There was a guy I was chatting with shortly before I moved to Dallas, he seemed cool at first but it wasn't long before his F-boy qualities started to show so I stopped talking to him except for a few brief conversations on instagram.

He unfollowed me on there and I returned the favor and kept it moving, he messaged me on Ig today and refollowed me talking bout "You finally moved and didn't tell me?"


I'm tired of these idiots
The date with Jai was nice. Good conversation. Good food. I liked seeing more of his personality come out. He was a bit nervous at first, but then relaxed as the night went on. When the check came, he asked me how do we want to do this. I was thinking WTF, which must have shown on my face because he then said "I don't mind paying for everything." And he did. Afterwards, he said he hopes to see me again. I said okay.
There was a guy I was chatting with shortly before I moved to Dallas, he seemed cool at first but it wasn't long before his F-boy qualities started to show so I stopped talking to him except for a few brief conversations on instagram.

He unfollowed me on there and I returned the favor and kept it moving, he messaged me on Ig today and refollowed me talking bout "You finally moved and didn't tell me?"

I'm tired of these idiots

Something like this happened to me! Was talking to a guy who seemed promising. He was supposed to take me out for my birthday but called 15 minutes before we were supposed to meet to cancel because he just got off the phone with his ex and was in a bad mood: :/

I canceled him after that. About 2 months later I took a job 500 miles away and out of nowhere he texted me wanting to hang out. This fool had the nerve to say "You moved and didn't say goodbye to me? I thought maybe we could have something in the future." Boy bye.

In fact, once I announced I was moving, all of these guys on social media hit me up with the same mess. Ain't nobody waiting for y'all. I'm chasing my coins and opportunities.
This weekend I had a lapse in judgement and did something so stupid and irresponsible that I'm surprised I made it out in one piece.

I won't go into details, but I'll be honest and admit that some things in my life need to change. I've been reckless in the last year and a half trying to fill a void and prove something to myself. Yesterday marked 2 years since the death of my teen cousin and there is still some pain associated with it. Since then, I've tried to live this fast life and experience everything before I leave this world. This weekend really knocked some sense into me.

I'm returning to sobriety. It'll be tough because I have a trip coming up next week but I need this. Booze makes me too emotional right now. I don't feel empowered when I'm tipsy. I was more aligned during my 90-day alcohol detox at the beginning of the year. Plus I saved a lot of money.

No more parties or nights out on the town. I've had my good times but it has gotten old. I'm returning to hiking on the weekends. I'm saving to buy another kayak (sold the other one when I moved). I'm getting back into yoga and meditation and focusing 100% on health, career, and spirituality.

I'm also releasing the desire for a man right now. Since my cousin's death, I've been desperate to find the one and experience a grand romance as quickly as possible out of fear that time might run out. Back when I was deep into my spirituality, I'd read about the destructiveness of trying to fight resistance and how it sends you into a constant cycle of disappointment and self-loathing. It's neither the time nor place for me to manifest love right now. My intuition knows that the type of man that is right for me isn't here in this season. My search will always come up empty if I try to force things. I need to trust that it will happen and let it go. This isn't a race. Let him find me when I'm at my best. I can direct that focus elsewhere, but this time from a place of contentment and not defeat.

I'm pulling out some of my old zen books and just chilling on this thing right now. It'll happen in due time.
This weekend I had a lapse in judgement and did something so stupid and irresponsible that I'm surprised I made it out in one piece.

I won't go into details, but I'll be honest and admit that some things in my life need to change. I've been reckless in the last year and a half trying to fill a void and prove something to myself. Yesterday marked 2 years since the death of my teen cousin and there is still some pain associated with it. Since then, I've tried to live this fast life and experience everything before I leave this world. This weekend really knocked some sense into me.

I'm returning to sobriety. It'll be tough because I have a trip coming up next week but I need this. Booze makes me too emotional right now. I don't feel empowered when I'm tipsy. I was more aligned during my 90-day alcohol detox at the beginning of the year. Plus I saved a lot of money.

No more parties or nights out on the town. I've had my good times but it has gotten old. I'm returning to hiking on the weekends. I'm saving to buy another kayak (sold the other one when I moved). I'm getting back into yoga and meditation and focusing 100% on health, career, and spirituality.

I'm also releasing the desire for a man right now. Since my cousin's death, I've been desperate to find the one and experience a grand romance as quickly as possible out of fear that time might run out. Back when I was deep into my spirituality, I'd read about the destructiveness of trying to fight resistance and how it sends you into a constant cycle of disappointment and self-loathing. It's neither the time nor place for me to manifest love right now. My intuition knows that the type of man that is right for me isn't here in this season. My search will always come up empty if I try to force things. I need to trust that it will happen and let it go. This isn't a race. Let him find me when I'm at my best. I can direct that focus elsewhere, but this time from a place of contentment and not defeat.

I'm pulling out some of my old zen books and just chilling on this thing right now. It'll happen in due time.

Wait huh? What does that mean?
You mean the kitty getting wetter? If so, that is a good thing- I have been trying to increase my juices.
Lol not when you're just walking to the fridge and you're so moist you think your period has started. I shouldn't have said be careful I meant be aware that your wetness may increase while the egg is in you. I can't speak for increased wetness during sex though. My wetness hasn't changed but I've never been lacking in that area for some reason, it's annoying
Lol not when you're just walking to the fridge and you're so moist you think your period has started. I shouldn't have said be careful I meant be aware that your wetness may increase while the egg is in you. I can't speak for increased wetness during sex though. My wetness hasn't changed but I've never been lacking in that area for some reason, it's annoying
Especially when you you getting the good strokes and it slides out sometimes :lachen:
Lol not when you're just walking to the fridge and you're so moist you think your period has started. I shouldn't have said be careful I meant be aware that your wetness may increase while the egg is in you. I can't speak for increased wetness during sex though. My wetness hasn't changed but I've never been lacking in that area for some reason, it's annoying
Got you and you were right.
So why my ex husband added the pastor that married us on Facebook....?
Facebook notified me because I suggested they should be friends.... 5 YEARS AGO before the wedding. Ex added him an hour ago.
Why is this a big deal- well because this is very unexpected.
My ex talked so much ish about the pastor because the pastor was telling him to man up in our relationship during our counseling sessions. Last time he ever initiated contact with the pastor was when our son was first born and we were fighting and I almost kicked him out. He asked the pastor to mediate (this was before the ish talking).

Now the pastor knows what he did to me... the pastor was angry and told me that I would do better. So why five years later my ex adds him when before ex despised the pastor?

Reason why I think could be:
1. He is trying to get pastor to do his wedding to the chick he cheated on me with- last I heard they were engaged. That would be bold if he really did that.

2. He is looking for counseling services for him and her. Not likely but who knows.

3. He is trying to get pastor to repair what he did or find out if I been initiating couples counseling with Lee (no ladies I am not in a relationship but ex thinks I am and I haven't bothered to correct him).

4. He is trying to get back his life what he lost 5 years ago. A lot of my family and friends turned their backs on him after everything came to light. And it was like ex was running from what he did. I don't see why he would turn back now unless things aren't going so well for him.

I wish I never got the notification but I won't spend my night thinking about it. Forward not backward- I hope he has good intentions for adding the pastor. That man was good to us.
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Part 2.

That said hes typical of these cali ninjas. moved from the south with his mother and they lived together (he's 26). anyhoo indian girl witnessed an argument wherein his screamining at his mom at the top of his lungs shes a b and a hoe because sge ate his leftovers :rolleyes:

decides to move from mom that day and now they moving in and he pops the question yesterday.

The best part? India's family are millionaires. her dad was 90s to early 00s techie. mom a biotech queen. homeboy is a broke from the hood rookie SF cop with 10065 OOW nieces and nephews from his kang brother.

She's rebelling from her traditional family.

i warned her a year ago. she gone learn. these ninjas aint nobody's prize.

train wreck in thd making so not a loss from our side afterall. kinda sad.
You're in the Bay Area same as me right? Yeah, that's why I don't get too sad over the BM that date/marry out. They're no prizes.
yes i am. it's just seems like so msny here which especially limits the younger womens options and even self esteem.
Yes I see it with my youngest sister. She just turned 18 but graduated HS early so she's about to finish her first semester of college. She really would prefer a BM even though she has suitors of all races but she sees so many BM with WW or exoticals. She's super gorgeous but it messes with her self-esteem.
I hung out with my two HS besties over the weekend. One of them is in a bad relationship only she's still in the denial phase. She's taken on his two kids, even though he hasn't married or even brought up marriage yet. And my friend keeps lying to herself that marriage is coming. She's given him every reason in the book NOT to marry her. It's affecting her physically now too. She's noticeably skinner from the last time I saw her a few months ago, she's always sad, and sick which is a sign of stress. And when the topic turns to sex and relationships she's always like, sex isn't all that.

I feel bad for her but our other bestie's been telling her the relationship isn't worth it but she won't listen. And because the young daughter has gotten attached to her, she's even more reluctant to leave. She's turned her life upside down for this man and hasn't gotten anything from him.