It is hard to ignore that feeling sometimes :bighug:but you're better off! He's someone else's problem now.
Yessss :thankyou:
Like I think it just hit me in the gut that someone else is getting married more than any thing. But I hope it works out for them. I think how everything when down was sh!tty to me but it put me on a different trajectory. I am now in DC instead of Philly. I survived almost 3 years down here. And I healed and experienced love again, which I thought was damn near impossible. I moved forward from the ashes while my past burned behind me. I survived pain that I really felt like I would die from.

I don't know who HE is (if I actually have someone waiting/looking for me) but I am at peace now. I fell in love with myself, challenged myself in many ways and accepted me and my flaws. So now I want to find someone who accepts me and love my flaws too. I don't know if that person is Lee or someone else completely but I am ready for him. Everything that happened really happened for the better. I owe her a big thank you- which I have exhaled into the universe.
It might have to do with the sign but for me if I make what I ASSUME is a male friend, they're trying to smash. Unless I know they aren't attracted/got a girl (and they are a good guy). I have met ONE guy like that and he's now married with a baby on the way. All my male friends are men who I grew up with so we've either dealt with the attraction or it was never there to begin with.
but we been friends almost 5 years! he ain't got none. No dates. Text 95% of the time. No touching or any of that when we chill (out to eat maybe 1x every 3 or 4 months).

He must be real damn desperate or deluded or both.

omg. making me mad just thinking about it!!
ok, so... now I realize the Haitian (?) dude at work might like me? First I thought it was the opposite, he hated me... but he would stop and chat. it waz weird mixed signals. Now he stops and chats and leans all the way in and gives these weird gazes.

He's real cute too. 1 of 3 black dudes but the only one my age group. Sadly, has only one eye. :alcoholic::abducted:
ok, so... now I realize the Haitian (?) dude at work might like me? First I thought it was the opposite, he hated me... but he would stop and chat. it waz weird mixed signals. Now he stops and chats and leans all the way in and gives these weird gazes.

He's real cute too. 1 of 3 black dudes but the only one my age group. Sadly, has only one eye. :alcoholic::abducted:

Wait. He has 1 eye?
I think I just got pushed up on by a fellow employee.
We had a training program together for three months and we were on the same team for our class project.
He would say little things about how nice I looked but I didn't think it meant anything. We work in two different locations of my company so the last time I saw him was the beginning of November.
Well he had a class down here the other day and came over to our area. Talking about class and work stuff.
So my desk is in the back area and he's like oh I'm coming back here. When he came past me he put his hands on my waist/hips as he went by...WTH.
So then he was like gazing at me grinning looking at me like a hungry puppy. So I called him and asked him what was up with the hands? He was all like I hope I didn't offend you, I didn't realize I did that I'm so sorry, but when is the next time you are gonna be at my location so we can have lunch together???
So I'm like well I have lots of classes in January, so he was all giddy like so we can see each other more often...WTH.
This dude is painfully shy and a little geeky but not in a stalker crazy way. Why can't dudes just come out and say what they want????
. I owe her a big thank you- which I have exhaled into the universe.

You have a way with words! But this part..Wow. I had a similar situation except we weren't married but he cheated in the midst of planning our wedding, married her a year or so later & they have a newborm now but reading your post reminded me of my own journey.

Funny how the things that hurt the most end up being the best thing that could've ever happened!

You're better than me though because deep down I hope they crash & burn...the lord is still working on me.
I'm a LEO too and all water sign men I've encountered have annoyed me, they are just too weird and sensitive like you said. I messed with a fellow fire sign (Aries) and girl.... I still haven't recovered :look: I miss him lmao.

It's interesting that your most successful relationships have been with earth signs though, I thought they were supposed to be too boring for us? Earth smothers fire and all that.
Right- and they are for the most part.... but I think I am a watered down Leo myself. More introvert than extrovert, homebody, etc. That is why I think I mesh so well with them. My longest relationships have been with Earth signs.
I love me some Sag and Aries men :burn: but maybe that's the problem :couchfire:. Water signs annoy me also, my two most horrific relationships were with Pisces. I can't recall seriously dating an earth sign though...hmmm...
:bighug: @movingforward13

I've never been in your exact situation. But I had that pang of...something... when I saw the engagement ring on my cousin's brother in law's girlfriend's (whew, that's a doozy :spinning:) finger on Thanksgiving.

Just a few weeks prior, that fool was trying to get me to have phone sex with him. We had a heavy makeout session a few years ago, and I found out afterwards he was still with her (he wasn't honest with me about their status) . I know he's not a prize and we have an extremely rocky history, but I definitely felt some way about finding out he'd proposed to her.
I spoke too soon. Been crying all morning. Not because I want him back- she can keep that f&cker, but more how everything went down. It is a healing wound that cut really deep.

But thank you for your kind words

Awww I'm sorry! I definitely know the feeling, I had a mini breakdown after I heard about my ex's baby this summer even though I would never in a million years want him back.

I remember my Daddy told me this after my fiasco and I still pull things up in my memory whenever I get in my feelings

"Go on and remember every single rotten thing he ever did to you and let it fuel you, realize how lucky you are to be free. Remember it all but don't let it make you bitter, let it make you better" :bighug:
I love me some Sag and Aries men :burn: but maybe that's the problem :couchfire:. Water signs annoy me also, my two most horrific relationships were with Pisces. I can't recall seriously dating an earth sign though...hmmm...

Are you a fire sign too?

I refuse to date any water men and Earth wasn't really a good choice for me either, he tried to stifle me and I didn't feel like I could be myself around him. Fire and Fire is way too intense but..the coloring..lawd..lawd...LAWD!!!!

Fire's are the ones I can't stay away from either and I swear they seek me out. I've never dated an Air sign but they're supposed to be a good match.
Wait. He has 1 eye?
Right? :lachen:Just reading along wondering why she wouldn't date him, then bam! Lol
don't laff at Mr. 1 Eye y'all!:lachen::lachen:

i might would go on a cpl dates... he has a great job and gets paid very well (rare for a BM in these parts) and is very handsome but the eeeeeye!!! it's still in the socket but looks like a dead fish eye. And I started to wonder what the eye would do if we started coloring. Would it stare blankly at the wall or me? or maybe he closes his eyes? we could do it in the dark...?

I'm feeling real shallow at the moment :lol:
So my ex husband just texted me that he is engaged (to the girl he cheated with). I just responded with OK. Glad he told me this today when I am on cloud 9 with Lee - doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. There is still that *tingle* though. Why wasn't I good enough, etc. But then again- remembering what I went through with his @$$- I definitely don't ever want him back. Good riddance.

Always remember you were always good enough. He wasn't good enough. And I'm sure he'll be cheating on her soon if he isn't already. Just be glad you out of that mess.

In other news, Mr. Online Dude who I had such a great first meeting with seems to not be the most financially well off brother.

This usually where I exit stage door left, but I think I'm going to stick around and see what happens.
This guy I spoke to once over the phone a few weeks ago keeps looking at my profile. (I've updated it with better pics since we spoke). I thought we hit it off, but he never called again after that. Oh well. His loss.
:lol: my mom stays calling Jack "my little friend." Reminds me of #GrowingUpWhileBlack

She asked about him yesterday. "Oh. How's your little friend doing? Y'all doing ok?"

I answer and KIM. She knows what she's doing with her passive aggressive self. It's not like he wants to meet him so why is acting up? Because she's my mama that's why lol.

You should feel lucky your mom asks about him. I don't think my mom would ever directly ask about my SO lol. My dad does tho! That makes me happy :)
You should feel lucky your mom asks about him. I don't think my mom would ever directly ask about my SO lol. My dad does tho! That makes me happy :)
True true. I only ask because my mom has a history of being petty and passive aggressive.

Awww. That's funny and kind of unexpected because my dad would be the one who wouldn't ask. I told him I was dating and there was this long pause and he changed the subject.

Does your mom refuse to acknowledge him or something?
True true. I only ask because my mom has a history of being petty and passive aggressive.

Awww. That's funny and kind of unexpected because my dad would be the one who wouldn't ask. I told him I was dating and there was this long pause and he changed the subject.

Does your mom refuse to acknowledge him or something?

Ahh I see. Sorry for you then lol.

My mom refuses to acknowledge anything about romance period :lol: I think she would be upset/neutral if I announced I was engaged lol I hope I get engaged 1 day just to see her response :lol:
I gave my number to a NFL player tonight, usually I'm soooooo scary so I'm
proud of myself but I took a pic with him and he was flirting telling me how good I smelled (DUHHHHH Fool).

I walked off then came back and slipped my number in his pocket with a wink, a slick comment and a bicep squeeze. He prob ain't bout nothing but he signed a 20'million, 5 guaranteed contract sooooooo yea. We'll see if he takes the bait.
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Oh shoot :giggle: He just hit me up. Phase one of my scam is in motion
