Imagine a world where women were so no nonsense and up on game that men had to up their respect level and change their behavior because those old tricks no longer worked. Imagine a reality where a woman didn’t waste her time with a man that had her in a Placeholder position because she was confident enough to let go of him and find better.

Imagine if every woman truly had zero ****s to give, heart strings that couldn’t be pulled, and minds that couldn’t be manipulated by guilt… unless you’re a misogynist you would have to admit that it’d be a better planet. The empowerment of women is the only way this world improves.

I’m not talking about freeing the nipple or becoming president, I’m talking about the simple mental progression of no longer being played for fools and treated like second rate citizens all in the name of one day getting married. I imagine that kind of world every day, then I look online or have a conversation and it’s the same old ****. There are girls who talk about “stay woke” when it comes to politics, but have men in their phones right now playing them. There are girls that **** on men all day long via their online persona but in real life are submitting to the same type of bums they clown on the timeline.

How can you wield any power when you go dumb for dick and forget your standards or submit just because you have a crush on someone? All those book smarts and analytical skills and you’re still stuck on, “How can I make him like me?” Men don’t change their ways because they know the female empowerment goes out the window the moment they make a joke and you start giggling like a 16-year-old school girl.

This is excellent and has got me reading the whole blog post. I needed this. His blog posts are lengthy but dropping knowledge left and right. Thanks @movingforward13!
I have a new boo on the horizon. Good job, nice teeth, nice body, works with his hands but also quite intelligent. He called me while I was on my lunch break for. Quick chat and asked for a date this wknd. When I told him I would be out of town he offered to get me a car to and from the airport since he'd be at work. I said no since the train will be faster. He says he's going to make sure he's there to pick me up when I get home & take me to dinner.

I like this a lot
I read this article about a woman who stopped dating when she got engaged and loved it. I had considered doing something similar, simply because a committed relationship would give a man so much access to me that being only a "girlfriend" is wouldn't begin to be an even exchange. Reading that article affirmed that I can have it exactly my way and men who don't agree are just opening up space for the men who do.
I read this article about a woman who stopped dating when she got engaged and loved it. I had considered doing something similar, simply because a committed relationship would give a man so much access to me that being only a "girlfriend" is wouldn't begin to be an even exchange. Reading that article affirmed that I can have it exactly my way and men who don't agree are just opening up space for the men who do.
Link? This sounds interesting.
My ex sent me a text this morning saying he found an old picture of us. Typical textbook Narcissist trying to be nostalgic to bring me in. Although I've always been two steps ahead of him, my vain and nosy self just wanted to see the picture. :gorgeous:

Well, the text came but no pic was attached. So I told him and he re-sent it. Same thing happened a few more times with just a blank yellow box. He said I don't know what happened because I can see it on my end.

So I sent him a screenprint of how it looked on my phone so he could understand what I meant. But I forgot that I changed his contact name to "Flaky" in my phone so he got the screenprint with that showing clear as day at the top.:eek: I was trying to hit cancel when I realized it but it was too late LOL. I don't know if he caught it but I felt sooooo bad...... at first. :giggle: I think he caught it because he waited a bit to respond.

Oh well, I've told him he was becoming flaky before so it shouldn't be a surprise.
My ex sent me a text this morning saying he found an old picture of us. Typical textbook Narcissist trying to be nostalgic to bring me in. Although I've always been two steps ahead of him, my vain and nosy self just wanted to see the picture. :gorgeous:

Well, the text came but no pic was attached. So I told him and he re-sent it. Same thing happened a few more times with just a blank yellow box. He said I don't know what happened because I can see it on my end.

So I sent him a screenprint of how it looked on my phone so he could understand what I meant. But I forgot that I changed his contact name to "Flaky" in my phone so he got the screenprint with that showing clear as day at the top.:eek: I was trying to hit cancel when I realized it but it was too late LOL. I don't know if he caught it but I felt sooooo bad...... at first. :giggle: I think he caught it because he waited a bit to respond.

Oh well, I've told him he was becoming flaky before so it shouldn't be a surprise.
Did the pic finally come through or was he pulling that trick that we talked about in here before? LOL
Did the pic finally come through or was he pulling that trick that we talked about in here before? LOL

Haha yes, he really did send it and the picture of us wasn't that great anyway. But yeah, the yellow box appeared blank with no download option or anything. So I tapped on it and it said view slide show and nothing played. Then I just tried saving the attachment and that was how I got it to play. Just in case anyone else experiences that with a GS5.

But what was the trick you all talked about before? I have to catch up. I know once he tried to pretend he was returning my call claiming I called him from my work phone and he had a nerve to send me a screenshot of his call log after I told him that was impossible because I was away from my desk and he's not even in my speed dial at work. The big dummy didn't realize that the screenshot shows the direction of the phone icon, meaning incoming or outgoing. I caught it right away but I just laughed to myself and even gave him a chance to play it off by saying maybe he butt dialed me. He said no, my phone rang. Yeah.... OK. Then why wouldn't you have answered if it did? His plan wasn't too well thought out LOL.

He can sense that I'm not paying him any mind and the more you don't fall for their tricks, the more they try.
But I forgot that I changed his contact name to "Flaky" in my phone so he got the screenprint with that showing clear as day at the top.:eek: I was trying to hit cancel when I realized it but it was too late LOL. I don't know if he caught it but I felt sooooo bad...... at first. :giggle: I think he caught it because he waited a bit to respond.

Oh well, I've told him he was becoming flaky before so it shouldn't be a surprise.

Does anyone here avoid allowing men in to their homes or going to visit them in theirs?

When I was dating, I rarely let men over my house and preferred to go to theirs. I view my house as my sanctuary and only the worthy ones are allowed to enter. I can count on one hand the number of men that have entered my house (I have lived here for 7 years) and lost track of the number of men's homes I have visited :lachen:
When I was dating, I rarely let men over my house and preferred to go to theirs. I view my house as my sanctuary and only the worthy ones are allowed to enter. I can count on one hand the number of men that have entered my house (I have lived here for 7 years) and lost track of the number of men's homes I have visited :lachen:
My home is off limits but I'm tempted to make theirs off limits too, at least for a time.
More on self improvement since im not dating....

Got my Invisalign!! Yay! Im about to be 44 abd never had straight teeth!

My teeth were real sore yesterday and through the night but i ate anyways. Nothing stops this train :chocbunny::lachen:

i can see how the "invisalign diet" works cuz these things are a hassle to get out, then u gotta brush teeth and the tray before going back in. snacking isnt appetizing :nono:. not a big snacker anyway but i do need to keep food on my stomach because i have gastritis that gets aggravated when my stomach is empty.

Going to go back to high protein smoothies to keep tummy from getting too empty... need to lose my last 30 anyways.. smh

overall im excited. never had braces as a kid so my teeth have been crooked since they came in. just need that 18mo to fast forward :grin:.
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See these itch made dudes? I'm on the train on my way to Prospect Park. Minding my own business listening to my music reading my book. Dude comes on the train squeezes his mitch ass into the space next to me. Knowing damn well he can't fit and he's a full grown man that can stand but whatever. He squeezes next to me is all on top of me jabbing his elbow into my breast repeatedly because he needs to be on his phone. I push his elbow away and tell him to watch it. He does not even look up and continues on. So yes, ladies instead of suffer I-a woman- stood up the rest of my train ride. We get off the same stop and this loser tries to holla. I was about to show my ass and act a fool but I just kept walking. Old dusty looking *****.