When you answer a text and the person responds hours later with


OMG- spoke to a new number and lawd, it was like he was reading from a resume.
I was bored listening to him speak. 70% of the convo was him talking.
And then during the convo he took a drive to McDonald's to buy his 11 year old son a happy meal.
I miss my healthy conscious ex LMAO
It was all such a turn off! But I might still take him up on meeting up for food tomorrow lol
Hey, a gal's gotta eat too!
This guy that I had texted weeks ago finally texted back! I thought he was ticked at me because it took me weeks to initiate contact after he gave me his number. We've sorta known each other for years now (commuting to work). Anyway, I think he was kinda sorta flirting and all I'm thinking is:
"I'm not ready, I'm not ready, I'm not ready!!!!! Teehee"

*kicking and giggling*
Really? What makes you think that?
The subject matter of the question didn't apply to me. Plus he texted back and told me to distegard it. The text could have been for anyone, male or female. I just found it annoying.

OAN: this was the year for engagements, weddings, and new babies. Meanwhile I have nothing. I'm not going into 2017 with any hope. Sigh!
Somewhat back to normal.
I had to figure out why that bull ish was bothering me. And I have a few ideas why but at this point, it isn't important any more. His news isn't going to erase the fact that I had a very good year. I completed a major professional goal, I already started researching how to start an LLC and build my website, because it seems like I need to do that in 2017. I will have to account for money from 4 separate clients (small businesses) next year and I intend to be very aggressive with growing that.

But like I was telling my mom yesterday- I could get a million degrees, have a very successful business, become a millionaire... If I don't have someone to share my day with, support me, celebrate with me... then at the end of the day I feel incomplete.

I guess that is why I want marriage so much. That vow of partnership- someone who is going to be there unless death prohibits that. But I have such a romanticist view of marriage---- and my married friends remind me daily, marriage isn't all it is cracked up to be. Have to be selfless in marriage and those I know are selfish- so they are having a lot of problems. And being married will amplify your problems.

But he wasn't the one. What he did changed my life (for the better). I learned a lot.
I have nothing to say to her. I asked her early last year if she and I could talk to hash out everything since she was still dating him which meant she would be around my son. She ignored me and he didn't want me talking to her. So that is how it will be going forward- she doesn't exist to me.
I told him yesterday that we were going to revert back to the details of the divorce decree. It states that he shouldn't text me or call me for anything unless it is an emergency with our son. Any other information is to be passed through emails. We aren't friends, will never be friends and not having contact with him has helped me heal.

I am gonna start 2017 on a positive note. In NYC partying with friends. I haven't done that in years.
Dating sucks. I know we are suppose to take it like an opportunity to sharpen our dating skills but f that- if you are boring, I feel like I just wasted my time.

Who knows what I'm suppose to get out of it. If anything, trust my intuition and believe there's nothing there for me...like at all. I wasn't even attracted to him *shrug*.
Now that the other one reared his ugly head, he definitely will be cut after the holiday.
Let life unfold...
The subject matter of the question didn't apply to me. Plus he texted back and told me to distegard it. The text could have been for anyone, male or female. I just found it annoying.

OAN: this was the year for engagements, weddings, and new babies. Meanwhile I have nothing. I'm not going into 2017 with any hope. Sigh!

It sounds very annoying & messy of him.

I was just saying this to someone the other day, I know of 4 couples that got engaged this year but 2 broke up, 1 made it down the aisle & the other has their date pushed back to 2018 :look: Don't let it bother you but I get it! I really do.
I'm the type of person if I like you - I like you.

Not really the one for games and it doesn't take me long to make up my mind about whether I like someone or not.

But I'm trying so hard to keep my expectations low this go around. Trying not to fall into the "I really like this dude" trap.

Let's give it another month or so. Then I'll say I like him.
Oh now my mom is all "has he asked to meet me? I think after three months he should meet me and you should meet his family." MAKE UP YOUR MIND. First you didn't want to meet him because of his long term plans (regardless of how I felt) and now you do.

Like I said we make it to 6 months and I meet his family then we'll see. This is going to happen On MY TERMS.
I want to cut everyone off and start over...

Doooooooo It!!! I start over every quarter :rofl: One or two might make the cut but that's rare.

My Sandz got engaged!!! :yay:

And to a Que, this wedding is about to be :dance7:

Let me make sure I'm down to my normal weight so I can easily pull these bruhs while they are in their feelings.

Ahem.......do you need a date? :sekret:
My options right now:

1) A tenant at my job (I'm a concierge) who just confessed his feelings for me. Claims to be breaking up/already broken up with his girlfriend.

2) A 5'5" engineering student from Grenada.

3) A 40 year old cop who's wife left him 5 years ago, who just posted a picture of them on his IG with the caption "Why did you have to leave me? I never cheated on you."

4) An overweight Italian coworker who hits on every black woman in his radius, including our other coworker who has 5 children and a boyfriend.

5) Guy I met on the train who texts once a week to tell me we wont be able to hang out until after the holidays. #brokeass

:cry::cry::cry:Just one. One decent man who can see me for who I am. That's all I ask for.

He spent the whole night with me at work 11pm to 7am. He sounded really intelligent, well-educated, but you can seem like anything you want for a few hours. He's also 15 years older than me. He kept saying "I find you highly attractive" and "I like you. Can you see yourself...?" He's so blunt. I keep rejecting him, though.

The engineering student is starting to get pushy. He wants to see me but I don't feel like it yet.

I don't feel like I should date right now because I'm pretty desperate for a relationship. Men pick up on that ish real quick and take advantage. That's where I'm at right now going into the new year.