You are the Sugar Honey Ice Tea. Your crush would EVER be so lucky to be in your presence. You have SO much to offer and you are VERY picky with whom you give it. CONFIDENCE UP AND FLIRT (and don't expect anything back). Just FLIRT and be sweet with a tinge of I'M EVERY WOMAN... he will fall in line- and if he doesn't- he is an IDIOT missing out on greatness.

I had to screenshot this so I can pull it up next time I see him :giggle:

:bighug: Thanks for the vote of confidence!
I've been on two dates lately.

Date 1 was with Mr. Med student. He's in his final year. Sounded great on paper, older and very accomplished but I didn't feel any sparks. We went for late drinks and appetizers - he was late, apologized but offered no explanation. The date lasted 4 hours and I finally had to say "should we go now?" to get him to grab the check. I agreed to a second date but backed out at the last minute when he hinted that I should pick him up on the way. He wanted us to see a movie then go back to his place where he'd cook for me. I had already veto'd the cooking idea, and I'm wondering if me picking him up may have been an alternate attempt to get me back to his home. He may have been joking but my gut told me no, and I'm learning to listen.

Date 2 was today and it was great! This guy is in his final year of Engineering. He was a little quiet but we laughed a lot, the conversation was easy and I found myself feeling really comfortable. He's tall, dark and athletic. He's also very studious and has hinted that he is looking for something long term. We went for lunch today and I am definitely interested in seeing him again!

Both of these guys were Tinder finds lol. I have 3 more lined up for next week. Project meet hubby in 2017 is on its way :)

On another random note, as I was scrolling through Tinder I saw my ex of 10 months ago. I guess the relationship he started shortly after me didn't last. (PS I swiftly swiped LEFT! Happy to report that those feelings are dead and gone, never to return!!)
so this wyte woman at work is 36 and single. before our Christmas break she was crying at work. she met some guy on bumble and fell in love though he lives some distance away. anyhow they broke up and she goes on to explain how she, basically, begged him to stay. telling him how good they are together, how special he is, they have a strong future, please don't end it, they can work on it and she'll do whatever it takes.

come to find out they'd only been dating 3 weeks with a total of 2 dates. I knew that heaux was crazy by the way she acts at work

she hoped he'd change his mind during the holidays. I'll know more tomorrow :look:
I'm happy for people. I really am, but all I have been seeing on my SM for the past 7 years is engagements, wedding pics, and creations of families. I went to college with most of these people and since I started my most recent position 5 people in <5 years have gotten engaged, then married.

When will it be my turn?????????

I'm happy for people. I really am, but all I have been seeing on my SM for the past 7 years is engagements, wedding pics, and creations of families. I went to college with most of these people and since I started my most recent position 5 people in <5 years have gotten engaged, then married.

When will it be my turn?????????

The grass always seems greener on the other side. We don't know what's going on in those people's lives, but I do understand how you feel.
I'm happy for people. I really am, but all I have been seeing on my SM for the past 7 years is engagements, wedding pics, and creations of families. I went to college with most of these people and since I started my most recent position 5 people in <5 years have gotten engaged, then married.

When will it be my turn?????????


Im here with you... I feel left out but I refuse to go into 2017 whining. Im going to be proactive
I'm happy for people. I really am, but all I have been seeing on my SM for the past 7 years is engagements, wedding pics, and creations of families. I went to college with most of these people and since I started my most recent position 5 people in <5 years have gotten engaged, then married.

When will it be my turn?????????


NONE of my friends from college are engaged, married, or have kids :lol: A lot of the other people I went to college with are, but certainly not my introverted, studious friend group. None of us seriously dated during college, although we had "fun" with men :look: And I went to a 99% white private college. And my friends I'm talking about are white and Indian. None married. I sure know how to pick friends like me :lol:

The only engaged and married black friends my age I have are either super religious or have serious baby fever. I'm talking about people who are turning 27 this year.
NONE of my friends from college are engaged, married, or have kids :lol: A lot of the other people I went to college with are, but certainly not my introverted, studious friend group. None of us seriously dated during college, although we had "fun" with men :look: And I went to a 99% white private college. And my friends I'm talking about are white and Indian. None married. I sure know how to pick friends like me :lol:

The only engaged and married black friends my age I have are either super religious or have serious baby fever. I'm talking about people who are turning 27 this year.

This sounds about right for us. People don't understand that over a certain tax bracket in the DMV doesn't marry until around 30. When I meet married women under 30 here or NYC I turn my nose up because I know what kinda life that is and want no parts #judgemental
I didn't understand that. @qchelle am I in the tax bracket now? Because I DAMN sure meet the age requirement.

@qchelle makes six figures and so does her SO.

Most of them don't marry under 30. Also I've noticed people with wealth aspirations don't marry young.

When I see young married couples I see young people who peaked hella early and will likely never escape anything beyond middle class or barely upper middle. I don't envy them. When immediately caked at 45 they'll be divorced living paycheck to paycheck.
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I will say though- when I made the decision to move down here... I didn't do a lot of research on DMV. I figured it would be easy to get a job because this is the government hub and there are tons of Black men- stay away from DL. I didn't know this is where the 3 richest Black counties are in the US (Marlyand) and everything in DC and Fairfax VA, minimum speaking. But it is nice to know I can network with Black women and men who value education and being gainfully employed or running a successful business- because where I came from... people were content with an associates from the community college.
@qchelle makes six figures and so does her SO.

Most of them don't marry under 30. Also I've noticed people with wealth aspirations don't marry young.

When I see young married couples I see young people who peaked hella early and will likely never escape anything beyonce middle class or barely upper middle. I don't envy them. When immediately caked at 45 they'll be divorced living paycheck to paycheck.
You're right they typically don't. They're too busy focusing on making money to be concerned with finding/being with someone. If they are with someone that person is taking a massive back seat.