Ok I see you young bae. You better keep up the momentum and step up to the plate.
DANG he fine

Oh and Young Bae is a piece of ****. Never again. Young dudes are wayy too immature. I just wanted to turn him out and get my rocks off. His loss. Jackass....
Meet a dude over the holidays, but I swear I know him from somewhere. I don't know where, but I know we've held conversation before. He claims he doesn't remember, but I know we've spoken before.

Anyways, he texted me today and right off the back asked for a pic. :rolleyes:

So I sent him one of my sports car. Like...why you need a pic of me in your phone ? I just met you, lawd.
Meet a dude over the holidays, but I swear I know him from somewhere. I don't know where, but I know we've held conversation before. He claims he doesn't remember, but I know we've spoken before.

Anyways, he texted me today and right off the back asked for a pic. :rolleyes:

So I sent him one of my sports car. Like...why you need a pic of me in your phone ? I just met you, lawd.

I HATE that! I know men are so called visual creatures but that drives me up the wall, it's funny that the dudes I end up liking the most are always the ones that don't ask for pics.
Hmmm idk...I guess I would wait for dude to bring up exclusivity. I would be thinking if he wanted to be exclusive with me, he'd make it known. And if he didn't (due to nerves or if he just wasn't sure or whatever) he wouldn't be the guy for me. I'm sure it's fine tho.

Have yall talked about previous dating and relationship experiences? That's what I did with my SO during dating stages...to glean what he liked and what he didn't like about his ex. and I did the same with my ex. So we got that information, but neither of us cane right out and said 'what are you looking for in a SO'. although again, I'm sure that's fine lol.
We have bits and pieces. We went into that our first date actually. He asked me and the I reciprocated. And I kind of forgot lmao.

I know with his last girl they broke up over something simple/stupid according to him (which is why he tries not to argue with me). But he hasn't said anything about personality traits or actions that he didn't like except clinginess.

Like you said it's probably fine. I'm worrying for nothing. He says I'm good company. When I bring up something that bothers me he apologies and corrects the behavior (I be sure to compliment him to reinforce the behavior). It's only been 2 months so I'm probably jumping the gun.

Thank you qchelle!
1 of his friends and his wife were in town for Tday, so we went out to dinner with them. Nice young black couple. Ok, let me clarify. We went out with his friend...friends wife stayed home...well, at her in-laws lol. Friend and wife got into a bit of an argument before we left...and wife decided to stay home lol aww. I felt bad! She just had a baby...and we were talking 1 on 1 for a little bit after we got to the house..and she's been really tired and doesn't really like where they live, and just seemed sad and stressed :( I feel like friend-husband should've stayed home with wife :(

So I didn't like that about friend-husband...but other than that he seemed cool. We had fun. We talked about his marriage some and just marriage in general. At some point, we were talking about living together before marriage and I told friend that babe wants to move in yesterday :lachen: but I don't. And friend said no no don't do that cuz it's easier to break up if yall not married first. and babe said "True" like he saw the light and understood. Why are men like this? Why can't you just take my word for it? Why do you need to hear it from your friend? But babe redeemed himself cuz he told friend he wants to show him the ring I picked out :) oh, friend said I had a "New York vibe" lmao what?

Speaking of Tday, we didn't spend it together and that made me kinda sad :( I really missed him. His family was asking about me. My family wasn't asking about him lmaoo. I swear my people really do not care a lick about romantic relationships like at all :lol: I be hearing how other young adults get asked the 'you seeing anybody?' 'when you getting married/babies?' questions....I swear aint no family member has EVER asked me this :lol: no1curr lmao

Me and my mom (dad didn't go this year, lame-o) went up to CT to visit fam and went to NYC to see the Rockettes like we do every year :D It was great, as usual! And no, I didn't invite babe to Tday..even though I knew I'd miss him lol. I told him we should be engaged before we do out of state family gatherings :look: cuz hotels and stuff. He said this is the first and last time that will happen lol. kbabe.

My tire light was on, so he put air in my tires. At BJ's. He has a membership to BJ's. So we went in there. Oh, that was planned. I wanted to do my grocery shopping there to compare prices. And compare prices I did! Good stuff. I also bought a 3 set of poinsettia's. I'm in the process of decorating my place for Christmas. When I picked up the poinsettia's, babe was like "so you gonna give 1 to your mom and then who else?" whet?! Chile that's a good idea! I wasn't even thinking about giving my poinsettia's to nobody! :lachen: I got multiple surfaces in my house, shoot! :lachen: babe can be so thoughtful sometimes <3 lol I may give the other one to his mom :) cuz I'm nice like that.

I got him hooked on Insecure this weekend lol. ha. got eem.
Currently being pursued by a man 10 years my senior. I'm not interested. The conversation is good and his money is looooooong, but I know we arent compatible when it comes to values and such (I'm much more of a free spirit). I also don't find him attractive even though most women do.

A few other guys I'm taking to as well, not one lives in my state. I meet them through my travels :( I need to jump on this scene but I'm not intrigued by the social atmosphere here.
A few other guys I'm taking to as well, not one lives in my state. I meet them through my travels :( I need to jump on this scene but I'm not intrigued by the social atmosphere here.

I feel your pain....

I decided to flirt with business bae (Crush's name) today on his latest post and got a good reaction, he could just be being nice though but I'm bout to start finessing him over these next few weeks. I rarely use my mouth piece to get a dude because I rarely meet anyone I'm intrigued by so I never care to make the first move but I got a mean one when I put my mind to it :laugh:. This might be kind of fun :angeldevil:
Ok so the NEXT time I see him we'll have "the talk." He was so nice tonight though even when I couldn't stop laughing when we were kissing. (Chewing Gum scene popped up in my head).

A guy purposely tried to run me off the freeway and I started crying. I was still sniffling when we met up and he of course asked what was wrong. Then he hugged me, rubbed my back and kissed my cheeks and my eyes and said he was glad I made safe. I thanked him for comforting me and he said "well that's my job."

YES this is big deal to me. Outside of my friends group I don't get comfort when I am upset/crying WITHOUT having to ask for it. The rare times I cry in front of my mom she just sits there. I have to ask or I have to initiate the hug.

Yes I know that's the basics. But I'm not used to having the basics being taken care of.

I keep asking myself "are you sure you want this dude as your boyfriend?" And every time I start to hesitate he does something to put me back into the "yes" category.
I'm glad you're ok girl! Awwwwww the affection will have you all in your feelings
We have bits and pieces. We went into that our first date actually. He asked me and the I reciprocated. And I kind of forgot lmao.

I know with his last girl they broke up over something simple/stupid according to him (which is why he tries not to argue with me). But he hasn't said anything about personality traits or actions that he didn't like except clinginess.

Like you said it's probably fine. I'm worrying for nothing. He says I'm good company. When I bring up something that bothers me he apologies and corrects the behavior (I be sure to compliment him to reinforce the behavior). It's only been 2 months so I'm probably jumping the gun.

Thank you qchelle!
is this the guy that didn't want kids or marriage?
1 of his friends and his wife were in town for Tday, so we went out to dinner with them. Nice young black couple. Ok, let me clarify. We went out with his friend...friends wife stayed home...well, at her in-laws lol. Friend and wife got into a bit of an argument before we left...and wife decided to stay home lol aww. I felt bad! She just had a baby...and we were talking 1 on 1 for a little bit after we got to the house..and she's been really tired and doesn't really like where they live, and just seemed sad and stressed :( I feel like friend-husband should've stayed home with wife :(

So I didn't like that about friend-husband...but other than that he seemed cool. We had fun. We talked about his marriage some and just marriage in general. At some point, we were talking about living together before marriage and I told friend that babe wants to move in yesterday :lachen: but I don't. And friend said no no don't do that cuz it's easier to break up if yall not married first. and babe said "True" like he saw the light and understood. Why are men like this? Why can't you just take my word for it? Why do you need to hear it from your friend? But babe redeemed himself cuz he told friend he wants to show him the ring I picked out :) oh, friend said I had a "New York vibe" lmao what?

Speaking of Tday, we didn't spend it together and that made me kinda sad :( I really missed him. His family was asking about me. My family wasn't asking about him lmaoo. I swear my people really do not care a lick about romantic relationships like at all :lol: I be hearing how other young adults get asked the 'you seeing anybody?' 'when you getting married/babies?' questions....I swear aint no family member has EVER asked me this :lol: no1curr lmao

Me and my mom (dad didn't go this year, lame-o) went up to CT to visit fam and went to NYC to see the Rockettes like we do every year :D It was great, as usual! And no, I didn't invite babe to Tday..even though I knew I'd miss him lol. I told him we should be engaged before we do out of state family gatherings :look: cuz hotels and stuff. He said this is the first and last time that will happen lol. kbabe.

My tire light was on, so he put air in my tires. At BJ's. He has a membership to BJ's. So we went in there. Oh, that was planned. I wanted to do my grocery shopping there to compare prices. And compare prices I did! Good stuff. I also bought a 3 set of poinsettia's. I'm in the process of decorating my place for Christmas. When I picked up the poinsettia's, babe was like "so you gonna give 1 to your mom and then who else?" whet?! Chile that's a good idea! I wasn't even thinking about giving my poinsettia's to nobody! :lachen: I got multiple surfaces in my house, shoot! :lachen: babe can be so thoughtful sometimes <3 lol I may give the other one to his mom :) cuz I'm nice like that.

I got him hooked on Insecure this weekend lol. ha. got eem.
What is T day?

Girl you got him wrapped around your finger :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:
I'm glad you're ok girl! Awwwwww the affection will have you all in your feelings
Quite the opposite actually. Not seeing him for 2 weeks burst the "infatuation bubble." His fault not mine lol. And I'm losing weight, getting my face together, (and smelling myself lol) hence the questioning of if I want him to be my boyfriend.
Do you want those things?

I mean it's cool if he's Mr Right Now :look::lol: but if you desire a family, that's probably a total deal breaker? Not trying to be an ass, just trying to look out...
He's Mr. Right Now lol. I cannot say for sure that I want marriage and kids but I'm 90% sure?

I've been arguing with myself about kids. I LOVE babies. But babies don't stay babies. And I helped raised my nieces/nephew and they stole all my patience/chillbafter year 4. I totally understandnow why parents send their kids to boarding school. BUT that's not the kind of parent I want to be. So maybe I shouldn't have kids at all If I can't deal.
A few other guys I'm taking to as well, not one lives in my state. I meet them through my travels :( I need to jump on this scene but I'm not intrigued by the social atmosphere here.

Are you in Texas? If it's Houston does it seem too "cliquish"?

-I rarely post in here but since I've moved to my new city I've been trying to be more social and the meetups website has been a godsend. I plan to go ice skating with one of my groups (it's filled with black millenials and the men are active!) this weekend. I'm going to wear a cute sparkly sweater. :)
Are you in Texas? If it's Houston does it seem too "cliquish"?

-I rarely post in here but since I've moved to my new city I've been trying to be more social and the meetups website has been a godsend. I plan to go ice skating with one of my groups (it's filled with black millenials and the men are active!) this weekend. I'm going to wear a cute sparkly sweater. :)
Yep I'm in Houston, and yes I'd say it's cliquish. After 5/6 months I've been invited to audition for two cliques, but I'm not sure if I want to join. I've also met some great people from one of my travel groups but they are ALWAYS gone. They aren't natives either so most of them are planning out of state moves soon.
Yep I'm in Houston, and yes I'd say it's cliquish. After 5/6 months I've been invited to audition for two cliques, but I'm not sure if I want to join. I've also met some great people from one of my travel groups but they are ALWAYS gone. They aren't natives either so most of them are planning out of state moves soon.
It is super cliquish.
Had the talk. Right after sex. "so we're exclusive right?" "yup." "No having sex with anyone else?" "no." "no dating anyone else?" "no."

Time to meet the brother and sister in law. When its been at least 6 months then I'll think about him meeting my mom.

The apartments where I want to move are about $800. And if our union gets the 15% raise we want I'll be able to live on my own! So I'm giving myself until September of next year to find a new job with higher pay, pass probation so I can know for sure I can pay rent, and move out on my own.

Job searching this weekend is going to be at 150%
Been busy job wise- looks like I am leaving my job....
But Lee asked me what I want for Christmas.... looks like I am getting a 40" for my bedroom. I really want a Smart TV but any flat screen is better than the one I have now. I wasn't planning on buying him anything... told him not to expect anything but I may just get him a gift card to like Chipotle or something. He can gave lunch on me.
2017 I am focused on making this money and paying down my debts. Gonna have to start repaying my student loans soon *tears*