No chill, I am not up for games anymore or beating around the bush!



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No chill, I am not up for games anymore or beating around the bush!

Do men think that's cute? Like we'll laugh and think oh I know he's joking. Even if it is a joke it's an inappropriate one when you are just getting to know someone and trying to date them. But don't listen to me I guess because my thinking gets me called "old fashioned" and "too serious".
I know. This should have been done a long time ago. I kept giving him more opportunities to do the same bs.
This is where we mess up, I believe, we give them more chances than they deserve. I've stopped doing that, my block/ghost game is hella strong. The first sign of nonsense BLOCK!!!!!! And I don't look back either. I should have done this a long time ago, would have saved me a bunch of tears and hurt feelings.

Why so??! How sway?! LMFAO :perplexed: Put me on to game... #FRFR

If anyone texted me "when u free" that would be the end of the conversation.

Basically. I am 33 years old. I do not entertain men who do not use proper sentence structure. Only a certain type of dude uses shorthand all the frikkin time. I don't ever give them the time of day.


My suggestion is that you add that to your list of deal breakers. Shorthand is the universal language of fbois...unless they are your type :look: . No judgement here :shrug:
Basically. I am 33 years old. I do not entertain men who do not use proper sentence structure. Only a certain type of dude uses shorthand all the frikkin time. I don't ever give them the time of day.


My suggestion is that you add that to your list of deal breakers. Shorthand is the universal language of fbois...unless they are your type :look: . No judgement here :shrug:
Listen to @keyawarren

"When u free" without any punctuation??

You want to date someone that texts like that? No. You don't.

It's 2017 and we don't have flip phones anymore. I use "lol" and "haha" and other acceptable short form but someone that texts like that probably speaks like that and the future father of my child can't grunt and say "when u free".
Why do people keep trying to set me up with the men in the office? Like 90% of my office is full of women but most of the women are married already. We share office space with a very small firm and over there it is 90% men. (But seriously they're small like they have no more than 10 people small. I think only 2 women work there - a receptionist and a secretary) Yesterday one of the partners (head honcho first named on the door) walks past my desk and conversation goes like this:

Partner: "I'm trying to find a nice girl for that young man over there. I think he is the sweetest. You aren't seeing anyone are you Kammy?"

Me: *Silence* Since I have no idea who she's talking about nor do I care I just smile and shake my head.

Partner: "ohhhhh what about the other one. *whispers* do you like white guys? I hear he's up for partner over there.

Me: *Another smile and shake of the head*

Partner: "Hmm maybe I'll play matchmaker today"

Me: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Then this afternoon one of the few male attorneys in my office comes over to my desk and asks me a question. He is still fairly new but he's around my age, we work well together and he's friendly so we chat about personal things too. He was over here saying how if anyone needs help they should just ask me and he would have been so lost without me because he didn't know anything when he got here. We had some playful banter and when he walks away the old lady next to me starts.

Old Lady: "You should go out with him. you two would make the cutest couple"

Me: *Blank stare*

Old Lady: "I think I'll set it up. I'll just say Kammy and I want to take you out for a drink and when he comes along I'll slip away"

Me: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: "Please don't"

Old Lady: "Nope, that's it. I'm doing it"

Me: *Runs to hide in a conference room for the rest of the day*

And that is where I am now. In this conference room on a temp computer pretending I need space to spread out because I am working on something important. I have gone so far as to surrounded myself with tons of redwelds and stacks of paper. Smh
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Shoooot @KammyGirl dont block a potential blessing lol
One of them attorneys could be the one
That's what the old lady was saying. That people usually meet and marry people they work with. It's how she met her (now ex) husband. But it's weird with people you work with, no? I always worry if it doesn't work out I don't want to be uncomfortable. I like it here! :lol:
Lol. I can't judge anyone for texting "when u free" because "where u" is probably the thing I text the most :look:

I use shorthand sometimes, with the people I know. When I first start talking to a dude I text clearly. Communication is a biggie for me. It's a preference...which is why I told Angleluvsu to continue on if she is ok with that.

Ime, only a certain type of dude communicates like that. Same goes for smiley's. Excessive use of smileys is part of fboi speak. Not my thing, but there are women who eat that up. So to each their own.

**I don't judge women who use shorthand because I don't date them :look:
Boom. All of this! It speaks to laziness and lack of education and poor future financial prospect. fbois is right. its also just a lack of respect.

Basically. I am 33 years old. I do not entertain men who do not use proper sentence structure. Only a certain type of dude uses shorthand all the frikkin time. I don't ever give them the time of day.

My suggestion is that you add that to your list of deal breakers. Shorthand is the universal language of fbois...unless they are your type :look: . No judgement here :shrug:
Listen to @keyawarren

"When u free" without any punctuation??

You want to date someone that texts like that? No. You don't.

It's 2017 and we don't have flip phones anymore. I use "lol" and "haha" and other acceptable short form but someone that texts like that probably speaks like that and the future father of my child can't grunt and say "when u free".
Another one! Back story, Dude hit me with an invite to come out to his Church for a revival, albeit it was seemingly a mass text after we stopped communicating, I text him thanks for invite but will not be able to make it, should have ignored, we text for a few, the usual how you doings, then the following:


Nope didnt even bother responding, asking come over where, etc... Just not here for it... :perplexed:


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I have one friend that is married and one friend that is in a LTR. Both with broke men that should've been thrown away like 3 days ago. Anywho, I have a coworker that is married, separated with a bf and not broke. Her husband still pays a lot of bills because well he is her husband still. The bf gives her money because she says if she is gonna think about divorcing her spouse she needs to see that he is worthy. I was cracking up telling my friends this just in a lighthearted manner and they were so disgusted. *This is not confidential information. My coworker tells people she doesn't know this info while at work so meh :lol:

Disclaimer: I know what she is doing is RATCHET. AF. Like serious hood logic.

However, if you have two men in your life who would think she was broke?! Their confusion confused me! Basically, out of all the tidbits in this scenario the part they focused in on really blew my mind :lol:

I'm talking to you all because if I go back to my inbox and reply to them I may not have any friends by tomorrow.
Another one! Back story, Dude hit me with an invite to come out to his Church for a revival, albeit it was seemingly a mass text after we stopped communicating, I text him thanks for invite but will not be able to make it, should have ignored, we text for a few, the usual how you doings, then the following:


Nope didnt even bother responding, asking come over where, etc... Just not here for it... :perplexed:
What? Nah. Good day sir.
What happened?
Something so dumb happened and i was basically told I'm a terrible person.

I met up with a friend of mine. Let's call him J. J and I were introduced years ago (like when we were still in school) by another friend thinking we would be good together. Wrong. One date and it went nowhere but we had tons of mutual friends so we became friends. Anyway we met up and his gf was going to come along. Turns out she had to work late and was coming later so he arrived alone.

At the bar and while I'm waiting another guy that tried to date me when I was still with my ex (and texts me now and again just for idle chit chat) messages me. Let's call him B. B asks me what bar I was at and I told him where I was (just the street and general area) thinking it's just idle chit chat. No big deal...or so I thought. That's where I messed up.

He says he's in the area and he should stop by. I told him no because I'm meeting J and joked with him "it's a guy and I know you. don't get your feelings hurt". B asks if I'm on a date. I said no just kicking it with my friends (ya know because J's gf was supposed to be there too)

So after a few minutes I just put my phone away and enjoy my drink. In walks J sans gf and he tells me she'll be there in a half or so. Cool. Right after he walks in I look out the window and see B outside looking up and down the street. He goes into the bar across the street. Then he comes out because I'm not there of course and goes into the bar next door. Then he comes out again. He's looking for me. He comes into the bar I'm at and I'm like wtf are you doing here? So he's being weird and awkward and I don't want to be rude so I introduce him to J who has not a care in the world about B.

B talks to me for like one minute and then says ok I gotta go and runs out like his pants are on fire. So weird! And then texts me right after asking again if I'm on a date insulting J saying we look awkward as hell together and he seems weak and he didn't know I liked guys like that.

I started to respond but I didn't need to defend myself to him. So since I don't respond he goes on for the rest of the night saying I'm horrible to let him come there when I was with that guy. I just couldn't even deal and I ended blocking him. Not soon enough though.

On top of that J and his gf are now engaged and I had to sit through wedding talk after. Ugh!