Just had conversation # 5,000,000 about lowering my expectations. At first dude said what I want doesn't exist, then he said it does exist...but the likelihood of me finding it is slim :/

I think maybe the universe is trying to tell me something.

*the convo centered around the type of intelligence I want in a man. "Intelligence" is a catch-all term that I'm too lazy to unpack right now lol. He said I'm an outlier.
A sound bar & woofer for my living room tv. Idk how to take that lol. I mean...we go out to the movies so why r u trying to turn my livingroom into a theater? Just seems so mannish & impersonal. I think I would have been happier with a gift card to Sephora lol

I still have a Sephora gift card my manager gave me 2 years ago, I'd prefer the soundbar. :lol: My brother got me one last Christmas and I love it.
My car stopped working very unexpectedly yesterday (battery/alternator/who knows)... Lee has left work early to come help me with it. Chances are it is my alternator. If it is- he said he will try to fix it depending on the location of the alternator in my car. He isn't a hood mechanic but knows a bit about cars, enough to fix them. Of all the men I ever dated- he is the first that can actually fix something on a car. Where did our men go?
His mom got me a firestick and his grandma gave me $25! I told my parents this and my mom was like what?! Now we have to get him something! And ran out and got him a bottle of tequila :lachen: This was on Christmas day, mind you lmao. She said if he finishes the bottle in less than a month, tell his grandma cuz something is wrong :rofl:
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Everyone seems to like dude or at least, what they've heard of him. It's unusual. Usually my friends like, "he needs to get it together" about the men I date because they do.

He's so attentive and caring. I'm not really used to it. He's different and I like that.

I haven't had to get out of my character with him once - because he doesn't do things that illicit that type of response from me.

I think I need to drop my guard and be more open to what could come of this. But I'm so used to having it up it's hard.
Three hours later we determined that the car just needed to go and get a new key fob. The remote starter is defunct and was draining my battery. My original fobs fell out so I was using the remote starter to start the car.

He was very patient, killed a spider in the car that was over my head- while I screamed my head off, taught me how to jump start my car and not flood the engine. Very attentive and caring. Kept asking me how I was feeling since everything was so draining to arrange the tow, then call the dealership to make arrangements and speak to the customer care back and forth. Didn't leave me until I got my car back. He was upset he couldn't solve my problem- however I made a big deal about him just being there. We learned a lot about my car today. And it seemed like my problem was his problem- he used a lot of "we"s and "us"s to describe what "our" options were... effort through the roof.
Three hours later we determined that the car just needed to go and get a new key fob. The remote starter is defunct and was draining my battery. My original fobs fell out so I was using the remote starter to start the car.

He was very patient, killed a spider in the car that was over my head- while I screamed my head off, taught me how to jump start my car and not flood the engine. Very attentive and caring. Kept asking me how I was feeling since everything was so draining to arrange the tow, then call the dealership to make arrangements and speak to the customer care back and forth. Didn't leave me until I got my car back. He was upset he couldn't solve my problem- however I made a big deal about him just being there. We learned a lot about my car today. And it seemed like my problem was his problem- he used a lot of "we"s and "us"s to describe what "our" options were... effort through the roof.

Awwww that sounds great! So are yall officially together right now?
I love this Miller beer commercial jingle lol. I would totally buy some. "If you've got the tiiiime. We've got the beer. Miller beer" sounds so soothing :lol:

The last time I got a salary increase, I increased my expenses, too. And accrued all kinds of debt cuz I was ballin out of control lol smh. But this time, I'm doing the opposite. So now I can actually pay the debt off. Here's to 2017.
anyway... my car broke down Christmas eve. sucked. had to let lyft to get to and fro, instacart the rest of Christmas meals and found a decent mobile mechanic who got me running day after Christmas. what a goddamn hassle.

luckily I live in an area with all these services available. otherwise we would have been a shambles! anyway, new years will be better.

hope you other single ladies had less of a weird holiday.
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Enjoyed being away while he was faaaar away. Now I'm back home andnits like einh....back to reality. Is it me or is it easier to go through a break up in the winter?
Most people are indoors and so am I :)
In the summertime, people are out in couples loving each other. Idk, it feels better to me.
By summertime I'll be better and I'm looking forward to it woop!
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Ladies I need help...
I was in a long term relationship with someone and he would disappear randomly, it could be 3 hours, 3 days, or 3 weeks. I never knew when it was going to happen or how long it was going to last. Yes, I was very dumb.

Fast forward to now, as I'm dating, once a guy does not respond to me as quickly as he did before, I immediately end things before they even begin. I would rather end it right away then feel fear of not knowing whether or not he's going to do what my ex did. How can I get over this?
In addition to the previous responses, you should address the baggage/fear that you're projecting onto a new person. I don't know the details of the slow responses but I'm assuming you mean call/text backs?
Can you tell us more.

Nothing from the previous relationship was normal, either he had another life or a drug addict on binges or something crazy. That crazy is long gone, don't bring him back!
His mom got me a firestick and his grandma gave me $25! I told my parents this and my mom was like what?! Now we have to get him something! And ran out and got him a bottle of tequila :lachen: This was on Christmas day, mind you lmao. She said if he finishes the bottle in less than a month, tell his grandma cuz something is wrong :rofl:

Make sure you jailbreak that mug!!!!! You'll be able to get EVERYTHING! Movies, TV shows, even Netflix exclusives, all free.
Expect that you're going to receive roses a week from now. Visualize yourself receiving them for a few minutes every day, what color they are, How you feel when you are receiving them. Don't go out and buy yourselves flowers or tell someone about this exercise and drop hints so they can get them for you. Set your intention, visualize a little bit, and then FORGET ABOUT IT. Don't dwell on it. Don't imagine HOW you're going to get them or who'll give them to you. That's not your responsibility. Relax!! Don't get attached to the outcome. Go out there and live your life and give thanks for the beautiful flowers you're about to receive. The end. You'll be surprised how those flowers will make their way to you.

Saw this in the "create your own reality" thread, I think I'm going to try it.
I now feel like that unicorn you ladies speak of. I have read about it but didn't think it would happened to me. :lachen:

He paid for and filled up my gas tank when we were out and about last night!! :toocool:
He is saying and doing ALL the right things. Putting MDLWLY to practice helped with the vetting process over the past 3 months and he passed all the tests. I will probably be hanging up my bachelorette/ho card shortly. :giggle:
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