Man. My classmate just professed his feelings for me. And I'm interested.. but I don't want to be in a relationship right now. :cry3::cry3::cry3:

Right guy, Wrong timing.

I want to pull a ****boy move and ask him to wait for me.. but don't know how to word it. I can just imagine him cursing me in Pidgin.
I could have written this.
More along the passive type lines. I have been described as an alpha female, but that's out of necessity. I don't want to be in charge, but dudes are so damned laid back and nonchalant these days. No nothing, planning, consistency, drive, nothing.
*nods* I said this in some thread in the Entertainment forum but I lead because I have to. I would LOVE to slide into a support role. That's my initial instinct. But if I'm not getting the signals that you can take the wheel I'll be damn if I let you drive me off a cliff!
*nods* I said this in some thread in the Entertainment forum but I lead because I have to. I would LOVE to slide into a support role. That's my initial instinct. But if I'm not getting the signals that you can take the wheel I'll be damn if I let you drive me off a cliff!
Man. My classmate just professed his feelings for me. And I'm interested.. but I don't want to be in a relationship right now. :cry3::cry3::cry3:

Right guy, Wrong timing.

I want to pull a ****boy move and ask him to wait for me.. but don't know how to word it. I can just imagine him cursing me in Pidgin.

Lawd you young kids killing me :rofl:

How old are you and this young man? What year are you in school?
I guess I am getting a TV. Lee told my son he is buying it for Christmas so "Mommy can have a nicer TV in her room". We haven't colored since that last time but he is making an effort to come over and spend time with us. I know I am partially confused and conflicted about dating because Lee is still in the picture... but I want him there. I am happier with him around. So is my son. And I know he is too. Can't really give another man a fair shot until I close this door for good and I don't think the door is going to be closed any time soon. W is great on paper- but we have 12 years of history and nothing came of that, his doing. If things don't work out with Lee and I- then maybe I will see what's up.
I did horribly this year. I went on approximately 0 dates... smh. :(

Don't feel bad, I went on a half of one and it sucked. And I still can't decide if I wanna step it up next year and get out more or if I even wanna be bothered.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I finally got my little bachelorette pad and it's seen NO action. The drought has reached over 2 years! :thud: You'd think I'd be actively trying to fix that situation.
*nods* I said this in some thread in the Entertainment forum but I lead because I have to. I would LOVE to slide into a support role. That's my initial instinct. But if I'm not getting the signals that you can take the wheel I'll be damn if I let you drive me off a cliff!

I feel the same way. I have a natural instinct to take control and I'm realizing now that the guys I dated have used that to their advantage. Although I do enjoy making the decisions sometimes, I have NO problem with a man taking the lead (provided as you said, he can actually take the wheel).

This past week I've been evaluating the my romantic life, which is why I realized that the guys who have been into me seem to fall into one of two categories: "passive" and "too much, too soon". I'd ideally like a guy who would take time to get to know me as a friend/acquaintance before jumping to declaring feelings but once in a relationship wasn't afraid to take the role of leader (planning and following through on dates).

It's sad that honestly the best guy I have had so far was in one of those infamous "almost relationships". Possibly one of the shyest guys I've ever met, but he asked me out on date (with no immediate declarations of feelings, or mentioning marriage) after being an acquaintance for a couple of months, and took time to plan dates and treat me to nice things. So despite it not working out, he's kind of the base standard I'm holding guys to now as far as approaching.
Oh wow. I saw a video by Joulzy (sp?) and she mentioned the same things you stated. Also, my friend recently moved there and he said everything was so spread out and there's not many cultural things going on just shopping & awesome restaurants lol. Everyone tells me it's the place to be if you're single. Idk, it seems like places such as ATL or DC are easier to be social in.

The bolded is accurate af lol. I don't dislike Houston, I think it's where I need to be right now to rebuild financially after grad school, but it doesn't live up to the hype. The people are friendly and polite (even a lot of the YTs), but there is virtually nothing that interests me socially lol. I love a good happy hour and great food, but I'd love a wider variety of events/activities. I work with about 3 ladies who are super cool, but they live at least 30 minutes away (and still within the city of Houston), and honestly, ain't none of us trying to drive that far to kick it lol. My younger cousin liked it here, so maybe it's good for the mid-20s crowd. My social and dating life in DC was leaps and bounds ahead of my life here, I'd be boo'd up if I didn't leave. One of the dudes in my travel group (a naija engineer who has been here for 10 years) said "Texas is where happiness, progressive and intellectual minds come to die". I was like, "Dayam homie!" He stays because he makes a crap load of money in the oil industry, but this man is traveling out of town AT LEAST 70% of the month.

Having said all that, I'm hoping that there are a lot of things to do, but that I just don't know about them yet because I'm not part of a clique. I've asked natives what to do and they don't have any recs beyond restaurants.

Kinda glad to see this. My list of places is move is shorter than short and Houston is/was on the list. But restaurants being the "thing to do" isn't very motivating. I got plenty food where I am. lol.
I went to one of the RHO of whoever's toy party with my SIL a few years back that had male strippers. Never again. At least not with her.
One lifted me up on his shoulders. I prayed for him lmao.

What do y'all get out of it? It's like a museum. You can look but not touch and that makes me angry lol.

I didn't want the stripper touching me AND I made it known. I wanted to see him dance....naked. Well the stripper my friend had were dry humping them. For some odd reason it reminded me of a dog that always humping your leg, you know? I thought it was funny. I feel some sort of way of a guy touching all over everyone in the room and using a vibrator to help get them off (and top of clothes of course). I was like eh, I dont want to see my friends sex faces.

But now you mention it, the only time the women were allowed to touch him was when he put their hands on his body.

My toy is from Bedroom Kandi. Her stuff is expensive.
I didn't want the stripper touching me AND I made it known. I wanted to see him dance....naked. Well the stripper my friend had were dry humping them. For some odd reason it reminded me of a dog that always humping your leg, you know? I thought it was funny. I feel some sort of way of a guy touching all over everyone in the room and using a vibrator to help get them off (and top of clothes of course). I was like eh, I dont want to see my friends sex faces.

But now you mention it, the only time the women were allowed to touch him was when he put their hands on his body.

My toy is from Bedroom Kandi. Her stuff is expensive.
SAY WHAT NOW?! He was being extra! I've never heard of this before.

And yes to the dog humping the leg! I guess for the same reason porn exists. The fantasy right?

THAT'S who it was! Kandi!
He was in his feelings yesterday because I won't commit. :look: This is when I'm at my weakest. I will not be pressured into a relationship. I will not be pressured into a relationship. I will not be pressured into a relationship. I will not be pressured into a relationship. I will not be pressured into a relationship. I will not be pressured into a relationship.
Kinda glad to see this. My list of places is move is shorter than short and Houston is/was on the list. But restaurants being the "thing to do" isn't very motivating. I got plenty food where I am. lol.
I'll let you know if I somehow discover more things to do lol. I've received a few invites for the next two weekends, mostly house gatherings and social fundraising events.

I have a question. Why do all these Nigerian men studying abroad have political aspirations?

Why do they act like a PhD from the states is going to guarantee their seat?

political aspirations in Nigeria? Cant say Ive met YOUNG person who was about that life but I reckon they know a degree from the states and especially the UK will have people take them more seriously and more likely to support them unlike some Naija politicians that outright buy their degrees without knowing ish about the law

Plus you know as a govt official they issue them millions in govt contracts that majority of them pocket instead of using it for the well being of the people. Everyone wants a share of that oil-pie :rolleyes:
political aspirations in Nigeria? Cant say Ive met YOUNG person who was about that life but I reckon they know a degree from the states and especially the UK will have people take them more seriously and more likely to support them unlike some Naija politicians that outright buy their degrees without knowing ish about the law

Plus you know as a govt official they issue them millions in govt contracts that majority of them pocket instead of using it for the well being of the people. Everyone wants a share of that oil-pie :rolleyes:

Word? Maybe it's just the bunch that I've found. Ranging from 25-33.

Do Royal families participate in the same kind of corruption?