Yay, I was wondering if anyone was gonna notice :lachen:
I picked the first username because I was singing Eve's "Who's that Girl" in my head and I was natural at the time. Hence, "whosthatcurl." I didn't know there was another user with a similar name :lol: and I was too lazy to change it. I picked this username because it's my favorite line from Poetic Justice, and I'm usually trying to eat someone's (I'm comfortable with) food :rofl:

How did you change your username? I was hoping to change mine but thought it wasn't possible. Thanks
7 weeks and guy 1 started to show his crazy. He's an alpha male. Hates when I pay for dates. But also hates when I beat him at anything or even come close. Or when I challenge a view he has. Not sure if it turns me on or off I have never been in this situation before...
Also... he is hot but not the smartest tool in the shed.... so I'm getting laid by him but still looking for mental stimulation elsewhere....
Watch that pms moodiness. for real. notice how your lack of interest turned around after a week and the cramps andor flow started? hmph.

pms could make you pass up something good (or break up something decent. its happened to me not watching my cycle patterns. smh).

he seems like a nice guy.
This. I realize that may be why I was super annoyed by my guy recently. Don't get me wrong. He is annoying :lachen:but my reaction to it was out of the norm for me.
So there is this amazingly talented artist from my home state whose career is really jumping off right now. Her success has really inspired me to set out and achieve some great things. This woman, among many others, is creating a legacy for herself and is living a life full of joy and passion that doesn't revolve around a man. Even though she is in a relationship, she's making waves on her own and that's incredibly seductive. Plus she marches to the beat of her own drum. Her name is Valerie June btw.

I want to get back to doing some great things outside of killing it in my career because that doesn't define who I am. My job could change tomorrow. I used to write screenplays, do burlesque, run a small business, surf, and volunteer in the local entertainment scene along with many other activities. I even sold a couple of scripts to local directors some years ago. I suddenly became burned out, and I slacked off on so much of this when I moved and started fretting over the last guy. I had a lot going for myself but was tired of doing it all alone and I wanted to share my life with someone. That feeling is natural, and I'm glad I took a break, but I'm ready to start building again. I have a legacy I want to create for myself-- with or without a man.

Before I burned out, I started exploring outdoor activities-- mainly hiking, kayaking, backpacking, and rock climbing. I really enjoyed rock climbing and I just found an all female climbing group in my city. I meet with them next week and I'm super excited to start climbing again. I know how this board is about extreme adventure sports but idgaf. It's not for everyone. I understand the appeal and I'm riding this 1 life I have out until the wheels fall off. The local climbs they do are pretty safe anyway but I do have a bigger goal in mind in a few years.

I have a July 4th trip to Colorado coming up where an old coworker and I are going backpacking for 2 nights. I'm also trying to fit in some rafting and a day hike. I'm so ready to sleep under the stars and wake up to the beauty of nature, away from it all. I can be in a crowded lounge and still feel lonely. When I'm in nature, I could be all by myself and not feel an ounce of loneliness-- only joy. It is so liberating.
Talked to him on the phone last night for a couple hours. It's so weird how you can be on the phone talking about nothing but be on the phone for so long. And he only pissed me off once during the conversation but I didn't show it...that much. lol We were talking about people hooking up at work and how embarrassing it is and he told me about a girl who basically used him (she had a bf) when he was like 20 years old and worked retail. It was cool until he was like I always wondered what happened to her but I can't remember her last name so I can't look her up on social media. What bothered me was he wasn't speaking in past tense. I pay too much attention to things like that and I was like "so you still trying to find this girl???" I said it jokingly but I was dead serious. He was like NO this was definitely not recently so I didn't say another word about it. He better not either. I don't need to know about past girlfriends and hook ups unless there is something significant I need to know. Otherwise...keep it to yourself buddy.
Right!?!? All that explaining and still didn't make a lick of sense.

Too much talking about what he knows how to do. Well do it. Don't just talk about it, be about it. In the time he took to type all of that, he could have been sending you reservation details. I'd put him on the bench and focus on the rest of the roster until he comes with some solid plans.
Dude just called and we were talking about his trip. He's going to see chance the rapper this weekend but he doesn't want anyone else grabbing my attention while he's away he said. lol So he asked if we could go to dinner when he gets back. I said ok and he said "we can get Mexican because you said it's your fav" I said eh pick something else. He says bbq and I say maybe. He says ok the peruvian place you said you love. I said yes and he joked he was starting to run out of places. I joked back saying i'm hard to please get used to it. And his response was "you're a beautiful woman, you should be hard to please" :2inlove: This fool is so corny but it's working. :lol:
Too much talking about what he knows how to do. Well do it. Don't just talk about it, be about it. In the time he took to type all of that, he could have been sending you reservation details. I'd put him on the bench and focus on the rest of the roster until he comes with some solid plans.

EXACTLY!!!!!!!! I told him don't be alarmed when he doesn't get any more responses from me, these men really think they're supposed to be chased.
Dude just called and we were talking about his trip. He's going to see chance the rapper this weekend but he doesn't want anyone else grabbing my attention while he's away he said. lol So he asked if we could go to dinner when he gets back. I said ok and he said "we can get Mexican because you said it's your fav" I said eh pick something else. He says bbq and I say maybe. He says ok the peruvian place you said you love. I said yes and he joked he was starting to run out of places. I joked back saying i'm hard to please get used to it. And his response was "you're a beautiful woman, you should be hard to please" :2inlove: This fool is so corny but it's working. :lol:

Smooth :laugh:
Girl look out! He may be trying to go in for the lock! :toocool:

Serious question, if he asked what would you say? Inquiring minds want to know....:look:
I had a long conversation today with an older male in my life that I considered like a big brother... I received excellent advice from a male POV...
I would probably say yes. Simply because he is like a best friend to me and treats me and my son very well. I do love and care about him and he definitely shows me the same. I don't have much complaints about him besides his mess but he has mostly cleaned that up. He is showing lots of effort. And he has benefits that comes with him (Federal health insurance, life insurance, etc.) I could use since I am self employed.

Anyway he could just be yapping. And my birthday is next month.... maybe he is just trying to figure out what kind of earrings I like. Actions > Words.