It's not lost on us. We are thinking about you and your safety. And your happiness. You also don't seem to have the funds to pay for alternative lodging. That way you could stay wherever, far away from him. But you are counting on lodging he says he has acquired for you. How can you be sure he will keep that promise? Once you blow him off a bit, he may pull the plug. We just want you safe and happy that is all.

And best believe when you get there he will act crazy. Either lay it on thick then cool off again or completely ignore you or cancel the reservations. So much could go wrong.

I have a credit card I could use if absolutely necessary. But I'm trying to pay off my CC debt by the end of the year so I try not to think of it as option. I don't have the CASH to give him is what I meant. I would never put myself in a position to be at the mercy of anyone, especially a guy and in another country.
I have a credit card I could use if absolutely necessary. But I'm trying to pay off my CC debt by the end of the year so I try not to think of it as option. I would never put myself in a position to be at the mercy of anyone, especially a guy and in another country.

I understand. Just know that we all care about you and just want you safe and happy. I know you will make the best choice for you. Good luck with however you decide to proceed.
I understand. Just know that we all care about you and just want you safe and happy. I know you will make the best choice for you. Good luck with however you decide to proceed.

I know and I love you guys for it. If I had any concerns about my safety or ability to take care of myself if he acts up, I promise you I wouldn't go. I think Kammy is right, if anything, I'll probably barely see him. That was actually my main concern before all this other stuff started.
Haven't felt this good in years.
I have 2nd date this Sunday. This guy is alright, which is good. I'm only feeling cautious because things start off one way and then end another at times.

I realized he is the first "2nd" date that I've had in a while. I wasn't interested in seeing the other guys again. I actually don't mind meeting up with him and I can actually see us doing stuff together. Which is nice for once.

I like that he's old fashion and takes the lead.

My only issue is that he's chatty. I'm he's extra chatty. During our first few phone calls he was like "you don't have any questions for me?" I'm like, umm, you answered everything before I got a chance to ask. :lol:. I didn't say that, but now that I know him better I may coax him gently into being more quiet. :look:

I ordered dresses from Express. Too bad they won't get here in time for Sunday. I'll have to pick something up right quick or find something in the archives.
You think so...about him acting crazy? From what MzLady78 has told us he doesn't seem crazy. Just lazy, rude and maybe a bit disinterested??? I do know there is always the possibility for anything to go wrong. The lodging does concern me a bit though I won't lie.
I wouldn't be even surprised if there was another woman....
From what I learned in my almost 33 years- being on both sides of the coin, when a man starts ignoring you- he is "spending time" someone else. The way they treat you is to protect their ego from feeling bad about their actions.
This is how people can do messed up ish to you and then make it seem like you the one who messed up. Feeling bad harms their ego so they have to protect it by projecting their feelings to someone else, usually the person who they are wronging in the first place. Lack of responsibility and accountability for their actions.
This old ass playa thinks he has me sprung. Told me he was gonna call me, disappeared for two days.. then got faux mad i didnt contact him. Oh, you need someone to check up on you? Get LifeAlert.. im not a HHA.

L-O-L. At a party i met two other girls that he's been talking to. He looked sooo tight because I got along with one so well, she showed me his text messages. :lachen::lachen: She doesn't know I"ve been talking/seeing him.. but no one does. I'd like to keep it that way.

And girls text men good morning on a regular basis? Why, sway? Thats their job. :look:
So, I think I'm boo'd up and I'm totally ok with that! WTH......
We are rolling. Great conversation, dates, communicating, I spoke with his daughter. He's telling everybody about me I'm like dang. I'm just going into this with a fully open mind and my fears are on the back burner. I can't live thinking everything is going to fall apart at any moment. I'm enjoying life right now.

This is me. Ive been trying to deny it but...we have been together in some capacity every week since we met.

I need to do this. My guy says he can tell I'm holding back.

Also me. Im be trying to curve these phone calls and texts and he be like nah. When I say I was over men..I meant it. Travel plans were coming into fruition and I was just enjoying life. And here comes this young man throwing a monkey wrench in my plans. Im holding back but I feel like Im losing the battle....and Im kinda okay with that.

So I gave number to this guy last week, around Tuesday and there have been NO calls, ALL text about random how your day/weather ish... I initially told dude before giving number on a site (POF), not interested in Text buddies. I didnt hear from him since last week on Friday, I send a morning text this am (lawd!!! dont ask me why) and commence the same ole conversations.

I am deucing dude because interest is clearly not there.

Am I impatient and need to ride it out? If they dont text just leave it be? (Carry on?)

I really am deleting this particular site, like today, I swear!!!
This old ass playa thinks he has me sprung. Told me he was gonna call me, disappeared for two days.. then got faux mad i didnt contact him. Oh, you need someone to check up on you? Get LifeAlert.. im not a HHA.

L-O-L. At a party i met two other girls that he's been talking to. He looked sooo tight because I got along with one so well, she showed me his text messages. :lachen::lachen: She doesn't know I"ve been talking/seeing him.. but no one does. I'd like to keep it that way.

And girls text men good morning on a regular basis? Why, sway? Thats their job. :look:

Ha ha at GetLifeAlert!!! And yes, men of the new generations are something else. Like a ding dong, I gave my number to a gentleman who I met last night while working out. I was walking to my car and he approached me. I thought he was handsome and he was able to suppress his for lack of better words, ratchetry. He called me and every other work was a curse word. I couldn't believe my ears. I had to get off the phone with him. He said, "If you could text me tomorrow to see ya know, how my day is going, that would be nice, ya know a check up text," I couldn't believe it. This is my first time being single in 8 years, so boy am I flabbergasted. The game must have changed something fierce. Men are now requesting women to send them check up texts, asking them how their day is going? Eventually sure, but right off the bat...I think not. And the sad part about it is, women must be going along with the flow and doing some of the courting now, for them to be making these type of requests. It's official....chivalry is dead.

So I gave number to this guy last week, around Tuesday and there have been NO calls, ALL text about random how your day/weather ish... I initially told dude before giving number on a site (POF), not interested in Text buddies. I didnt hear from him since last week on Friday, I send a morning text this am (lawd!!! dont ask me why) and commence the same ole conversations.

I am deucing dude because interest is clearly not there.

Am I impatient and need to ride it out? If they dont text just leave it be? (Carry on?)

I really am deleting this particular site, like today, I swear!!!

A few things:

Did he ask for your number or did you volunteer it?

I was just talking to my brother about dudes sitting on my number too long before they call. This happened to me recently. On guy text me in February even though I gave him my number in November :perplexed:. Another guy text me the day I gave him my number. I let him know that I would be free after 7pm that night to talk. Fast forward 2 weeks later....he finally called and left me a voicemail at my bedtime. It's a dub. If you don't call me within one or two days I'm not interested. At least keep in touch.

I'm coming across more and more guys who will ask for my number and not use it immediately. It's odd but, now I just curb them immediately.
A few things:

Did he ask for your number or did you volunteer it?

I was just talking to my brother about dudes sitting on my number too long before they call. This happened to me recently. On guy text me in February even though I gave him my number in November :perplexed:. Another guy text me the day I gave him my number. I let him know that I would be free after 7pm that night to talk. Fast forward 2 weeks later....he finally called and left me a voicemail at my bedtime. It's a dub. If you don't call me within one or two days I'm not interested. At least keep in touch.

I'm coming across more and more guys who will ask for my number and not use it immediately. It's odd but, now I just curb them immediately.

He asked for my number! Like what was the purpose, following is convo...

HIM: When can I meet you?
ME: I'm usually free on Wednesday's and weekend's
HIM: What's your name and number?

My co-worker said guys have a 3 day rule, not calling before then... :perplexed:
He asked for my number! Like what was the purpose, following is convo...

HIM: When can I meet you?
ME: I'm usually free on Wednesday's and weekend's
HIM: What's your name and number?

My co-worker said guys have a 3 day rule, not calling before then... :perplexed:
This is so dumb though. I hate the whole game playing and rule aspect of dating. I'm not interested in that 3 day thing. If I haven't heard from you by then - especially if I met you online - then I am assuming you aren't interested and will act accordingly. Why can't they get the number and do what they intend to do. There is a difference between acting interested and acting thirsty. I guess they don't know that.
Is there a coping thread or something like that on this board? I'm feeling so angry and slighted by this motherfucker I work with, and waking up in the morning to go to a job that I love hasn't been the same for the past month.
of course you can. This thread is about the single LIFE as women, not just about our men. though men sure take up a bit of the conversation :giggle:

So I gave number to this guy last week, around Tuesday and there have been NO calls, ALL text about random how your day/weather ish... I initially told dude before giving number on a site (POF), not interested in Text buddies. I didnt hear from him since last week on Friday, I send a morning text this am (lawd!!! dont ask me why) and commence the same ole conversations.

I am deucing dude because interest is clearly not there.

Am I impatient and need to ride it out? If they dont text just leave it be? (Carry on?)

I really am deleting this particular site, like today, I swear!!!
Nope. If the interest is there they will communicate. NEXT!
So... I never posted here because this is the judgiest judgement zone, but I had Gastric sleeve surgery in November. My doctor is super awesome and the whole process and recovery has been easy. Till about a week ago. Now I have to have an endoscopy procedure tomorrow. He has been so awesome. The nature of his job means he can't go with me and he was so down. Plus we live about 45 minutes to an hour away from each other.
I called him after my appointment today and he was like babe I'm so sorry I can't go with you, I feel so bad. Then he said I just want you to know you always have my full support and I will always have your back no matter what. I'm not tripping because I know he would be there if he could but it was so sweet that I could tell how bad he felt about it.
He asked for my number! Like what was the purpose, following is convo...

HIM: When can I meet you?
ME: I'm usually free on Wednesday's and weekend's
HIM: What's your name and number?

My co-worker said guys have a 3 day rule, not calling before then... :perplexed:

Did he ask to meet after a substantial amount of convo?

I know it's different for everyone but I notice that only fkbois want to jump straight to having my number. Men of substance have something to lose too, so they will try to chat you up a bit before wanting to call...that has been my experience thus far.

Let me know if any of this applies. I 'm not sure what your process has been thus far.
Did he ask to meet after a substantial amount of convo?

I know it's different for everyone but I notice that only fkbois want to jump straight to having my number. Men of substance have something to lose too, so they will try to chat you up a bit before wanting to call...that has been my experience thus far.

Let me know if any of this applies. I 'm not sure what your process has been thus far.
Nope nothing hence my like why you ask for number!
Ok, I need to vent for a moment.

So as you all know from some of my posts on this sub-forum, I'm at a point right now where I'm learning how to be at peace with being single for now. Yes, I desire companionship badly, but I understand the importance of finding contentment in the journey-- which means enjoying being single while waiting on the right one to show up.

What I don't like is to have my concerns and occasional frustration with being a single woman invalidated by people who have not been in my shoes. There are a few people in my life who can be condescending with their "advice" to me about how to cope with single life. Just because I'm down occasionally about being a single woman does not mean I'm thirsty for a man, or obsessed with male validation, wasn't raised to be independent, or unhappy with myself.

I've been single for 8.5 of the last 10 years and didn't date before then. I've traveled solo, worked on my education, worked on my career, took myself on a bunch of dates, spoiled myself, lived in a few different cities, lived outside of the country, the list goes on. I busted my butt and have a career that I love that pays me VERY well. I have some business prospects in the works that I'm hoping will pay off BIGLY in the next 5-7 years. I'm starting my masters next fall and working on a bunch of certifications for my industry. I haven't been sitting around putting my life on hold for a man. I've been working on my future. So I think I've earned the right to desire a companion.

- If you've just come out of a 10+ year toxic relationship, and are now newly single and empowered, you can't tell me a dang thing about how I don't need companionship and about how being single is so exciting and liberating. You're preaching freedom to someone who has always been free.

- If you've always been in back to back relationships, and are now trying to find yourself and take a break from relationships, the same goes for you as well. I've found myself. I know who I am. While you were chasing partners, I was focused on me.

- If you are single and fill your weekends with partying, getting wasted, and having a lot of casual sex, you can't preach to me the joys of being single. I've been there and eventually you get burned out. If you removed the booze, the drugs, the night clubs, the bars, and the no strings attached sex-- how would you fill your time? You'd want a warm body to curl up to every night as well.

- If you are a man who claims to be single and happy, but you keep a harem of hopeful prospects around to sleep with, drink with, travel with, and party with-- but with no labels-- get out of my face with that "you need to enjoy being single" mess. You aren't single. You're in a bunch of situationships. Just because you haven't committed to those women doesn't mean it isn't functioning as a pseudo-relationship.

- If you have commitment and intimacy issues because you grew up in a broken home and around a bunch of people from broken homes, save your advice. For people who grew up seeing companionship and marriage as the norm-- it is natural to desire partnership.

- If you're bitter about the opposite sex because of past toxic relationships or watching your parents struggle through a bad marriage, you can also shut up about how I should feel about being single. Men work my nerves sometimes but I'm not bitter about love. I still believe it exists and that there are good men out there.

As I've become more enlightened in this process, I've realized that these people gots-ta-go. I've been there for many of these individuals when they were going through their crap and yet they've shown no empathy towards me with what I'm dealing with right now at this point in my life. I'm starting to think there is some jealousy there because I've accomplished a lot in the last 4 years and my perpetual singledom and occasional frustration with it is the only weakness they can point out and they exploit it. They are projecting their own issues onto me.

This is why as a single woman it is important to have friends with a healthy outlook on relationships if that is something you desire someday. They can offer useful advice instead of making it seem like you're desperate, thirsty, and have low self-esteem because you want a man. I'm starting to realize that keeping those toxic people around is probably why I haven't had much luck in dating in the last couple of years. Bad vibes and it ends today. I'm surrounding myself with people who have or are working towards all of those things which I desire-- and that includes relationships.

Whew, that was a mouthful.
Ok, I need to vent for a moment.

So as you all know from some of my posts on this sub-forum, I'm at a point right now where I'm learning how to be at peace with being single for now. Yes, I desire companionship badly, but I understand the importance of finding contentment in the journey-- which means enjoying being single while waiting on the right one to show up.

What I don't like is to have my concerns and occasional frustration with being a single woman invalidated by people who have not been in my shoes. There are a few people in my life who can be condescending with their "advice" to me about how to cope with single life. Just because I'm down occasionally about being a single woman does not mean I'm thirsty for a man, or obsessed with male validation, wasn't raised to be independent, or unhappy with myself.

I've been single for 8.5 of the last 10 years and didn't date before then. I've traveled solo, worked on my education, worked on my career, took myself on a bunch of dates, spoiled myself, lived in a few different cities, lived outside of the country, the list goes on. I busted my butt and have a career that I love that pays me VERY well. I have some business prospects in the works that I'm hoping will pay off BIGLY in the next 5-7 years. I'm starting my masters next fall and working on a bunch of certifications for my industry. I haven't been sitting around putting my life on hold for a man. I've been working on my future. So I think I've earned the right to desire a companion.

- If you've just come out of a 10+ year toxic relationship, and are now newly single and empowered, you can't tell me a dang thing about how I don't need companionship and about how being single is so exciting and liberating. You're preaching freedom to someone who has always been free.

- If you've always been in back to back relationships, and are now trying to find yourself and take a break from relationships, the same goes for you as well. I've found myself. I know who I am. While you were chasing partners, I was focused on me.

- If you are single and fill your weekends with partying, getting wasted, and having a lot of casual sex, you can't preach to me the joys of being single. I've been there and eventually you get burned out. If you removed the booze, the drugs, the night clubs, the bars, and the no strings attached sex-- how would you fill your time? You'd want a warm body to curl up to every night as well.

- If you are a man who claims to be single and happy, but you keep a harem of hopeful prospects around to sleep with, drink with, travel with, and party with-- but with no labels-- get out of my face with that "you need to enjoy being single" mess. You aren't single. You're in a bunch of situationships. Just because you haven't committed to those women doesn't mean it isn't functioning as a pseudo-relationship.

- If you have commitment and intimacy issues because you grew up in a broken home and around a bunch of people from broken homes, save your advice. For people who grew up seeing companionship and marriage as the norm-- it is natural to desire partnership.

- If you're bitter about the opposite sex because of past toxic relationships or watching your parents struggle through a bad marriage, you can also shut up about how I should feel about being single. Men work my nerves sometimes but I'm not bitter about love. I still believe it exists and that there are good men out there.

As I've become more enlightened in this process, I've realized that these people gots-ta-go. I've been there for many of these individuals when they were going through their crap and yet they've shown no empathy towards me with what I'm dealing with right now at this point in my life. I'm starting to think there is some jealousy there because I've accomplished a lot in the last 4 years and my perpetual singledom and occasional frustration with it is the only weakness they can point out and they exploit it. They are projecting their own issues onto me.

This is why as a single woman it is important to have friends with a healthy outlook on relationships if that is something you desire someday. They can offer useful advice instead of making it seem like you're desperate, thirsty, and have low self-esteem because you want a man. I'm starting to realize that keeping those toxic people around is probably why I haven't had much luck in dating in the last couple of years. Bad vibes and it ends today. I'm surrounding myself with people who have or are working towards all of those things which I desire-- and that includes relationships.

Whew, that was a mouthful.
The part about wanting a man/relationship seeming thirsty sticks out to me. I hear it often. Not directly toward me but in general. Talking about what you really want and where you are headed in the future in a romantic sense and constantly lamenting your singledom are not one and the same. But no matter how it comes out the general response is "why are you desperate" and I don't like that.

I mentioned a woman I am friends with that is sooooo bitter about relationships. The few times we talked after my ex and I broke up and I mentioned I was ready to start dating and find someone for real and her overall response was "Why?" At first I thought it was just her bitterness and hating men. After a while I realized it was that and also that she thought I was "acting desperate". I mean, what is desperate about wanting to find a partner? I could see if I was out here just taking anything I could get for the sake of a relationship but really? Me just wanting companionship is desperate. Thankfully I have several other married/coupled up and single friends that are all on the same page, want marriage and know that finding someone is an understandable want because it adds to your life but not a need because you can't stand to be alone.
Ok, I need to vent for a moment.

So as you all know from some of my posts on this sub-forum, I'm at a point right now where I'm learning how to be at peace with being single for now. Yes, I desire companionship badly, but I understand the importance of finding contentment in the journey-- which means enjoying being single while waiting on the right one to show up.

What I don't like is to have my concerns and occasional frustration with being a single woman invalidated by people who have not been in my shoes. There are a few people in my life who can be condescending with their "advice" to me about how to cope with single life. Just because I'm down occasionally about being a single woman does not mean I'm thirsty for a man, or obsessed with male validation, wasn't raised to be independent, or unhappy with myself.

I've been single for 8.5 of the last 10 years and didn't date before then. I've traveled solo, worked on my education, worked on my career, took myself on a bunch of dates, spoiled myself, lived in a few different cities, lived outside of the country, the list goes on. I busted my butt and have a career that I love that pays me VERY well. I have some business prospects in the works that I'm hoping will pay off BIGLY in the next 5-7 years. I'm starting my masters next fall and working on a bunch of certifications for my industry. I haven't been sitting around putting my life on hold for a man. I've been working on my future. So I think I've earned the right to desire a companion.

- If you've just come out of a 10+ year toxic relationship, and are now newly single and empowered, you can't tell me a dang thing about how I don't need companionship and about how being single is so exciting and liberating. You're preaching freedom to someone who has always been free.

- If you've always been in back to back relationships, and are now trying to find yourself and take a break from relationships, the same goes for you as well. I've found myself. I know who I am. While you were chasing partners, I was focused on me.

- If you are single and fill your weekends with partying, getting wasted, and having a lot of casual sex, you can't preach to me the joys of being single. I've been there and eventually you get burned out. If you removed the booze, the drugs, the night clubs, the bars, and the no strings attached sex-- how would you fill your time? You'd want a warm body to curl up to every night as well.

- If you are a man who claims to be single and happy, but you keep a harem of hopeful prospects around to sleep with, drink with, travel with, and party with-- but with no labels-- get out of my face with that "you need to enjoy being single" mess. You aren't single. You're in a bunch of situationships. Just because you haven't committed to those women doesn't mean it isn't functioning as a pseudo-relationship.

- If you have commitment and intimacy issues because you grew up in a broken home and around a bunch of people from broken homes, save your advice. For people who grew up seeing companionship and marriage as the norm-- it is natural to desire partnership.

- If you're bitter about the opposite sex because of past toxic relationships or watching your parents struggle through a bad marriage, you can also shut up about how I should feel about being single. Men work my nerves sometimes but I'm not bitter about love. I still believe it exists and that there are good men out there.

As I've become more enlightened in this process, I've realized that these people gots-ta-go. I've been there for many of these individuals when they were going through their crap and yet they've shown no empathy towards me with what I'm dealing with right now at this point in my life. I'm starting to think there is some jealousy there because I've accomplished a lot in the last 4 years and my perpetual singledom and occasional frustration with it is the only weakness they can point out and they exploit it. They are projecting their own issues onto me.

This is why as a single woman it is important to have friends with a healthy outlook on relationships if that is something you desire someday. They can offer useful advice instead of making it seem like you're desperate, thirsty, and have low self-esteem because you want a man. I'm starting to realize that keeping those toxic people around is probably why I haven't had much luck in dating in the last couple of years. Bad vibes and it ends today. I'm surrounding myself with people who have or are working towards all of those things which I desire-- and that includes relationships.

Whew, that was a mouthful.