Don't worry about then what, enjoy yourself. I hope he does come to see you and that you guys have a wonderful time.

I feel you. I wish I could be more of a "go with the flow" type, but I'm not.

All I'm thinking about is what if he comes and I start to really like him? We're not talking about Boston to New York. He's in a whole different country, an expensive arse one at that.
Don't do it. You will regret you wasted your time.
I know where you are coming from. I'm truly worried about my emotional outcomes, but I don't feel like I'm wasting my time because I have NO interest in any man I meet. Like none. I've only had this type of connection with maybe 2 men previously, so I'm not hopeful that the next man (I want) is around the corner.

Please say NO... and stop talking to this dude. You deserve better than this.

Thanks :/ I know I deserve better, but I don't think better exists (for me and the kind of man I'm looking for).
Thanks :/ I know I deserve better, but I don't think better exists (for me and the kind of man I'm looking for).

Whew...I've been where you are mentally. It is hard and incredibly frustrating to not be finding the kind of man you want to date. I think you have to remember this is just a passing funk and bury yourself in other interests. What do you enjoy doing? What have you always wanted to learn? Just work on yourself and being happy. I think the mindset you have now is easily projected and people can sense it. Even if you have to fake it to begin with... do it until it feels real.
Whew...I've been where you are mentally. It is hard and incredibly frustrating to not be finding the kind of man you want to date. I think you have to remember this is just a passing funk and bury yourself in other interests. What do you enjoy doing? What have you always wanted to learn? Just work on yourself and being happy. I think the mindset you have now is easily projected and people can sense it. Even if you have to fake it to begin with... do it until it feels real.
Thanks for understanding *deep breath* I've had like 4,275 conversations with people telling me that the man I want doesn't exist. And I've started to believe them. I do need to snap out of this, and it doesn't help that this guy is the smartest most understanding ninja I've ever met in my life.
What is your vetting process? I'm trying to get a better feel for this after reading MDLWLY.
Hey girl! Sorry I completely missed this.

I think the main component of vetting for me is really taking my time to get to know the person, and not allowing myself to get invested early so that I can evaluate his actions (not words) with a clear mind. My younger self fell in love/likely quickly and spent way too much time with the man early which created false trust/intimacy.

I'm taking my time now and evaluating their effort. Do they take the time to come up with thoughtful dates? How, do I feel when I'm with him and afterward? Does he regularly check in on me? Does he speak to my love language? What are his friends like? Is he consistent and dependable? Do his words and actions match?

Hope that helps!
Ok updates on this.

Friday: Great date with Finance guy. He's not as tall in person as I expected but still had a little height on me even with my heels on. He sent me a really sweet message saying that "I really left an impression on him." He also told me I looked more beautiful in person which earned him some points lol! We're going out for dinner next week for steak... he's definitely a "meat" man. The first date place was my pick; a hipster spot in my neighborhood, I don't think he cared for the food but he obliged me haha! I'm not sure if there are sparks here but he's definitely worth seeing again because I had a good time.

Saturday: Went out to a wine bar with the law student because the coffee place was closed. I ended up being late because I'd had an exam earlier that day and took a nap... I realistically need a minimum of 75 minutes to get ready, so yeah I was late. He was seated when I got there and in the dimly lit room I found him more attractive than his pictures. We had a really great conversation, he made me laugh a lot, and I felt "charming" hah! We talked about some deeper political stuff but for the most part kept it really light and fun. So downside, at the end of the date when he stood up I realized that physically he just doesn't do it for me. I think he'd be cool to have as a friend if he's into it, but we'll see. If he asks me out again I'd probably go just to confirm that the physical attraction is/isn't there.

Sunday: Engineering student was hungover so we re-scheduled our second date. I was honestly incredibly annoyed with him for this. He apologized profusely but still this is red flag for me and major points were lost. We now have plans for an active date this Saturday, but this information has been added to his file :giggle:.

I have to say this whole vetting process is making me feel very powerful. My nerves before my dates are basically non-existent. I'm going in treating them like an interview. I'm still my fun, silly, girly self but I have this new inner dating confidence that I love and I think men are really drawn too.
Updates: I have burned this roster to the ground lol. I had a conversation with my school girlfriends on Friday which really made me evaluate the guys that I have been dating, and when I looked at everything objectively I realized that every last one of these guys is mediocre.

Accountant: I was just not attracted to his personality. He was sweet and attentive but when I was with him I was totally bored and I had no desire to kiss him. He was also a little too needy for me, constantly asking for some form of validation... it's too new for all of that. He sensed that I wasn't into it and asked me about it today. I told him that he was a great guy but not for me. Take care!

Law Student: He has invited me to his house a couple of times since our first date. I also saw him in person accidentally at another event. Seeing him in person confirmed that he's not attractive to me and house dates = NO effort so I just blocked him.

Engineering Student: Things were going well, but he's becoming flaky. He's also very indifferent to sociopolitical issues which are very important to me. The most important reason that he's cut is the inconsistency. He messages me daily but he's so flaky about dates etc; minimal effort in the first six weeks is a terrible sign. It's his bday today and his present is a block :)

So, next week I have a date with a masters student that attends my school. We'll see how it goes.
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I'm slowly getting more comfortable with the idea that I have no appeal and will most likely be single forever. My whole life boys/men have never been interested in me. Like zero. I don't even get hit on. I'm used to being alone and doing things solo at this point. Its sad but my focus on why men don't like or talk to me has consumed me and made me depressed and unhappy. I have to let it go and be at peace that I might stay single without ever a first kiss. I need to focus on other things and not tie my happiness to whether I have a man.
Sorry you are feeling this way. What do you actually feel the issue is? My approach to things tends to be very pragmatic, so in saying that...

Despite current popular opinion, I don't believe EVERYTHING is the fault of the beholder. Some things are just location, opportunity, demographics. Maybe the type of man you're looking for and who would find you attractive isn't in your immediate surroundings? maybe where you are isn't conducive to attracting the type of man to reside in your areanew who is best for you. No fault of the seeker (you). It's just not the best situation.

I'm in similar where my old arse is surrounded by 20 some white hipsters, Asians and a certain type of black male not interested in black women (on a larger scale than normal--but this is California :ohwell: )

have you tried online dating?
Sorry you are feeling this way. What do you actually feel the issue is? My approach to things tends to be very pragmatic, so in saying that...

Despite current popular opinion, I don't believe EVERYTHING is the fault of the beholder. Some things are just location, opportunity, demographics. Maybe the type of man you're looking for and who would find you attractive isn't in your immediate surroundings? maybe where you are isn't conducive to attracting the type of man to reside in your areanew who is best for you. No fault of the seeker (you). It's just not the best situation.

I'm in similar where my old arse is surrounded by 20 some white hipsters, Asians and a certain type of black male not interested in black women (on a larger scale than normal--but this is California :ohwell: )

have you tried online dating?
Well I live in south Florida so its mostly white people. But im apart of the haitian community so I am frequently around haitian men. Sometimes around thousands of haitians and I never get talked too. Back in NYC I was around AA's and Caribbeans and still got zero play. I have never tried online dating, I hear too many horror stories of people not being who they really are.
I'm slowly getting more comfortable with the idea that I have no appeal and will most likely be single forever. My whole life boys/men have never been interested in me. Like zero. I don't even get hit on. I'm used to being alone and doing things solo at this point. Its sad but my focus on why men don't like or talk to me has consumed me and made me depressed and unhappy. I have to let it go and be at peace that I might stay single without ever a first kiss. I need to focus on other things and not tie my happiness to whether I have a man.

I think that you'll see a positive change now that you've stopped letting it consume you, what you give attention to and dwell on often times becomes reality so taking the time to be happy with yourself and not dwell on finding your happiness in a man will create a new reality for you. Sorry to sound like a big hippy :giggle: but I do believe our thoughts and words play a big hand in creating our reality so I'm glad you're shifting your focus :rose:

Men are annoying anyways.

Eta- Are you opposed to approaching them?
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I think that you'll see a positive change now that you've stopped letting it consume you, what you give attention to and dwell on often times becomes reality so taking the time to be happy with yourself and not dwell on finding your happiness in a man will create a new reality for you. Sorry to sound like a big hippy :giggle: but I do believe our thoughts and words play a big hand in creating our reality so I'm glad you're shifting your focus :rose:

Men are annoying anyways.

Eta- Are you opposed to approaching them?
Im focusing on school, decorating my room, and having a better relationship with God.
Yeah I dont approach men. Im super shy and awkward and approaching men is impossible for me.
Im focusing on school, decorating my room, and having a better relationship with God.
Yeah I dont approach men. Im super shy and awkward and approaching men is impossible for me.
What about brief eye contact and a a quick shy smile to signal to him that it's ok for him to approach you?

you said you're not looking at the moment but when you're ready, try practicing the subtle/coy flirtation maybe? always worked for me...
Im focusing on school, decorating my room, and having a better relationship with God.
Yeah I dont approach men. Im super shy and awkward and approaching men is impossible for me.

I'm shy too so I feel your pain but when I do see something I like I find that DarkJoy's suggestion works.

A subtle smile, lingering look etc, there are ways to let your interest be known without straight up approaching a guy.
I dress presentable. But i have been dressed to the nines out and about with no reaction. no makeup, nice twistout out pony tail, Blouse, jeans, flats or sandals while doing errands. I dont go out much.

My advice would be to up the make-up and styling choices. Accentuate your best assets. South Florida is a competitive market and "presentable" isn't going to cut it. Are you friendly with women as well or is it just men that you're shy with?
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My advice would be to up the make-up and styling choices. Accentuate your best assets. South Florida is a competitive market and "presentable" isn't going to cut it. Are you friendly with women as well or is it just men that you're shy with?
I am very comfortable with women. Im cool with older men. But I do get nervous around men.
My friends keep trying to get me to go out with them since I'm the one who brings the boys to the yard, but I have no desire to. I realized it's because I don't think the man I want exists, so why bother? <<--I say this with no sadness or anything. It is what it is.

There is a guy about 5 hours from me that I have an intense connection with, but he's in an open relationship and they have a child together. We've been talking daily for a couple weeks now, and he's asked me to be his #2....I'm seriously considering it. its not my preference, but again, I'm realizing the likelihood that I'll meet a man who I actually WANT to be with who also desires monogamy is pretty slim.
I'm slowly getting more comfortable with the idea that I have no appeal and will most likely be single forever. My whole life boys/men have never been interested in me. Like zero. I don't even get hit on. I'm used to being alone and doing things solo at this point. Its sad but my focus on why men don't like or talk to me has consumed me and made me depressed and unhappy. I have to let it go and be at peace that I might stay single without ever a first kiss. I need to focus on other things and not tie my happiness to whether I have a man.

I hope y'all are just acting up because it's Valentine's Day and still single. SMH! If Honey BOo Boo's mom can find a man to commit, I'm sure y'all can.
My client has me flying to a few different places within the next two weeks (which I am NOT happy about but it is more under my control than my last job). I am thinking about Tindering it / OKCupiding it while I am in new spots to see who I can meet.... good idea? Or should I try to find the professional happy hours and get the nerve to go out by myself? I will be in each area 2-3 days max.

Lee wants to spend V-Day together and I have nothing else to do so let's see what he brings me.
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You're about to find yourself in a long distance relationship :look:

My bank account says otherwise. :lol: I'm researching flights for him as we speak and it isn't pretty.

He said he would definitely date me if he lived in Boston, though, which was nice to hear.

It really sucks that he's so far away. I missed this- the good morning texts, the check-ins to see how my day is going, knowing that someone is thinking about me. *sigh* It can never be easy, can it?
My client has me flying to a few different places within the next two weeks (which I am NOT happy about but it is more under my control than my last job). I am thinking about Tindering it / OKCupiding it while I am in new spots to see who I can meet.... good idea? Or should I try to find the professional happy hours and get the nerve to go out by myself? I will be in each area 2-3 days max.

Lee wants to spend V-Day together and I have nothing else to do so let's see what he brings me.
I feel nervous about it being in a strange city. You'll be there for work. No besties to call and you're on your own if OKC or Tinder date gets stupid. The professional happy hours might be nice. See how the professionals get down over there.