:confused: did this dude just ask me "do you want flowers?" YES FOOL I WANT FLOWERS.

But I guess he wouldn't know that though.

It's like, "YAAAAAAAAAA! I've gotten flowers from a gentleman caller! Wahoo! " but the way he went about it makes me go :wallbash::wallbash:

And then I'm wondering WHY he's giving the flowers and what kind? I guess I'll find out tomorrow night.
:confused: did this dude just ask me "do you want flowers?" YES FOOL I WANT FLOWERS.

But I guess he wouldn't know that though.

It's like, "YAAAAAAAAAA! I've gotten flowers from a gentleman caller! Wahoo! " but the way he went about it makes me go :wallbash::wallbash:

And then I'm wondering WHY he's giving the flowers and what kind? I guess I'll find out tomorrow night.
Yellow. Chrysanthemums. And the leaves were dried out/starting to die which makes me wonder where and when he got them.


But I'm running. This is too intense for me and too quickly. Y'all I started tear up from the emotions I was feeling and all it was was foreplay! I don't know of what step I'm at but I don't like him having the upper hand so I'm tapping out.

My friend is trying to convince me to hang on. That he needs to catch up and until then fall back. What if he never catches up? Nope nope nope.
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Got a text today--- someone "mistakenly" text me when they went to text someone else... The thing about it though- the number wasn't saved in my phone and when I asked "Who dis" they just responded with their name. Now I have a GREAT memory.... I don't even remember trying to talk to an Anthony within the last two years. And usually, after I exchange numbers with a guy, if it doesn't lead anywhere quickly, he is blocked...
Me thinks this person had my number saved and probably just got a new phone number and "mistakenly" texted me to see if he would get a response.
OK - so then I told him since I don't remember who he is (and he wasn't trying to jog my memory either), delete my number so he won't mistakenly text me again. After he responded with OK- then I blocked him.
I guess I didn't feed into it like he expected. Pimp hand strong?
So let me tell y'all about this date.

I get there and as I'm walking up to dude he's standing sort of sideways (I guess he thought I was coming from the other direction ?), wearing sort of a fitted t-shirt, and from that angle he clearly has a gut. Not enough of a gut that it's noticeable when I'm facing him straight on but from the side, yeah.

I'm in my head like, "I'm going back to my car." But then he sees me. So I'm just like I might as well.

I get closer to him and I just didn't like what he was wearing. I'm the type of person if out I'm dressed to impress. Not that I was wearing anything fancy, just leggings and a tunic, but I felt like I outdressed him. Maybe the gut thing threw me off idk.

I'll skip the boring parts, but I felt like the chemistry was off. I'm sort of petite and he's a larger guy. I didn't feel like we fit right together.

No kiss (I don't kiss on the first date) so can't be sure, but I'm kinda meh.

I feel like I'm always doing this though. I'll really like a guy initially, we'll go on a date, and then I pick him a part and next him.

This guy has a lot going for him though and I'm beginning to wonder if I'll just keep passing up all the good guys.

We're going out again soon. Maybe my mind will change.
I love it! This dude be corny as hell then all a sudden he flip into hyper sexuality like "huh." Makes me have to trust his judgement. Because he be making me go " whateva kneegrow" on purpose then just totally beats it out the frame. Like I legit feel like I am in the Twilight Zone, because he is so mild mannered, one can say even spacey, and I be like "yeah, I gonna run all over this dude, yeah kneegrow, boom, boom, boom," then next thing I know I sitting there wondering what just happened. I am still wondering what his true self is. He just has a different way of operating. But, admittedly, I am used to dating the jerks, the bad boys, that somehow softens for you, making you feel special. Maybe what I see as "dork" is actually "normal," and I am not used to "normal."
Uh oh. He added me on snap chat. And my old potential xes buddy is now chatting/videoing again.

History Channel did a marathon of all the ways the world would end. Lee came over to watch 2 of the episodes with me and then we had a long discussion about politics, the world ending, molecules, overpopulation, etc. This is the first deep discussion we have had that wasn't about our pasts. We matched up on a lot of our stances though - like what we would do if the world ended tomorrow, etc. Good conversation. I made him chuckle with some of my thought processes.

And now I am child free for 72 ish hours so gonna go to someone's bar in DC and see if I meet anyone.
I went with one of my BFF's to try on my bridesmaid dress for her wedding. So glad I did because turns out I needed 2 sizes smaller than I thought and the dress was non-refundable. I always order the same size with no problems and my shape hasn't changed so I guess the sizes are getting bigger? :ohwell: Anyway we went to try on her wedding dress then back to her fiance's condo and I forgot one of their friends is living there too and my friend's sister for parts of the week. Strange, if I was about to get married no way would I be cool with my fiance's friend living with us.
And now I am child free for 72 ish hours so gonna go to someone's bar in DC and see if I meet anyone.
Well I went out. A guy passed me his flyer about his emerging health care business so I passed him my business card asking if he needs an accountant. Turns out he needs one and we are planning to meet on Friday to go over the details.
My permanent fee with be $35 per hour but I am going to bill all clients going forward on 15 minute increments. Not sure how he will feel about that but I am licensed so got to pay for the credentials.

This guy isn't dating material- not my type but if it isn't love, then money is a close second. Especially when it is money I can make myself instead of waiting for someone to give to me.
But yay- I gave out my business card yesterday and it felt so good. I need to do that more. But I guess I can't block numbers anymore
God works in mysterious ways.
So the one I thought got away has been trying to hit it, up until 2 hours ago. Come to find out he got married in July. Its November.

At the time i didn't know but he messaged me 6 weeks after getting married saying i had a fantasy about you (can you imagine 6 weeks after being married?!)

For years I thought i had lost out. NAHHHH CUZZZZZZZ!! i dodged a bullet!!

Update with Mr Americano - so we're, he's planning our first holiday and its to the Caribbean. He continues to show me what it means to be with a secure, emotionally available man (albeit long distance).
Dude is too old for me. He told me he knows this but offeres sushi anyway. why not? i feel like i should at the least stay used to talking to men plus inctease my friendship circle.
So i cancelled cuz i was waaaay too tired after work. we rescheduled for today. talking to him more his personality is probably not for me as a mate but he might make a decent friend. I'll know in a cpl hours...
Got a text today--- someone "mistakenly" text me when they went to text someone else... The thing about it though- the number wasn't saved in my phone and when I asked "Who dis" they just responded with their name. Now I have a GREAT memory.... I don't even remember trying to talk to an Anthony within the last two years. And usually, after I exchange numbers with a guy, if it doesn't lead anywhere quickly, he is blocked...
Me thinks this person had my number saved and probably just got a new phone number and "mistakenly" texted me to see if he would get a response.
OK - so then I told him since I don't remember who he is (and he wasn't trying to jog my memory either), delete my number so he won't mistakenly text me again. After he responded with OK- then I blocked him.
I guess I didn't feed into it like he expected. Pimp hand strong?

Damn girl!!! Wowwww. Lol. I like that
I can't wait until the election is over so these people can stop calling and texting me.

I told SO I'd planned on making a soup this weekend that my grandma used to make. Ive been craving it and got the recipe from my mom. He offered to buy all the ingredients for me! good babe!*pats head*

I vacuum on the weekends....vacuuming is a nice lil ab workout! I was cleaning while he was here this weekend and he's like "sooo when are we gonna do this at my house? lol" :lol: We? we who? NEVER! :lol: he's always asking if I can help him clean. ..his guest bedroom specifically...where he just throws clean clothes on the bed lol. I don't live there, fool, I ain't cleaning ish. tf?

Have I said how much I love living alone?

He apparently has told his mom and sister in law when he plans on proposing to me. I'm thinking...between July and august? He says he knows exactly when he's going to lol. And he showed 1 of his friends the ring. ..like they went to the store and saw it. His friends know all about me, even the ones I've never met in person.

Meanwhile, my trifling ass: I sent my friends a pic of me and SO in our Halloween costumes. 1 of my friends was like "I didn't know you had a bf!" lmao. This is our text thread that we text in everyday lmao. Now, she absolutely did know about SO. but I guess I don't talk about him a lot (at all) to anyone but yall lol so I guess she forgot.

Oh, and my other friend said "ohh a nice older looking gentleman" :lachen: I told SO this; he was offended :lol: He likes to tell me that people tell him he has a baby face. BIH where?! those people liiiiiied to you chile lmao.

I know how much money he has in his savings. puts me to SHAME. SAD! lmao.

We were reminiscing about when we first got together and the first time I slept over his house. He was like "remember when you made me sleep on my couch? I was like what is this? lol" :lachen: I had forgotten, but yea, I did lol. This was before we started having sex and I didn't know the status of his penis yet, so yea lol.

And he said for a long time he didn't know whether he was allowed in my house :lol: I wouldn't let him come in after our dates for a while :lol: I ain't know his stranger ass!
I'm definitely dating an alpha/beta combo and I get to see a lot of the beta. I tend to be very aggressive with betas and that comes out when he acts like one and then he becomes an alpha again... :look:
I'm definitely dating an alpha/beta combo and I get to see a lot of the beta. I tend to be very aggressive with betas and that comes out when he acts like one and then he becomes an alpha again... :look:

How do u make him an Alpha. Im getting tired if the Betas but the Alphas scare me lol. Maybe I need in between