I'm thinking about working hard this year to put myself in a position to work for myself in 2018. I like my job, but I am not cut out for this 'having a boss' life. I've always really liked all of my jobs, but it's always that same thing. I should just accept it soon and start making changes.
Yes - do it!
So I just started doing that today and once I calmed my disgust about how much money I will be paying in taxes (almost $40K for FICA, Fed and State from the main gig) I started seeing the perks to this "self employment".
The only thing I dislike is having to make sure I have constant clients. The main one pays my "Caucasian Rent" while the other 3 are side /savings money but I don't take it for granted any of them could not need my services one day. I am meeting up with a lawyer next week. Owns his own law firm in DC. Gonna see if I can pitch a need for IOLTA managing. Otherwise network so I can get invited to stuff in DC and hopefully meet more lawyers.
A guy I'm in the beginning stages of getting to know called me "cold" today. Normally, I'd be offended, but it made me happy. Maybe it's because I'm still in my feelings about my ex's betrayal, but I don't wanna be seen as nice right now. Nice has gotten me nowhere. Or rather, it's gotten me where people think nothing of lying to and hiding ish from me for 11 years.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not being a total bih to dude. Just enough to keep him on his toes.
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A guy who "set his sights on me" talks to me and offended the :censored: out of me.

First he makes me sit there and listen to him talk about all he does to be a deadbeat father. He's talking about how women just have a baby to collect a check. I said so how long were y'all together? He said four years and that she's a nurse practitioner. You dumb idiot, that's not what a women does when she just has a baby to collect a check. This guy quotes dead beat loser 50 CENT. I told him 50's son hates him.

He pissed me off. She is always calling asking him for money and don't you wanna see your son. He's like no I'm focusing on me right now. He put all of his money in his business account and did something to make it look like he only makes $150 a week so she can't collect real child support. Then talks about some $60K watch that he's about to buy. He also buys the child expensive clothes and toys, not to make his child happy, but so that his son prefers his home to hers. He said he wants the child hate being with his mother because all of the good stuff will be at his house. He's about to franchise his business ($$$) and he wants to collect child support from her.

HERE is where I really get pissed off: After going on and on about her for 2 hours, he asks me about my baby father. I tell him I don't talk to him. He then says You need to get off that petty ish. What are you going to do...sit around and have 10 babies?

I'm so tired of every man, even men who are nowhere near to be dating prospects, nosing into my business with my daughter's father. I will not be answering any more questions about that.
Recently found out I'll be attending some pharma/biotech conferences this year! Next month I'll most likely be going to SF for a few days. Then in March, I'm def going to a conference in Baltimore and 1 in silver spring...and I'm still staying at hotels for these even though I live close lol.

These meetings will be perfect for meeting men! Booooooo :lol: one of the marketing guys visited our office this week. He was telling me how last year there was a conference in Vegas and he was courting these 2 clients and how they loved to drink lol. I'm excited to go to these conferences! :lol:

he was telling us about how they just changed the rules of the business amex...it is unlimited now lmao and how it makes him uncomfortable :lol: My coworker just went to Germany and they fedexed her amex..I didn't know they had your name on them! I thought it was just the company name! I can't wait to get one! :lol:
Recently found out I'll be attending some pharma/biotech conferences this year! Next month I'll most likely be going to SF for a few days. Then in March, I'm def going to a conference in Baltimore and 1 in silver spring...and I'm still staying at hotels for these even though I live close lol.

These meetings will be perfect for meeting men! Booooooo :lol: one of the marketing guys visited our office this week. He was telling me how last year there was a conference in Vegas and he was courting these 2 clients and how they loved to drink lol. I'm excited to go to these conferences! :lol:

he was telling us about how they just changed the rules of the business amex...it is unlimited now lmao and how it makes him uncomfortable :lol: My coworker just went to Germany and they fedexed her amex..I didn't know they had your name on them! I thought it was just the company name! I can't wait to get one! :lol:
Holla me re: the Baltimore and SS conferences.:look: I'll show up to a hh or whatever gladly lol.

Company cards are the best. Your name is on it but it doesn't tie up any of your actual money.
I am just not good at this chasing stuff (letting them chase me). Been conversing with a guy for a few days now- good resume on paper, works for NASA- but he is trying SUPER hard to impress me and I am sooooo turned off by it. He asked for a date so I will give him one date. But I am already NOT looking forward to it.
Gonna use this as practice on flirting and controlling the conversation by asking revealing questions in a non revealing way.
Recently found out I'll be attending some pharma/biotech conferences this year!

These meetings will be perfect for meeting men! Booooooo :lol: one of the marketing guys visited our office this week. He was telling me how last year there was a conference in Vegas and he was courting these 2 clients and how they loved to drink lol. I'm excited to go to these conferences! :lol:

he was telling us about how they just changed the rules of the business amex...it is unlimited now lmao and how it makes him uncomfortable :lol: My coworker just went to Germany and they fedexed her amex..I didn't know they had your name on them! I thought it was just the company name! I can't wait to get one! :lol:
no they won't.:look: i go to some of these conferenced every year. well maybe the surrounding areas to explore but the dudes at the conferences? uhhhhh... nah...
Been conversing with a guy for a few days now- good resume on paper, works for NASA- but he is trying SUPER hard to impress me and I am sooooo turned off by it.
And he texted me at like 0540 this morning. If this is what chasing means- I wants no parts. And he is drowning with the talk of what he does via TEXT. I haven't said a word to him about my "job" so then he started asking questions and I quickly showed him that "what he does doesn't impress me". Now he is asking for tips on how to start consulting.
That is so disappointing to hear!!

What's wrong with the men?

Well scratch what I said. I usually ignore the millenials. maybe that crowd is different. From my old ass perspective this what I see:


Boomers. they need to retire ffs.

Lots of GenX (my gen) but they be married.

East Indians. The industry has been flooded with a lot of Asian Indians the last 5 years. I don't do them.

I'm usually 1 of 5 black ppl out of several hundred ppl. though last year there were 'a lot' at Silver Spring! it was refreshing. must have been 15 black ppl!! they worked hard to avoid each other though. I made a whole thread...

new influx of MtFs. Idk what that means :spinning:
A guy who "set his sights on me" talks to me and offended the :censored: out of me.

First he makes me sit there and listen to him talk about all he does to be a deadbeat father. He's talking about how women just have a baby to collect a check. I said so how long were y'all together? He said four years and that she's a nurse practitioner. You dumb idiot, that's not what a women does when she just has a baby to collect a check. This guy quotes dead beat loser 50 CENT. I told him 50's son hates him.

He pissed me off. She is always calling asking him for money and don't you wanna see your son. He's like no I'm focusing on me right now. He put all of his money in his business account and did something to make it look like he only makes $150 a week so she can't collect real child support. Then talks about some $60K watch that he's about to buy. He also buys the child expensive clothes and toys, not to make his child happy, but so that his son prefers his home to hers. He said he wants the child hate being with his mother because all of the good stuff will be at his house. He's about to franchise his business ($$$) and he wants to collect child support from her.

HERE is where I really get pissed off: After going on and on about her for 2 hours, he asks me about my baby father. I tell him I don't talk to him. He then says You need to get off that petty ish. What are you going to do...sit around and have 10 babies?

I'm so tired of every man, even men who are nowhere near to be dating prospects, nosing into my business with my daughter's father. I will not be answering any more questions about that.

He sounds like a true piece of caca. How terrible and sad that men like this really exist.
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That is so disappointing to hear!!

What's wrong with the men?


Where is your boo?!?!?
Well scratch what I said. I usually ignore the millenials. maybe that crowd is different. From my old ass perspective this what I see:


Boomers. they need to retire ffs.

Lots of GenX (my gen) but they be married.

East Indians. The industry has been flooded with a lot of Asian Indians the last 5 years. I don't do them.

I'm usually 1 of 5 black ppl out of several hundred ppl. though last year there were 'a lot' at Silver Spring! it was refreshing. must have been 15 black ppl!! they worked hard to avoid each other though. I made a whole thread...

new influx of MtFs. Idk what that means :spinning:

LMAO at they need to retire.

I can see it being Asian/Indian heavy, that makes sense. I don't do them either. But hopefully it'll be lots of cute white guys to look at at least lol.

What does "mtfs" mean? Like male to female transgender? Lol or mothereffers?