He wants to make sure you don't forget because he's so excited to see you :)

I kid. I'm just trying to be positive :drunk:

That's so sweet of you. However I'm pretty sure he did it to be petulant and petty because I wouldn't go on a last minute date with him on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Each time he reached out with "wanna hang out tonight" but never attempted to set anything up for a different day. I had plans on all of those days with people who scheduled them in advance. He asked me when was good and he told me Tuesday and sent the invite which I assume was his smart alek way of trying to say I wasn't being availabile enough for him :rolleyes: when really he took none of the proper steps for dating someone.

Anyway it's no big loss, I didn't even take it personally. He showed himself unworthy of my attentions which is good so I don't waste my time. I vetted him, he failed.I've already deleted the messages and forgotten his name lol.
Hey ladies, just wondering....I lurked this thread for a great while, and posted several times (several posts for me is like four or more :drunk:) at the end of 2013. How many of us posting before or around that time have been or are in relationships currently? Do you think this thread benefitted you while single or in your relationship(s)?

I have been in two relationships since my initial posting in this thread. The first one was over a year but he was more of a comfort for when I lost my father. The second one is my current relationship; he's actually someone I see myself with for the long haul. I'm not sure if the thread helped me or not...that's why I'm making this post.

And ladies, I really am just curious. As an introverted social scientist by trade, internet forums are really fascinating and fun to me. I'm not asking the questions to be snarky. This is actually one of the most fun threads on the board, IMO.
Hey ladies, just wondering....I lurked this thread for a great while, and posted several times (several posts for me is like four or more :drunk:) at the end of 2013. How many of us posting before or around that time have been or are in relationships currently? Do you think this thread benefitted you while single or in your relationship(s)?

I have been in two relationships since my initial posting in this thread. The first one was over a year but he was more of a comfort for when I lost my father. The second one is my current relationship; he's actually someone I see myself with for the long haul. I'm not sure if the thread helped me or not...that's why I'm making this post.

And ladies, I really am just curious. As an introverted social scientist by trade, internet forums are really fascinating and fun to me. I'm not asking the questions to be snarky. This is actually one of the most fun threads on the board, IMO.

good advice, a spot to vent and conversate... i like it :look:
So, you've text me first every day since we met with no problem.

We go out and now it's "you can't use your fingers?" Not once, but twice. What friggin' difference does it make who hits who first? And why is it an issue all of the sudden?

I really don't have the patience right now.

He asked me about going out again and I basically sent him an "it's not you, it's me" text. I mean, it's half true.

I'm just not feeling it right now and honestly, it's not just him. I have some emotional and physical healing to do right now and I don't feel up to dealing with someone in the midst of all that. Especially someone I already know there's no future with. I really just kind of want to be left alone so I can focus on the things I need to do for myself.
So me and Florida boo had plans to have dinner but Bae called me and asked if I wanted to go to the club. I said YUP. So I rescheduled the dinner to Saturday. Then Saturday comes and Bae asks if I wanna chill, I say YUP! And just cancel the dinner all together. I lowkey feel bad but I don't.

My young boo is mad af that I'm not paying him any mind. He just called me and heard that I'm sick and began asking me a bunch of questions. He's all why are you ignoring me? Do you need any money? Why aren't you making time for me? I lowkey feel bad but not really.

Ooooo and while I was at the club with Bae I seen one of the older men that I mentioned earlier in the thread. Why did he blow me a kiss as he was with some jawn. The girl got a major attitude with him and I just went back to feeling up on Bae in VIP cause I didn't understand. Stay in general and leave me alone.

I think I'm gonna ignore Bae for this wk. He needs a break I saw him 4x last week. Plus there's this new guy I want to have dinner with. He's an investment banker and I need to pick his brain and his wallet.
I have a boyfriend:look::wallbash:
