talking about moving to either DC or ATL.
Sad thing is - I am doing a lot better than all these men and they don't even have kids. Better meaning: more money, have a car, have my own place (not living with anyone), happier, etc. Women just are outdoing our counterparts.

So the contract with my current client is ending... but I found another almost immediately. Working the numbers now but looks like they will pay $10+/hr - which will bump my yearly salary over $125K. This client wants to gain me as a permanent (W2) as he has other contracts and bidding for prime on government contracts but I don't know how I feel about that. I told him we will talk numbers first and if we come to an agreement, see how things go before we talk long term- I can always convert from a 1099 to a W2. My secret desires are to have my own LLC and so I don't want to work for someone else as an employee. I been enjoying this freedom of being self employed (besides paying quarterly taxes). Like after this contract, I am on "vacation" until mid August so I can pursue other certifications, spend time with my son and just relax.
Get money!! :happydance:
So...I am now in a relationship. I was single for 5 years before I met my guy. He came along at a time where I was learning how to open up and enjoy masculine energy. I wasn't sure I was even ready to commit because a part of me wanted to continue to see how I can benefit from using men, in different ways. But I like him and I like where this is headed.

I made him wait a month after he asked to be exclusive. I took the time to make sure I actually wanted to be in a relationship, especially since finding someone was a bit anticlimactic :look:. He damned near jumped for joy when I said yes. Lol. His genuine enthusiasm is one of the things I really like about him :love2:

How long have y'all been together? Just curious about how long it takes to consider yourself in a relationship. I've been single so long that even if a man says he wants to claim me, I still feel single.
How long have y'all been together? Just curious about how long it takes to consider yourself in a relationship. I've been single so long that even if a man says he wants to claim me, I still feel single.

We've been dating about 4 months. I think I understand what you mean. After he asked to be my man, I decided to just keep doing me. I figured that I'd know for sure if the feelings were mutual if I didn't think too hard about it.

Since I knew the option of a rlshp was on the table, I was able to relax a little and recognized that I did like him back. I stopped feeling single a week or two before I said yes ( but remained "open" until I actually agreed).

In short, the mental transition from single to taken was easy mostly because I like him and it feels "right".
So...I am now in a relationship. I was single for 5 years before I met my guy. He came along at a time where I was learning how to open up and enjoy masculine energy. I wasn't sure I was even ready to commit because a part of me wanted to continue to see how I can benefit from using men, in different ways. But I like him and I like where this is headed.

I made him wait a month after he asked to be exclusive. I took the time to make sure I actually wanted to be in a relationship, especially since finding someone was a bit anticlimactic :look:. He damned near jumped for joy when I said yes. Lol. His genuine enthusiasm is one of the things I really like about him :love2:

Yaaaaaay!! Congrats!!!
So right before I moved I went to go see a psychic and she told me that I would meet "the one" once I moved here to Dallas. Milk chocolate has been everything she told me so far, She said he would be a healer and I would feel totally comfortable and free to be myself around him (And I do!) she also said he would be totally settled in his life, have a house, booming career etc, (Which he has) she also said he would tell it like it is & be very transparent & honest (Which he has)

She's been eerily accurate thus far on everything else but I've still been skeptical because I wasn't getting the "healer" vibe from Milk Chocolate & I didn't want to base it all off of what she said. However; he called me today as he was leaving church and was telling me all about the youth mentoring program he just finished up and how his favorite kids are the most troubled ones etc etc.

He officially checked off the last box she told me about with that info, I'm trying not to read into it too much because it's still waaaaaay too early in the game but I'm lowkey shook :eek: