Are these close friends? Have they tried introducing you to single men they know?

Whatever happened to couples playing matchmaker for their single friends?

They barely found their men so they wouldn't be able to help me. And the people most of my married friends associate with are also married.

Even if my "closest friends" knew single men, they aren't the type to think to introduce us. They just give me the confused look for still being single all these years. (I was the one who always had someone when were younger)
They barely found their men so they wouldn't be able to help me. And the people most of my married friends associate with are also married.

Even if my "closest friends" knew single men, they aren't the type to think to introduce us. They just give me the confused look for still being single all these years. (I was the one who always had someone when were younger)

:nono: Sounds about right. This really is a huge failure of this generation. I don't know what happened. People hustle to find a partner and feel like you need to hustle just as hard for yours. Matchmaking is supposed to be a community effort. Once a couple is established (both partners off the market), it is considered the norm in some circles for them to try to match up their single friends. Not anymore. You're on your own out here it seems.
See this is the part of dating that I hate. In the early stages since I don't know the person at all, when they do something to annoy me it is fairly easy to peace out. Between yesterday and today this guy has been quite annoying so I haven't bothered with fully engaging him.

He sends me a text this afternoon telling me I respond to his messages too slow for his needs. Huh? While I can appreciate the ability to articulate something that is bothering him, that annoyed me so I didn't respond at all to anything he said for the rest of the day.

So later he asked me if I thought we were compatible and I was still annoyed with him and told him based on behavior he's displayed the past couple days probably not. Was I being extra? Maybe but I wasn't in the mood for him. He disagreed with me. And kept up for the rest of the night.

For once I felt like this was a conversation that needed to be had over the phone so I called him after a little while. No answer. And there's probably nothing behind it but because he didn't answer now I'm even more upset with him.

I just feel like ugh. Gimme a break. Why is there always something that puts me off a person so soon? Soooooo tired.
See this is the part of dating that I hate. In the early stages since I don't know the person at all, when they do something to annoy me it is fairly easy to peace out. Between yesterday and today this guy has been quite annoying so I haven't bothered with fully engaging him.

He sends me a text this afternoon telling me I respond to his messages too slow for his needs. Huh? While I can appreciate the ability to articulate something that is bothering him, that annoyed me so I didn't respond at all to anything he said for the rest of the day.

So later he asked me if I thought we were compatible and I was still annoyed with him and told him based on behavior he's displayed the past couple days probably not. Was I being extra? Maybe but I wasn't in the mood for him. He disagreed with me. And kept up for the rest of the night.

For once I felt like this was a conversation that needed to be had over the phone so I called him after a little while. No answer. And there's probably nothing behind it but because he didn't answer now I'm even more upset with him.

I just feel like ugh. Gimme a break. Why is there always something that puts me off a person so soon? Soooooo tired.

From your past few posts, you seem like you don't like to..or are just bad at..communicating lol. Or maybe that's because you're just not into these guys?'re not interested in dating right now? Or maybe I'm interpreting your posts wrong lol.
From your past few posts, you seem like you don't like to..or are just bad at..communicating lol. Or maybe that's because you're just not into these guys?'re not interested in dating right now? Or maybe I'm interpreting your posts wrong lol.
Maybe I am bad at communicating. Lol The communication isn't the issue on this one though...I don't think...yet.

He's been saying ish via text that I don't like so I've been annoyed by seeing his number pop up on my phone. I did tell him the first time. He was trying to explain something and the examples he used were offensive to me so I told him. But he was basically telling me I'm wrong and it's not offensive to women. I was too through and just left it alone. Then last night happened and because I was already ticked off I got more ticked off.

He called when he woke up this morning saying he fell asleep. I was like bruh you initiated the conversation then just fell asleep in the middle of it but ok fine. He want to pick up right where we left off. Dude, it's 6am, we're both getting ready for work and I'm not interested in starting my morning with this. I told him so, he agreed and we'll talk about it later.

I'm feeling better about the whole thing. But the deeper issue I probably need to work through is my short temper. I am quick to be like alright you said something stupid, later. Lol And I do like this guy so far so I probably need to chill.
From your past few posts, you seem like you don't like to..or are just bad at..communicating lol. Or maybe that's because you're just not into these guys?'re not interested in dating right now? Or maybe I'm interpreting your posts wrong lol.
Maybe I am bad at communicating. Lol The communication isn't the issue on this one though...I don't think...yet.

He's been saying ish via text that I don't like so I've been annoyed by seeing his number pop up on my phone. I did tell him the first time. He was trying to explain something and the examples he used were offensive to me so I told him. But he was basically telling me I'm wrong and it's not offensive to women. I was too through and just left it alone. Then last night happened and because I was already ticked off I got more ticked off.

He called when he woke up this morning saying he fell asleep. I was like bruh you initiated the conversation then just fell asleep in the middle of it but ok fine. He want to pick up right where we left off. Dude, it's 6am, we're both getting ready for work and I'm not interested in starting my morning with this. I told him so, he agreed and we'll talk about it later.

I'm feeling better about the whole thing. But the deeper issue I probably need to work through is my short temper. I am quick to be like alright you said something stupid, later. Lol And I do like this guy so far so I probably need to chill.
Maybe it's a communication issue. There is so much lost in text: voice inflection, tone, body language and just general vibe of a person. In text you can infer and project what (general) you want to consciously or subconsiously in text. That's why reading nonfiction or fiction is so great.

After a while, if we desire to really begin the bonding process with any relationship, someone's gotta pick up the damn phone. and regularly.

for me, if I don't want a relationship with a man, he stays in text. best way to keep distance between us.
See this is the part of dating that I hate. In the early stages since I don't know the person at all, when they do something to annoy me it is fairly easy to peace out. Between yesterday and today this guy has been quite annoying so I haven't bothered with fully engaging him.

He sends me a text this afternoon telling me I respond to his messages too slow for his needs. Huh? While I can appreciate the ability to articulate something that is bothering him, that annoyed me so I didn't respond at all to anything he said for the rest of the day.

So later he asked me if I thought we were compatible and I was still annoyed with him and told him based on behavior he's displayed the past couple days probably not. Was I being extra? Maybe but I wasn't in the mood for him. He disagreed with me. And kept up for the rest of the night.

For once I felt like this was a conversation that needed to be had over the phone so I called him after a little while. No answer. And there's probably nothing behind it but because he didn't answer now I'm even more upset with him.

I just feel like ugh. Gimme a break. Why is there always something that puts me off a person so soon? Soooooo tired.
You sound so much like me. I've been told though that you can CLEARLY tell when I'm annoyed, even via text. So people pick up on it soooo fast.
I do get super annoyed easily. I think it's a growth process. I know and I'm working on it so there's that..:lachen:

So dude has been under a bunch of stress, working hard, moving, dealing with So yesterday he finally managed to get off earlier than usual. We talked I was at the grocery store and he told me he would call me once he got home. I'm a super early bird so I go to bed pretty early as well, but not a day has gone by that we haven't talked and said goodnight to each other. It got a bit late and I figured he was still working so I was about to turn in. As soon as I get in the bed he calls. OMG I fell asleep but YOU WOKE ME UP!!! Man what you talking about? He was like "I couldn't even sleep right cause I hadn't talked to you and said goodnight. You put that root on me!" I was laughing my butt off. It felt good though.
Maybe it's a communication issue. There is so much lost in text: voice inflection, tone, body language and just general vibe of a person. In text you can infer and project what (general) you want to consciously or subconsiously in text. That's why reading nonfiction or fiction is so great.

After a while, if we desire to really begin the bonding process with any relationship, someone's gotta pick up the damn phone. and regularly.

for me, if I don't want a relationship with a man, he stays in text. best way to keep distance between us.
Nah this dude is a phone talker. A big one. lol Even though it's difficult for me because I don't do it often I've been obliging his requests for phone time. Also we seem to be in constant contact. Not only do we text a lot because I prefer it, but it's like we'll talk through text all day because he can't get me on the phone. As soon as I'm home or out of work he'll call or ask me to call when I get home. Yeah, I'm still adjusting but I think I've done well in such a short time.

The thing that upset me wasn't a miscommunication. Even though we did have that conversation via text, the tone didn't need to be identified. It wasn't a joke or maybe he meant it a different way - it was a plain and simple statement he made that he believes that I don't. (I'd rather not say what it is) We've also touched on the topic briefly while on the phone and I didn't like where it was going so I shut it down. lol But I do realize I won't have everything in common with a man that I like so I need to just relax and not get so mad. It's not a deal breaker, it's just something that we disagree on and I guess that's ok.

Again, my main problem is being able to deal with this in a normal, healthy way instead of saying "oh, i don't like what you said so goodbye". :lol: I was able to express myself clearly about why I didn't like what he said almost immediately but when that didn't bring him around to my side I didn't want to talk to him anymore so I ignored him. That's what I need to work on.:spinning:
There's a guy I'm talking to. He stands out because he has good boundaries. Who would of thought that something so simple and necessary could be so attractive? I like that he's not overcompensating to impress me. I can sense that he's being himself. Even on our dates I feel like he's bringing me into his world instead of trying to create a facade of "us" to impress me with. It has been a very unique experience thus far. This is the kind of guy I can see myself with. I knew they existed, I just never knew where to find them.

I am talking to a few other dudes so that I don't get caught up. He's been the only consistent one though. There was one guy on Okc who asked for my number but I decided not to give it up because he's a pothead. He's gainfully employed, we had a great conversation but, he admitted that he smokes "prolificly" :perplexed:
Nah this dude is a phone talker. A big one. lol Even though it's difficult for me because I don't do it often I've been obliging his requests for phone time. Also we seem to be in constant contact. Not only do we text a lot because I prefer it, but it's like we'll talk through text all day because he can't get me on the phone. As soon as I'm home or out of work he'll call or ask me to call when I get home. Yeah, I'm still adjusting but I think I've done well in such a short time.

The thing that upset me wasn't a miscommunication. Even though we did have that conversation via text, the tone didn't need to be identified. It wasn't a joke or maybe he meant it a different way - it was a plain and simple statement he made that he believes that I don't. (I'd rather not say what it is) We've also touched on the topic briefly while on the phone and I didn't like where it was going so I shut it down. lol But I do realize I won't have everything in common with a man that I like so I need to just relax and not get so mad. It's not a deal breaker, it's just something that we disagree on and I guess that's ok.

Again, my main problem is being able to deal with this in a normal, healthy way instead of saying "oh, i don't like what you said so goodbye". :lol: I was able to express myself clearly about why I didn't like what he said almost immediately but when that didn't bring him around to my side I didn't want to talk to him anymore so I ignored him. That's what I need to work on.:spinning:

I have a similar issue... I had to tell myself that compatibility does not mean that you agree on everything. I'm trying to focus on values, similar interests, and respecting each other's differences instead. It's not easy when you are a little self-righteous.
I want to make a thread about luxury apartments. But I'm tired and lazy and don't like making threads. I think my next apartment will be in a luxury or luxe adjacent building.
I wanted to get into those new buildings they made downtown Brooklyn by where they are opening the new Target. On the other side of teh Century 21. Only thing is it's still quite raggedy over there. I need them to get it all the way together.
But why though? Like people have time to sit around and play games. They think it'll be fun until they get their feelings hurt. lol

Right???? How old are we? He was already butt hurt that I didn't save his contacts, cut the crap sir. I looked him up on Ig and it's someone I haven't spoken to since January.

Sonnnnnnnn this same thing happened to me until I just blocked him. Lemme go find that screenshot :lol:

These dudes are laaaaaame! I don't get why they think we keep their numbers, I don't save men into my contacts unless I'm really feeling them anyways and even then I'm quick to erase. I've hurt many feelings with the "Who's this?" text.
So baller bae took me to's far. One of the reasons I haven't been taking him seriously is because I felt that he may be cheap.
Anyway when we get to check out he's just throwing stuff on the register...he bought some candles.

I'm like wayment, lets separate our stuff....he looks at me like girl if you don't shut up :rolleyes:

He pays for all my ish. Maybe he has potential after all.

Wait...I just remembered he made me mad when we got to my apt. I asked him randomly if he watched porn and he said not really and told me not for like 17 years. Later I yelled at him because I saw that he typed black porn in the YouTube search bar. His big dumb ssa was trying to be funny and thought there was porn on YouTube.

Don't be searching that under my YouTube name dummy!
I need some lipstick that will survive this man.. We can't make it out of the car without most of it being gone. :lachen::lachen:
Our last date there was lipstick on his pants.. I sincerely don't know how that happened. :drunk::look:

Any lipstick recommendations?
A stay all day lip stain? Stila used to be really good but I notice it's wearing off lately. That lipstick used to survive a night of partying, drinks, and other things for me. Or reapply before you get out of the car.
A stay all day lip stain? Stila used to be really good but I notice it's wearing off lately. That lipstick used to survive a night of partying, drinks, and other things for me. Or reapply before you get out of the car.
Put it on before you leave the car.

I'm reapplying afterwards now, but I was wondering if there was a magical lipstick that would stay put. Tumblr says Kat Von D is blowjob proof, so I will try it out.
I'm reapplying afterwards now, but I was wondering if there was a magical lipstick that would stay put. Tumblr says Kat Von D is blowjob proof, so I will try it out.
It's not :giggle: I mean that's what I've heard. The liquid lipstick or her tube lipsticks.

maybe check that beauty bakerie line. Their ads are always ppl running it under water and not budging.
So baller bae took me to's far. One of the reasons I haven't been taking him seriously is because I felt that he may be cheap.
Anyway when we get to check out he's just throwing stuff on the register...he bought some candles.

I'm like wayment, lets separate our stuff....he looks at me like girl if you don't shut up :rolleyes:

He pays for all my ish. Maybe he has potential after all.

Wait...I just remembered he made me mad when we got to my apt. I asked him randomly if he watched porn and he said not really and told me not for like 17 years. Later I yelled at him because I saw that he typed black porn in the YouTube search bar. His big dumb ssa was trying to be funny and thought there was porn on YouTube.

Don't be searching that under my YouTube name dummy!

He probably doesn't watch porn. Perverts know that you don't find porn on youtube :lachen:

It's not :giggle: I mean that's what I've heard. The liquid lipstick or her tube lipsticks.

maybe check that beauty bakerie line. Their ads are always ppl running it under water and not budging.

That Kylie or the other Jenner/Kardashian. The one that has a line? Yeah that coworkers rocks those. Her lipcolor stays put all day.

Honestly I thought that men prefer the lipstick rings left over for effect. Why do you need your lip color to stay put? Just askin'.