Every 23 days I am on my period.... anyone else? I have a copper IUD in so I think that is the problem. When it was out, it seemed my cycle was about 27-28 days long.
Mine is about 28-30 days and I usually have a flow for about 4 days very light but I'm on the pill. My body adjusted super quickly In the beginning and I had to get a stronger one about 4 years in when I started spotting and wouldn't stop. After a month of that I asked them to change it. I know nothing about other forms of bc. Is every 23 days normal on the copper IUD? That's a flow every 2 weeks practically.
Went out with #2 last night and it was fine but he is so unbelievably beta that he is friend zoned. We had a great time. But on a friend level. I didn't feel any need to be sexy, alluring or flirt at all and somehow that made him more interested. Lol Eventually I'm have to let this man go since I know I'm not interested.

I'm really missing #1 though because I haven't seen him in a couple weeks. We've been talking and texting. He called me yesterday to tell me about the service for his dad's friend but for some reason something was still bothering me about this. So later we were texting and I asked if his parents drive. (They aren't old. He and I are about the same age and our parents are about the same age as well) His mom doesn't drive on the highway and his dad can't drive long distances so I asked if his brother went with them and he said no they never ask his brother to do anything. And then I knew what was bothering me. He's probably their go to for anything they need. There was another instance where they asked him to come over for something like mailing something for a friend and I remember thinking either this is a really big package or this is kinda strange. lol So having to cancel our weekend because of his parents made me wonder what was up this time. I'm not upset about him having to take them upstate but I am going to keep an eye on how often they "need" him.

Anyway he's told me there is a restaurant he thinks I will really like and he's gone ahead and made reservations already and preordered some champagne. I laughed at him and said "champagne? What's the occasion?" He said "you". Lol He says he's really upset that he hasn't been present and wants to make it up to me. I'll let him.

It's so strange how dating differently and paying attention to your gut feelings and needs can make you see things you normally wouldn't even think of paying attention to. I like this because it's like there are no real surprises because you already feel/halfway know when something is up.
Great Scott! That is a long time to be on your cycle. I have the Implanon and my cycle comes every month, but it's 8 days long.
No I meant every 23 days I am at Day 1 so my cycle is very short. My period is only 4-5 days long. And I get a "warning" before it starts (very light spotting 2 days in advance).

I tested it- I normally ovulate around day 10-11 and it seems my luteal phase is shorter with the IUD, which causes the 23 days. When I am not on it, the luteal phase is 15- 16 days long.
Is every 23 days normal on the copper IUD? That's a flow every 2 weeks practically.
I don't think it is normal but then again, I have one of the most positive experience with copper IUD so I will deal with the quick flow to avoid the negative experiences.
I don't put hormones into my body (I have tried just about all of them- bad reactions) so almost all other forms of BC are a no go for me.
Well I'm a bit emotional this morning, but it is a good thing.

So I've been poking around Katarina Phang's blog. I can't remember what lead me there, but this article made me break down.

Especially this tidbit

With emotionally available men you are not “in control” and you fear of going deep and it requires more commitment than you are used to giving. And there is also this underlying feeling of undeserving of love without a fight. That happened to me because I always had to earn every gift I received as a child (with good grades mainly). I wasn’t used to just receiving because “I was worth it” for “who I was.” And at the same time that love you receive for free or freely feels “cheap” to you while the “real love” is something you have to work hard for, so it’s more desirable to you.

So my emotional unavailability was twofold: I was on a rebound and I was not used to receiving love without earning it. I was groomed in the masculine mode of go-getting and earning.

This was my childhood 100%. There was not 1 adult in my life who showed affection towards me for just being me. Compliments, gifts, and praise were to be earned. If I didn't win something, I was given the silent treatment or treated with disdain. Perfection was the expectation and I was never good enough. This translates to my love life. The idea of a man loving me for me feels foreign, and even though these guys have flaws that I'm willing to overlook, I sometimes feel like my flaws make me undeserving of a man that dotes on me, pampers me, and protects me. I feel like I have to earn it just like I spent all of my childhood working to earn my parents' attention. I have so much repressed stuff to release.

Really good blog post
To make matters worse...I blocked him from my iPhone but for whatever reason, I still got his message on WhatsApp.

He threatened me because I said hi to him...in a way that got her attention. I'm not usually petty but after a few drinks only God knows what I am capable of.

His threats don't stir me. He can play if he wants to.
To make matters worse...I blocked him from my iPhone but for whatever reason, I still got his message on WhatsApp.

He threatened me because I said hi to him...in a way that got her attention. I'm not usually petty but after a few drinks only God knows what I am capable of.

His threats don't stir me. He can play if he wants to.

Why is he threatening you? He should come clean to his girl instead.
To make matters worse...I blocked him from my iPhone but for whatever reason, I still got his message on WhatsApp.

He threatened me because I said hi to him...in a way that got her attention. I'm not usually petty but after a few drinks only God knows what I am capable of.

His threats don't stir me. He can play if he wants to.
But why is he threatening you? You didn't do anything to him. From the last conversation it sounded amicable. He confirmed your suspicions so you could remove him from your life. And now because he brought his girl around and you were there he's mad?

This is what I can't stand about men. So because he got called out -I say called out because it seems like he wasn't about to come clean until you mentioned the dream- you are now supposed to disappear and it be like you never existed. He better watch it and chill the hell out because he's the one with more to lose here.
I don't think it is normal but then again, I have one of the most positive experience with copper IUD so I will deal with the quick flow to avoid the negative experiences.
I don't put hormones into my body (I have tried just about all of them- bad reactions) so almost all other forms of BC are a no go for me.
This got me thinking so I just went to look at my pills. I'm wrong. My cycle is 24-28 days. It can come either 3rd or 4th or 5th day of the placebo pill but usually the 4th day which is every 25 days. That's right on time at around every 3 weeks. That sounds wrong but it looks right looking at the pills. One of the main reasons I got on these was to regulate it. Forget what I said before lol I don't feel like it's too often. Do you feel like it's too often?
But why is he threatening you? You didn't do anything to him. From the last conversation it sounded amicable. He confirmed your suspicions so you could remove him from your life. And now because he brought his girl around and you were there he's mad?

This is what I can't stand about men. So because he got called out -I say called out because it seems like he wasn't about to come clean until you mentioned the dream- you are now supposed to disappear and it be like you never existed. He better watch it and chill the hell out because he's the one with more to lose here.

I told him basically the same thing. I told him I'm going to do whatever I want and his best bet is to stay out of places he's thinks I may be...

This **** says...she'll get suspicious because I caught her attention. Bruh... the way I broke it down...he went from threatening to copping pleas. If he didn't hit me up last weekend this would be a non issue.

If I would have had one more drink...my crazy ass would have walked right up to them and told her everything. These men bank on a woman's silence. Hes so used to me being chill. He's scared straight now...
I need a consistent F buddy. Told myself I was done with meaningless sex, but that's a lie. I make bad decisions when I'm backed up and rush into things because I'm dying to get laid.

So much this.

I actually thought about revisiting an old flame I'm still cool with that was a decent lay. But since we've become friends on FB, I've realized how much I really don't care for his personality, and he's annoying. Like WTF checks into work everyday? We get it, you have a job, congratulations. But has your 52 year old self moved out your mama's house yet?
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I hate it when you tell a guy you don't like something or something hurt your feelings and he's like "Well that shouldn't even hurt your feelings" BUT IT DID. It's like they don't understand we are different and that my feelings are valid too. I'm tired of dealing with the male species, I see why women go gay :rolleyes:
So Happy Maddy maybe in love, but I will hold off on the proclamations and good feelings. FB_IMG_1497824698726.jpg We are clumsily dancing around it, because I have some personal development to tend to. I still don't feel comfortable in my flat. I moved because someone was getting scary and I just had a similar scare from a source I never been with romamtically. He was a professional mentor and he got really personal with me. It took me by surprise when I explicitly stated I just want a mentor not viewing me sexually several times in the process. It scary for me because he knows where I live. In addition to Cali transferring his position to the campus I attend. It is too much right now.

I am having a debate whether I should let Jah in because I do not want to become dependent on him to feel comfortable by myself. He says he understands, but I want to be measured. Jah handled Vudu Peen the stalker too. I don't know what I am doing to invite this type of energy and I would like to assess it.

Three months is about as slow as it gets when it comes to me. During that time, we have seen each other every other day, talk everyday. Our mutual friend was like this never happens with him. Maddy, you do not understand. Alot of women have been waiting for this "Jah," and you just swooped in like, "I got this." I did come in on the upswing in his career.

I was meeting up with a friend and he came through and she was so hyped up. She was like OMG, I have never seen you this happy! We had our first PDA yesterday, I was taken aback, because he leaned over and gave me a long kiss and I replied, "well okay then..." He is so attentive to me. Should I pace slower or give in? I have the time. He is not rushing me so I should take this time to take care of all this unresolved stuff.
I am having a debate whether I should let Jah in because I do not want to become dependent on him to feel comfortable by myself. He says he understands, but I want to be measured. Jah handled Vudu Peen the stalker too. I don't know what I am doing to invite this type of energy and I would like to assess it.

From some of the stuff I've been reading, your vulnerability is key in pushing him towards love and commitment. You have to let those walls down and allow the feminine energy to take over-- mainly by showing him that you trust him enough to remove the emotional blocks and share your love freely with him. That makes him feel appreciated. Let go of the need to control your emotions and just allow yourself to BE. If it doesn't work out-- oh well. We can't control those things no matter how many guards we keep up. For some of us, this is where we've been sabotaging ourselves over and over again. I've never let my guard down which is why many of the quality men I had a chance with in the past never fell in love with me or would fall out of love. I wouldn't let them fall. If he's worth it, let him in.