I'm cutting 1-2inches off of my hair this week. Lots of single strand knots, split ends, unevenness, and tangles. Just bought some Camille Rose and Mielle Organics products. Need to buy some shears tomorrow.

I let him do something he's always wanted to do. He looked like he was gonna cry :lol: this has to do with sex..and I wanted him to do it, too :look:

We had tentatively agreed to go to my friends party together. Then 1 of his good friends announced a party -_- it was his birthday -_- so then he wanted to go to that. I was very upset and we had many discussions about it. ...I think I'm pretty much done being petty :look: For example, he wanted me to help him wrap Christmas gifts and I had agreed. But after that^^, I told him he could wrap his own damn presents. etc etc :look: :lol:

Another thing that has pissed me off lately. He sometimes makes *******-ish comments when he does something nice for me. Example: "I was gonna get your stupid car washed today", "I got you these dumb tide pods" (I guess he got tired of me stealing from him and is just buying them for me now lmao). And it's only when he does stuff that he's thought of, stuff I don't ask him to do. So I'm like what's your problem? I'm always very very visibly happy and grateful when you do nice stuff, so why do you have an attitude? If you don't want to do it, then don't, *** your generosity. He apologized and acknowledged that he does that and that he has a problem lol. After a bit of of beating over the head. Cuz at first he didn't understand why it was such a problem if he's still doing the stuff: that the actions should outweigh his words. Well, it don't bruh. He said that when he'd do nice stuff for his ex, she would be like 'oh ok' (lmaooo) and he guesses it's just a coping mechanism to make him feel like it's not a big deal if no appreciation is shown. I empathized, and said "but you really need to stop". He said he would and that he wasn't trying to make excuses lol.

While we were having one of our talks (not one of those^^, just a general one) he asked me if I could see myself being with him forever? And that he absolutely could see it, but I'm 'hard to read' sometimes -___- it's because I'm not a sap, like him lol.

When I spend the night at his house during the week, he goes to bed first. If his living room is so messy it's getting on my nerves, I'll push stuff against the wall to make it look better lol. In the mornings, he always comes back upstairs to say thanks before he leaves :)

Romantic crap on TV is getting to be unbearable for me now. It was bad before, but it's getting worse. I thought I would be able to watch chick flicks as I got older. But PDA literally repulses me.
Dm's are still coming in. For the most part there is no one that I'm actually interested in. They are mostly just good screenshot giggles for my girls.

One thing I learned from my last relationship is to pay attention to my gut. So now when my f-boy alarm bells go off I am listening. Thus far it's been right on. I feel peace that the right one is out there, there is zero time for me to settle for scraps.
He knew I was off all weekend and didn't call. Monday comes and you ask if I'm working.....


New guy is winning so far...
Quick question, why do you post in the single ladies thread?
Honest question too. You thinking about breaking up, you feel more comfortable here...what's the story?
On another note, I remember having a party situation like that recently that got me annoyed LOL
And you know, I sometimes do what he does when I do something nice too. It's like you wanna be emotional and happy about it but you really don't wanna show it so you combine it. Do a nice thing and downplay it by prefacing it with 'stupid' and yes, it's stupid.
I remember forever talks and also got that I was hard to read....what's your sign?
Quick question, why do you post in the single ladies thread?
Honest question too. You thinking about breaking up, you feel more comfortable here...what's the story?
On another note, I remember having a party situation like that recently that got me annoyed LOL
And you know, I sometimes do what he does when I do something nice too. It's like you wanna be emotional and happy about it but you really don't wanna show it so you combine it. Do a nice thing and downplay it by prefacing it with 'stupid' and yes, it's stupid.
I remember forever talks and also got that I was hard to read....what's your sign?

:lol: 2 honest reasons: because I started posting in here about him (dating phase) and I like having everything in 1 spot. And because the relationship thread seems dry. Buuuuut I'm gonna stop posting in here about him cuz I'm pretty sure I'm making people uncomfortable now lol. Which is truly not my intention.

I'm a Pisces :)
:lol: 2 honest reasons: because I started posting in here about him (dating phase) and I like having everything in 1 spot. And because the relationship thread seems dry. Buuuuut I'm gonna stop posting in here about him cuz I'm pretty sure I'm making people uncomfortable now lol. Which is truly not my intention.

I'm a Pisces :)
I think we should merge both threads- keep up with everyone. I like hearing your posts.
I think we should merge both threads- keep up with everyone. I like hearing your posts.

Or I could just post in there :lol:

Got it.
I'm not uncomfortable. I was a bit confused and especially when people post in wrong threads someone usually points to the right thread. It's like how I feel about the relationship thread. I'll probably keep posting there too even though now I'm single. I get it LOL

Ohh yea nah, I wasn't confused :lol:

But apparently I am!: you're single? Why did that happen? :(
OAN: Based on my dating history, I think I like men that I can build with. I like men with nice feet. Bad looking feet and nails will turn me off, not sure why but it does. Although I'd like to believe, I wouldn't date a guy with bad teeth, uhm, I have *gulp* He had missing teeth from a motorcycle accident AND those that were left were jacked up. LOL I'm definitely into intellectual curiosity and the quiet mysterious type. The outgoing ones are fun but something about those quiet ones....And lastly, a man that can dance. Yesss!
So far, that's what I seem to like.

He wasn't reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaady :cry3: LOL
Who knows what the future holds. A bad place to be when you still have hope. I'm working on giving up hope with him....
So, I spoke to boring dude last night and LMAO...ya'll there's just nothing there. LOLOLOL It's just funny.
Like why do you even want to make plans with someone who has no interesting conversation with you?
I made a little joke and even his laugh was annoying and fake sounding lol
I'm a lurker so my opinion probably doesn't hold much weight but I get annoyed when ladies continue to post about thier relationship in the single ladies support thread. I just don't find those kind of posts heplful in my single journey. Sharing updates in the initial dating stages I understand but continuing to update months into an exclusive relationship...not so much. I'm happy for those in exclusive relationships that are going well but that's not what I come to this thread to read about. Having said that, I just ignore or scroll past what I don't want to read.
I'm a lurker so my opinion probably doesn't hold much weight but I get annoyed when ladies continue to post about thier relationship in the single ladies support thread. I just don't find those kind of posts heplful in my single journey. Sharing updates in the initial dating stages I understand but continuing to update months into an exclusive relationship...not so much. I'm happy for those in exclusive relationships that are going well but that's not what I come to this thread to read about. Having said that, I just ignore or scroll past what I don't want to read.

Of course lurkers matter! Lol You have potentially spoken up for other lurkers!

I got you.
I'm a lurker so my opinion probably doesn't hold much weight but I get annoyed when ladies continue to post about thier relationship in the single ladies support thread. I just don't find those kind of posts heplful in my single journey. Sharing updates in the initial dating stages I understand but continuing to update months into an exclusive relationship...not so much. I'm happy for those in exclusive relationships that are going well but that's not what I come to this thread to read about. Having said that, I just ignore or scroll past what I don't want to read.
Yeah- gotcha I understand.

He wasn't reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaady :cry3: LOL
Who knows what the future holds. A bad place to be when you still have hope. I'm working on giving up hope with him....
So, I spoke to boring dude last night and LMAO...ya'll there's just nothing there. LOLOLOL It's just funny.
Like why do you even want to make plans with someone who has no interesting conversation with you?
I made a little joke and even his laugh was annoying and fake sounding lol
don't waste your time
:lol: 2 honest reasons: because I started posting in here about him (dating phase) and I like having everything in 1 spot. And because the relationship thread seems dry. Buuuuut I'm gonna stop posting in here about him cuz I'm pretty sure I'm making people uncomfortable now lol. Which is truly not my intention.

I'm a Pisces :)

I know I made a post teasing you about this before, but just to reiterate, I love your posts and they don't make me feel uncomfortable at all! Post where you want :yep:
On another note, I always thought it was funny that the threads for the married ladies and those in relationships were just random thoughts threads yet the threads for the single ladies were SUPPORT threads :lol: I guess it is a type of therapy

I've always right was "interesting" too lol
:lol: 2 honest reasons: because I started posting in here about him (dating phase) and I like having everything in 1 spot. And because the relationship thread seems dry. Buuuuut I'm gonna stop posting in here about him cuz I'm pretty sure I'm making people uncomfortable now lol. Which is truly not my intention.

I'm a Pisces :)

The relationship thread is boring :giggle: the month or so I sniffed around in there this summer bored me to tears. I wasn't sad to come back in here, for several reasons.

ETA- And I like your posts, they're cute
speaking of support ladies, wooooohooooo! when those spiders came up out that Christmas tree i cursed not having some testosterone up in the house to handle that! I had to touch it! and drag it put the house with hundreds of little critters crawling on it :cry3:
I would DIE
How do y'all date men with potential? Like, "no car grad student.. but i've got a plan" potential.
Do you give up the niceties for Fridays and matinee movies?
I don't- but then again I am over 30. Men I date at this phase of their life have to be "marriage ready". Job, car, place, education, stable.
You have to define what those things are. I don't have a car and I got my stuff together so a car is not proof of stability for me.
I like smart, calculating, thoughtful decisions and I like financial maturity. If you got mad homes and crazy debt you weigh less than the dude economizing and getting around on a bycicle. I respect people who take short term decisions for long term gains.

The two deal breakers would be living at home with parents, no steady work or career (or one I didn't respect) off the top of my head. I dated people with formal education and without but with careers making more than me so I see this differently now.

It all has to make sense in the context of where they are. That's the difference to me.
A grad student, law or medical student should get some liency for pete's sake. There's a difference between a dream and a plan. Know the plan, watch the actions, watch if it all makes sense and follow your gut. That should help.