I'm sorry you feel conflicted and are having a difficult time deciding what to do with Lee. I think you will have to trust that if Lee fails you again that you will leave him for good. Also have to trust that he isn't the only guy out there that you could potentially have a good relationship with. Sometimes it's less about love and more about compatibility. He got off on the wrong foot with you by lying. You may love him but a part of you may not be able to stomach someone who could lie so well and for so long. You may be able to accept his apology but still have to let him go. You will make the right decision in time.

ETA: I'm responding to your previous post from a view days ago -- you asked to not quote.

@ivyness I would run for the hills from that guy. You shouldn't feel an ounce of guilt either. He doesn't feel badly for dumping all that mess on you. That is way too much info to be sharing so soon. Also he is being manipulative. He wants you to feel guilty. Don't fall for it. Move on and don't look back.
I'm over "I don't want a woman with kids" guy. I got over it by going back on the app and meeting men who are open and accepting to it. :rolleyes: Now the only time I have to see him is underneath my friend's pictures on SM.

It's funny. It's hard for me to move on from someone that I think I really like because I feel like I might not get that same connection again. Then it finally happens, plus the guy is even more compatible with my lifestyle, and I wonder why I stayed stuck with the last loser for so long. My friend always tells me God will always provide, and I don't know what he has in store for me.

Excited for this weekend.
*Dating Anonymous Meeting* rambling time

Hi - *stands and waves* My name is Movingforward13 and I am dating failure. I don't know how to date. My father was in my life but didn't teach me how to date or what to look for in a man. He was actually a stupid, drunk, abusive son of a ***** to my mom, my sister and myself. He cheated on my mom with many women. He brought me and my sister around his concubines. He was only there to provide financial support. He didn't want to be a father nor want responsibility. He never said it, but his actions showed it.
So I went looking for love at a young age, only to find that most XYs are horrible.
They lie.
They cheat.
They abuse.
They neglect.
They teach other XYs to do the same thing.
And this cycle gets repeated to other women like me, who didn't didn't have a father who was there in the capacity as a father, if at all. Someone to show us how to properly vet men. What to look for, what questions to ask, and how to avoid being used. To protect us from XY predators.
I didn't learn these lessons until much later in life. Wasted time, broken marriage, pity parties, etc. Disappointments after disappointments and broken hearts.

I was adopted into a YT family about 17 years ago (long story but I am now estranged from my bio-family) and it is "different". I was asked by my adopted mom a few years ago why don't our black men get married (not a racist thing, she really wanted to understand why they didn't prioritize marriage). Well- everyone in my bio-family (more or less) was married. My family is from the Caribbean so marriage was expected if a baby showed up. I didn't know how to explain the current phenomena. But I knew I had a role in it... The older me didn't properly vet my son's father. I didn't demand marriage before having a child (my ex wanted our son because he was getting old). I didn't set my expectations nor left if they weren't followed.
I thought love was enough... not understanding that infatuation wears off. Not understanding that marriage doesn't cure problems- but rather enhances them. Not understanding that men cheat because they are "bored". Not understanding that my "partner" wouldn't approach life with the same reasoning as me. Not understanding that I don't have any control over any this besides my actions, what I expect, and what I accept.

I still want marriage because:
  • The dress, ring and etc. are nice things to look forward to.
  • Society "silently" judges women who are older.
  • They set us up at young ages to believe we aren't anything if some XY hasn't "chosen" us, regardless of our degrees, our positions, our accomplishments.
But then I realize how unhappy some of my married counterparts are. Their husbands are cheating, money problems, stress, bad ass kids, etc. They have the ring, wore the dress, changed the last name but married the wrong man. They are miserable and I don't want that.
So quite simply- it isn't "marriage" that I want... I want the right life partner for me. And from now on, I am going to do a better job to properly find that. Whether it is Lee or not. And I am going to do a better job of being my sister's keeper. We have to protect one another because many of us don't have that father, brother, uncles, etc. to do it.

I am on my period, feeling some way and etc. so that is part of this ramble #oneofthemdays #emotional #fullofthoughts

edit: spelling
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I'm sorry you feel conflicted and are having a difficult time deciding what to do with Lee. I think you will have to trust that if Lee fails you again that you will leave him for good. Also have to trust that he isn't the only guy out there that you could potentially have a good relationship with. Sometimes it's less about love and more about compatibility. He got off on the wrong foot with you by lying. You may love him but a part of you may not be able to stomach someone who could lie so well and for so long. You may be able to accept his apology but still have to let him go. You will make the right decision in time.

ETA: I'm responding to your previous post from a view days ago -- you asked to not quote.
Thank you-
And that is what it comes down to. Lee and I are compatible but I don't trust him. And due to familiarity, loneliness, love or a combination- I didn't leave him alone (block) when I should have. So now I have this great association but I question everything he says--- even when he is being transparent. Has he really learned? Does he understand what he has? Does he get it?
But like you said- he got one more time to fail and I am out the picture for good. I hope he gets that--- because I do.
Thank you-
And that is what it comes down to. Lee and I are compatible but I don't trust him. And due to familiarity, loneliness, love or a combination- I didn't leave him alone (block) when I should have. So now I have this great association but I question everything he says--- even when he is being transparent. Has he really learned? Does he understand what he has? Does he get it?
But like you said- he got one more time to fail and I am out the picture for good. I hope he gets that--- because I do.
Have you talked to him about this?
Thank you-
And that is what it comes down to. Lee and I are compatible but I don't trust him. And due to familiarity, loneliness, love or a combination- I didn't leave him alone (block) when I should have. So now I have this great association but I question everything he says--- even when he is being transparent. Has he really learned? Does he understand what he has? Does he get it?
But like you said- he got one more time to fail and I am out the picture for good. I hope he gets that--- because I do.
I know that feeling. It took me a long time to learn that if I have to question things and wonder - even if he is on the up and up - then I need to go. For my own peace of mind. I either change the way I approach the relationship (as in we are not a thing and we just kick it so I don't even care about if he's being honest) or I move along.
So I have a bad habit of adding friends of FB friends if the request me. This one dude with whom I share 20+ mutual friends sent a request. No harm right? No need to type any more, I'm sure yall know where that went.
Any "dark skinned" ladies getting tired of the things you have to hear while you're dating. A few examples:

-You are beautiful. Dark skin on fleek.
-You're representing team dark skin well.
-I love your dark skin. (I get tired of this).
-I've never been with a dark skin girl before. Is it like a chocolate covered strawberry?
-My dad would have something to say about you because you're dark skinned.

Last time I was single about 2011, this NEVER came up.
Just came across this on Facebook- there is a discussion going on about it now.

Hmmmm, this is interesting to me. I get you're happy about your love and your life but that is truly unnecessary in my opinion. Pride comes before a fall especially since there is no guarantee they'll stay married or that they're even in a happy marriage, but nice rings.
Ugh im sorry. that would truly piss me off. whats up with these dudes?!
Any "dark skinned" ladies getting tired of the things you have to hear while you're dating. A few examples:

-You are beautiful. Dark skin on fleek.
-You're representing team dark skin well.
-I love your dark skin. (I get tired of this).
-I've never been with a dark skin girl before. Is it like a chocolate covered strawberry?
-My dad would have something to say about you because you're dark skinned.

Last time I was single about 2011, this NEVER came up.
Day 3 of Singledom: I heard Jah had a Fiyah stick. He the Highlander. He is Azor Ahai'. I know of two of his former partners and they seem head over heels to this day. His energy is infectious. And he is a Capricorn.

As long as I set my intentions, that I am not in it for a relationship, but an experience, I am straight. Relationships are easy to come by. Really, they are, when you settle. I am searching for quality. Right now, in this transitional phase, I want company. If it is meant, it will grow into a deeper level of commitment.

Men are quick with the "I am ready to settle down" stuff right off the first couple of lines, especially at this age (late 30s), because of societal pressure, family, colleagues, and I say to that "well, hell, negro, I am not. "They will be in their feelings initially, but they will deal. They see the qualities they envision for a wife. If they move on and rush into the next commitment, you really did not want him anyway. These lazy negroes are not ready to change their lifestyle. Commitment is a lifestyle change. That was my mistake my last relationship. He wasn't unfaithful or stingy with his coin, he just did not want to function as a team.

I am getting comfortable with saying, marriage is not the goal. It is a destination. Because my last relationship I started working towards that "goal" for someone who was not truly ready to commit to it. So I am going to charge this newly found unsolicited information to the game and will not unlock the Fiyah Stick just yet. Even though I love a good coloring booking, and I am not one to abstain, I am not trying to get locked in another superficial soul tie.
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