Basically his ex wife is not just a regular heaux, she's a real dirty community hoe. Think aspiring reality show side chick, idk. :lol: They've been divorced for 6 years now but they have a kid. She's a borderline deadbeat mother as it is. They were married for less than a year. I'm under the suspicion that the reason why they divorced is in part due to her heauxdom... but the fact is he still married her. Being with him would make me look bad just by the mere affiliation. I cannot fathom the thought of her as a figment in my life. Eww. I'm soooooo turned off now. #nothanks #yourenotwelcome #neitherisyourkid #honestly #icant

This is the first time I've ever dated a guy with a kid. Ironically I've never met the kid because I have always declined the invitation. So glad. I know I'm getting older but I do not subscribe to the mantra that there are no single childless men available after age 35. I can't be the one doing all of the understanding and sacrificing when my baggage isn't nearly as heavy. Yall already know I'm not a believer in taking the high road either so maybe it's better this way. :( I really like him but nah.
there is nothing attractive with baby mama drama :nono:

ironically most the men Ive dated are childless and/or never married. 40s to early 50s. but I'd like one with a kid approximately my own kid's age or they are grown.

anyway, good decision. this guy has too much baggage.
Not related to dating: but I've never paid much attention to zodiac signs, I'm a Leo and most descriptions are about 65% accurate, but I read one recently that was dead on. Anyways, I've realized that all the annoying, passive-aggressive, petty ass fathers among my group of friends are Cancers. Including my own. I'm going to start paying more attention to these things.
My friend made a "Transformation Tuesday" post on Facebook AND Instagram yesterday with both of us in it and while it was super cute her whole post basically highlighted how single we both were and she had all these extra dramatic hashtags talking bout "#YallDontKnowWhatYoureMissing &#SingleAf"...

Now.... I've been lying to several pests for yearssss about having a man so they would leave me alone and she totally blew up my spot. I was also annoyed because I've never been pressed about being single so keep all that extra pity party stuff away from me.
there is nothing attractive with baby mama drama :nono:

ironically most the men Ive dated are childless and/or never married. 40s to early 50s. but I'd like one with a kid approximately my own kid's age or they are grown.

anyway, good decision. this guy has too much baggage.

What really sux is I don't think they have any drama. Not any more anyway. They've been divorced for 6 years, custody is a solid 50/50 every other week and the kid is 13. I went out with him during the weeks he doesn't have custody so it didn't at all feel like anything. I just don't want the affiliation. It's hard to get the concept into my psyche.
Can't remember if I posted it here, but I ran into an ex in Houston....I used to date him 3 years ago in the northeast He's still an ***hole, even though he was extra nice at first.

And today, yet another "old flame" (we went on two dates, he clearly had some issues with women) hit me up on FB asking if he can see me when he comes into town. :rolleyes:

I have no interest in communicating with either of them. Things didn't pan out for a reason, and once I'm done, I'm DONE.

I wish these pests would go away
Speaking to a few guys from online:

One is getting cut off. I haven't heard from him in a few days and I'm not feeling him anyway. Block.

One is throwing red flags. So far he has only contacted me while at work. I suggested twice that we chat when he gets home, and no response. If he doesn't call me tonight when he gets home, I'll assume he is still married and not divorced and he will get blocked.

Top guy is 17 years older than me. :look: I'm in my 30s and he's in his 50s. He hasn't asked for my number yet. We still chat through the site.
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my platonic male friendships never work out. this one is on me though. I mean, I treated him like a friend, tried to forgive a couple trespasses as I do with my friends but his telling ppl we are a pair made me lose the rest of respect I had for him. my feelingson are swapping between annoyance, disdain and occasional disgust. it's not just that but I can't stand his over emotional, irrational behavior.

he's a cancer. I don't really get on with them :look:
my platonic male friendships never work out. this one is on me though. I mean, I treated him like a friend, tried to forgive a couple trespasses as I do with my friends but his telling ppl we are a pair made me lose the rest of respect I had for him. my feelingson are swapping between annoyance, disdain and occasional disgust. it's not just that but I can't stand his over emotional, irrational behavior.

he's a cancer. I don't really get on with them :look:
It might have to do with the sign but for me if I make what I ASSUME is a male friend, they're trying to smash. Unless I know they aren't attracted/got a girl (and they are a good guy). I have met ONE guy like that and he's now married with a baby on the way. All my male friends are men who I grew up with so we've either dealt with the attraction or it was never there to begin with.
Can't remember if I posted it here, but I ran into an ex in Houston....I used to date him 3 years ago in the northeast He's still an ***hole, even though he was extra nice at first.

And today, yet another "old flame" (we went on two dates, he clearly had some issues with women) hit me up on FB asking if he can see me when he comes into town. :rolleyes:

I have no interest in communicating with either of them. Things didn't pan out for a reason, and once I'm done, I'm DONE.

I wish these pests would go away
So do you just stop talking to them then? Do you say anything to them?
Not related to dating: but I've never paid much attention to zodiac signs, I'm a Leo and most descriptions are about 65% accurate, but I read one recently that was dead on. Anyways, I've realized that all the annoying, passive-aggressive, petty ass fathers among my group of friends are Cancers. Including my own. I'm going to start paying more attention to these things.
Cancer men annoy me--- which is sad because I have seen some really good looking ones.... but they are very sensitive to deal with a Leo like me.

I pay attention to the signs some what - however they normally pair Leos as best matches with Aries or Saggs... I don't feel comfortable dating A type personalities (which are most Fire signs). Tried it a few times and they scared the **** out of me with how aggressive they can be. My best relationships (long term) tend to come from Taurus men, (Virgos and Capricorns) Earth signs.
According to him we need to coordinate our outfits. He can never tell when I'm going to dress up nice (GOOD) and asked me if what he had on was ok. I told him next time come with it. He showed me a watch his cousin gave him. Fossil (even that is too rich for my blood right now lol). Wanted to know if I liked it.

We had a talk about my view on black men. I told him I date all men but when I was online few black men of quality would message me. And when I would message them I got no reply. So I can't date who doesn't show interest. He likes his women all natural (no weave, make-up, false eyelashes :rolleyes:) and dark. According to him I'm caramel. I am regular degular brown. Maybe? Hmm. I'm not caramel I know that.

ANYWAY, we got into his lack of messages in between dates. I explained to him that I want to feel wanted by you OUTSIDE of when we're together. That I can't tell if you're still interested or not. "I am interested. And when/if I stop being interested I will tell you." I told him we were long distance we need to talk. He says we're not long distance.
Long distance= little to no in person contact. Lots of messages between contact.
Other relationship=lots of in person contact. Little to no messages between contact. So he assumes because we see each other so much (once every two weeks. BUT it's the holidays. Come January it better get back to how it was in the beginning) we don't need to talk as much. So he talked around it without giving me a straight answer :rolleyes: but at the same time I got his answer.

He's open to love. But he told me to make sure that I'm happy with everything that I'm receiving from him before crossing into that territory. He like me. All of me. And takes me as I am (his words). I told him the personality traits I like about him. There might be some things about him that he will be unchanging about. But couldn't answer what those things are lol (he's either confused or playing games. Maybe both).

We discussed if we were in the infatuation stage or not. I think it's this weird quasi thing. Because we have the physical aspect of it but for me I've noticed flaws for a minute. And I haven't glossed over them. He has some jealousy/mistrust. I told him I had been practicing cowgirl. And he asked "who were you practicing with?" THE LOOK I GAVE HIM. See now here. If I have to deal with your lack of communication between dates you need to deal with your jealousy/mistrust. "Oh I didn't know that you can practice that by yourself." o_O Sex was great. I was hot as hell afterwards and every time I would escape he would pull me right back. He finally rolled away and apologized for it when we got up. But then said he didn't feel me tossing and turning all night.

So in conclusion. I don't have one. I know what I dealing with now. I guess I'm going to have to see if I can handle it.
So do you just stop talking to them then? Do you say anything to them?
The first one I ran into at a house party and he followed me around all night, then tried to pick a fight once the crowd thinned. His number is blocked in my phone so there has been no communication. Unfortunately I think I'll run into him a lot here.

The other one contacted me on FB and kept asking me trivial questions, I don't have any emotional ties to him, but I'll do small talk. I have no desire to meet with him in person, so if he ever is on my city, I won't be available.
The first one I ran into at a house party and he followed me around all night, then tried to pick a fight once the crowd thinned. His number is blocked in my phone so there has been no communication. Unfortunately I think I'll run into him a lot here.

The other one contacted me on FB and kept asking me trivial questions, I don't have any emotional ties to him, but I'll do small talk. I have no desire to meet with him in person, so if he ever is on my city, I won't be available.
You don't think the small talk is leading him on? (I ask because I'm going through the same thing)

What if he decides to ask you out/tries to get sexual? End the communication and block him?
You don't think the small talk is leading him on? (I ask because I'm going through the same thing)

What if he decides to ask you out/tries to get sexual? End the communication and block him?
No, if asked a question I'll answer it, if I feel like it. If he asks me out I will say no. If he tries to get sexual, I will say I'm not interested. I have no issues saying no to people, and/or expressing my lack of interest in pursuing anything sexual or romantic. If he's pushy I'll block and delete him.
I feel at peace. I feel appreciated, I feel loved, I feel cared for.
I feel like I am going through a second infatuation phase right now. Effort has gone through the roof. And even more- he is communicating so much more than he ever has been.
I don't know what happened but it is like something kicked him in his @$$ and was like step it up or out gonna loose out. I don't know but I will take it.
Woke up to a late night text from " I miss your company" dude and he said he wants to take me to dinner to make up for his flakey ways... Dinner? I eat dinner everyday B...come harder than that.

I'm going to need a full page front page apology in the local paper, my next 6 sew-ins paid for and the bundles, all my eyebrow threading appointments paid for in the 2k17, and a gas card to keep Antonio on full for the year....just for starters. Don't want to seem too difficult.
Cancer men annoy me--- which is sad because I have seen some really good looking ones.... but they are very sensitive to deal with a Leo like me.

I pay attention to the signs some what - however they normally pair Leos as best matches with Aries or Saggs... I don't feel comfortable dating A type personalities (which are most Fire signs). Tried it a few times and they scared the **** out of me with how aggressive they can be. My best relationships (long term) tend to come from Taurus men, (Virgos and Capricorns) Earth signs.

I'm a LEO too and all water sign men I've encountered have annoyed me, they are just too weird and sensitive like you said. I messed with a fellow fire sign (Aries) and girl.... I still haven't recovered :look: I miss him lmao.

It's interesting that your most successful relationships have been with earth signs though, I thought they were supposed to be too boring for us? Earth smothers fire and all that.
It's interesting that your most successful relationships have been with earth signs though, I thought they were supposed to be too boring for us? Earth smothers fire and all that.
Right- and they are for the most part.... but I think I am a watered down Leo myself. More introvert than extrovert, homebody, etc. That is why I think I mesh so well with them. My longest relationships have been with Earth signs.
So my ex husband just texted me that he is engaged (to the girl he cheated with). I just responded with OK. Glad he told me this today when I am on cloud 9 with Lee - doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. There is still that *tingle* though. Why wasn't I good enough, etc. But then again- remembering what I went through with his @$$- I definitely don't ever want him back. Good riddance.
So my ex husband just texted me that he is engaged (to the girl he cheated with). I just responded with OK. Glad he told me this today when I am on cloud 9 with Lee - doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. There is still that *tingle* though. Why wasn't I good enough, etc. But then again- remembering what I went through with his @$$- I definitely don't ever want him back. Good riddance.

It is hard to ignore that feeling sometimes :bighug:but you're better off! He's someone else's problem now.